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# This file should be saved as UTF-8, no-BOM, ***IN DOS MODE!!!*** (i.e. CR/LF as line terminators)
######################## HOW TO ADD A NEW TRANSLATION ###########################
# For a more comprehensive set of instructions, please see the *FULL* Localization guide at:
# https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/Localization
# 0. Download the latest Rufus executable, start it and check the log for a line starting with 'LCID'
# (eg. LCID 0x1809).
# 1. Save this file in the same directory where you have the Rufus executable.
# 2. Copy the lines between ### TRANSLATOR START COPY ### and ### TRANSLATOR END COPY ### and paste them at
# the end of the file.
# 3. Edit the 'l' line in the section you copied and:
# - replace the "en-US" IETF language tag for your language, eg: "fr-FR", "zh-CN".
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag as well as the table on page 9 of
# http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/E/95EF66AF-9026-4BB0-A41D-A4F81802D92C/%5BMS-LCID%5D.pdf
# - set the name of your language first in English and then, in parenthesis, in your own language.
# eg: "Chinese Simplified (简体中文)"
# - remove the end of the line starting with 0x0409 and replaced it with the LCID code you got in step 0.
# You also may want to look at the table on page 9 of the PDF above to add all the LCID codes your
# translation should cover. Make sure you separate these codes with a comma.
# 4. Translate the messages that appear below into your language. The 'g' lines indicate the group a translated
# element belongs to. You shouldn't have to modify them.
# 5. (Re)launch Rufus. If a 'rufus.loc' file is found in the current directory, it will be used over the one
# embedded in the application. Since there is only one translation in this file, it will be used by default
# 6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 until you're happy with that translated elements. Note that you MUST restart Rufus every
# time you change your .loc file as there is no reload option.
# 7. Once you are satisfied with your translation, you should pick up the official rufus.loc from:
# https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/raw/master/res/localization/rufus.loc
# You should then add your translation at the end of it, and confirm that it is still picked as the default
# for your system You can also force the use of a translation by passing the option -l when starting Rufus.
# For instance, to have the "zh_CN" translation below apply, you could use either one of:
# rufus.exe -l zh-CN
# rufus.exe -l 0x0404
# rufus.exe -l 0x0804
# 8. If you need to resize a control or a dialog to fid the translated text, use the 'm' (Move) or 's' (reSize)
# options. For an example of how these commands work, see https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/Localization
# Tips:
# - Please make sure that you edit the language include *your* name and e-mail in MSG_176. It will be displayed
# in the About dialog and I want to give you credit for your work!
# - I strongly recommend installing and using DbgView to check for translation errors, as you will get more
# information about how Rufus initallly parses the translation file plus reports of any issue found (with
# the line number). Download DbgView from: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx
# - As shown below, you can break a long message over multiple lines, as long as these fragments begin and end
# with a double quote ("). Also be careful to keep the special symbols such as %d, %s, \\b, \", \n.
# - Don't forget to check the translation guide from https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/wiki/Localization
############################ TRANSLATOR START COPY #############################
# See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/goglobal/bb964664.aspx or
# http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/E/95EF66AF-9026-4BB0-A41D-A4F81802D92C/%5BMS-LCID%5D.pdf
# for the LCID (0x####) codes you should use
l "en-US" "English (English)" 0x0409, 0x0809, 0x0c09, 0x1009, 0x1409, 0x1809, 0x1c09, 0x2009, 0x2409, 0x2809, 0x2c09, 0x3009, 0x3409, 0x3809, 0x3c09, 0x4009, 0x4409, 0x4809
v 1.0.3
# Main dialog
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Partition scheme and target system type"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "File system"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Cluster size"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "New volume label"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Format Options "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Check device for bad blocks:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Quick format"
t IDC_BOOT "Create a bootable disk using:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Create extended label and icon files"
t IDC_ABOUT "About..."
t IDC_LOG "Log"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
t IDC_START "Start"
# Note: it is acceptable to drop the parenthesis () below if you are running out of space
# as there is a tooltip (MSG_169) providing these details
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Add fixes for old BIOSes (extra partition, align, etc.)"
# 'MBR': See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
# Rufus can install it's own custom MBR (the Rufus MBR), which also allows users
# to specify a custom disk ID for the BIOS. Note: the tooltip for this control is MSG_167.
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Use Rufus MBR with BIOS ID:"
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "About Rufus"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus License"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "More information"
t IDYES "Yes"
t IDNO "No"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Log"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Clear Log"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Save Log"
t IDCANCEL "Close Log"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Update policy and settings"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Check for updates:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Include beta versions:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Check Now"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Check For Updates - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "A newer version is available. Please download the latest version!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Click here to go to the website"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Download"
t IDCANCEL "Close"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Copying ISO files..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Opening ISO image - please wait..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Cancel"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Other instance detected"
t MSG_002 "Another Rufus application is running.\n"
"Please close the first application before running another one."
"To continue with this operation, click OK. To quit click CANCEL."
t MSG_004 "Rufus update policy"
t MSG_005 "Do you want to allow Rufus to check for application updates online?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Close"
t MSG_007 "Cancel"
t MSG_008 "Yes"
t MSG_009 "No"
t MSG_010 "Bad blocks found"
t MSG_011 "Check completed: %u bad block(s) found\n"
" %d read error(s)\n %d write error(s)\n %d corruption error(s)\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nA more detailed report can be found in:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Disabled"
t MSG_014 "Daily"
t MSG_015 "Weekly"
t MSG_016 "Monthly"
t MSG_017 "Custom"
t MSG_018 "Your version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Latest version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobytes"
t MSG_028 "megabytes"
t MSG_029 "Default"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Default)"
t MSG_031 "%s partition scheme for BIOS computer"
t MSG_032 "%s partition scheme for UEFI computer"
t MSG_033 "%s partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI computers"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Pass"
t MSG_035 "%d Passes"
t MSG_036 "ISO Image"
t MSG_037 "Application"
t MSG_038 "Abort"
t MSG_039 "Launch"
t MSG_040 "Download"
t MSG_041 "Operation cancelled by the user"
t MSG_042 "Error"
t MSG_043 "Error: %s"
t MSG_044 "File download"
t MSG_045 "USB Storage Device (Generic)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disk %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Flushing buffers"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Cancellation"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Success."
t MSG_051 "Undetermined error while formatting."
t MSG_052 "Cannot use the selected file system for this media."
t MSG_053 "Access to the device is denied."
t MSG_054 "Media is write protected."
t MSG_055 "The device is in use by another process. "
"Please close any other process that may be accessing the device."
t MSG_056 "Quick format is not available for this device."
t MSG_057 "The volume label is invalid."
t MSG_058 "The device handle is invalid."
t MSG_059 "The selected cluster size is not valid for this device."
t MSG_060 "The volume size is invalid."
t MSG_061 "Please insert a removable media in drive."
t MSG_062 "An unsupported command was received."
t MSG_063 "Memory allocation error."
t MSG_064 "Read error."
t MSG_065 "Write error."
t MSG_066 "Installation failure"
t MSG_067 "Could not open media. It may be in use by another process. "
"Please re-plug the media and try again."
t MSG_068 "Error while partitioning drive."
t MSG_069 "Could not copy files to target drive."
t MSG_070 "Cancelled by user."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "Unable to start thread."
t MSG_072 "Bad blocks check didn't complete."
t MSG_073 "ISO image scan failure."
t MSG_074 "ISO image extraction failure."
t MSG_075 "Unable to remount volume."
t MSG_076 "Unable to patch/setup files for boot."
t MSG_077 "Unable to assign a drive letter."
t MSG_078 "Can't mount GUID volume."
t MSG_080 "Rufus detected that Windows is still flushing its internal buffers onto the USB device.\n\n"
"Depending on the speed of your USB device, this operation may take a long time to complete, "
"especially for large files.\n\nWe recommend that you let Windows finish, to avoid corruption. "
"But if you grow tired of waiting, you can just unplug the device..."
t MSG_081 "Unsupported ISO"
t MSG_082 "This version of Rufus only supports bootable ISOs based on bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux or EFI.\n"
"This ISO doesn't appear to use either..."
t MSG_083 "Replace %s?"
t MSG_084 "This ISO image seems to use an obsolete version of '%s'.\n"
"Boot menus may not display properly because of this.\n\n"
"A newer version can be downloaded by Rufus to fix this issue:\n"
"- Choose 'Yes' to connect to the internet and download the file\n"
"- Choose 'No' to leave the existing ISO file unmodified\n"
"If you don't know what to do, you should select 'Yes'.\n\n"
"Note: The new file will be downloaded in the current directory and once a "
"'%s' exists there, it will be reused automatically."
t MSG_085 "Downloading %s"
t MSG_086 "No ISO image selected"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Please click on the disc button to select a bootable ISO, "
"or uncheck the \"Create a bootable disk...\" checkbox."
t MSG_088 "ISO too big"
t MSG_089 "This ISO image is too big for the selected target."
t MSG_090 "Unsupported ISO"
t MSG_091 "When using UEFI Target Type, only EFI bootable ISO images are supported. "
"Please select an EFI bootable ISO or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Unsupported filesystem"
t MSG_093 "When using UEFI Target Type, only FAT/FAT32 is supported. "
"Please select FAT/FAT32 as the File system or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Non UEFI compatible ISO"
t MSG_095 "This ISO image contains a file larger than 4 GB and cannot be used to create an EFI bootable USB.\n"
"This is a limitation of UEFI/FAT32, not Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Only FAT/FAT32 is supported for this type of ISO. Please select FAT/FAT32 as the File system."
t MSG_097 "Only 'bootmgr' or 'WinPE' based ISO images can currently be used with NTFS."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 can only be used for isolinux based ISO images or when the Target Type is UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Filesystem limitation"
t MSG_100 "This ISO image contains a file larger than 4GB file, which is more than the "
"maximum size allowed for a FAT or FAT32 file system."
t MSG_101 "Missing WIM support"
t MSG_102 "Your platform cannot extract files from WIM archives. WIM extraction "
"is required to create EFI bootable Windows 7 and Windows Vista USB drives. You can fix that "
"by installing a recent version of 7-Zip.\nDo you want to visit the 7-zip download page?"
t MSG_103 "Download %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 or later requires a '%s' file to be installed.\n"
"Because this file is more than 100 KB in size, and always present on Syslinux v5+ ISO images, "
"it is not embedded in Rufus.\n\nRufus can download the missing file for you:\n"
"- Select 'Yes' to connect to the internet and download the file\n"
"- Select 'No' if you want to manually copy this file on the drive later\n\n"
"Note: The file will be downloaded in the current directory and once a "
"'%s' exists there, it will be reused automatically.\n"
t MSG_105 "Cancelling may leave the device in an UNUSABLE state.\n"
"If you are sure you want to cancel, click YES. Otherwise, click NO."
t MSG_106 "Please select folder"
t MSG_107 "All files"
t MSG_108 "Rufus log"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disk %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS cannot boot from a drive using a 64 kilobytes Cluster size.\n"
"Please change the Cluster size or use FreeDOS."
t MSG_111 "Incompatible Cluster size"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "Formatting a large UDF volumes can take a lot of time. At USB 2.0 speeds, the estimated formatting "
"duration is %d:%02d, during which the progress bar will appear frozen. Please be patient!"
t MSG_113 "Large UDF volume"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Usually the safest choice. If you have an UEFI computer and want to install "
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
"an OS in EFI mode however, you should select one of the other options"
t MSG_151 "Use this if you want to install an OS in EFI mode, but need to access "
"the USB content from Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "The preferred option to install an OS in EFI mode and when "
"USB access is not required for Windows XP"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_153 "Test pattern: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Test pattern: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Test pattern: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Test pattern: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Sets the target filesystem"
t MSG_158 "Minimum size that a block of data will occupy in the filesystem"
t MSG_159 "Use this field to set the drive label\nInternational characters are accepted"
t MSG_160 "Toggle advanced options"
t MSG_161 "Check the device for bad blocks using a test pattern"
t MSG_162 "Uncheck this box to use the \"slow\" format method"
t MSG_163 "Check this box to make the USB drive bootable"
t MSG_164 "Method that will be used to make the drive bootable"
t MSG_165 "Click to select an ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Check this box to allow the display of international labels "
"and set a device icon (creates an autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Install an MBR that allows boot selection and can masquerade the BIOS USB drive ID"
t MSG_168 "Try to masquerade first bootable USB drive (usually 0x80) as a different disk.\n"
"This should only be necessary if you install Windows XP and have more than one disk"
t MSG_169 "Create an extra hidden partition and try to align partitions boundaries.\n"
"This can improve boot detection for older BIOSes"
t MSG_170 "Enable the listing of USB Hard Drive enclosures. USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!!!"
t MSG_171 "Start the formatting operation.\nThis will DESTROY any data on the target!"
t MSG_172 "Licensing information and credits"
t MSG_173 "Click to select..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility"
t MSG_175 "Version %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "English translation: Pete Batard <mailto:pete@akeo.ie>"
t MSG_177 "Report bugs or request enhancements at:"
t MSG_178 "Additional Copyrights:"
t MSG_179 "Update Policy:"
t MSG_180 "If you choose to allow this program to check for application updates, "
"you agree that the following information may be collected on our server(s):"
t MSG_181 "Your operating system's architecture and version"
t MSG_182 "The version of the application you use"
t MSG_183 "Your IP address"
t MSG_184 "For the purpose of generating private usage statistics, we may keep the information collected, "
"\\b for at most a year\\b0 . However, we will not willingly disclose any of this individual data to third parties."
t MSG_185 "Update Process:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus does not install or run background services, therefore update checks are performed only when the main application is running.\\line\n"
"Internet access is of course required when checking for updates."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Cancelling - Please wait..."
t MSG_202 "Scanning ISO image..."
t MSG_203 "Failed to scan ISO image"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Obsolete %s detected"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Using ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Missing %s file"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "New Volume"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d device found"
t MSG_209 "%d devices found"
t MSG_210 "DONE."
t MSG_211 "Cancelled."
t MSG_212 "FAILED."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "Launching new application..."
t MSG_214 "Failed to launch new application"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Opened %s"
t MSG_216 "Saved %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formatting: %0.1f%% completed"
t MSG_218 "Creating file system: Task %d/%d completed"
t MSG_219 "NTFS Fixup: %d%% completed"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Formatting (%s) - estimated duration %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Setting Label (This may take while)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatting (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS Fixup (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "Clearing MBR/PBR/GPT structures..."
t MSG_225 "Requesting disk access..."
t MSG_226 "Analyzing existing boot records..."
t MSG_227 "Closing existing volume..."
t MSG_228 "Writing master boot record..."
t MSG_229 "Writing partition boot record..."
t MSG_230 "Copying DOS files..."
t MSG_231 "Copying ISO files..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI boot setup (this may take a while)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalizing, please wait..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Installing Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Bad Blocks: PASS %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d errors)"
t MSG_236 "Bad Blocks: Testing with random pattern"
t MSG_237 "Bad Blocks: Testing with pattern 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Partitioning (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Deleting partitions..."
t MSG_240 "Downloading %s: Connecting..."
t MSG_241 "Downloading: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Failed to download file."
t MSG_243 "Checking for Rufus updates..."
t MSG_244 "Updates: Unable to connect to the internet"
t MSG_245 "Updates: Unable to acces version data"
t MSG_246 "A new version of Rufus is available!"
t MSG_247 "No new version of Rufus was found"
t MSG_248 "Application registry keys successfully deleted"
t MSG_249 "Failed to delete application registry keys"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s enabled"
t MSG_251 "%s disabled"
t MSG_252 "Size checks"
t MSG_253 "Fixed disks detection"
t MSG_254 "Force large FAT32 formatting"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun will be deleted on exit"
t MSG_256 "Fake drive detection"
t MSG_257 "Joliet support"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge support"
t MSG_259 "Force update"
############################# TRANSLATOR END COPY ##############################
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
l "zh-CN" "Chinese Simplified (简体中文)" 0x0804, 0x1004
2013-10-30 20:28:56 +00:00
v 1.0.0
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
b "en-US"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "分区计划和目标系统类型"
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "检查设备的坏块:"
t IDC_BOOT "创建一个可启动的磁盘使用:"
s IDC_BOOT +10,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "创建扩展标签和图标文件"
t IDC_ABOUT "关于..."
t IDC_LOG "日志"
m IDC_LOG -5,0
s IDC_LOG +5,0
t IDC_START "开始"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "列表固定(非flash)或USB磁盘分区"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "添加修复旧的BIOS额外的分区校准等等"
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "关于 Rufus"
t IDOK "确定"
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus 许可证"
t IDC_MORE_INFO "更多信息"
t IDYES "是"
t IDNO "否"
t IDD_LOG "日志"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "清除日志"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "保存日志"
t IDCANCEL "关闭日志"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "立即检查"
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "检查更新 - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "更新的版本可用。请下载最新版本!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "点击这里进入网站"
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "打开ISO映像 - 请稍候..."
t MSG_004 "更新方案和设置"
t MSG_005 "你要允許此應用程序檢查更新?"
t MSG_006 "关闭"
t MSG_007 "撤消"
l "zh-TW" "Chinese Traditional (正體中文)" 0x0404, 0x0c04, 0x1404, 0x7c04
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "資料分割配置及系統類型"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "磁碟區標籤"
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "檢查損毀磁區,測試次數:"
t IDC_BOOT "使用映像檔建立開機片:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "建立延伸標籤及圖示"
t IDC_ABOUT "關於..."
s IDC_ABOUT -20,0
t IDC_LOG "記錄檔"
s IDC_LOG +30,0
m IDC_LOG -20,0
s IDCANCEL -15,0
m IDCANCEL +15,0
t IDC_START "執行"
s IDC_START +5,0
m IDC_START +10,0
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "客製 MBR 並設 ID 為:"
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "關於 Rufus"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus 授權合約"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "進階說明"
t IDYES "是"
t IDNO "否"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "記錄檔"
# About -> Updates
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "立即檢查"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
# I will provide a way to trigger this dialog in future versions
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "線上更新 - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "找到更新版本,請下載更新!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "前往官方網頁下載 (點選會開啟瀏覽器)"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "正在複製映像檔..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "讀取映像檔中,請稍候..."
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "錯誤"
t MSG_002 "已有 Rufus 視窗執行中\n"
t MSG_003 "警告: 此動作將完全清除此裝置上的資料: '%s'\n"
t MSG_004 "Rufus 線上更新規則"
t MSG_005 "是否啟用自動線上檢查更新機制?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "關閉"
t MSG_007 "取消"
t MSG_008 "是"
t MSG_009 "否"
t MSG_010 "偵測到損毀磁區"
t MSG_011 "掃描結果: %u 個異常\n"
" %d 讀取錯誤\n %d 寫入錯誤\n %d 損毀錯誤\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\n詳細報告位於:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "停用"
t MSG_014 "每天"
t MSG_015 "每週"
t MSG_016 "每月"
t MSG_017 "自訂"
t MSG_018 "目前版本: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "最新版本: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobytes"
t MSG_028 "megabytes"
t MSG_029 "預設"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (預設)"
t MSG_031 "%s BIOS 資料分割配置"
t MSG_032 "%s UEFI 資料分割配置"
t MSG_033 "%s 可兼容 BIOS 和 UEFI 之資料分割配置"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d 回"
t MSG_035 "%d 回"
t MSG_036 "ISO"
t MSG_037 "程式"
t MSG_038 "終止"
t MSG_039 "執行"
t MSG_040 "下載"
t MSG_041 "作業遭使用者中斷"
t MSG_042 "錯誤"
t MSG_043 "錯誤: %s"
t MSG_044 "檔案下載"
t MSG_045 "USB 裝置"
t MSG_046 "%s (磁碟 %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - 排清緩衝區"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - 取消"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "完成"
t MSG_051 "格式化發生不明錯誤"
t MSG_052 "此裝置無法使用選取之檔案系統"
t MSG_053 "裝置存取遭拒"
t MSG_054 "裝置唯讀模式無法寫入"
t MSG_055 "偵測到其他程序使用裝置"
t MSG_056 "此裝置不支援快速格式化"
t MSG_057 "磁碟區標籤輸入錯誤"
t MSG_058 "裝置控制代碼錯誤"
t MSG_059 "此裝置不支援選取之配置單元大小"
t MSG_060 "磁碟區大小錯誤"
t MSG_061 "請插入可卸除式裝置"
t MSG_062 "接收到錯誤的指令"
t MSG_063 "記憶體配置錯誤"
t MSG_064 "讀取錯誤"
t MSG_065 "寫入錯誤"
t MSG_066 "安裝失敗"
t MSG_067 "無法開啟裝置,可能被其他程序占用"
t MSG_068 "磁碟分割發生錯誤"
t MSG_069 "無法複製檔案到裝置"
t MSG_070 "工作遭使用者中斷"
t MSG_071 "無法起始執行緒"
t MSG_072 "損毀磁區檢查工作未完成"
t MSG_073 "ISO 映像檔掃描失敗"
t MSG_074 "ISO 映像檔解壓縮失敗"
t MSG_075 "無法裝載磁碟區"
t MSG_076 "無法建置開機機制"
t MSG_077 "無法指定磁碟機代號"
t MSG_078 "無法裝載 GUID 磁碟區"
t MSG_080 "Rufus 偵測到 Windows 正在排清緩衝區,此作業可能需要一段時間才完成 (視裝置速度及系統效能而定)。\n\n"
t MSG_081 "不支援的 ISO 映像檔"
t MSG_082 "目前 Rufus 僅支援 bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux or EFI 建置的可開機的 ISO 映像檔\n"
"此 ISO 映像檔規格不符"
t MSG_083 "取代 %s?"
t MSG_084 "此 ISO 映像檔似乎使用較舊版本的 '%s'\n開機選單可能因此無法正常運作。\n\n"
"Rufus 可協助下載較新版本來修正問題:\n"
"- 選「是」,立即連上網路下載\n"
"- 選「否」,保留原始 ISO 內容\n"
"注意: 一經下載後Rufus 未來會自動套用新版 '%s'"
t MSG_085 "下載中: %s"
t MSG_086 "未選取任何 ISO 映像檔"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "請點擊 【使用映像檔建立開機片】 選項旁的光碟圖示,\n接著選取可開機的 ISO 映像檔,或是取消勾選該選項"
t MSG_088 "ISO 檔案大小過大"
t MSG_089 "此 ISO 檔案大小超過裝置可支援的空間"
t MSG_090 "不支援的 ISO 映像檔"
t MSG_091 "當選擇 UEFI 目標型別時,僅支援 EFI boot ISO 映像檔"
"請選取可 EFI 開機的 ISO 檔,或將目標型別改為 BIOS"
t MSG_092 "不支援的檔案系統"
t MSG_093 "當選擇 UEFI 目標型別時,僅支援 FAT/FAT32 格式"
"請指定 FAT/FAT32 為檔案系統,或將目標型別改為 BIOS"
t MSG_094 "此 ISO 映像檔不相容 UEFI"
t MSG_095 "此映像檔內含大於 4GB 的單一檔案大小,故無法作為開機片;此為 UEFI/FAT32 之設計限制"
t MSG_096 "此 ISO 映像檔僅可使用 FAT/FAT32請指定 FAT/FAT32 為檔案系統"
t MSG_097 "NTFS 僅可使用 bootmgr 或 WinPE 作為開機載入之 ISO 映像檔"
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 僅支援 isolinux 作為開機載入之 ISO 映像檔;或指定 UEFI 為目標型別時可支援"
t MSG_099 "檔案系統限制"
t MSG_100 "此映像檔內含大於 4GB 的單一檔案大小,超出 FAT/FAT32 檔案系統可支援的上限"
t MSG_101 "缺少 WIM 支援"
t MSG_102 "目前系統環境不支援解壓縮 WIM 檔案,此功能為製作 EFI Win7/Vista 開機片之要件。"
"此問題可利用 7-Zip (免費的開放軟體) 解決,是否要立即前往 7-Zip 網站下載?"
t MSG_103 "是否下載 %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 或更新版本需要同時安裝 '%s' 檔案方可支援。\n"
"由於這個檔案大於 100KB 且存在於每一版 Syslinux v5+ ISO 映像檔,故 Rufus 未預載。"
"\n\n如欲下載這份檔案請選擇「是」Rufus 將會自動上網下載。若要自行手動下載安裝,請選擇「否」\n\n"
"注意: 一經下載後Rufus 未來會自動套用 '%s'\n"
t MSG_105 "現在取消可能導致裝置異常,請再次確認是否確定取消?"
t MSG_106 "請選擇資料夾"
t MSG_107 "所有檔案"
t MSG_108 "Rufus 記錄檔"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disk %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS 無法自 64 kilobytes 配置單元大小的磁區開機,請更改配置單元大小或改用 FreeDOS\n"
t MSG_111 "不相容的配置單元大小"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "磁碟區較大的 UDF 格式化作業時間較久,過程中進度列表可能會呈現靜止狀態、乃屬正常現象,請耐心等候。"
"估計剩餘時間: %d:%02d"
t MSG_113 "大 UDF 磁碟區"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "一般而言最安全、最保險的選項。如果確定系統支援 UEFI 且欲在 EFI 模式下安裝 OS則建議選擇下列其他選項"
t MSG_151 "欲在 EFI 模式下安裝 OS 卻須使用 Windows XP 存取 USB 內容"
t MSG_152 "欲在 EFI 模式下安裝 OS 且無須使用 Windows XP 存取 USB 內容,建議選此項目"
t MSG_153 "測試模式: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "測試模式: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "測試模式: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "測試模式: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "設定檔案系統類型"
t MSG_158 "資料區塊於檔案系統中最小的配置單元"
t MSG_159 "自訂磁區標籤名稱,可支援英數以外的字元 (如中文)"
t MSG_160 "顯示/隱藏進階選項"
t MSG_161 "使用右方選項測試模式檢查裝置磁區有無損毀區塊"
t MSG_162 "取消勾選可執行完整格式化"
t MSG_163 "設定 USB 裝置為可開機"
t MSG_164 "開機方法"
t MSG_165 "選取 ISO 映像檔..."
t MSG_166 "允許顯示多國語言標籤及裝置圖示 (建立 autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "於裝置上建立 Rufus 客製化的 MBR可支援開機選單及偽裝 BIOS 中的 USB ID"
t MSG_168 "偽裝第一個可開機的 USB 磁碟為其他序列的磁碟\n"
"主要適用情境: 於多磁碟系統安裝 Windows XP"
t MSG_169 "建立隱藏磁區分割並對齊資料分割界限值,可提高較舊的 BIOS 偵測開機片的機率\n"
t MSG_170 "顯示所有連接到電腦的 USB 外接硬碟\n***請謹慎使用,後果自負!***"
t MSG_171 "立即開始格式化作業\n注意: 裝置上所有的資料將被清除!"
t MSG_172 "授權合約、開發者資料等資訊"
t MSG_173 "選取內容..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - 快速可靠的 USB 格式化工具"
t MSG_175 "版本 %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "正體中文譯者: 佚 <mailto:mmmeow@gmail.com>"
t MSG_177 "Bug 回報或請求新功能請至: (英文網頁)"
t MSG_178 "其他著作權資訊:"
t MSG_179 "線上更新規則:"
t MSG_180 "若選擇啟用自動線上檢查更新機制,表示您同意並授權本軟體蒐集、回傳以下資訊"
t MSG_181 "作業系統架構及版本"
t MSG_182 "本軟體目前的版本"
t MSG_183 "您的 IP 位置"
t MSG_184 "所蒐集之資料\\b最多保留一年\\b0 ,目的僅供內部統計分析 Rufus 使用概況,絕不會主動將資料提供給第三方。"
t MSG_185 "更新流程:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus 沒有常駐或背景程式,因此當主程式執行時才會進行自動線上檢查更新。"
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "取消中,請稍候..."
t MSG_202 "掃描 ISO 映像檔中..."
t MSG_203 "ISO 映像檔掃描失敗"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "偵測到過時檔案: %s"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "目前選取映像檔: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "缺少檔案: %s"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "新增磁碟區"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "偵測到 %d 個可用裝置"
t MSG_209 "偵測到 %d 個可用裝置"
t MSG_210 "已完成"
t MSG_211 "已取消"
t MSG_212 "作業失敗"
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and lauched
t MSG_213 "新版本啟動中..."
t MSG_214 "無法啟動新版本"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "已開啟: %s"
t MSG_216 "已儲存: %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "格式化中,已完成: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_218 "建立檔案系統中,已完成作業: %d/%d"
t MSG_219 "NTFS 修復中,已完成: %d%%"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "格式化 (%s) - 剩餘時間: %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "設定標籤中 (可能要一段時間,請耐心等候)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "格式化中 (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS 修復中 (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "清除 MBR/PBR/GPT 架構..."
t MSG_225 "請求磁碟存取..."
t MSG_226 "分析既有開機記錄..."
t MSG_227 "關閉既有磁碟區..."
t MSG_228 "建置主開機記錄..."
t MSG_229 "建立磁區分割開機記錄..."
t MSG_230 "複製 DOS 檔案..."
t MSG_231 "複製 ISO 檔案..."
t MSG_232 "建置 Win7 EFI 開機架構 (可能要一段時間,請耐心等候)..."
t MSG_233 "收尾中,請稍候..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as paramete. eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Syslinux v%d 安裝中..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "損毀磁區: 第 %d/%d 回 - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d 錯誤)"
t MSG_236 "損毀磁區: 掃描中 (隨機模式)"
t MSG_237 "損毀磁區: 掃描中 (0x%02X 模式)"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "磁區分割中 (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "刪除磁區分割..."
t MSG_240 "下載 %s: 連線中..."
t MSG_241 "下載中: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "檔案下載失敗"
t MSG_243 "線上更新: 檢查更新版本中..."
t MSG_244 "線上更新: 無法存取網路"
t MSG_245 "線上更新: 無法確認軟體版本"
t MSG_246 "線上更新: 有更新版本!"
t MSG_247 "線上更新: 已是最新版"
t MSG_248 "Rufus 登錄檔已成功清除"
t MSG_249 "Rufus 登錄檔清除失敗"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s 已啟用"
t MSG_251 "%s 已停用"
t MSG_252 "Size checks"
t MSG_253 "Fixed disks detection"
t MSG_254 "Force large FAT32 formatting"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun will be deleted on exit"
t MSG_256 "Fake drive detection"
t MSG_257 "Joliet support"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge support"
t MSG_259 "Force update"
l "nl-NL" "Dutch (Netherlands)" 0x0413, 0x0813
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
m IDC_LANG 40,0
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Apparaat"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Partitie-indeling en type computer"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Bestandssysteem"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Clustergrootte"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Nieuw volume naam"
s IDC_LABEL 45,0
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Formateer Opties "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Controleer op slechte blokken:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Snelformatteren"
t IDC_BOOT "Creëer een opstartbare disk met:"
s IDC_BOOT 19,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "Creëer uitgebreide label en icoon bestand"
t IDC_ABOUT "Over..."
t IDC_LOG "Log"
t IDCANCEL "Sluit"
t IDC_START "Start"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Geavanceerde Opties"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Oplossingen voor oude BIOS'en (extra partitie, uitlijnen, etc.)"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Gebruik Rufus MBR met BIOS ID:"
m IDC_DISK_ID 20,0
m IDC_START 45,0
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Over Rufus"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus Licentie"
t IDCANCEL "Sluiten"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Meer informatie"
t IDYES "Ja"
t IDNO "Nee"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Log"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Verwijder Log"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Bewaar Log"
t IDCANCEL "Sluit Log"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Update beleid en instellingen"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Controleer op updates:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Inclusief beta versies:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Controleer nu"
t IDCANCEL "Sluiten"
s IDC_POLICY +45,0
m IDC_POLICY -15,0
m IDCANCEL +25,0
# Dialog that appears when a new is available
# I will provide a way to trigger this dialog in future versions
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Controleer op updates - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Een nieuwere versie is beschikbaar. Download de laatste versie a.u.b!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Klik hier om naar de website te gaan"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Uitgave opmerkingen"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Download"
t IDCANCEL "Sluiten"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Bezig met kopiëren van ISO bestanden..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Bezig met openen ISO image - Een moment geduld a.u.b...."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Annuleer"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Ander programma gedetecteerd"
t MSG_002 "Een andere Rufus applicatie is geopend.\n"
"Sluit de eerste applicatie voordat u een andere opent a.u.b."
"Om verder te gaan, klik OK. Om te stoppen klik ANNULEREN."
t MSG_004 "Rufus update beleid"
t MSG_005 "Wilt u Rufus toestaan om online te controleren voor programma updates?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Sluiten"
t MSG_007 "Annuleren"
t MSG_008 "Ja"
t MSG_009 "Nee"
t MSG_010 "Slechte blokken gevonden"
t MSG_011 "Controle voltooid: %u slechte blok(ken) gevonden\n"
" %d leesfout(en)\n %d schrijffout(en)\n %d corruptiefout(en)\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nEen meer gedetailleerder rapport kan worden gevonden in:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Uitgeschakeld"
t MSG_014 "Dagelijks"
t MSG_015 "Wekelijks"
t MSG_016 "Maandelijks"
t MSG_017 "Aangepast"
t MSG_018 "Huidige versie: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Laatste versie: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobytes"
t MSG_028 "megabytes"
t MSG_029 "Standaard"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Standaard)"
t MSG_031 "%s partitie-indeling voor BIOS computer"
t MSG_032 "%s partitie-indeling voor UEFI computer"
t MSG_033 "%s partitie-indeling voor BIOS of UEFI computers"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Ronde"
t MSG_035 "%d Rondes"
t MSG_036 "ISO image"
t MSG_037 "Applicatie"
t MSG_038 "Afbreken"
t MSG_039 "Start"
t MSG_040 "Download"
t MSG_041 "Opdracht geannuleerd door de gebruiker"
t MSG_042 "Fout"
t MSG_043 "Fout: %s"
t MSG_044 "Bestand download"
t MSG_045 "USB Opslag Apparaat (Algemeen)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disk %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Buffers aan het legen"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Annulering"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Succesvol."
t MSG_051 "Onbepaalde fout tijdens formateren."
t MSG_052 "Kan geselecteerde bestandssysteem niet gebruiken voor dit medium."
t MSG_053 "Geen toegang tot het apparaat."
t MSG_054 "Medium is schrijfbeveiligd."
t MSG_055 "Het apparaat is in gebruik door een ander proces."
"Sluit alle processen af dat toegang heeft tot het apparaat."
t MSG_056 "Snelformatteren is niet beschikbaar voor dit apparaat."
t MSG_057 "Het volume label is ongeldig."
t MSG_058 "De apparaat tabel is ongeldig."
t MSG_059 "De geselecteerde clustergrootte is ongeldig voor dit apparaat."
t MSG_060 "De volumegrootte is ongeldig."
t MSG_061 "Plaats een verwisselbaar medium a.u.b."
t MSG_062 "Een ongeldige opdracht was ontvangen."
t MSG_063 "Geheugentoewijzing mislukt."
t MSG_064 "Leesfout."
t MSG_065 "Schrijffout."
t MSG_066 "Installatie mislukt"
t MSG_067 "Medium kan niet geopend worden. Het is in gebruik door een ander proces. "
"Sluit het medium opnieuw aan en probeer het opnieuw a.u.b."
t MSG_068 "Fout tijdens het partitioneren van de drive."
t MSG_069 "Kan bestanden niet kopiëren naar de doel drive."
t MSG_070 "Geannuleerd door de gebruiker."
t MSG_071 "Thread starten is niet mogelijk."
t MSG_072 "Controle van slechte blokken niet voltooid."
t MSG_073 "ISO image controle fout."
t MSG_074 "ISO image extractie fout."
t MSG_075 "Herkoppelen van volume niet mogelijk."
t MSG_076 "Patchen/klaarmaken van bestanden voor opstarten niet mogelijk."
t MSG_077 "Niet mogelijk om een driveletter toe te wijzen."
t MSG_078 "Kan GUID volume niet koppelen."
t MSG_080 " Rufus heeft gedetecteerd dat Windows nog steeds bezig is om zijn interne buffers te legen naar het USB apparaat.\n\n"
"Afhankelijk van de snelheid van uw USB apparaat, kan deze operatie een lange tijd duren voordat het voltooid is.\n"
"Zeker voor grote bestanden.\n\nHet is aanbevolen om Windows de taak volledig te laten voltooien om data corruptie te voorkomen.\n"
"Als het erg lang duurt dan kunt u het apparaat ontkoppelen..."
t MSG_081 "Niet-ondersteunde ISO"
t MSG_082 "Deze versie van Rufus ondersteund alleen opstartbare ISO's gebasseerd op bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux of EFI.\n"
"Deze ISO lijkt dit geen van allen te zijn..."
t MSG_083 "Vervang %s?"
t MSG_084 "Deze ISO image lijkt een verouderde versie te gebruiken van'%s'.\n"
"Opstart menu's worden mogelijk niet goed getoont.\n\n"
"Een nieuwere versie kan gedownload worden door Rufus om dit probleem op te lossen:\n"
"- Kies 'Ja' om een connectie met het internet te maken en het bestand te downloaden\n"
"- Kies 'Nee' om het bestaande ISO bestand ongewijzigd te laten.\n"
"Als u niet wat u moet doen, selecteer dan 'Ja'.\n\n"
"Opmerking: Het nieuwe bestand wordt gedownload in de huidige map en wanneer er al een"
"'%s' bestaat, zal deze automatisch vervangen worden."
t MSG_085 "Bezig met downloaden van %s"
t MSG_086 "Geen ISO image geselecteerd."
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Klik op de disk knop om een opstartbare ISO te selecteren a.u.b.\n"
"Of vink de \"Creëer een opstartbare disk...\" optie uit."
t MSG_088 "ISO is te groot"
t MSG_089 "Deze ISO image is te groot voor het geselecteerde doel apparaat."
t MSG_090 "niet-ondersteund ISO"
t MSG_091 "Wanneer voor type computer UEFI is geselecteerd, zijn alleen EFI opstartbare ISO images ondersteund."
"Selecteer een EFI opstartbare ISO of kies als type "MBR partitie-indeling voor BIOS computer."
t MSG_092 "Niet-ondersteund bestandssysteem"
t MSG_093 "Wanneer als type computer UEFI geselecteerd wordt, is alleen FAT/FAT32 ondersteund."
"Selecteer FAT/FAT32 als bestandssysteem of stel type computer in als BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Niet-compatibel UEFI ISO."
t MSG_095 "Deze ISO image bevat een bestand dat groter is dan 4 GB en kan niet gebruikt worden voor een UEFI bootable USB.\n "
"Dit is een beperking van UEFI/FAT32, niet van Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Alleen FAT/FAT32 wordt ondersteund voor dit type ISO. Selecteer FAT/FAT32 als bestandssysteem a.u.b."
t MSG_097 "Alleen 'bootmgr' of 'WinPE' gebasseerde ISO images kunnen momenteel worden gebruikt met NTFS."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 kan alleen gebruikt worden voor op isolinux gebasseerde ISO images of wanneer het doel type computer UEFI is."
t MSG_099 "Beperking van bestandssysteem"
t MSG_100 "Deze ISO image bevat een bestand dat groter is dan 4 GB wat groter is dan de"
"maximum toegestane grootte voor een FAT of FAT32 bestandssysteem."
t MSG_101 "WIM ondersteuning ontbreekt."
t MSG_102 " Uw OS kan geen bestanden uitpakken van WIM archieven. WIM extractie is nodig om EFI opstartbare Windows 7 en Windows Vista USB drives te maken. U kunt dit oplossen"
"door een recente versie van 7-Zip te installeren.\nWilt u de 7-Zip download pagina openen?"
t MSG_103 "Download %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 of hoger vereist een '%s' bestand om het te kunnen installeren.\n"
"Omdat dit bestand groter is dan 100 KB en altijd aanwezig is op Syslinux v5+ ISO images,"
"is het niet in Rufus ingebouwd.\n\nRufus kan het missende bestand voor u downloaden:\n"
"- Selecteer 'Ja' om verbinding met het internet te maken en het bestand te downloaden\n"
"- Selecteer 'Nee' als u later dit bestand handmatig naar de drive wilt kopiëren\n\n"
"Opmerking: Het bestand wordt gedownload in de huidige map en wanneer er een"
"%s'al bestaat zal deze automatisch vervangen worden."
t MSG_105 "Als u annuleert kan het apparaat ONBRUIKBAAR worden.\n"
"Als u zeker weet dat u wilt annuleren, klik op JA. Anders klik op NEE."
t MSG_106 "Selecteer een map a.u.b."
t MSG_107 "Alle bestanden"
t MSG_108 "Rufus log"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disk %d)"
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS kan niet opstarten van een apparaat met een clustergrootte van 64 kilobyte..."
t MSG_111 "Incompatibel Clustergrootte"
t MSG_112 "Het formatteren van grote UDF volumes kan een lange tijd duren..."
t MSG_113 "Grote UDF volume"
# Tooltips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Normaal gesproken de veiligste keuze. Als u een UEFI computer hebt maar u wilt"
"\neen besturingssysteem in EFI mode installeren, selecteer dan één van de andere opties"
t MSG_151 "Gebruik deze optie als u een besturingssysteem in EFI mode wilt installeren, maar toegang nodig hebt tot\n"
"de USB inhoud van Window XP"
t MSG_152 "Aanbevolen optie om een besturingssysteem in EFI mode te installeren en wanneer USB toegang niet nodig is voor Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Test patroon 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Test patroon: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Test patroon: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Test patroon: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Selecteer hier uw type bestandssysteem"
t MSG_158 "Minimum grootte dat een datablok inneemt in het bestandssysteem"
t MSG_159 "Gebruik dit veld om de drive naam in te stellen\nInternationale tekens worden geaccepteerd"
t MSG_160 "Wisselen naar geavanceerde opties"
t MSG_161 "Controleer het apparaat op slechte blokken tijdens een testpatroon"
t MSG_162 "Uitvinken om een \"langzamere\" formateer methode te gebruiken"
t MSG_163 "Aanvinken om de USB drive opstartbaar te maken"
t MSG_164 "Gebruikte methode om de drive opstartbaar te maken"
t MSG_165 "Klik om een ISO te selecteren..."
t MSG_166 "Vink aan om internationale labels te zien en een apparaat\n"
"pictogram in te stellen (creëert een autrun.inf bestand)"
t MSG_167 "Installeert een MBR die een opstartselectie toestaat en de BIOS USB drive ID kan verbergen"
t MSG_168 "Probeert de eerste opstartbare USB drive (gewoonlijk 0x80) voor te laten doen als een andere disk.\n"
"Dit is alleen nodig als u Windows XP installeerd en meer dan één disk heeft"
t MSG_169 "Creëert een extra verborgen partitie en probeert de partitiegrenzen uit te lijnen.\n"
"Dit kan de opstart detectie verbeteren voor oudere BIOS'en"
t MSG_170 "Activeer de lijst met externe USB HD's.\nGEBRUIK OP EIGEN RISICO!!!"
t MSG_171 "Start het formatteren.\nDit zal alle data op de doel drive VERWIJDEREN!"
t MSG_172 "Licentie informatie en credits"
t MSG_173 "Klik om te selecteren..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - De betrouwbare USB Formatteer Tool"
t MSG_175 "Versie %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Dutch translation: Roberto Pino <mailto:rcpac@ziggo.nl>"
t MSG_177 "Meld fouten of verbeteringsverzoeken naar:"
t MSG_178 "Aanvullende Copyrights:"
t MSG_179 "Update Beleid:"
t MSG_180 "Als u ervoor kiest dat dit programma op updates controleerd,"
"dan gaat u akkoord dat de volgende informatie verzameld kan worden op onze server(s)"
t MSG_181 "Type besturingssysteem en versienummer"
t MSG_182 "Versienummer van de applicatie die u gebruikt"
t MSG_183 "Uw IP adres"
t MSG_184 "Ten behoeve van het genereren van statistieken voor privegebruik, kunnen we de informatie blijven verzamelen"
"\\b van ten hoogste een jaar\\b0 . Wij zullen deze individuele gegevens echter niet vrijwillig openbaar maken aan derden."
t MSG_185 "Update Proces:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus voert geen installatie van of achtergrond services uit, Daarom worden updatecontroles alleen uitgevoerd als de toepassing wordt uitgevoerd.\\line\n"
"Internet toegang is natuurlijk vereist wanneer er op updates gecontroleerd wordt."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Bezig met annuleren - Een moment geduld a.u.b..."
t MSG_202 "Bezig ISO image aan het onderzoeken..."
t MSG_203 "Onderzoeken van ISO image mislukt"
# Parameter: de naam van een verouderd Syslinux .c32 module. b.v.: "Verouderde vesamenu.c32 gedetecteerd"
t MSG_204 "Verouderde %s gedetecteerd"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "ISO in gebruik: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Ontbrekend %s bestand"
t MSG_207 "Nieuw Volume"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d apparaat gevonden"
t MSG_209 "%d apparaten gevonden"
t MSG_210 "KLAAR."
t MSG_211 "Geannuleerd."
t MSG_212 "MISLUKT."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and lauched
t MSG_213 "Bezig nieuwe applicatie opstarten..."
t MSG_214 "Starten van nieuwe applicatie mislukt"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Geopend %s"
t MSG_216 "Opgeslagen %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formatteren: %0.1f%% voltooid"
t MSG_218 "Bestandssysteem aan het maken: Taak %d/%d voltooid"
t MSG_219 "NTFS herstellen: %d%% voltooid"
t MSG_220 "Formateren (UDF) (%s) - Geschatte duur %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Creëer volumenaam (Dit kan een tijdje duren)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formateren (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS herstellen (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "Schoon MBR/PBR/GPT structuren op..."
t MSG_225 "Verzoek tot disk toegang..."
t MSG_226 "Bezig met analyse bestaande opstart records..."
t MSG_227 "Bezig bestaande volume afsluiten..."
t MSG_228 "Master boot record aan het schrijven..."
t MSG_229 "Partitie opstart record aan het schrijven..."
t MSG_230 "DOS files aan het kopiëren..."
t MSG_231 "ISO bestanden aan het kopiëren..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI opstart setup (Dit kan een tijdje duren)..."
t MSG_233 "Finaliseren, een moment geduld a.u.b..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as paramete. eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Bezig met installeren Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Slechte Blokken: Ronde %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d fouten)"
t MSG_236 "Slechte Blokken: Testen met willekeurig patroon"
t MSG_237 "Slechte Blokken: Testen met patroon 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Partitioneren (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Partities worden verwijderd..."
t MSG_240 "Downloaden %s: Bezig met connectie..."
t MSG_241 "Downloaden: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Downloaden van bestand mislukt."
t MSG_243 "Controleren op Rufus updates..."
t MSG_244 "Updates: Connectie met internet niet mogelijk"
t MSG_245 "Updates: Versienummer ophalen niet mogelijk"
t MSG_246 "Een nieuwe versie van Rufus is beschikbaar!"
t MSG_247 "Geen nieuwe versies van Rufus gevonden"
t MSG_248 "Registersleutels van applicatie succesvol verwijderd"
t MSG_249 "Registersleutels van applicatie verwijderen mislukt"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s ingeschakeld"
t MSG_251 "%s uitgeschakeld"
t MSG_252 "Controles op grootte"
t MSG_253 "Detectie vaste schijven"
t MSG_254 "Forceer uitgebreide FAT32 formattering"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun zal worden verwijderd tijdens afsluiten"
t MSG_256 "Valse drive detectie"
t MSG_257 "Joliet ondersteuning"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge ondersteuning"
t MSG_259 "Forceer update"
l "fr-FR" "French (Français)" 0x040c, 0x080c, 0x0c0c, 0x100c, 0x140c, 0x180c, 0x1c0c, 0x200c, 0x240c, 0x280c, 0x2c0c, 0x300c, 0x340c, 0x380c, 0xe40c
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Periphérique"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Type de partition et système de destination"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Système de fichiers"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Taille de clusters"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Nouveau label"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Options de Formattage "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Vérification de mauvais blocs:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Formattage rapide"
t IDC_BOOT "Disque de démarrage utilisant:"
s IDC_BOOT +5,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "Ajouter un label étendu et une icône"
t IDC_ABOUT "A propos..."
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDC_START "Démarrer"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Options avancées"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Lister les disques durs USB"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Options de compatibilité avec anciens BIOS"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Ajout du MBR Rufus, ID BIOS:"
m IDC_DISK_ID +5,0
s IDC_DISK_ID -2,0
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "A propos de Rufus"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Mises à jour"
t IDD_LICENSE "Licence Rufus"
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Plus d'info..."
t IDYES "Oui"
t IDNO "Non"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Effacer"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Enregistrer"
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Paramètres de mises à jour"
s IDC_POLICY +30,0
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Recherche mises à jour:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Inclure les bétas:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Chercher maintenant"
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Mise à jour de Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Une nouvelle version est disponible. Veuillez télécharger la nouvelle version !"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Cliquez ici pour aller sur le site de Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Notes relatives à cette version"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Télécharger"
t IDCANCEL "Fermer"
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Copie des fichier ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Ouverture de l'image - veuillez patienter..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Annuler"
t MSG_001 "Autre instance detectée"
t MSG_002 "Une autre instance de Rufus est en cours d'exécution.\n"
"Veuillez fermer la première instance avant d'en lancer une seconde."
"Pour continuer cette operation, cliquez sur OK.\nPour quitter cliquez sur ANNULER."
t MSG_004 "Mises à jour"
t MSG_005 "Voulez-vous authoriser Rufus à chercher des mises à jour en ligne?"
t MSG_006 "Fermer"
t MSG_007 "Annuler"
t MSG_008 "Oui"
t MSG_009 "Non"
t MSG_010 "Blocs défectueux détectés"
t MSG_011 "Vérification complète: %u bloc(s) défectueux détecté(s)\n"
" %d erreur(s) de lecture\n %d erreur(s) d'écriture\n %d erreur(s) de corruption\n"
t MSG_012 "%s\nUn rapport plus détaillé peut être obtenu à:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Jamais"
t MSG_014 "Quotidienne"
t MSG_015 "Hebdomadaire"
t MSG_016 "Mensuelle"
t MSG_017 "Personalisée"
t MSG_018 "Votre version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Dernière version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_020 "octets"
t MSG_021 "Ko"
t MSG_022 "Mo"
t MSG_023 "Go"
t MSG_024 "To"
t MSG_025 "Po"
t MSG_026 "octets"
t MSG_027 "kilo-octets"
t MSG_028 "mega-octets"
t MSG_029 "Défaut"
t MSG_030 "%s (Défaut)"
t MSG_031 "Type de partition %s pour ordinateur BIOS"
t MSG_032 "Type de partition %s pour ordinateur UEFI"
t MSG_033 "Type de partition %s pour ordinateur BIOS ou UEFI"
t MSG_034 "%d passe"
t MSG_035 "%d passes"
t MSG_036 "Image ISO"
t MSG_037 "Application"
t MSG_038 "Annuler"
t MSG_039 "Lancer"
t MSG_040 "Télécharger"
t MSG_041 "Operation annulée par l'utilisateur"
t MSG_042 "Erreur"
t MSG_043 "Erreur: %s"
t MSG_044 "Téléchargement de fichier"
t MSG_045 "Pérpih. de stockage USB (Générique)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disque %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Flush de la mémoire tampon"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Annulation"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Opération réussie."
t MSG_051 "Erreur indéterminéee lors du formatage."
t MSG_052 "Ce système de fichiers ne peut pas être utilisé ici."
t MSG_053 "L'accès au périphérique est refusé."
t MSG_054 "Le périphérique est protegé en écriture."
t MSG_055 "Le périphérique est en cours d'utilisation par une autre application. "
"Veuillez fermer toute autre application succeptible d'accéder au périphérique."
t MSG_056 "Le formatage rapide n'est pas disponible pour ce périphérique."
t MSG_057 "Le nom de volume est invalide."
t MSG_058 "Le handle de périphérique est invalide."
t MSG_059 "Cette taille de cluster n'est pas appliquable ici."
t MSG_060 "La taille du volume est invalide."
t MSG_061 "Veuillez insérer un média dans le lecteur."
t MSG_062 "Commande non supportée."
t MSG_063 "Erreur d'allocation mémoire."
t MSG_064 "Erreur de lecture."
t MSG_065 "Erreur d'écriture."
t MSG_066 "L'installation a échoué"
t MSG_067 "Impossible d'accéder au média. Il peut être en cours d'utilisation par une autre application. "
"Essayer de déconnecter le média et essayez à nouveau."
t MSG_068 "Erreur de partitionement."
t MSG_069 "Impossible de copier les fichiers sur le périphérique de detination."
t MSG_070 "Opération annulée par l'utilisateur."
t MSG_071 "Impossible de créer le thread."
t MSG_072 "La vérification de blocs défectueux a été interrompue."
t MSG_073 "Echec d'analyse de l'image ISO."
t MSG_074 "Echec d'extraction de l'image ISO."
t MSG_075 "Echec lors du remontage du volume."
t MSG_076 "Echec de modification des fichiers de démarrage."
t MSG_077 "Echec d'assignation d'une lettre de volume."
t MSG_078 "Impossible de monter le volume GUID."
t MSG_080 "Rufus a detecté que Windows est en train de finir de vider la mémoire tampon.\n\n"
"En fonction de la vitesse de votre périphérique et de la taille du fichier, cette opération peut "
"prendre beaucoup de temps.\n\nNous recommandons d'attendre que Windows complète cette opération "
"pour éviter la corruption du périphérique. Mais si jamais vous en avez marre d'attendre, vous "
"pouvez essayer de déconnecter le média..."
t MSG_081 "Image ISO non supportée"
t MSG_082 "Cette version de Rufus supporte uniquement les ISOs démarrables à base de bootmgr/WinPE, "
"isolinux ou EFI.\nCette image ISO semble n'utiliser aucune de ces options..."
t MSG_083 "Remplacer %s?"
t MSG_084 "Cette image ISO utilise une version obsolète du fichier '%s'.\n"
"Les menus de démarrage peuvent de pas fonctionner à cause de cela.\n\n"
"Rufus peut télécharger une nouvelle version du fichier pour résoudre ce problème:\n"
"- Choisissez 'Oui' pour télécharger le fichier depuis Internet\n"
"- Choisissez 'Non' pour garder le fichier de l'image ISO\n"
"Si vous ne savez pas quoi faire, sélectionnez 'Oui'.\n\n"
"Note: Le nouveau fichier sera téléchargé dans le répertoire courrant. "
"Si un '%s' existe à cet endroit, il sera réutilisé automatiquement."
t MSG_085 "Téléchargement de %s"
t MSG_086 "Aucune image ISO sélectionnée"
t MSG_087 "Veuillez cliquer sur le bouton avec un disque pour choisir une image ISO démarrable "
"ou décochez l'option \"Disque de démarrage...\"."
t MSG_088 "Image ISO trop large"
t MSG_089 "Cette ISO image est trop large pour le périphérique sélectionné."
t MSG_090 "Image ISO on supportée"
t MSG_091 "Quand UEFI est séelectionné, seules les images ISO basées sur EFI sont supportées. "
"Veuillez sélectionner une image ISO démarrable avec EFI ou sélectionner BIOS pour le système de destination."
t MSG_092 "Système de fichiers non supporté"
t MSG_093 "Quand UEFI est séelectionné, seul le système de fichiers FAT/FAT32 est supporté. "
"Veuillez sélectionner FAT/FAT32 comme système de fichiers ou sélectionner BIOS pour le système de destination."
t MSG_094 "Image ISO incompatible avec UEFI"
t MSG_095 "Cette image ISO contient un fichier de plus de 4 Go et ne peut pas être utilisée pour créer un USB démarrable par UEFI.\n"
"Ceci est une limitation de UEFI/FAT32, pas de Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Seul FAT/FAT32 est supporté avec ce type d'image ISO. Veuillez sélectionner FAT/FAT32 pour le système de fichiers."
t MSG_097 "Seules les images ISO utilisant 'bootmgr' ou 'WinPE' peuvent être utilisées avec NTFS."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 peut seulement être utilisé pour les images ISO utilisant 'isolinux' ou lorsque que le système de destination est UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Limitation du système de fichiers"
t MSG_100 "Cette image ISO contient un fichier de plus de 4 Go, ce qui est plus que la taille maximum "
"supportée par le système de fichiers FAT ou FAT32."
t MSG_101 "Support pour archives WIM non disponible"
t MSG_102 "Votre plateforme ne peut pas extraire les fichiers depuis les archives WIM. L'extraction de données WIM "
"est nécéssaire pour créer des médias USB démarrable avec EFI pour Windows 7/8 ou Windows Vista. Vous pouvez addresser "
"ce problème en téléchargeant une version récente de l'utilitaire 7-Zip.\nVoulez-vous visiter la page de téléchargements de 7-zip?"
t MSG_103 "Télécharger %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 ou plus récent requiert l'installtion d'un fichier '%s'.\n"
"Puisque ce fichier fait plus de 100 Ko et est toujours présent sur les images ISO à base de Syslinux v5+, "
"il n'est pas inclus dans l'application.\n\nRufus peut télécharger ce fichier pour vous:\n"
"- Choisissez 'Oui' pour télécharger le fichier depuis Internet\n"
"- Choisissez 'Non' si vous compter copier ce fichier manuellement\n"
"Note: Ce fichier est téléchargé dans le répertoire courrant. Une fois qu'un fichier"
"'%s' existe à cet endroit, il sera réutilisé automatiquement."
t MSG_105 "Annuler peut laisser le périphérique dans un état inutilisable.\n"
"Si vous êtes sûr de vouloir annuler, sélectionnez OUI. Sinon, sélectionnez NON."
t MSG_106 "Sélection de répertoire"
t MSG_107 "Tous les fichiers"
t MSG_108 "Log Rufus"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (disque %d)"
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS ne peut pas être utilisé sur un disque avec une Taille de clusters de 64 kilo-octets.\n"
"Veuillez changer la Taille de clusters ou utilisez FreeDOS."
t MSG_111 "Taille de clusters incompatible"
t MSG_112 "Le formattage d'un volume UDF de grande taille peut prendre beaucoup de temps. Aux vitesses USB 2.0, "
"la durée de formattage estimée est %d:%02d, pendant laquelle la barre de progrès semblera gelée. Veuillez être patient !"
t MSG_113 "Volume UDF de grand taille"
# Tootips
t MSG_150 "Ce choix est le plus sûr. Mais si vous possédez un ordinateur à base de UEFI et voulez installer "
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
"un Système dexploitation en mode EFI, essayez plutôt de sélectionner lune des autres options"
t MSG_151 "Utilisez cette options si vous comptez installer un Système dexploitation en mode EFI "
"et avez aussi besoin daccéder au contenu du média sous Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "Option préférée pour installer un Système dexploitation en mode EFI, "
"quand laccès au média depuis Windows XP nest pas nécessaire"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_153 "Motif de test: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Motif de test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Motif de test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Motif de test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Sélectionne le système de fichiers"
t MSG_158 "La taille minimum quun bloc de données occupera sur le système de fichiers"
t MSG_159 "Utilisez ce champ pour mettre à jour le nom du volume\n"
"Les caractères étendus et les accents sont acceptés "
t MSG_160 "Affiche/Cache les options avancées "
t MSG_161 "Détecte la présence de blocs défectueux en utilisant un motif de test"
t MSG_162 "Décochez cette case pour utiliser la méthode de formatage \"lente\" "
t MSG_163 "Cochez cette case pour rendre le périphérique démarrable"
t MSG_164 "Méthode à utiliser pour rendre le périphérique démarrable "
t MSG_165 "Cliquez ici pour sélectionner une image ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Cochez cette case pour permettre laffichage des caractères étendus/internationaux "
"et ajouter une icône (créé un fichier autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Installe un MBR permettant la sélection du périphérique de démarrage. Peut aussi "
"camoufler lID de disque pour le BIOS "
t MSG_168 "Camoufle le premier disque USB démarrable (généralement 0x80) sous une ID différente.\n"
"Changez cette option si vous installez Windows XP avec plus dun disque dur"
t MSG_169 "Créé une petite partition supplémentaire et essaye daligner les partitions.\n"
"Peut améliorer la détection USB pour les vieux BIOS"
t MSG_170 "Liste les disques durs localisés dans des enceintes USB. UTILISEZ A VOS PROPRES RISQUES !!! "
t MSG_171 "Lance le formatage. DETRUIT toutes les données existantes sur la cible !"
t MSG_172 "Licence dutilisation et remerciements"
t MSG_173 "Cliquez pour sélectionner..."
t MSG_174 "Rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility"
t MSG_175 "Version %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
2013-10-24 21:57:34 +00:00
t MSG_176 "Traduction Française: Pete Batard <mailto:pete@akeo.ie>"
t MSG_177 "Soumettre un bug ou une demande d'amélioration à:"
t MSG_178 "Copyrights supplémentaires:"
t MSG_179 "Politique de mises à jour:"
t MSG_180 "Si vous autorisez ce programme à chercher les mises à jour, vous acceptez "
"que les informations suivantes peuvent être collectées sur nos serveurs:"
t MSG_181 "Larchitecture de votre système dexploitation ainsi que sa version"
t MSG_182 "La version de lapplication que vous utilisez"
t MSG_183 "Votre adresse IP"
t MSG_184 "Afin de générer des statistiques dutilisation privées, il se peut que nous gardions "
"les informations ainsi obtenues \\b au plus un an\\b0 . A moins dy être contraint par la loi, "
"nous nous engageons aussi à ne pas diffuser ces informations à de tierce parties."
t MSG_185 "Processus de mise à jour:"
t MSG_186 "Aucun service ou tâche de fond n'est installé ou lancé par Rufus ; la vérification "
"de mises à jour intervient seulement lorsque lapplication principale s'exécute.\\line\n"
"Bien entendu, un accès à internet est requis pour vérifier les mises à jour."
# Status messages
t MSG_201 "Annulation - Veuillez patienter..."
t MSG_202 "Analyse de l'image ISO..."
t MSG_203 "Echec d'analyse de l'image ISO"
t MSG_204 "Fichier %s obsolète detecté"
t MSG_205 "ISO utilisée: %s"
t MSG_206 "Fichier %s manquant"
t MSG_207 "Nouveau volume"
t MSG_208 "%d périphérique détecté"
t MSG_209 "%d périphériques détectés"
t MSG_210 "Opération terminée."
t MSG_211 "Opération annulée."
t MSG_212 "ECHEC."
t MSG_213 "Lancement de la nouvelle application..."
t MSG_214 "Echec de lancement de l'application"
t MSG_215 "%s ouvert"
t MSG_216 "%s sauvegardé"
t MSG_217 "Formatage: %0.1f%% complet"
t MSG_218 "Création du système de fichiers: Tâche %d/%d complète"
t MSG_219 "Finalisation NTFS: %d%% complète"
t MSG_220 "Formatage (%s) - durée estimée %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Ecriture du label (peut prendre du temps)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatage (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "Finalisation NTFS (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "Effacement des structures MBR/PBR/GPT..."
t MSG_225 "Requête d'accès disque..."
t MSG_226 "Analyse des structures de boot existantes..."
t MSG_227 "Fermeture des volumes existants..."
t MSG_228 "Ecriture du MBR..."
t MSG_229 "Ecriture du PBR..."
t MSG_230 "Copie des fichiers DOS..."
t MSG_231 "Copie des fichiers ISO..."
t MSG_232 "Ecriture boot Win7 EFI (peut prendre du temps)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalisation, veuillez patienter..."
t MSG_234 "Installation de Syslinux v%d..."
t MSG_235 "Défauts: PASSE %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d erreurs)"
t MSG_236 "Défauts: Test avec motif aléatoire"
t MSG_237 "Défauts: Test avec motif 0x%02X"
t MSG_238 "Partitionage (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Effaçement des partitions..."
t MSG_240 "Télechargement de %s: Connection..."
t MSG_241 "Télechargement: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Echec de télechargement du fichier"
t MSG_243 "Recherche des mises à jour..."
t MSG_244 "MAJ: Impossible de se connecter"
t MSG_245 "MAJ: Pas d'accès aux données de mises à jour"
t MSG_246 "Une nouvelle version de Rufus est disponible !"
t MSG_247 "Pas de nouvelle mise à jour"
t MSG_248 "Clés de registre supprimées"
t MSG_249 "Echec de suppression des clés registres"
t MSG_250 "%s activé"
t MSG_251 "%s désactivé"
t MSG_252 "Tests de dépassement de taille"
t MSG_253 "Détection de disques fixes"
t MSG_254 "Force 'large FAT32'"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun sera effacé en sortie"
t MSG_256 "Test de contrefaçons"
t MSG_257 "Support Joliet"
t MSG_258 "Support Rock Ridge"
t MSG_259 "Forçage de mise à jour"
l "de-DE" "German (Deutsch)" 0x0407, 0x0807, 0x0c07, 0x1007, 0x1407
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
s IDD_DIALOG +30,0
s IDC_DEVICE +28,0
s IDC_LABEL +34,0
s IDC_BOOT +32,0
m IDC_DISK_ID +30,0
m IDC_LANG +28,0
m IDC_START +28,0
m IDCANCEL +28,0
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Laufwerk"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Partitionsschema und Typ des Zielsystems"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Dateisystem"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Größe der Zuordnungseinheit"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Neue Laufwerksbezeichnung"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Formatierungseinstellungen "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Auf defekte Blöcke prüfen:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Schnellformatierung"
t IDC_BOOT "Startfähiges Laufwerk erstellen mit:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Erweiterte Bezeichnung und Symbole erstellen"
t IDC_ABOUT "Über..."
t IDC_LOG "Log"
t IDCANCEL "Schließen"
t IDC_START "Start"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Erweiterte Einstellungen"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "USB-Festplatten anzeigen"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Fix für ältere BIOSe verwenden (zus. Partition, usw.)"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Rufus MBR benutzen mit BIOS ID:"
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Über Rufus"
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus Lizenz"
t IDCANCEL "Schließen"
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Weitere Informationen"
t IDYES "Ja"
t IDNO "Nein"
t IDD_LOG "Log"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Log löschen"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Log speichern"
t IDCANCEL "Schließen"
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Aktualisierungseinstellungen"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Auf neue Version prüfen:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Beta-Version verwenden:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Jetzt prüfen"
t IDCANCEL "Schließen"
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Prüfe auf neue Version - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Eine neuere Version ist verfügbar. Bitte laden Sie die aktuelle Version herunter!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Klicken Sie hier, um zur Webseite zu gelangen"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Versionshinweise"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Download"
t IDCANCEL "Schließen"
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Kopiere ISO-Dateien..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Öffne ISO-Abbild - bitte warten..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Abbruch"
t MSG_001 "Rufus ist bereits gestartet"
t MSG_002 "Rufus ist bereits gestartet.\n"
"Bitte schließen Sie es erst, bevor Sie es neue starten."
"Klicken Sie auf OK um forzufahren. Klicken Sie auf ABBRECHEN um abzubrechen."
t MSG_004 "Rufus Aktualisierungseinstellungen"
t MSG_005 "Wollen Sie, dass Rufus auf neuen Versionen prüft?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Schließen"
t MSG_007 "Abbruch"
t MSG_008 "Ja"
t MSG_009 "Nein"
t MSG_010 "Fehlerhafte Blöcke gefunden"
t MSG_011 "Prüfung abgeschlossen: %u fehlerhafte Blöcke gefunden\n"
" %d Lesefehler\n %d Schreibfehler\n %d Defekt(e)\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nEin detaillierter Bericht ist hier zu finden:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Deaktiviert"
t MSG_014 "Täglich"
t MSG_015 "Wöchentlich"
t MSG_016 "Monatlich"
t MSG_017 "Speziell"
t MSG_018 "Ihre Version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Aktuelle Version: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "Byte"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "Byte" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "Kilobyte"
t MSG_028 "Megabyte"
t MSG_029 "Standard"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Standard)"
t MSG_031 "%s Partitionierungsschema für BIOS Computer"
t MSG_032 "%s Partitionierungsschema für UEFI Computer"
t MSG_033 "%s Partitionierungsschema für BIOS oder UEFI Computers"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Durchgang"
t MSG_035 "%d Durchgänge"
t MSG_036 "ISO-Abbild"
t MSG_037 "Anwendung"
t MSG_038 "Abbruch"
t MSG_039 "Start"
t MSG_040 "Download"
t MSG_041 "Operation vom Benutzer abgebrochen"
t MSG_042 "Fehler"
t MSG_043 "Fehler: %s"
t MSG_044 "Dateidownload"
t MSG_045 "USB Massenspeichergerät (Allgemein)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disk %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Leere Puffer"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Abbrechen"
t MSG_050 "Erfolg."
t MSG_051 "Unbekannter Fehler während der Formatierung."
t MSG_052 "Das gewählte Dateisystem kann für diesen Datenträger nicht verwendet werden."
t MSG_053 "Der Zugriff auf das Laufwerk wurde verweigert."
t MSG_054 "Der Datenträger ist schreibgeschützt."
t MSG_055 "Das Laufwerk wird von einem anderen Prozess verwendet. "
"Bitte beenden Sie diesen anderen Prozess."
t MSG_056 "Die Schnellformatierung ist für dieses Laufwerk nicht verfügbar."
t MSG_057 "Die Laufwerksbezeichnung ist ungültig."
t MSG_058 "Das Geräte-Handle ist ungültig."
t MSG_059 "Die ausgewählte Größe der Zuordnungseinheit ist für dieses Laufwerk nicht gültig."
t MSG_060 "Die Volumen-Größe ist ungültig."
t MSG_061 "Bitte legen Sie einen Wechseldatenträger ein."
t MSG_062 "Ein nicht unterstütztes Kommando wurde erkannt."
t MSG_063 "Fehler bei der Speicherzuweisung."
t MSG_064 "Lesefehler."
t MSG_065 "Schreibfehler."
t MSG_066 "Installationsfehler"
t MSG_067 "Datenträger konnte nicht geöffnet werden. Möglicherweise wird er von einem anderen Prozess verwendet. "
"Bitte legen Sie den Datenträger noch einmal ein und versuchen Sie es erneut."
t MSG_068 "Fehler beim Partitionieren des Laufwerks."
t MSG_069 "Dateien konnten nicht auf das Ziellaufwerk kopiert werden."
t MSG_070 "Vom Benutzer abgebrochen."
t MSG_071 "Thread konnte nicht gestartet werden."
t MSG_072 "Prüfung auf fehlerhafte Blöcke nicht abgeschlossen."
t MSG_073 "Fehler beim analysieren des ISO-Abbilds."
t MSG_074 "Fehler beim entpacken des ISO-Abbilds."
t MSG_075 "Volume konnte nicht neu angelegt werden."
t MSG_076 "Startfähige Dateien konnten nicht erstellt werden."
t MSG_077 "Laufwerksbuchstabe konnte nicht zugewiesen werden."
t MSG_078 "GUID-Laufwerk konnte nicht angelegt werden."
t MSG_080 "Rufus hat erkannt, dass Inhalte des Datenpuffer auf das USB-Laufwerk geschrieben werden.\n\n"
"Abhängig von der Geschwindigkeit des USB-Laufwerks, kann dieser Vorgang lange dauern; speziell für große Dateien.\n\nWir empfehlen, dass Sie Windows den Vorgang beenden lassen, um eine Problem zu vermeiden. "
"Wenn Ihnen der Vorgang zu lange dauert, können Sie das Gerät einfach entfernen..."
t MSG_081 "Nicht unterstütztes ISO-Abbild"
t MSG_082 "Diese Version von Rufus unterstützt nur startfähige ISO-Abbilder auf Basis von bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux oder EFI.\n"
"Dieses ISO-Abbild verwendet ein anderes Verfahren."
t MSG_083 "Ersetze %s?"
t MSG_084 "Dieses ISO-Abbild verwendet eine veraltete Version von '%s'.\n"
"Bootmenüs werden deswegen möglicherweise fehlerhaft dargestellt.\n\n"
"Eine neuere Version kann von Rufus heruntergeladen werden, um diese Problem zu vermeiden:\n"
"- Wählen Sie 'Ja', um die Datei herunterzuladen\n"
"- Wählen Sie 'Nein', um das ISO-Abbild nicht zu verändern\n"
"Wenn Sie unsicher sind, wählen Sie 'Ja'.\n\n"
"Hinweis: Die neue Datei wird in das aktuelle Verzeichnis heruntergeladen und falls "
"'%s' bereits vorhanden ist, wird sie automatisch wiederverwendet."
t MSG_085 "Download %s"
t MSG_086 "Kein ISO-Abbild gewählt"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Wählen Sie ein startfähiges ISO-Abbild aus "
"oder Sie deaktivieren \"Startfähiges Laufwerk erstellen...\"."
t MSG_088 "ISO-Abbild ist zu groß"
t MSG_089 "Dieses ISO-Abbild ist zu groß für das gewählte Ziel."
t MSG_090 "ISO-Abbild nicht unterstützt"
t MSG_091 "When using UEFI Target Type, only EFI bootable ISO images are supported. "
"Please select an EFI bootable ISO or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Nicht unterstütztes Dateisystem"
t MSG_093 "When using UEFI Target Type, only FAT/FAT32 is supported. "
"Please select FAT/FAT32 as the File system or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Keine UEFI-kompatibles ISO-Abbild"
t MSG_095 "Dieses ISO-Abbild enthält eine Datei größer 4 GB und kann nicht verwendet werden um einen EFI-startfähigen USB-Stick zu erzeugen.\n"
"Diese Einschränkung ist aufgrund UEFI/FAT32, und nicht wegen Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Nur FAT/FAT32 sind unterstützt für diesen Typ des ISO-Abbilds. Bitte wählen Sie FAT/FAT32 als Dateisystem."
t MSG_097 "Nur 'bootmgr' oder 'WinPE' basierende ISO-Abbilder können derzeit mit NTFS verwendet werden."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 kann nur für isolinux basierte ISO-Abbilder oder den Zieltyp UEFI verwendet werden."
t MSG_099 "Dateisystembeschränkung"
t MSG_100 "Dieses ISO-Abbild enthält eine Datei größer 4GB. Diese Dateigröße ist für "
"FAT oder FAT32 Dateisysteme nicht zulässig."
t MSG_101 "Fehlende WIM-Unterstützung"
t MSG_102 "Ihre Plattform kann keine Dateien aus WIM-Containern extrahieren. WIM-Extraktion "
"ist erforderlich, um EFI-startbare Windows 7 und Windows Vista USB-Laufwerke zu erzeugen. Sie können "
"das durch die Installation der aktuellen 7-ZIP Version beheben.\nMöchten Sie die 7-ZIP Download-Seite aufrufen?"
t MSG_103 "Download %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 oder neuer erfordert, dass eine '%s' installiert ist.\n"
"Weil diese Datei größer als 100 kB ist, und in Syslinux v5+ ISO-Abbildern immer enthalten ist, "
"ist sie in Rufus nicht enthalten.\n\nRufus kann die fehlende Datei für Sie herunterladen:\n"
"- Wählen Sie 'Ja', um die Datei herunterzuladen\n"
"- Wählen Sie 'Nein', wenn Sie diese Datei später selbst auf das Laufwerk kopieren wollen\n\n"
"Hinweis: Die neue Datei wird in das aktuelle Verzeichnis heruntergeladen und falls "
"'%s' bereits vorhanden ist, wird sie automatisch wiederverwendet."
t MSG_105 "Durch einen Abbruch wird das Gerät in einem INSTABILEN Zustand versetzt.\n"
"Wenn Sie sicher sind, dass Sie abbrechen wollen, klicken Sie JA, andernfalls klicken Sie NEIN."
t MSG_106 "Ordner wählen"
t MSG_107 "Alle Dateien"
t MSG_108 "Rufus Log"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disk %d)"
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS kann nicht von einem Laufwerk starten, das 64 Kilobyte große Zuordnungseinheiten verwendet..."
t MSG_111 "Inkompatible Zuordnungseinheitengröße"
t MSG_112 "Großes UDF-Laufwerke zu formatieren, kann viel Zeit benötigen..."
t MSG_113 "Großes UDF-Laufwerk"
t MSG_150 "Normalerweise die beste Wahl. Wenn Sie einen UEFI-Computer haben und das Betriebssystem "
"im EFI-Modus installieren wollen, sollten sie eine der anderen Einstellungen wählen."
t MSG_151 "Verwenden Sie diese Einstellung, um das Betriebssystem im EFI-Modus zu installieren und "
"USB-Zugriff unter Windows XP zu haben"
t MSG_152 "Die bevorzugte Einstellung, um das Betriebssystem im EFI-Modus zu installieren und "
"wenn kein USB-Zugriff unter Windows XP erforderlich ist"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t MSG_153 "Prüfmuster: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Prüfmuster: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Prüfmuster: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Prüfmuster: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Zieldateisystem auswählen"
t MSG_158 "Kleinste Größe, die ein Datenblock im Dateisystem belegt"
t MSG_159 "Geben Sie hier die Datenträgerbezeichnung ein\nInternational Schriftzeichen sind erlaubt"
t MSG_160 "Erweiterte Optionen ein- bzw. ausblenden"
t MSG_161 "Das Laufwerk mittels eines Musters auf fehlerhafte Blöcke prüfen"
t MSG_162 "Wenn nicht aktiviert, wird die \"langsame\" Formatierung verwendet"
t MSG_163 "Aktivieren, um das Laufwerk startfähig zu machen"
t MSG_164 "Methode, um das Laufwerk startfähig zu machen"
t MSG_165 "Wählen Sie ein ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Wählen Sie diesed Option, um die Anzeige internationaler Bezeichnungen zu ermöglichen "
"und und Gerätesymbol zu erzeugen (Datei autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Erzeugt einen MBR, der eine Bootmenü erzeugt und die ID des BIOS USB-Laufwerks maskieren kann"
t MSG_168 "Das erste startfähige USB-Laufwerk maskieren (normalerweise 0x80) als andere Festplatte.\n"
"Das sollte nur notwendig sein, wenn Sie Windows XP instllieren und mehr als ein Festplatte haben."
t MSG_169 "Eine extra Partition erzeugen und die Partitionsgrenzen ausrichten.\n"
"Das kann die Starterkennung unter älteren BIOSen verbessern"
t MSG_170 "Erkennung von USB-Festplatten Gehäusen aktivieren. VERWENDUNG AUF EIGENES RISIKO!!!"
t MSG_171 "Formatierung starten.\nAlle Daten auf dem Ziellaufwerk werden GELÖSCHT!"
t MSG_172 "Lizenzinformationen und Mitwirkende"
t MSG_173 "Klicken Sie, um auszuwählen..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - Das zuverlässige USB-Formatierungs Utility"
t MSG_175 "Version %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Deutsche Übersetzung: Thilo Langbein"
t MSG_177 "Fehler und Anforderungen an:"
t MSG_178 "Weitere Copyrights:"
t MSG_179 "Aktualisierungseinstellungen:"
t MSG_180 "Wenn Sie die Prüfung auf neue Versionen verwenden, erlauben Sie, dass "
"die folgenden Informationen auf unseren Systemen gespeichert werden"
t MSG_181 "Ihre Betriebssystem-Architektur und -Version"
t MSG_182 "Die Version der Anwendung, die Sie einsetzen"
t MSG_183 "Ihre IP-Adresse"
t MSG_184 "Zum privaten Statistikzwecken speichern wir diese Informationen "
"\\b für höchstens ein Jahr\\b0. Keine Daten werden an Dritte weitergegeben."
t MSG_185 "Update-Vorgang:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus verwendet keine Hintergrundprozesse, deshalb wird nur auf Updates geprüft, wenn die Anwendung läuft.\\line\n"
"Eine Internetverbindung ist natürlich für die Prüfung auf neue Versionen erforderlich."
t MSG_201 "Abbrechen - Bitte warten..."
t MSG_202 "Lese ISO-Abbild..."
t MSG_203 "Fehler beim Lesen des ISO-Abbild"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Überflüssige %s erkannt"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Verwende ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Fehlende %s Datei"
t MSG_207 "Neues Volume"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d Laufwerk gefunden"
t MSG_209 "%d Laufwerke gefunden"
t MSG_210 "FERTIG."
t MSG_211 "Abgebrochen."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "Starte Anwendung neu..."
t MSG_214 "Fehler beim Anwendungsneustart"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Geöffnet %s"
t MSG_216 "Gespeichert %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formatieren: %0.1f%% erledigt"
t MSG_218 "Dateisystem erzeugen: Aufgabe %d/%d abgeschlossen"
t MSG_219 "NTFS Fixup: %d%% erledigt"
t MSG_220 "Formatiere (%s) - geschätzte Dauer %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Setzte Bezeichnung (kann etwas dauern)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatiere (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS Fixup (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "Clearing MBR/PBR/GPT structures..."
t MSG_225 "Laufwerkszugriff angefordert..."
t MSG_226 "Vorhandene Boot-Datensätze analysieren..."
t MSG_227 "Vorhandenes Volume schließen..."
t MSG_228 "Master Boot Record schreiben..."
t MSG_229 "Schreibe Partitions Boot Record.."
t MSG_230 "Kopiere DOS-Dateien..."
t MSG_231 "Kopiere ISO-Dateien..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI Boot setup (kann etwas dauern)..."
t MSG_233 "Abschließen, bitte warten..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Installiere Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Fehlerhafte Blöcke: Durchlauf %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d Fehler)"
t MSG_236 "Fehlerhafte Blöcke: Prüfe mit zufälligen Mustern"
t MSG_237 "Fehlerhafte Blöcke: Prüfe mit Muster 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Partitioniere (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Lösche Partitionen..."
t MSG_240 "Download %s: Verbinde..."
t MSG_241 "Download: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Fehler beim Dateidownload."
t MSG_243 "Prüfe auf neue Rufus-Version..."
t MSG_244 "Update: Keine Verbindung zum Internet"
t MSG_245 "Update: Versionsinformationen können nicht ermittelt werden"
t MSG_246 "Eine neue Version von Rufus ist verfügbar!"
t MSG_247 "Keine neue Version von Rufus wurde gefunden"
t MSG_248 "Anwendungseinst. in der Registrierdatenbank gelöscht"
t MSG_249 "Fehler beim Löschen der Anwendungseinstellungen in der Registrierdatenbank"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"d"
t MSG_250 "%s aktiviert"
t MSG_251 "%s deaktiviert"
t MSG_252 "Größenprüfung"
t MSG_253 "Festplattenerkennung"
t MSG_254 "Große FAT32-Formatierung erzwingen"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun wird beim Beenden gelöscht"
t MSG_256 "Gefälschte Laufwerke erkennen"
t MSG_257 "Joliet-Unterstützung"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge-Unterstützung"
t MSG_259 "Update erzwingen"
l "hu-HU" "Hungarian (Magyar)" 0x040e
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Partíció sémája és fájlrendszer"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Fájlrendszer"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Klaszter mérete"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Új kötetcímke"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Formázási beállítások "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Rossz blokkok keresése:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Gyorsformázás"
t IDC_BOOT "Bootolható lemez készítése:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Saját címke és ikon használata"
t IDC_ABOUT "Névjegy"
t IDC_LOG "Log"
t IDCANCEL "Bezárás"
t IDC_START "Indítás"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Haladó beállítások"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "USB-s merevlemezek mutatása"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Régi BIOS-ok javítása (extra partíció, sor, stb.)"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "MBR-es Rufus BIOS azonosítóval:"
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "A Rufus-ról"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Frissítések"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus Licensz"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Több információ"
t IDYES "Igen"
t IDNO "Nem"
# Log dialog
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Törlés"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Mentés"
t IDCANCEL "Bezárás"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Beállítások frissítése"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Frissítések keresése:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Beta verziókat is:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Ellenőrzés"
t IDCANCEL "Bezárás"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Frissítések keresése - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Egy újabb verzió elérhető. Kérlek, töltsd le a legfrissebb verziót!"
t IDC_WEBSITE " Kattints ide a weboldalhoz"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Kiadási jegyzék"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Letöltés"
t IDCANCEL "Bezárás"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "ISO fájlok másolása..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "ISO fájl megnyitása - kérlek, várj..."
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Másik folyamat"
t MSG_002 "Egy másik Rufus is fut.\n"
"Kérlek, zárd be a másikat, mielőtt ezt futtatnád."
"A folyamat folytatásához kattints az OK gombra. A kilépépshez kattints a MÉGSE gombra."
t MSG_004 "Rufus frissítés"
t MSG_005 "Engedélyezed a Rufus-nak a frissítések utáni keresést?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Bezárás"
t MSG_007 "Mégse"
t MSG_008 "Igen"
t MSG_009 "Nem"
t MSG_010 "Rossz blokkokat találtam"
t MSG_011 "Ellenörzés befejezve: %u rossz blokk találva\n"
" %d olvasási hiba,\n %d írási hiba\n %d osszeomlásra hajlamos hiba\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nEgy részletesebb jelentés itt található:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Letiltva"
t MSG_014 "Naponta"
t MSG_015 "Hetente"
t MSG_016 "Havonta"
t MSG_017 "Egyéni"
t MSG_018 "A Te verziód %d.%d.%d (%d)"
t MSG_019 "Legfrissebb verzió: %d.%d.%d (%d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "byte" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobyte"
t MSG_028 "megabyte"
t MSG_029 "Alap"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Alap)"
t MSG_031 "%s partíciós séma BIOS-os gépekhez"
t MSG_032 "%s partíciós séma UEFI-s gépekhez"
t MSG_033 "%s partíciós séma BIOS-os vagy UEFI-s gépekhez"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d vizsgálat"
t MSG_035 "%d vizsgálat"
t MSG_036 "ISO kép"
t MSG_037 "Alkalmazás"
t MSG_038 "Megszakítás"
t MSG_039 "Indítás"
t MSG_040 "Letöltés"
t MSG_041 "A folyamat a felhasználó által megszakítva"
t MSG_042 "Hiba"
t MSG_043 "Hiba: %s"
t MSG_044 "Fájl letöltése"
t MSG_045 "USB Tároló eszköz"
t MSG_046 "%s (LEmez: %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Bufferelés"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Megszakítás"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Siker!"
t MSG_051 "Ismeretlen hiba formázás közben."
t MSG_052 "A kiválasztott fájl nem használható."
t MSG_053 "Az eszközhöz való hozzáférés megtagadva."
t MSG_054 "Az anyag írásvédett."
t MSG_055 "Az eszközt más folyamat használja. "
"Kérlek, zárd be ezeket a folyamatokat a folytatáshoz."
t MSG_056 "A gyors formázás nem elérhető ehhez az eszközhöz."
t MSG_057 "A cimke érvénytelen."
t MSG_058 "Az eszköz kezelése érvénytelen."
t MSG_059 "A kiválasztott kluszter méret nem elérhető ehhez az eszközhöz."
t MSG_060 "A kötet mérete érvénytelen."
t MSG_061 "Kérlek, helyezz be egy eltávolítható eszközt."
t MSG_062 "Egy nem támogatott parancs."
t MSG_063 "Memória hiba."
t MSG_064 "Olvasási hiba."
t MSG_065 "Írási hiba."
t MSG_066 "Telepítési hiba"
t MSG_067 "Nem nyitható meg az eszköz. Talán egy másik folyamat hazsnálja. "
"Kérlek, próbáld meg újra."
t MSG_068 "Az eszköz particionálása közben hiba lépett fel."
t MSG_069 "Nem sikerült a fájlokat az eszközre másolni."
t MSG_070 "A felhasználó által megszakítva."
t MSG_071 "Nem lehet elindítani a formázást."
t MSG_072 "A rossz blokkok utáni keresés nincs befejezve."
t MSG_073 "ISO kép ellenörzése sikertelen."
t MSG_074 "ISO kép kicsomagolása sikertelen."
t MSG_075 "A kötet nem lehet újra csatolni."
t MSG_076 "Nem lehet a fájlokat felállítani a bootoláshoz."
t MSG_077 "Nem sikerült betűjelet társítani az eszközhöz."
t MSG_078 "Nem sikerült GUID értéket társítani."
t MSG_080 "A Rufus észrevette, hogy a Windows is használja az USB-t.\n\n"
"Az USB eszközöd lelassítása miatt, ez a művelet hosszú ideig is eltarthat "
"a nagy fájlokksl.\n\nJavasoljuk, hogy hagy a Windows-nak bejezeni a hibák elkerülése érdekében. "
"De ha belefáradtál a várakozásba, akkor egyszerűen távolítsd el az USB eszközt..."
t MSG_081 "Nem támogatott ISO"
t MSG_082 "Ez a verziója a Rufus-nak csak a bootolható ISO-kat támogatja, aminek az alapja bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux vagy EFI.\n"
"Ez az ISO nem használható mással..."
t MSG_083 "Felülírod ezt: %s?"
t MSG_084 "Ez az iso fájl valószínűleg a(z) '%s' elavult verzióját használja.\n"
"A boot menü valószínűleg nem fog megfelelően megjelenni.\n\n"
"Egy újabb Rufus letölthető, a probléma megoldásához:\n"
"- Nyomj 'Igen' gombot az internethez kapcsolódáshoz, és a fájlok letöltéséhez\n"
"- Nyomj 'Nem' gombot a létező ISO fájl módosítatlanul hagyásához\n"
"Ha nem tudod, hogy mit csinálj, nyomj 'Igen' gombot.\n\n"
"Megjegyzés: Az új fájla jelenlegi mappába lesz letöltve és ha egy "
"'%s' létezik, akkor az automatikusan újra lesz használva."
t MSG_085 "Letöltés: %s"
t MSG_086 "Nincs ISO fájl kiválasztva"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Kérlek, kattints a Lemez gombra bootolhato ISO kiválasztásához, "
"vagy vedd ki a pipát a \"Bootolható lemez készítése...\" elől."
t MSG_088 "Az ISO fájl túl nagy"
t MSG_089 "Az ISO fájl túl nagy a kiválasztott háttértárnak."
t MSG_090 "Nem támogatott ISO"
t MSG_091 "Amikor UEFI-t használsz céltípusnak, akkor csak az EFI-s ISO képek vannak támogatva. "
"Kérlek, válassz egy EFI-s bootolható ISO-t, vagy rakd a Céltípust BIOS-ra."
t MSG_092 "NEm támogatott fájlrendszer"
t MSG_093 "Amikor UEFI-t használsz, akkor csak a FAT/FAT32 támogatott. "
"KÉrlek, válaszd FAT/FAT32-t Fájlrendszernek, vagy állítsd be a Céltípust BIOS-ra."
t MSG_094 "Nem UEFI kompatibilis ISO"
t MSG_095 "Ez az ISO kép nagyobb, mint 4 GB, és nem használható EFI-s USB kép készítéséhez.\n"
"Ez az UEFI/FAT32 korlátozása, nem a Rufus-é."
t MSG_096 "Csak a FAT/FAT32 támogatott ehhez az ISO-hoz. KÉrlek, válaszd ki a FAT/FAT32 Fájlrendszernek."
t MSG_097 "Csak 'bootmgr' vagy 'WinPE' alapú ISO képek használhatóak NTFS-el."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 csak isolinux alapú ISO lpekhez ahsználhatóak, vagy akkor, mikor a Céltípus UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Fájlrendszeri korlátozás"
t MSG_100 "Ez az ISO nagyobb, mint 4GB, ami nagyobb, "
"mint a maximális megengedett méret FAT vagy FAT32 fájlrendszer esetén."
t MSG_101 "Hiányzó WIM"
t MSG_102 "A platformod nem használ WIM archívumokat. A WIM kicsomagolása "
"szükséges EFI-s Windows 7 és Windows Vista USB eszközök készítéséhez. Ezt megoldhatod "
"a jelenlegi 7-Zip telepítésével.\nMegszeretnéd látogatni a 7-zip letöltési odlalát?"
t MSG_103 "Letöltöd ezt: %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 vagy későbbi verzió szükséges a(z) '%s' telepítéséhez.\n"
"Az ok az, emrt a fájl nagyobb, mint 100 KB, és ez szükséges Syslinux v5+ verziójú ISO képekhez, "
"ami nics a Rufushoz mellékelve.\n\nA Rufus letöltheti a hiányzó fájlt:\n"
"- Nyomj 'Igen' gombot az internethez csatlakozáshoz és a letöltéshez\n"
"- Nyomj 'Nem' gombot, ha majd később kézileg szeretnéd felmásolni a fájlt az eszközre\n\n"
"Megjegyzés: A fájl a jelenlegi mappába lesz letöltve, és ha (z) "
"'%s' nevű fájl létezik, akkor az automatikusan újra lesz használva.\n"
t MSG_105 "A megszakítás az eszközöt HASZNÁLHATATLAN állapotba hozhatja.\n"
"HA nem szeretnéd megszakítani, kattints az IGEN gombra. Más esetben a NEM gombra."
t MSG_106 "Kérlek, válassz mappát"
t MSG_107 "Minden fájl"
t MSG_108 "Rufus log"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Lemez: %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS nem tudo bootolni 64 kilobájtos klaszter méret használatával erről az eszközről.\n"
"Kérlek, változtasd meg a Klaszter méretet, vagy használj FreeDOS-t."
t MSG_111 "Nem kompatibilis Klaszter méret"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "Nagy UDF kötetek formázása sok időt igénybe vehet. USB 2.0 sebessgégével számolva a formázás "
"ennyi addig fog tartani ( %d:%02d ), amíg a folyamat jelző meg nem fagy. KÉrlek, légy türelemmel!"
t MSG_113 "Nagy UDF kötet"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Általában a leggyorsabb választás. Ha UEFI-s géped van, és azt szeretnéd telepíteni "
"egy oprendszerre EFI módban, akkor az alább lévő oprciók közül kell egyet választanod."
t MSG_151 "Használd ezt, hagy egy oprendszert szeretnél telepíteni EFI módban, de szükséged "
"van az USB taratlmára Windows XP alatt"
t MSG_152 "The preferred option to install an OS in EFI mode and when "
"USB access is not required for Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Teszt paraméter: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Teszt paraméter: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Teszt paraméter: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Teszt paraméter: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Beállítja a fájlrendszert"
t MSG_158 "A blokkok minimális mérete a fájlrendszerben lesz elfoglalva"
t MSG_159 "Használd ezt a mezőt kötetcimke megadásához\nA nemzetközi karakterek használhatóak"
t MSG_160 "HAladó beállítások bekapcsolása"
t MSG_161 "Az eszköz átkutatása rossz blokkok után egy teszt paraméterrel"
t MSG_162 "Vedd ki innen a pipát \"lassú\" formázáshoz"
t MSG_163 "Pipáld be bootolható USB eszköz készítéséhez"
t MSG_164 "Ez a módszer az eszközt bootolhatóva teszi"
t MSG_165 "Kattints egy ISO kiválasztásához..."
t MSG_166 "Itt pipáld be a nemzetközi karakterek engedélyezéséhez, "
"és ikon készítéséhez (autorun.inf készít)"
t MSG_167 "MBR telepítésével engedélyezed boot kiválasztását, és megváltoztathatod a BIOS USB azonosítóját"
t MSG_168 "Pórbál meg a USB eszköz paraméterét megváltoztatni (általában: 0x80) egy különböző lemezzé.\n"
"Ez akkor jó, ha Windows XP-t telepítesz, és egynél több lemez van"
t MSG_169 "KÉszíts egy extra rejtett partíciót, és próbáld meg a partíciók határát 'besorozni'.\n"
"Ezzel könnyebbé teszed a régi BIOSok észrevételét"
t MSG_170 "USB-s meevlemezek mutatása. CSAK SAJÁT FELELŐSSÉGRE HASZNÁLD!!!"
t MSG_171 "A formázás elkezdése.\nEz MINDEN ADATOT TÖRÖL az adattárolón!"
t MSG_172 "Licenszszel kapcsolatos információk és készítők"
t MSG_173 "Kattints a kiválasztáshoz..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - A megbízható USB formázó"
t MSG_175 "Verzió: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Magyar fordítás: georg1136 <mailto:georg1136@freemail.hu>"
t MSG_177 "Hibák jelentése:"
t MSG_178 "Más jogok:"
t MSG_179 "Frissítési irányelv:"
t MSG_180 "Ha azt választod, hogy a program keressen frissítéseket, "
"akkor elfogadod azt, hogy ezeket a paramétereidet a szerverünkön fogjuk tárolni:"
t MSG_181 "Az operációs rendszered architektúrája és verziója"
t MSG_182 "A program verziója, amit használsz"
t MSG_183 "Az IP címed"
t MSG_184 "Ha összegyűjtöttük a szükséges adatokat, talán megtartunk egyet-kettőt belőle, "
"\\b de általában csak egy évre\\b0 . Mi NEM adjuk ki az adataidat más személyeknek!"
t MSG_185 "Frissítési folyamat:"
t MSG_186 "A Rufus nem telepít, vagy futtat a háttérben más szolgáltatásokat, a frissítések ellenörzése a főalkalmazáson belül történik.\\line\n"
"Interenet kapcsolat szükséges a frissítések ellenörzéséhez."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Megszakítás - Kérlek, várj..."
t MSG_202 "ISO kép viszgálata..."
t MSG_203 "Nem sikerült az ISO képet megvizsgálni"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Elavult %s észlelve"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Iso kép használaza: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Hiányzó %s fájl"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "Új kötet"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d eszközt találtam"
t MSG_209 "%d eszközt találtam"
t MSG_210 "KÉSZ!"
t MSG_211 "Megszakítva!"
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "Az új alkalmazás elindítása..."
t MSG_214 "Nem sikerült az új alkalmazást elindítani"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Megnyitva: %s"
t MSG_216 "Mentve: %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formázás: %0.1f%% kész"
t MSG_218 "Fájlrendszer készítése: %d/%d teljesítve"
t MSG_219 "NTFS Fixup: %d%% kész"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Formázás (%s) - becsült idő: %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Címke készítése (Ez eltarhat egy kis ideig)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formázás (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS Fixup (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "MBR/PBR/GPT struktúrák tisztítása..."
t MSG_225 "Engedély kérése..."
t MSG_226 "Boot vizsgálata..."
t MSG_227 "Létező kötet bezárása..."
t MSG_228 "Master boot írása..."
t MSG_229 "A partíció boot-jának írása..."
t MSG_230 "DOS fájlok másolása..."
t MSG_231 "ISO fájlok másolása..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI boot telepítő (ez eltarthat egy kis ideig)..."
t MSG_233 "Véglegesítés, kérlek, várj..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Syslinux v%d telepítése..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Rossz blokkok: Próbálkozás %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d hiba)"
t MSG_236 "Rossz blokkok: Véletlenszerű paraméterrel való tesztelés"
t MSG_237 "Rossz blokkok: Tesztelés 0x%02X paraméterrel"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Particionálás (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Partíciók törlése..."
t MSG_240 "Letöltés %s: Csatlakozás..."
t MSG_241 "Letöltés: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "A fájl letöltése sikertelen."
t MSG_243 "Rufus frissítések keresése..."
t MSG_244 "Frissítések: Nem sikerült csatlakozni az internethez"
t MSG_245 "Frissítések: Nem sikerült a verzió adataihoz hozzáférni"
t MSG_246 "Elérhető egy új Rufus verzió!"
t MSG_247 "Nem találtam újabb Rufust"
t MSG_248 "A program regisztációs kulcsa sikeresen eltávolítva"
t MSG_249 "Nem sikerült a regisztációs kuclsokat eltávolítani"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s engedélyezve"
t MSG_251 "%s letiltva"
t MSG_252 "Méret ellenörzések"
t MSG_253 "Javított lemezek észlelése"
t MSG_254 "FAT32 formázás eröltetése"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun törölve lesz a kilépéskor"
t MSG_256 "Hamis eszköz észlelve"
t MSG_257 "Joliet támogatás"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge támogatás"
t MSG_259 "'Erőszakos' frissítés"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
l "it-IT" "Italian (Italiano)" 0x0410, 0x0810
v 1.0.3
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
b "en-US"
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Dispositivo/unità"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Schema partizione e tipo sistema destinazione"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "File system"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Dimensione cluster"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Nuova etichetta volume"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Opzioni formattazione "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Test controllo blocchi errati unità:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Formattazione rapida"
t IDC_BOOT "Crea disco avviabile con:"
s IDC_BOOT -10,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "Crea etichetta estesa e file icone"
t IDC_ABOUT "Info su..."
s IDC_ABOUT -18,0
m IDC_ABOUT -1,0
t IDC_LOG "Registro"
s IDC_LOG +23,0
m IDC_LOG -20,0
t IDCANCEL "Chiudi"
t IDC_START "Avvia"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Opzioni avanzate"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Elenca dischi fissi USB"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Aggiungi correzzioni per vecchi BIOS"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Usa MBR Rufus con ID BIOS:"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Info su Rufus"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Aggiornamenti"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t IDD_LICENSE "Licenza Rufus"
t IDCANCEL "Chiudi"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Altre informazioni"
t IDYES "Sì"
t IDNO "No"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t IDD_LOG "Registro eventi"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Azzera registro"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Salva registro"
s IDC_LOG_SAVE +20,0
m IDC_LOG_SAVE -20,0
t IDCANCEL "Chiudi"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
s IDC_POLICY +18,0
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Impostazioni e policy aggiornamenti"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Controllo aggiornamenti:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Includi versioni beta:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Controlla ora"
t IDCANCEL "Chiudi"
m IDCANCEL +20,0
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Rufus - Controllo aggiornamenti"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "E' disponibile una nuova versione. Scarica la versione aggiornata!"
t IDC_WEBSITE " Fai clic qui per visitare il sito web"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Informazioni versione"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Download"
t IDCANCEL "Chiudi"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Copia file ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Apertura file immagine ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Annulla"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_001 "Rilevata altra istanza Rufus"
t MSG_002 "E' in esecuzione un altra applicazioen Rufus.\n"
"Chiudi la prima applicazione prima di eseguirna una seconda."
"Per continuare seleziona 'OK'. Per anullare seleziona 'ANNULLA'."
t MSG_004 "Policy aggiornamenti Rufus"
t MSG_005 "Vuoi permettere a Rufus di controllare gli aggiornamenti online?"
t MSG_006 "Chiudi"
t MSG_007 "Annulla"
t MSG_008 "Sì"
t MSG_009 "No"
t MSG_010 "Rilevato blocco difettoso"
t MSG_011 "Controllo completato: trovati %u blocchi difettosi\n"
" %d errori lettura\n %d errori scrittura\n %d errori corruzione\n"
t MSG_012 "%s\nUn report più dettagliato è disponibile in:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Disabilitato"
t MSG_014 "Giornaliero"
t MSG_015 "Settimanale"
t MSG_016 "Mensile"
t MSG_017 "Personalizzato"
t MSG_018 "Versione installata: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Versione più recente: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_020 "byte"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
t MSG_026 "byte" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobyte"
t MSG_028 "megabyte"
t MSG_029 "Predefinito"
t MSG_030 "%s (predefinito)"
t MSG_031 "Schema partizione %s per computer con BIOS"
t MSG_032 "Schema partizione %s per computer con UEFI"
t MSG_033 "Sschema partizione %s per computer con BIOS o UEFI"
t MSG_034 "%d test"
t MSG_035 "%d test"
t MSG_036 "Immagine ISO"
t MSG_037 "Applicazione"
t MSG_038 "Annulla"
t MSG_039 "Esegui"
t MSG_040 "Download"
t MSG_041 "Operazione annullata dall'utente"
t MSG_042 "Errore"
t MSG_043 "Errore: %s"
t MSG_044 "Download file"
t MSG_045 "Unità memorizzazione USB (generica)"
t MSG_046 "%s (disco %d)"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Svuotamento buffer"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Cancellazione"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_050 "Completato."
t MSG_051 "Errore sconosciuto durante la formattazione."
t MSG_052 "Impossibile usare il filesystem selezionato."
t MSG_053 "Accesso negato all'unità."
t MSG_054 "Il supporto è protetto da scrittura."
t MSG_055 "L'unità è in uso da un altro processo. "
"Chiudi ogni altro processo che potrebbe accedere all'unità."
t MSG_056 "Formattazione rapida non disponibile per questa unità."
t MSG_057 "Etichetta volume non valida."
t MSG_058 "Il gestore unità non è valido."
t MSG_059 "Dimensione cluster selezionata non valida per questa unità."
t MSG_060 "Dimensione volume non valida."
t MSG_061 "Inserisci un supporto nell'unità."
t MSG_062 "E' stato ricevuto un comando non supportato."
t MSG_063 "Errore allocazione memoria."
t MSG_064 "Errore lettura."
t MSG_065 "Errore scrittura."
t MSG_066 "Installazione fallita"
t MSG_067 "Impossibile aprire il supporto. Potrebbe essere in uso da un altro processo."
"Ri-inserisci il supporto e riprova."
t MSG_068 "Errore nel partizionamento dell'unità."
t MSG_069 "Impossibile copiare i file nell'unità destinazione."
t MSG_070 "Annullato dall'utente."
t MSG_071 "Impossibile creare attività formattazione."
t MSG_072 "Controllo blocchi errati non completato."
t MSG_073 "Analisi fallita immagine ISO."
t MSG_074 "Estrazione fallita immagine ISO."
t MSG_075 "Impossibile rimontare l'unità."
t MSG_076 "Impossibile correggere/impostare i file per il boot."
t MSG_077 "Impossibile assegnare una lettera all'unità."
t MSG_078 "Impossibile montare volume GUID."
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
t MSG_080 "Rufus ha rilevato che Windows sta ancora svuotando i buffer interni relativi all'unità USB.\n\n"
"A seconda della velocità dell'unità USB, questa operazione potrebbe richiedere un certo tempo per essere completata, "
"specialmente per file molto grandi.\n\nTi suggeriamo di attendere che Windows completi le operazioni per evitare la corruzione dei dati. "
"Se sei stanco di aspettare, puoi semplicemente scollegare l'unità..."
t MSG_081 "Formato ISO non supportato"
t MSG_082 "Questa versione di Rufus supporta solo immagini ISO avviabili basate su bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux o EFI.\n"
"Questa immagine ISO non sembra usare uno dei metodi supportati..."
t MSG_083 "Sostituire %s?"
t MSG_084 "Questa iammgine sembra che usi uan vesrioen obsoleta di '%s'.\n"
"A causa di ciò il menu di avvio potrebbe non essre vsiualizzato correttamente.\n\n"
"Una versione recente può essere scaricata da Rufus per correggere questo problema:\n"
"- Seleziona 'Sì' per collegarsi a internet e scaricare il file\n"
"- Seleziona 'No' per lasciare inalterato il file immagine ISO\n"
"Se non sai cosa fare, è preferibile selezionare 'Sì'.\n\n"
"Nota: il nuovo file verrà scaricato nella cartella attuale e una volta "
"scaricato '%s', verrà riusato automaticamente."
t MSG_085 "Download %s"
t MSG_086 "Nessuna immagine ISO selezionata"
t MSG_087 "Fai clic sul pulsante disco per slezionare uf ile immagine ISO avviabile, "
"o deseleziona \"Crea un disco avviabile usando\"."
t MSG_088 "Immagine ISO troppo grande"
t MSG_089 "Questa immagine ISO è troppo garnde per l'unità destinazione."
t MSG_090 "Formato ISO non supportato"
t MSG_091 "Quando usi una destinazione di tipo UEFI, sono supportate solo immagini ISO avviabili EFI. "
"Scegli un'immagien avviabile EFI o imposta una destinazione di tipo BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Filesystem non supportato"
t MSG_093 "Quando usi una destinazione di tipo UEFI, sono supportati solo filesystem FAT/FAT32. "
"Seleziona FAT/FAT32 come fileystem o imposta uan destianzioen di tipo BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Imamgien ISO non compatibile UEFI"
t MSG_095 "Questa immagine ISO contiene un file più grande di 4 GB ae non può essere usata in una unità USB EFI avviabile.\n"
"Questa è una limitazione di UEFI/FAT32, non di Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Per questo tipo di ISO, sono supportate solo FAT/FAT32. Seleziona FAT/FAT32 come filesystem."
t MSG_097 "Con NTFS attualmente possono essere usate solo immagini ISO basate su 'bootmgr' o 'WinPE'."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 può essere usata solo per immagini ISO basate su isolinux o quando il tipo destinazione è UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Limitazione filesystem"
t MSG_100 "Questa immagine ISO contiene un file più grande di 4 GB, che è maggiore della "
"dimensione massima permessa per il filesystem FAT o FAT32."
t MSG_101 "Supporto WIN mancante"
t MSG_102 "Il tuo sistema operativo non può estrarre file dall'archivio WIM. L'estrazione WIM "
"è necessaria per creare una unità USB avviabile EFI Windows 7 e Windows Vista. Puoi correggere ciò "
"installando una versione recente di 7-Zip.\nVuoi visitare la pagina di downlaod di 7-zip download page?"
t MSG_103 "Download %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux 5.0 o successivo richiedono l'installazione di un file '%s'.\n"
"Poichè questo file è più grande di 100 KB, ed è semrpe presente nell'immagine ISO di Syslinux v5+, "
"il file non è incluso in Rufus.\n\nRufus può scaricare per te il file mancante:\n"
"- Seleziona 'Sì' per collegarsi a internet e scaricare il file\n"
"- Seleziona 'No' se vuoi copiare manualmente questo file nell'unità più tardi\n\n"
"Nota: oil file verrà scaricato nella cartella attuale e una volta che "
"'%s' è stato scaricato, verrà riusato automaticamente.\n"
t MSG_105 "La cancellazione potrebbe lasciare il dispositivo in uno stato NON USABILE.\n"
"Sei sciuro di volerlo cancellare, seleziona SI. Altrimenti, seleziona NO."
t MSG_106 "Seleziona la cartella"
t MSG_107 "Tutti i file"
t MSG_108 "Registro eventi Rufus"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (disco %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "Non si può avviare MS-DOS da una unità che usa una dimensione del cluster di 64 kilobyte.\n"
"Modifica la dimensione del cluster o usa FreeDOS."
t MSG_111 "Dimensione cluster incompatibile"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "La formattazione di un volume UDF di grandi dimensioni può richiedere molto tempo. in modo USB 2.0, il tempo stimato "
"per la formattazione sarà di %d:%02d, durante il quale la barra di progresso non verrà aggiornata. Attendi il completamento dell'operazione!"
t MSG_113 "Voume UDF di grandi dimensioni"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Questa impostazione è la scelta più sicura. Se hai un computer UEFI e vuoi installare "
"un sistema operativo in modo EFI, puoi selezionare una delle opzioni sottostanti"
t MSG_151 "Usa questa impostazione se vuoi installare un sistema operativo in modo EFI, ma devi accedere "
"al contenuto USB in Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "L'opzione preferita per installare un sistema operativo in modo EFI quando "
"l'accesso USB non è richiesto in Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Pattern di test: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Pattern di test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Pattern di test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Pattern di test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Impostazione del filesystem destinazione"
t MSG_158 "Dimensione minima del blocco dati del filesystem"
t MSG_159 "Usa questo campo per impostare l'etichetta dell'unità\nI caratteri internazionali sono permessi"
t MSG_160 "Abilita/disabilita opzioni avanzate"
t MSG_161 "Abilita questa opzione per effettuare un controllo dei blocchi danneggiati nel dispositivo usando un pattern di test"
t MSG_162 "Deseleziona questa opzione per usare il metodo di formattazione completo ma 'lento'"
t MSG_163 "Abilita questa opzione per rendere l'unità USB avviabile"
t MSG_164 "Definisce il metodo che verrà usato per rendere l'unità USB avviabile"
t MSG_165 "Seleziona l'immagine ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Abilita questa opzione per permettere la visualizzazione delle etichette internazionali "
"e impostare una icona dispositivo (creerà un file autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Installa un MBR che permette la selezione all'avvio e maschera l'ID unità USB del BIOS"
t MSG_168 "Prova prima a macsherare l'unità avviabile USB (normalmente 0x80) come un dsico differente.\n"
"Questo potrebbe essere necessario solo se installi Windows XP e hai più di un disco"
t MSG_169 "Crea una partizione aggiuntiva e nascosta e prova ad allineare le diverse partizioni.\n"
"Questo può migliorare il rilevamento all'avvio con vecchi BIOS"
t MSG_170 "Abilita il rilevamento per i dischi USB. USALO A TUO RISCHIOP!!!"
t MSG_171 "Avvia l'operazione di formattazione.\nQuesta operazione DISTRUGGERA' qualsiasi dato sul'unità destinazione!"
t MSG_172 "Informazioni licenza e ringraziamenti"
t MSG_173 "Fai clic per selezionare..."
t MSG_174 "Rufus - Utility affidabile formattazione unità USB"
t MSG_175 "Versione %d.%d.%d (build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Traduzione italiana a cura di bovirus"
t MSG_177 "Segnala i problemi o richiedi nuove funzionalità a:"
t MSG_178 "Diritti aggiuntivi:"
t MSG_179 "Policy aggiornamenti:"
t MSG_180 "Se scegli di permette a questo programma di controllare automaticamente gli aggiornamenti, "
"accetti che le seguenti informazioni sarranno catalogate nei nostri server:"
t MSG_181 "L'architettura del tuo sistema operativo e la versione"
t MSG_182 "La versioen dell'applicazione in uso"
t MSG_183 "Il tuo indirizzo IP"
t MSG_184 "Potremo mantenere le informazioni al solo scopo di creare una sttaitsica privata di utilizzo, "
"\\b per massimo un anno\\b0 . Comunque ti garantiamo che NON invieremo nessuno di questi dati a nessuna terza parte."
t MSG_185 "Processo aggiornamento:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus non installa o esegue servizi in background. Il controllo aggiornamenti verrà effettuato solo quando l'applicazione è in esecuzione.\\line\n"
"L'accesso internet è ovviamente richeisto quando si effettua il controllo aggiornamenti."
t MSG_201 "Annullamneto..."
t MSG_202 "Analisi immagine ISO..."
t MSG_203 "Analisi fallita immagine ISO"
t MSG_204 "Rilevato %s obsoleto"
t MSG_205 "Uso ISO: %s"
t MSG_206 "File %s mancante"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "Nuovo volume"
t MSG_208 "Rilevato %d dispositivo"
t MSG_209 "Rilevati %d dispositivi"
t MSG_211 "Annullata."
t MSG_213 "Esecuzione nuova applicazione..."
t MSG_214 "Esecuzione fallita nuova applicazione"
t MSG_215 "Aperto %s"
t MSG_216 "Salvato %s"
t MSG_217 "Formattazione: %0.1f%% completata"
t MSG_218 "Creazione filesystem: attivitò %d/%d completata"
t MSG_219 "Corerzione NTFS: %d%% completata"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Formattazione (%s) - durata stimata %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Impostazione etichetta (potrebbe richiedere del tempo)..."
t MSG_222 "Formattazione (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "Correzione NTFS (controllo disco)..."
t MSG_224 "Azzeramento struttura MBR/PBR/GPT..."
t MSG_225 "Richiesta accesso disco..."
t MSG_226 "Analisi dati avvio..."
t MSG_227 "Chiusura volume esistente..."
t MSG_228 "Scrittura master boot record..."
t MSG_229 "Scrittura partizione di avvio..."
t MSG_230 "Copia file DOS..."
t MSG_231 "Copia file immagine ISO..."
t MSG_232 "Impostazione avvio EFI Windows 7 (potrebbe richiedere del tempo)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalizzazione..."
t MSG_234 "Installazione Syslinux v. %d..."
t MSG_235 "Blocchi danneggiati: pattern %d/%d - %0.2f%% (errori %d/%d/%d)"
t MSG_236 "Blocchi danneggiati: test con pattern casuali"
t MSG_237 "Blocchi danneggiati: testing con pattern 0x%02X"
t MSG_238 "Partitionamento (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Eliminazione partizioni..."
t MSG_240 "Download di %s: connessione..."
t MSG_241 "Download: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Impossibile scaricare il file."
t MSG_243 "Verifica disponibilità aggiornamenti Rufus..."
t MSG_244 "Aggiornamento: impossibiel colelgarsi a internet"
t MSG_245 "Aggiornamento: impossibiel accedere alle info versione"
t MSG_246 "E' disponibile una nuova versione di Rufus!"
t MSG_247 "La versione installata è aggiornata"
t MSG_248 "Registro applicazione correttamente eliminato"
t MSG_249 "Impossibile eliminare il registro applicazione"
t MSG_250 "Abilitato %s"
t MSG_251 "Disabilitato %s"
t MSG_252 "Controllo dimensione"
t MSG_253 "Rilevamento dischi fissi"
t MSG_254 "Forza formattazione FAT32 estesa"
t MSG_255 "Verrà eliminato NoDriveTypeAutorun all'uscita"
t MSG_256 "Rilevamento unità fittizie"
t MSG_257 "Supporto Joliet"
t MSG_258 "Supporto Rock Ridge"
2013-10-28 16:34:08 +00:00
l "ko-KR" "Korean (한국어)" 0x0412
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "디스크 형식과 부팅 시스템 유형"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "새 볼륨 레이블"
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "배드 섹터 검사:"
t IDC_BOOT "부팅 가능한 디스크 만들기:"
s IDC_BOOT +3,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "확장 레이블 및 아이콘 파일 만들기"
t IDC_ABOUT "정보..."
t IDC_LOG "로그"
s IDC_LOG +5,0
m IDC_LOG -2,0
t IDC_START "시작"
m IDC_START +2,0
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "기타 USB 장치를 목록에 추가"
# Note: it is acceptable to drop the parenthesis () below if you are running out of space
# as there is a tooltip (MSG_169) providing these details
# 'MBR': See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
# Rufus can install it's own custom MBR (the Rufus MBR), which also allows users
# to specify a custom disk ID for the BIOS. Note: the tooltip for this control is MSG_167.
m IDC_DISK_ID +3,0
# About dialog
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "라이센스"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "정보 더 보기"
t IDYES "예"
t IDNO "아니오"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "로그"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "로그 삭제"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "로그 저장"
t IDCANCEL "로그 닫기"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "업데이트 정책과 설정"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "테스트 버전 포함:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "지금 확인"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "업데이트 확인 - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "최신 버전을 사용할 수 있습니다.최신 버전을 다운로드하십시오!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "웹 사이트로 이동하려면 여기를 클릭하십시오"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "ISO 파일을 복사하는 중..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "ISO 이미지 파일을 여는 중입니다. - 잠시만..."
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "다른 인스턴스가 감지 됨."
t MSG_002 "Rufus가 이미 실행 중입니다.\n"
"실행하기 전에 먼저 실행된 프로그램을 닫으십시오."
t MSG_003 "WARNING: 장치 '%s'에 있는 데이터가 모두 삭제됩니다.\n"
"계속하려면 확인을, 종료하려면 취소를 선택하십시오."
t MSG_004 "업데이트 정책"
t MSG_005 "인터넷에 연결해서 프로그램의 업데이트를 확인하시겠습니까?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "닫기"
t MSG_007 "취소"
t MSG_008 "예"
t MSG_009 "아니오"
t MSG_010 "배드 섹터 발견 됨."
t MSG_011 "검사 완료: %u 개의 배트섹터가 발견되었습니다.\n"
" %d 읽기 오류\n %d 쓰기 오류\n %d 손상 섹터\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nA more detailed report can be found in:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "사용 안 함"
t MSG_014 "매일"
t MSG_015 "매주"
t MSG_016 "매월"
t MSG_017 "사용자 정의"
t MSG_018 "버전: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "죄신 버전: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "KB"
t MSG_028 "MB"
t MSG_029 "기본"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (기본)"
t MSG_031 "%s 파티션 형식의 BIOS 컴퓨터"
t MSG_032 "%s 파티션 형식의 UEFI 컴퓨터"
t MSG_033 "%s 파티션 형식의 BIOS 또는 UEFI 컴퓨터"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "한번만 검사"
t MSG_035 "%d회 검사"
t MSG_036 "ISO Image"
t MSG_037 "프로그램"
t MSG_038 "취소"
t MSG_039 "실행"
t MSG_040 "다운로드"
t MSG_041 "사용자에 의해 작업이 취소 됨"
t MSG_042 "오류"
t MSG_043 "오류: %s"
t MSG_044 "다운로드 파일"
t MSG_045 "USB 저장 장치 (일반)"
t MSG_046 "%s (디스크 %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - 버퍼 비움"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - 해제"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "성공."
t MSG_051 "포맷 중 알 수 없는 오류 발생."
t MSG_052 "이 미디어는 선택한 파일 시스템을 사용할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_053 "장치에 대한 액세스가 거부됩니다."
t MSG_054 "미디어에 쓰기 보호가 되어 있습니다."
t MSG_055 "이 장치는 다른 프로세스에서 사용 중 입니다. "
"장치에 액세스 하려면 다른 프로세스를 닫으십시오."
t MSG_056 "이 장치는 빠른 포맷을 사용할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_057 "볼륨 레이블이 잘못되었습니다."
t MSG_058 "장치 핸들이 잘못되었습니다."
t MSG_059 "선택한 클러스터 크기는 이 장치에 유효하지 않습니다."
t MSG_060 "볼륨 크기가 유효하지 않습니다."
t MSG_061 "드라이브에 이동식 미디어를 넣으십시오."
t MSG_062 "지원되지 않는 명령이 수신되었습니다."
t MSG_063 "메모리 할당 오류."
t MSG_064 "읽기 오류."
t MSG_065 "쓰기 오류."
t MSG_066 "설치 실패"
t MSG_067 "미디어를 열 수 없습니다. 다른 프로세스에서 사용 중일 수 있습니다. "
"미디어를 다시 연결하고 시도하십시오."
t MSG_068 "드라이브를 분할하는 중 오류 발생."
t MSG_069 "파일을 대상 드라이브로 복사 할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_070 "사용자에 의해 취소 됨."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "스레드를 시작할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_072 "불량 섹터 검사가 완료되지 않았습니다."
t MSG_073 "ISO 이미지 스캔 오류가 발생했습니다."
t MSG_074 "ISO 이미지 추출 오류가 발생했습니다."
t MSG_075 "볼륨을 다시 마운트 할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_076 "부팅하기 위한 패치 또는 설치 파일이 없습니다."
t MSG_077 "드라이브 문자를 할당 할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_078 "GUID 볼륨을 마운트 할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_080 "윈도우즈가 여전히 USB 장치에 내부 버퍼를 플러시하고 있습니다.\n\n"
"USB 장치의 속도에 따라, 특히 큰 파일의 경우에는 "
"이 작업은 완료하는 데 시간이 오래 걸릴 수 있습니다.\n\n손상을 방지하기 위해, 윈도우를 종료하는 것이 좋습니다. "
"하지만 기다릴 수 없다면, 강제로 장치를 분리할 수도 있습니다."
t MSG_081 "지원되지 않는 ISO"
t MSG_082 "이 버전은 Bootmgr/WinPE, ISOLINUX 또는 EFI 기반의 부팅 가능한 ISO만을 지원합니다.\n"
"이 ISO는 위의 조건에 포함되지 않습니다."
t MSG_083 "%s 교체?"
t MSG_084 "이 ISO 이미지는 '%s'의 구 버전이기에\n"
"부팅 메뉴가 제대로 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다.\n\n"
"최신 버전으로 이 문제를 해결하려면 지금 최신 버전을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다:\n"
"- 인터넷에 연결하여 파일을 다운로드 하려면 '예'를 선택하시고,\n"
"- 수정되지 않은 기존의 ISO 파일을 그대로 유지하려면 '아니오'를 선택하십시오.\n"
"잘 모르는 경우, '예'를 선택하십시오.\n\n"
"알림: 새 파일은 현재 디렉토리에 다운로드가 되며 이미 "
"'%s'가 있다면, 자동으로 다시 사용됩니다."
t MSG_085 "%s 다운로드 중..."
t MSG_086 "선택된 ISO 이미지가 없습니다"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "부팅 가능한 ISO를 선택하고 "디스크" 버튼을 클릭하거나, "
"\"부팅 디스크 만들기...\"의 확인란을 해제하십시오."
t MSG_088 "ISO가 너무 큽니다."
t MSG_089 "이 ISO 이미지는 선택한 대상에 비해 너무 큽니다."
t MSG_090 "지원되지 않는 ISO"
t MSG_091 "UEFI 대상 유형을 사용하는 경우에만 EFI 부팅 가능한 ISO 이미지가 지원됩니다. "
"EFI 부팅 가능한 ISO를 선택하거나 BIOS에 대상 유형을 설정하십시오."
t MSG_092 "지원되지 않는 파일 시스템"
t MSG_093 "UEFI 대상 유형을 사용하는 경우에만 FAT/FAT32이 지원됩니다. "
"파일 시스템으로 FAT/FAT32를 선택하거나 BIOS에 대상 유형을 설정하십시오."
t MSG_094 "비 UEFI 호환 ISO"
t MSG_095 "이 ISO 이미지는 4GB보다 큰 파일이 포함되어 있어 EFI 부팅 USB를 만드는 데 사용할 수 없습니다.\n"
"이것은 이 프로그램의 제한 사항이 아니고 UEFI/FAT32의 제한 사항입니다."
t MSG_096 "이 ISO 유형은 FAT/FAT32만 지원합니다. 파일 시스템으로 FAT/FAT32를 선택하십시오."
t MSG_097 "현재 'bootmgr' 또는 'WinPE' 기반의 ISO 이미지만 NTFS와 함께 사용할 수 있습니다."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32는 isolinux 기반의 ISO 이미지 또는 대상 유형이 UEFI일 때만 사용할 수 있습니다."
t MSG_099 "파일 시스템 제한"
t MSG_100 "이 ISO 이미지는 FAT 또는 FAT32 파일 시스템에 허용되는 최대 크기 4GB보다 "
"더 큰 파일이 포함되어 있습니다."
t MSG_101 "WIM 이미지 지원 안 함"
t MSG_102 "이 플랫폼은 WIM 아카이브에서 파일을 추출 할 수 없습니다. WIM에서 추출하려면 "
"EFI 부팅 가능한 Windows 7 및 Windows Vista의 USB 드라이브를 생성해야합니다. 최신 버전의 "
"7-Zip으로 이 문제를 해결할 수 있습니다.\n지금 7-ZIP을 다운로드 하시겠습니까?"
t MSG_103 "%s 다운로드?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0과 그 이후의 버전의 설치에는 '%s' 파일이 필요합니다.\n"
"그러나 파일의 크기가 100KB 이상으로 크고 Syslinux v5+ ISO 이미지에는 항상 들어있는 파일이므로, "
"이 프로그램에는 포함시키지 않았습니다.\n\n필요하다면 지금 이 파일을 다운로드할 수 있습니다:\n"
"- 인터넷에 연결하여 이 파일을 다운로드하려면 '예'를 선택하고\n"
"- 나중에 이 파일을 직접 드라이브에 복사하려면 '아니오'를 선택하십시오.\n\n"
"알림: 이 파일은 현재 디렉토리에 다운로드 되며 이미 '%s' 파일이 "
"존재한다면 자동으로 재 사용됩니다.\n"
t MSG_105 "취소하게 되면 이 장치를 사용 불가능 상태로 만들 수도 있습니다.\n"
"그래도 취소하려면 '예'를 아니라면 '아니오'를 클릭하십시오."
t MSG_106 "폴더를 선택하십시오"
t MSG_107 "모든 파일"
t MSG_108 "로그"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (디스크 %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS는 64KB 클러스터 크기를 사용하는 드라이브에서 부팅 할 수 없습니다.\n"
"클러스터 크기를 변경하거나 FreeDOS를 사용하십시오."
t MSG_111 "호환되지 않는 클러스터 크기"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "큰 UDF 볼륨을 포맷하려면 시간이 많이 걸릴 수 있습니다. USB 2.0의 속도로 추정했을 때, 예상 시간은 "
"%d:%02d 입니다. 포맷 중 진행바가 멈춤상태로 있을 수도 있습니다. 기다려주십시오!"
t MSG_113 "큰 UDF 볼륨"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "일반적으로 가장 안전한 방법입니다. 하지만 UEFI 컴퓨터의 EFI모드에서 운영체제를 설치하는 경우에는 "
"다른 옵션 중에서 하나를 선택해야 합니다."
t MSG_151 "EFI 모드에서 운영체제를 설치하려고 하지만, Windows XP에서도 "
"USB의 내용에 액세스를 해야 한다면 이 옵션을 선택하십시오."
t MSG_152 "EFI 모드에서 운영체제를 설치하는 기본 옵션입니다. "
"Windows XP에서는 USB에 액세스 할 필요가 없을 때 선택하십시오."
t MSG_153 "테스트 패턴: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "테스트 패턴: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "테스트 패턴: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "테스트 패턴: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "대상 파일 시스템을 설정합니다"
t MSG_158 "파일 시스템에서 차지하는 데이터 블록의 최소 크기"
t MSG_159 "드라이브 레이블에 사용 중인 문자체계를\n허용하려면 이 필드를 이용해서 설정하십시오."
t MSG_160 "고급 옵션으로 전환"
t MSG_161 "테스트 패턴을 사용하여 장치의 불량 섹터를 확인"
t MSG_162 "빠른 포맷을 사용하지 않고 포맷하려면 선택을 취소하시면 됩니다."
t MSG_163 "USB 드라이브를 부팅 가능하게 하려면 선택하십시오."
t MSG_164 "드라이브를 부팅할 수 있도록 만듭니다."
t MSG_165 "ISO 파일을 선택합니다..."
t MSG_166 "사용 중인 언어로 레이블을 표시하고 장치 아이콘을 설정하려면 선택하십시오. "
"(autorun.inf 파일을 만듭니다.)"
t MSG_167 "부팅 선택과 BIOS에 USB drive ID로 가장할 수 있는 MBR을 설치"
t MSG_168 "다른 디스크를 첫 번째 부팅 USB 드라이브로 위장합니다. (보통은 0x80)\n"
"Windows XP를 설치하는 경우 필요하지만, 하나 이상의 디스크가 있어야만 합니다"
t MSG_169 "여분의 숨김 파티션을 만들고 파티션의 경계를 정렬합니다."
"구형 BIOS에서 부팅 속도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다."
t MSG_170 "USB 하드 드라이브의 목록을 사용할 수 있게 합니다. 주의!!! 사용상의 위험에 대한 책임은 모두 사용자에게 있습니다."
t MSG_171 "포맷을 시작합니다.\n이 대상 드라이브의 모든 데이터가 삭제됩니다!"
t MSG_172 "라이센스 정보와 신용"
t MSG_173 "선택하려면 클릭..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - 믿을 수 있는 USB 포맷 유틸리티"
t MSG_175 "버전 %d.%d.%d (빌드 %d)"
t MSG_176 "한국어 번역: 나두야간다 <mailto:true.sys@hotmail.com>"
t MSG_177 "버그에 대한 보고나 프로그램의 개선을 요청:"
t MSG_178 "추가 저작권:"
t MSG_179 "업데이트 정책:"
t MSG_180 "프로그램을 업데이트 하도록 선택한 경우, "
"다음의 정보는 우리의 서버에 수집 될 수 있음에 동의하는 것을 의미합니다."
t MSG_181 "사용 중인 운영 체제의 아키텍처와 버전"
t MSG_182 "현재 사용 중인 프로그램의 버전"
t MSG_183 "사용자의 IP 주소"
t MSG_184 "수집된 정보는 사용자의 년간 통계와 프로그램의 성능 향상을 위한 목적으로만 사용되어지며, "
"제 3자에게 수집된 정보를 공개하지 않습니다."
t MSG_185 "업데이트 프로세스:"
t MSG_186 "이 프로그램은 백그라운드 서비스를 설치하거나 실행하지 않으므로 주 프로그램이 실행 중일 때에만 업데이트가 수행됩니다.\\line\n"
"업데이트에는 인터넷 연결이 필요합니다."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "쥐소 중 - 잠시만..."
t MSG_202 "ISO image 스캔..."
t MSG_203 "ISO 이미지를 스캔 할 수 없습니다"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "오래된 %s 가 감지 됨."
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "사용 ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "%s 파일이 없습니다."
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "새 볼륨"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d개의 장치를 찾음"
t MSG_209 "%d개의 장치를 찾음"
t MSG_210 "완료."
t MSG_211 "취소 됨."
t MSG_212 "실패."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "새 버전의 프로그램을 시작 중..."
t MSG_214 "새 버전의 프로그램을 시작하지 못했습니다."
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "%s 열림"
t MSG_216 "%s 저장 됨"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "포맷 중: %0.1f%% 완료"
t MSG_218 "파일 시스템 만들기: 작업 %d/%d 완료 됨"
t MSG_219 "NTFS 오류 복구: %d%% 완료 됨"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "(%s) 포맷 중... - 예상 소요 시간 %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "라벨 설정 중 잠시만..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "포맷 (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS 오류 복구 (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "MBR/PBR/GPT 구조를 초기화..."
t MSG_225 "디스크 액세스를 요청..."
t MSG_226 "기존 부트 레코드를 분석..."
t MSG_227 "기존 볼륨 닫기..."
t MSG_228 "마스터 부트 레코드를 작성..."
t MSG_229 "파티션 부트 레코드를 작성..."
t MSG_230 "DOS 파일을 복사..."
t MSG_231 "ISO 파일을 복사..."
t MSG_232 "WIN7 EFI 부팅 설정 (잠시만)..."
t MSG_233 "마무리 하는 중... 잠시만..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Syslinux v%d를 설치..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "배드 섹터: PASS %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d errors)"
t MSG_236 "배드 섹터: 랜덤 패턴 테스트"
t MSG_237 "배드 섹터: 0x%02X 패턴으로 테스트"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "파티션 작업 (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "파티션 삭제..."
t MSG_240 "%s 다운로드: 연결..."
t MSG_241 "다운로드: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "파일을 다운로드하지 못했습니다."
t MSG_243 "업데이트를 확인하고 있습니다..."
t MSG_244 "업데이트: 인터넷에 연결할 수 없습니다"
t MSG_245 "업데이트: 버전 테이터에 액세스할 수 없습니다."
t MSG_246 "새 버전을 사용할 수 있습니다!"
t MSG_247 "새 버전이 없습니다."
t MSG_248 "프로그램의 레지스트리 키를 성공적으로 삭제"
t MSG_249 "프로그램의 레지스트리 키를 삭제하는 데 실패"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s 가능"
t MSG_251 "%s 비활성화"
t MSG_252 "크기 확인"
t MSG_253 "고정 디스크 감지"
t MSG_254 "Large FAT32를 강제로 포맷"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutoRun은 종료시 삭제됩니다."
t MSG_256 "드라이브를 가장한 드라이브 감지"
t MSG_257 "Joliet support"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge 지원"
t MSG_259 "강제 업데이트"
l "lt-LT" "Lithuanian (Lietuvių)" 0x0427
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
s IDD_DIALOG +12,0
m IDC_LANG +12,0
s IDC_DEVICE +12,0
s IDC_LABEL +16,0
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Įrenginys"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Skaidinių schema ir paskirties sistemos tipas"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Failų sistema"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Klasterio dydis"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Nauja tomo žymė"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Formatavimo parinktys "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Tikrinti įrenginį dėl blogų blokų:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Greitas formatavimas"
t IDC_BOOT "Kurti įkelties diską naudojant:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Kurti išplėstinės žymės ir piktogramos failus"
s IDC_ABOUT -15,0
t IDC_ABOUT "Apie..."
m IDC_LOG -15,0
s IDC_LOG 30,0
t IDC_LOG "Dienynas"
t IDCANCEL "Uždaryti"
m IDCANCEL +12,0
t IDC_START "Pradėti"
m IDC_START +12,0
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Išsamios parinktys"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Rodyti USB kietuosius diskus"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Pataisos seniems BIOS (papildomas skaidinys, ir kt.)"
# 'MBR': See bhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
# Rufus can install it's own custom MBR (the Rufus MBR), which also allows users
# to specify a custom disk ID for the BIOS. Note: the tooltip for this control is MSG_167.
m IDC_DISK_ID +10,0
s IDC_DISK_ID -10,0
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Naudoti Rufus MBR su BIOS ID:"
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Apie Rufus"
t IDOK "Gerai"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus licencija"
t IDCANCEL "Uždaryti"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Daugiau informacijos"
t IDYES "Taip"
t IDNO "Ne"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Dienynas"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Valyti"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Išsaugoti"
t IDCANCEL "Uždaryti"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Naujinių politika ir nuostatos"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Tikrinti, ar yra naujinių:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Įtraukti beta versijas:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Tikrinti dabar"
t IDCANCEL "Uždaryti"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Tikrinti, ar yra naujinių - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Yra naujesnė versija. Prašau atsisiųsti naujausią versiją!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Spausk čia, kad patektum į Rufus svetainę"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Leidimo pastabos"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Siųstis"
t IDCANCEL "Uždaryti"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Kopijuojami ISO failai..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Atidaromas ISO atvaizdas - palaukite..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Atšaukti"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Aptiktas kitas programos atvejis"
t MSG_002 "Vykdoma kita Rufus programa.\n"
"Prašau uždaryti pirmą programą prieš vykdant kitą."
"Norėdami tęsti šį veiksmą, spauskite Gerai. Išeiti - spauskite Atšaukti."
t MSG_004 "Rufus naujinių politika"
t MSG_005 "Ar norite leisti Rufus tikrinti programos naujinius internete?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Uždaryti"
t MSG_007 "Atšaukti"
t MSG_008 "Taip"
t MSG_009 "Ne"
t MSG_010 "Rasta blogų blokų"
t MSG_011 "Tikrinimas baigtas: rasta %u blogų blokų\n"
" %d skaitymo klaidų\n %d rašymo klaidų\n %d iškraipymo klaidų\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nIšsamesnę ataskaitą rasite:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Išjungta"
t MSG_014 "Kasdien"
t MSG_015 "Kas savaitę"
t MSG_016 "Kas mėnesį"
t MSG_017 "Pasirinktinai"
t MSG_018 "Jūsų versija: %d.%d.%d (sąranka %d)"
t MSG_019 "Naujausia versija: %d.%d.%d (sąranka %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "baitai"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "baitai" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobaitai"
t MSG_028 "megabaitai"
t MSG_029 "Numatytas"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (numatytas)"
t MSG_031 "%s skaidinių schema BIOS kompiuteriui"
t MSG_032 "%s skaidinių schema UEFI kompiuteriui"
t MSG_033 "%s skaidinių schema BIOS ar UEFI kompiuteriui"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d bandymas"
t MSG_035 "%d bandymai"
t MSG_036 "ISO atvaizdas"
t MSG_037 "Programa"
t MSG_038 "Nutraukti"
t MSG_039 "Vykdyti"
t MSG_040 "Atsiųsti"
t MSG_041 "Veiksmas atšauktas naudotojo"
t MSG_042 "Klaida"
t MSG_043 "Klaida: %s"
t MSG_044 "Failo atsisiuntimas"
t MSG_045 "USB saugyklos įrenginys (bendrinis)"
t MSG_046 "%s (diskas %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - išvalomi buferiai"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - atšaukimas"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Sėkmingai."
t MSG_051 "Nenustatyta klaida formatuojant."
t MSG_052 "Negalima naudoti parinktos failų sistemos šiai laikmenai."
t MSG_053 "Prieiga prie šio įrenginio uždrausta."
t MSG_054 "Laikmena apsaugota nuo įrašymo."
t MSG_055 "Įrenginį naudoja kitas procesas. "
"Prašau uždaryti kitus procesus, kurie gali kreiptis į įrenginį."
t MSG_056 "Greitas formatavimas negalimas šiam įrenginiui."
t MSG_057 "Tomo žymė negaliojanti."
t MSG_058 "Įrenginio klasės vardas negaliojantis."
t MSG_059 "Pasirinktas klasterio dydis negalioja šiam įrenginiui."
t MSG_060 "Tomo dydis negaliojantis."
t MSG_061 "Įterpkite keičiamą laikmeną į įrenginį."
t MSG_062 "Gauta nepalaikoma komanda."
t MSG_063 "Atminties paskirstymo klaida."
t MSG_064 "Skaitymo klaida."
t MSG_065 "Rašymo klaida."
t MSG_066 "Įdiegimo triktis"
t MSG_067 "Nepavyko atverti laikmenos. Ji gali būti naudojama kito proceso. "
"Prašau įterpti laikmeną iš naujo ir bandykite vėl."
t MSG_068 "Klaida skaidant diską."
t MSG_069 "Nepavyko nukopijuoti failų į paskirties diską."
t MSG_070 "Atšaukta naudotojo."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "Negalima pradėti gijos."
t MSG_072 "Blogų blokų tikrinimas nebuvo baigtas."
t MSG_073 "ISO atvaizdo peržiūros triktis."
t MSG_074 "ISO atvaizdo išskleidimo triktis."
t MSG_075 "Negalima prijungti tomo."
t MSG_076 "Negalima papildyti/paruošti failų įkelčiai."
t MSG_077 "Negalima priskirti disko raidės."
t MSG_078 "Negalima prijungti GUID tomo."
t MSG_080 "Rufus aptiko, kad Windows vis dar išvalo savo vidinius buferius į USB įrenginį.\n\n"
"Priklausomai nuo jūsų USB įrenginio spartos, šis veiksmas gali užtrukti ilgai, "
"ypač su dideliais failais.\n\nMes patariame jums leisti Windows pabaigti, kad išvengtumėte iškraipymų. "
"Bet jei jums nusibos laukti, galite tiesiog ištraukti įrenginį..."
t MSG_081 "Nepalaikomas ISO"
t MSG_082 "Ši Rufus versija palaiko tik įkelties ISO, naudojančius bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux ar EFI.\n"
"Šis ISO, atrodo, nenaudoja nė vieno..."
t MSG_083 "Pakeisti %s?"
t MSG_084 "Atrodo, šis ISO atvaizdas naudoja pasenusią '%s' versiją.\n"
"Įkelties meniu dėl to gali būti vaizduojamas blogai.\n\n"
"Galima atsisiųsti naujesnę Rufus versiją išspręsti problemai:\n"
"- Pasirinkite 'Taip' norėdami prisijungti prie interneto ir atsisiųsti failą\n"
"- Pasirinkite 'Ne' norėdami palikti esamą ISO failą nepakeistą\n"
"Jei nežinote ką daryti, reikėtų pasirinkti 'Taip'.\n\n"
"Pastaba: naujas failas bus atsiųstas į dabartinį katalogą ir jei "
"'%s' ten jau yra, jis bus panaudotas iš naujo automatiškai."
t MSG_085 "Siunčiu %s"
t MSG_086 "Neparinktas ISO atvaizdas"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Prašau spausti disko mygtuką norėdami pasirinkti įkelties ISO, "
"arba nežymėkite \"Kurti įkelties diską...\" langelio."
t MSG_088 "ISO per didelis"
t MSG_089 "Šis ISO atvaizdas yra per didelis pasirinktai paskirčiai."
t MSG_090 "Nepalaikomas ISO"
t MSG_091 "Naudojant UEFI paskirties tipą, tiktai EFI įkelties ISO atvaizdai yra palaikomi. "
"Prašau pasirinkti EFI įkelties ISO arba pakeisti paskirties tipą į BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Nepalaikoma failų sistema"
t MSG_093 "Naudojant UEFI paskirties tipą, tiktai FAT/FAT32 yra palaikomi. "
"Prašau pasirinkti FAT/FAT32 failų sistemą arba pakeisti paskirties tipą į BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Ne UEFI suderinamas ISO"
t MSG_095 "Šiame ISO atvaizde yra failas, didesnis negu 4 GB, todėl jis negali būti naudojamas kurti EFI įkelties USB.\n"
"Tai yra UEFI/FAT32 apribojimas, ne Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Tik FAT/FAT32 yra palaikoma šiam ISO tipui. Prašau pasirinkti FAT/FAT32 failų sistemą."
t MSG_097 "Tik 'bootmgr' ar 'WinPE' pagrindo ISO atvaizdai šiuo metu gali būti naudojami su NTFS."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 gali būti naudojama tik isolinux pagrindo ISO atvaizdams arba kai paskirties tipas yra UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Failų sistemos apribojimas"
t MSG_100 "Šiame ISO atvaizde yra failas, didesnis negu 4 GB, tai daugiau negu "
"maksimalus leistinas dydis FAT arba FAT32 failų sistemai."
t MSG_101 "Trūksta WIM palaikymo"
t MSG_102 "Jūsų platforma negali išskleisti failų iš WIM archyvų. WIM išskleidimas "
"būtinas norint sukurti EFI įkeliamus Windows 7 ir Windows Vista USB diskus. Jūs galite tai sutvarkyti "
"įdiegdami dabartinę 7-Zip versiją.\nAr norite apsilankyti 7-zip atsisiuntimo puslapyje?"
t MSG_103 "Atsiųsti %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 ar vėlesniam reikia, kad '%s' failas būtų įdiegtas.\n"
"Kadangi šis failas didesnis nei 100 KB ir yra visada įtrauktas į Syslinux v5+ ISO atvaizdus, "
"jis nėra įjungtas į Rufus.\n\nRufus gali jums atsiųsti trūkstamą failą:\n"
"- Pasirinkite 'Taip' norėdami prisijungti prie interneto ir atsisiųsti failą\n"
"- Pasirinkite 'Ne' norėdami rankiniu būdu nukopijuoti šį failą į diską vėliau\n\n"
"Pastaba: Failas bus atsiųstas į dabartinį katalogą ir kai "
"'%s' bus ten, jis bus pakartotinai naudojamas automatiškai.\n"
t MSG_105 "Atšaukus dabar, įrenginys gali likti NEPRIEINAMOJE būsenoje.\n"
"Jei tikrai norite atšaukti, spauskite TAIP. Kitu atveju, spauskite NE."
t MSG_106 "Pasirinkite katalogą"
t MSG_107 "Visi failai"
t MSG_108 "Rufus dienynas"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Diskas %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS negali įsikelti iš disko naudojant 64 kilobaitų Klasterio dydį.\n"
"Prašau pakeiskite Klasterio dydį arba naudokite FreeDOS."
t MSG_111 "Nesuderinamas Klasterio dydis"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "Didelių UDF tomų formatavimas gali užimti daug laiko. USB 2.0 greičiu numatoma formatavimo "
"trukmė yra %d:%02d, tuo metu eigos juosta gali atrodyti sustingusi. Prašau kantrybės!"
t MSG_113 "Didelis UDF tomas"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Paprastai saugiausias pasirinkimas. Bet jei turite UEFI kompiuterį ir norite įdiegti "
"operacinę sistemą EFI režimu, turėtumėte pasirinkit vieną iš kitų parinkčių"
t MSG_151 "Naudokite šią parinktį, jei norite įdiegti operacinę sistemą EFI režimu, "
"bet norėsite pasiekti USB turinį iš Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "Rekomenduojama parinktis įdiegiant operacinę sistemą EFI režimu ir kai "
"USB prieiga nebūtina iš Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Testo šablonas: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Testo šablonas: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Testo šablonas: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Testo šablonas: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Nustato paskirties failų sistemą"
t MSG_158 "Mažiausias dydis, kurį duomenų blokas užims failų sistemoje"
t MSG_159 "Šiame laukelyje įrašykite disko žymę\nGalite naudoti tarptautinius simbolius"
t MSG_160 "Įjungti išsamias parinktis"
t MSG_161 "Tikrinti įrenginį dėl blogų blokų naudojant testo šabloną"
t MSG_162 "Nuimkite šio langelio žymę norėdami naudoti \"lėtą\" formatavimo būdą"
t MSG_163 "Pažymėkite šį langelį norėdami padaryti USB diską įkeliamą"
t MSG_164 "Būdas, kuris bus naudojamas padaryti diską įkeliamą"
t MSG_165 "Spauskite, kad pasirinktumėte ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Pažymėkite šį langelį, norėdami įgalinti tarptautinių žymių rodymą "
"ir įrenginio piktogramos nustatymą (sukuria autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Įdiegia MBR, kuris įgalina įkelties pasirinkimą ir gali maskuoti BIOS USB disko ID"
t MSG_168 "Bandyti maskuoti pirmą įkeliamą USB diską (paprastai 0x80) kaip kitą diską.\n"
"To turėtų prireikti tik jei diegsite Windows XP ir bus daugiau nei vienas diskas"
t MSG_169 "Sukurti papildomą slaptą skaidinį ir bandyti sulygiuoti skaidinių ribas.\n"
"Tai gali pagerinti įkelties aptikimą su senais BIOSais"
t MSG_170 "Įgalinti išorinių USB kietųjų diskų pateiktį. NAUDOTI SAVO RIZIKA!!!"
t MSG_171 "Pradėti formatavimo veiksmą.\nTai SUNAIKINS visus duomenis paskirtyje!"
t MSG_172 "Licencijavimo informacija ir kreditai"
t MSG_173 "Spauskite pasirinkti..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - patikima USB formatavimo priemonė"
t MSG_175 "Versija %d.%d.%d (sąranka %d)"
t MSG_176 "Lietuviškas vertimas: Gintaras Venslovas (gintaras.venslovas@gmail.com)"
t MSG_177 "Dėl pastebėtų klaidų ar pageidaujamų patobulinimų kreipkitės:"
t MSG_178 "Kitos autorių teisės:"
t MSG_179 "Naujinių politika:"
t MSG_180 "Jei leisite šiai programai tikrinti, ar yra naujinių, "
"jūs sutinkate, kad mūsų serveriuose gali būti renkama ši informacija"
t MSG_181 "Jūsų operacinės sistemos architektūra ir versija"
t MSG_182 "Programos, kurią naudojate, versija"
t MSG_183 "Jūsų IP adresas"
t MSG_184 "Asmeninio naudojimo statistikos generavimo tikslu mes galime saugoti surinktą informaciją "
"\\b ne daugiau kaip metus\\b0 . Tačiau mes savo valia neatskleisime nieko iš šios informacijos trečiosioms šalims."
t MSG_185 "Atnaujinimo procesas:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus neįdiegia ir nevykdo foninių tarnybų, todėl naujinių tikrinimai yra atliekami tik vykdant pagrindinę programą.\\line\n"
"Interneto prieiga, be abejo, yra reikalinga naujinių tikrinimui."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Atšaukiama - prašome palaukti..."
t MSG_202 "Peržiūrimas ISO atvaizdas..."
t MSG_203 "Nepavyko peržiūrėti ISO atvaizdo"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Aptiktas pasenęs %s"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Naudojamas ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Trūksta %s failo"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "Naujas tomas"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d įrenginys rastas"
t MSG_209 "%d įrenginiai rasti"
t MSG_210 "ATLIKTA."
t MSG_211 "Atšaukta."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "Paleidžiama nauja programa..."
t MSG_214 "Nepavyko paleisti naujos programos"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Atidarytas %s"
t MSG_216 "Išsaugotas %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formatuojama: %0.1f%% baigta"
t MSG_218 "Kuriama failų sistema: Užduotis %d/%d atlikta"
t MSG_219 "NTFS tvarkymas: %d%% baigta"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Formatuojama (%s) - numatoma trukmė %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Rašoma žymė (gali užtrukti)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatuojama (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS tvarkymas (disko tikrinimas)..."
t MSG_224 "Išvalomos MBR/PBR/GPT struktūros..."
t MSG_225 "Užsakoma disko prieiga..."
t MSG_226 "Tiriami esami įkelties įrašai..."
t MSG_227 "Uždaromas esamas tomas..."
t MSG_228 "Rašomas valdantysis įkelties įrašas (MBR)..."
t MSG_229 "Rašomas skaidinio įkelties įrašas..."
t MSG_230 "Kopijuojami DOS failai..."
t MSG_231 "Kopijuojami ISO failai..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI įkelties sąranka (gali užtrukti)..."
t MSG_233 "Baigiama, prašome palaukti..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Įdiegiama Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Blogi blokai: BANDYMAS %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d klaidos)"
t MSG_236 "Blogi blokai: tikrinama su atsitiktiniu šablonu"
t MSG_237 "Blogi blokai: tikrinama su šablonu 0x%02X"
# eg. "Skaidoma (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Skaidoma (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Trinami skaidiniai..."
t MSG_240 "Atsiunčiamas %s: Jungiamasi..."
t MSG_241 "Atsiunčiama: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Nepavyko atsiųsti failo."
t MSG_243 "Tikrinama, ar yra Rufus naujinių..."
t MSG_244 "Naujiniai: negaliu prisijungti prie interneto"
t MSG_245 "Naujiniai: negaliu pasiekti versijos duomenų"
t MSG_246 "Yra nauja Rufus versija!"
t MSG_247 "Naujos Rufus versijos nerasta"
t MSG_248 "Programos registro raktai sėkmingai ištrinti"
t MSG_249 "Nepavyko ištrinti programos registro raktų"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s įjungtas"
t MSG_251 "%s išjungtas"
t MSG_252 "Dydžio tikrinimas"
t MSG_253 "Fiksuotųjų diskų aptikimas"
t MSG_254 "Priversti didelį FAT32 formatavimą"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun bus ištrintas išeinant"
t MSG_256 "Netikrų diskų aptikimas"
t MSG_257 "Joliet palaikymas"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge palaikymas"
t MSG_259 "Priversti naujintis"
l "pl-PL" "Polish (Polski)" 0x0415
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# my internal info: 01.12.2013,21:03 (finito); DONE: szerokości głównego
# Main dialog
s IDD_DIALOG +50,0
m IDC_LANG +48,0
s IDC_DEVICE +48,0
s IDC_LABEL +54,0
s IDC_BOOT +42,0
m IDC_DISK_ID +50,0
s IDC_ABOUT +10,0
m IDC_LOG +10,0
m IDC_START +48,0
m IDCANCEL +48,0
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Urządzenie"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Schemat partycjonowania i typ systemu docelowego"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "System plików"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Rozmiar jednostki alokacji"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Nowa nazwa woluminu"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Opcje Formatowania "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Szukaj błędnych sektorów na urządzeniu:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Szybkie formatowanie"
t IDC_BOOT "Utwórz bootowalny dysk używając:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Utwórz rozszerzoną nazwę i pliki ikon"
t IDC_ABOUT "O programie..."
t IDC_LOG "Log"
t IDCANCEL "Zamknij"
t IDC_START "Start"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Zaawansowane Opcje"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Dodaj łatkę dla starych BIOSów (dodatkowa partycja, itp.)"
# 'MBR': See bhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
# Rufus can install it's own custom MBR (the Rufus MBR), which also allows users
# to specify a custom disk ID for the BIOS. Note: the tooltip for this control is MSG_167.
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Użyj MBR Rufusa z ID BIOSu:"
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "O Rufusie"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Aktualizacje"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Licencja Rufusa"
t IDCANCEL "Zamknij"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Więcej informacji"
t IDYES "Tak"
t IDNO "Nie"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Log"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Wyczyść Log"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Zapisz Log"
t IDCANCEL "Zamknij Log"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Polityka aktualizacji i ustawienia"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Szukaj aktualizacji:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Dołącz wersje beta:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Sprawdź Teraz"
t IDCANCEL "Zamknij"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Szukaj aktualizacji - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Jest dostępna nowsza wersja. Proszę pobrać najnowszą wersję!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Kliknij tutaj aby przejść na stronę www"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Informacje o Wydaniu"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Pobierz"
t IDCANCEL "Zamknij"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Kopiowanie plików ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Otwieranie obrazu ISO - proszę czekać..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Anuluj"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Wykryto inną instancję"
t MSG_002 "Inna aplikacja Rufus jest uruchomiona.\n"
"Proszę zamknąć pierwszą aplikację przed otwarciem innej."
"Aby kontynuować tą operację naciśnij OK. Aby wyjść naciśnij ANULUJ."
t MSG_004 "Polityka aktualizacji Rufusa"
t MSG_005 "Czy chcesz zezwolić Rufusowi na sprawdzanie aktualizacji online?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Zamknij"
t MSG_007 "Anuluj"
t MSG_008 "Tak"
t MSG_009 "Nie"
t MSG_010 "Znaleziono uskodzone sektory"
t MSG_011 "Sprawdzanie zakończone: znaleziono %u uskodzone sektory(ów)\n"
" %d błędów odczytu\n %d błędów zapisu\n %d błędy(ów) uszkodzeń\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nRaport szczegółowy jest dostępny w:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Wyłączone"
t MSG_014 "Dziennie"
t MSG_015 "Tygodniowo"
t MSG_016 "Miesięcznie"
t MSG_017 "Własne"
t MSG_018 "Twoja wersja: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Najnowsza wersja: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bajtów"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bajtów" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobajtów"
t MSG_028 "megabajtów"
t MSG_029 "Domyślne"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Domyślne)"
t MSG_031 "Schemat partycjonowania %s dla komputerów z BIOS"
t MSG_032 "Schemat partycjonowania %s dla komputerów z UEFI"
t MSG_033 "Schemat partycjonowania %s dla komputerów z BIOS lub UEFI"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Przebieg"
t MSG_035 "%d Przebiegi"
t MSG_036 "Obraz ISO"
t MSG_037 "Aplikacja"
t MSG_038 "Przerwij"
t MSG_039 "Uruchom"
t MSG_040 "Pobierz"
t MSG_041 "Operacja anulowana przez użytkownika"
t MSG_042 "Błąd"
t MSG_043 "Błąd: %s"
t MSG_044 "Pobieranie pliku"
t MSG_045 "Urządzenie pamięci masowej USB (Ogólny)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Dysk %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Czyszczenie buforów"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Anulowanie"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Sukces."
t MSG_051 "Niezidentyfikowany bląd podczas formatowania."
t MSG_052 "Nie można użyć wybranego systemu plików dla tego nośnika."
t MSG_053 "Dostęp do urządzenia jest zabroniony."
t MSG_054 "Zapis nośnika jest chroniony."
t MSG_055 "Urządzenie jest używane przez inny proces. "
"Proszę zamknąć inne procesy które mogą mieć dostęp do tego urządzenia."
t MSG_056 "Szybkie formatowanie jest niedostępne dla tego urządzenia."
t MSG_057 "Nazwa woluminu jest nieprawidłowa."
t MSG_058 "The device handle is invalid."
t MSG_059 "Wybrany rozmiar jednostki alokacji jest nieprawidowy dla tego urządzenia."
t MSG_060 "Rozmiar woluminu jest nieprawidłowy."
t MSG_061 "Proszę włożyć dysk wymienny do napędu."
t MSG_062 "Otrzymano niewspieraną komendę."
t MSG_063 "Błąd alokacji pamięci."
t MSG_064 "Błąd odczytu."
t MSG_065 "Błąd zapisu."
t MSG_066 "Niepowodzenie instalacji"
t MSG_067 "Nie można otworzyć nośnika. Może być używany przez inny proces. "
"Proszę podłączyć ponownie nośnik i spróbować ponownie."
t MSG_068 "Błąd podczas partycjonowania urządzenia."
t MSG_069 "Nie można skopiować plików na dysk docelowy."
t MSG_070 "Anulowane przez użytkwonika."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "Nie można rozpocząć wątku."
t MSG_072 "Nie ukończono sprawdzania błędnych sektorów."
t MSG_073 "Niepowodzenie skanowania pliku ISO."
t MSG_074 "Niepowodzenie wypakowywania pliku ISO."
t MSG_075 ""Nie można ponownie zamontować woluminu."
t MSG_076 ""Nie można załatać/skonfigurować plików do bootowania."
t MSG_077 "Nie można przypisać litery dysku."
t MSG_078 "Nie można zamontować woluminu GUID."
t MSG_080 "Rufus wykrył że Windows ciągle opróźnia swoje is bufory na urządzenie USB .\n\n"
"Zależnie od prędkości twojego urządzenia USB, ta operacja może zająć dużo czasu, "
"zwłaszcza dla dużych plików.\n\nZalecamy abyś pozwolił Windowsowui skończyć aby uniknąć uszkodzeń. "
"Ale jeśli jesteś już zmęczony czekaniem możesz po prostu odłączyć urządzenie..."
t MSG_081 "Niewspierane ISO"
t MSG_082 "Ta wersja Rufusa wspera tylko bootowalne ISO oparte na bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux lub EFI.\n"
"To ISO nie wydaje się używać któregoś z nich..."
t MSG_083 "Zastąpić %s?"
t MSG_084 "Ten plik ISO wydaje się być przestarzałą wersją '%s'.\n"
"Z tego powodu menu bootowania może nie wyświetlać się poprawnie.\n\n"
"Nowsza wersja może być pobrana przez Rufusz aby naprawić ten błąd:\n"
"- Wybierz 'Tak' aby połączyć się z internetem i pobrać plik\n"
"- Wybierz 'Nie' aby zostawić istniejący plik ISO niezmieniony\n"
"Jeśli nie wiesz co zrobić, powinieneś wybrać 'Tak'.\n\n"
"Informacja: Nowy plik będzie pobrany do aktualnej lokalizacji i gdy "
"'%s' jest tutaj, zostanie użyte automatycznie."
t MSG_085 "Pobieranie %s"
t MSG_086 "Nie wybrano pliku ISO"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Proszę kliknąć na przycisku dysku aby wybrać bootowalne ISO, "
"lub odznaczyć pole \"Uwórz bootowalny dysk...\"."
t MSG_088 "ISO jest zbyt duże"
t MSG_089 "Ten obraz ISO jest zbyt duży dla wybranego celu."
t MSG_090 "Niewspierane ISO"
t MSG_091 "Podczas używania Systemu Typu UEFI, tylko bootowalne obrazy ISO EFI są wspierane. "
"Proszę wybrać bootowalny obraz ISO EFI lub ustawić System Docelowy na BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Niewspierany system plików"
t MSG_093 "Podczas używania Systemu Docelowego UEFI, tylko FAT/FAT32 jest wspierane. "
"Proszę wybrać FAT/FAT32 jako System plików lub ustaw System Docelowy na BIOS."
t MSG_094 "ISO niekompatybilne z UEFI"
t MSG_095 "Ten obraz ISO zawiera pliki większe od 4 GB i nie może sostać użyte do stworzenia bootowalnego EFI USB.\n"
"To jest ograniczenie UEFI/FAT32, nie Rufusa."
t MSG_096 "Tylko FAT/FAT32 jest wpierane dla tego typu ISO. Proszę wybrać FAT/FAT32 jako System plików."
t MSG_097 "Obecnie tylko obrazy ISO oparte na 'bootmgr' lub 'WinPE' mogą być użyte z NTFS."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 może zostać użyte tylko dla obrazów ISO opartych na isolinux lub gdy System Docelowy to UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Ograniczenia systemu plików"
t MSG_100 "Ten obraz ISO zawiera plik większy niż 4GB, który jest większy niż "
"maksymalny dozwolony rozmiar dla systemu plików FAT lub FAT32."
t MSG_101 "Brakujące wsparcie WIM"
t MSG_102 "Twoja platforma nie może wypakować plików z archiwów WIM. Wypakowanie WIM "
"jest wymagane aby utworzyć bootowalny dysk USB EFI z Windows 7 i Windows Vista. Możesz to naprawić "
"instalując aktualną wersję 7-Zip.\nCzy chcesz odwiedzić stronę pobierania 7-zip?"
t MSG_103 "Pobrać %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 lub późniejszy wymaga zainstalowania pliku '%s' .\n"
"Ponieważ ten plik jest większy niż 100 KB i zawsze jest obecny na obrazach ISO Syslinux v5+, "
"nie jest dołączony do Rufusa.\n\nRufus może pobrać brakujący plik dla ciebie:\n"
"- Wybierz 'Yes' aby połączyć sie z internetem i pobrać plik\n"
"- Wybierz 'No' jeśli chcesz ręcznie skopiować ten plik na dysk później\n\n"
"Informacja: Plik zostanie pobrany do obecnego folderu i gdy "
"'%s' istnieje tutaj, zostanie ponownie użyty automatycznie.\n"
t MSG_105 "Anulowanie może zostawić urządzenie w NIESTABLINYM stanie.\n"
"Jeśli jesteś pewny że chcesz anulować, naciśnij TAK. W innym razie naciśnij NIE."
t MSG_106 "Proszę wybrać folder"
t MSG_107 "Wszystkie pliki"
t MSG_108 "Rufus log"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Dysk %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS nie może być uruchomiony z dysku korzystającego z 64 kilobajtowego Rozmiaru jednostki alokacji.\n"
"Proszę zmienić Rozmiar jednostki alokacji lub użyć FreeDOSa."
t MSG_111 "Niekompatybilny Rozmiar jednostki alokacji"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "Formatowanie dużych woluminów UDF może zająć dużo czasu. Przy prędkości USB 2.0 , szacunkowy czas "
"formatowania wynosi %d:%02d, podczas którego pasek postępu będzie wysawał się być zamrożony. Proszę być cierpliwym!"
t MSG_113 "Duży wolumin UDF"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Zazwyczaj najbezpieczniejszy wybór. Jeśli jednak masz komputer UEFI i chcesz zainstalować "
"OS w trybie EFI , powinieneś wybrać jedną z innych opcji"
t MSG_151 "Użyj tego jeśli chcesz zainstalować OS w trybie EFI, ale chcesz mieć dostęp"
"do zawarości USB z Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "Preferowana opcja aby zainstalować OS w trybie EFI i kiedy "
"dostęp do USB nie jest wymagany dla Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Wzorzec testowy: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Wzorzec testowy: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Wzorzec testowy: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Wzorzec testowy: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Ustawia docelowy system plików"
t MSG_158 "Minimalny rozmiar jaki blok będzie zajmował w systemie plików"
t MSG_159 "Użyj tego pola aby ustawić etykietę dysku\nZnaki międzynarodowe są dozwolone"
t MSG_160 "Przełącz opcje zaawansowane"
t MSG_161 "Sprawdź urządzenie pod kątem błędnych sektorów używając wzoru testoego"
t MSG_162 "Odznacz to pole aby użyć \"wolnej\" metody formatowania"
t MSG_163 "Zaznacz to pole aby stworzyć dysk bootowalny"
t MSG_164 "Metoda która zostanie użyta aby uczynić dysk bootowalnym"
t MSG_165 "Kliknij aby wybrać ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Zaznacz to pole aby zezwolić na wyświetlanie etykiet międzynarodowych "
"i ustawić ikonę urządzenia (tworzy plik autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Instaluje MBR, który pozwala wybrać uruchamianie i może zmienić ID dysku USB w BIOSie"
t MSG_168 "Próbuje zmienić pierwszy bootowalny dysk USB (zazwyczaj 0x80) jako inny dysk.\n"
"Będzie to konieczne tylko przy instalowaniu Windowsa XP i posiadaniu więcej niż jednego dysku"
t MSG_169 "Tworzy dodatkową, ukrytą partycję i próbuje wyrównać granice partycji.\n"
"To może poprawić wykrywanie uruchamiania dla starszych BIOSów"
t MSG_170 "Włącza listowanie Dysków Twardrdych USB"
t MSG_171 "Uruchamia operację formatowania.\nTo ZNISZCZY wszystkie dane na urządzeniu docelowym!"
t MSG_172 "Informacje o licencji i creditsy"
t MSG_173 "Kliknij aby wybrać..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility"
t MSG_175 "Wersja %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Polski tłumacz: Piotr Halama <mailto:halamix2@o2.pl>"
t MSG_177 "Zgłaszaj błędy lub ulepszenia na:"
t MSG_178 "Dodatkowe Prawa Autorskie:"
t MSG_179 "Polityka Aktualizacji:"
t MSG_180 "Jeśli pozwolisz temu programowi szukać aktualizacji aplikacji, "
"Zgadzasz się na to, że następujące informacje mogą być zbierane na naszy, serwerze (serwerach):"
t MSG_181 "Architektura i wersja twojego systemy operacyjnego"
t MSG_182 "Wersja aplikacji z której korzystasz"
t MSG_183 "Twój adres IP"
t MSG_184 "W celu generowania poufnych statystyk używania , możemy trzymać zebrane informacje, "
"\\b Przez najwyżej rok\\b0 . Jednak nie będziemy udostępniać żadnych z indywidualnych danych do osób trzecich."
t MSG_185 "Proces Aktualizacji:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus nie instaluje lub uruchamia procesów w tle, dlatego aktualizacje są sprawdzane tylko kiedy jest uruchomione główne okno aplikacji.\\line\n"
"Dostęp do internetu jest oczywiście wymagany podczas sprawdzania aktualizacji."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Anulowanie - Proszę czekać..."
t MSG_202 "Skanowanie obrazu ISO..."
t MSG_203 "Niepowodzenie skanowania obrazu ISO"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "wykryto przestarzałe %s"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Używane ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Brak pliku %s"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "Nowy"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "znaleziono %d urządzenie"
t MSG_209 "znaleziono %d urządzenia"
t MSG_210 "Gotowe."
t MSG_211 "Anulowano."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and lauched
t MSG_213 "Uruchamianie nowej aplikacji..."
t MSG_214 "Niepowodzenie uruchomienia nowej aplikacji"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Otwarto %s"
t MSG_216 "Zapisano %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formatowanie: ukończono %0.1f%%"
t MSG_218 "Tworzenie systemu plików: Ukończono zadanie %d/%d"
t MSG_219 "Naprawianie NTFS: ukończono %d%%"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatowanie (UDF) - Przewidywany czas 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Formatowanie (%s) - przewidywany czas %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Ustawianie Etykiety (To może chwilę potrwać)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatowanie (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "Naprawianie NTFS (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "czyszczenie struktur MBR/PBR/GPT..."
t MSG_225 "Żądanie dostępu do dysku..."
t MSG_226 "Analizowanie istniejących boot sektorów..."
t MSG_227 "Zamykanie istniejącego woluminu..."
t MSG_228 "Zapisywanie master boot record..."
t MSG_229 "Zapisywanie partition boot record..."
t MSG_230 "Kopiowanie plików DOS..."
t MSG_231 "Kopiowanie plików ISO..."
t MSG_232 "Ustawianie bootowania Win7 EFI (to może chwilę potrwać)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalizacja, proszę czekać..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as paramete. eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Instalowanie Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Błędne Sektory: UKOŃCZONO %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d błędów)"
t MSG_236 "Błędne Sektory: Testowanie z losowym wzorem"
t MSG_237 "Błędne Sektory: Testowanie z wzorem 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Partycjonowanie (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Usuwanie partycji..."
t MSG_240 "Pobieranie %s: Łączenie..."
t MSG_241 "Pobieranie: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Niepowodzenie pobierania pliku."
t MSG_243 "Sprawdzanie aktualizacji Rufusa..."
t MSG_244 "Aktualizacje: Nie można połączyć z internetem"
t MSG_245 "Aktualizacje: Nie można sprawdzić danych wersji"
t MSG_246 "Jest dostępna nowa wersja Rufusa!"
t MSG_247 "Nie znaleziono nowszej wersji Rufusa"
t MSG_248 "Pomyślnie usunięto klucze rejestru aplikacji"
t MSG_249 "Niepowodzenie usuwania kluczy rejestru aplikacji"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "włączono %s"
t MSG_251 "wyłączono %s "
t MSG_252 "Sprawdzanie rozmiaru"
t MSG_253 "Naprawioną detekcję dysków"
t MSG_254 "Siłowe formatowanie dużych FAT32"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun zostanie usunięte przy wyjściu"
t MSG_256 "Fałszywe wykrywanie dysku"
t MSG_257 "Wsparcie Joliet"
t MSG_258 "Wsparcie Rock Ridge"
t MSG_259 "Siłowa aktualizacja"
l "ro-RO" "Romanian (Română)" 0x0418, 0x0818
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Dispozitiv"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Sistemul de partiţie şi tipul de sistem ţintă"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Sistemul de fişiere"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Dimensiune cluster"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Eticheta de volum nou"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Opţiuni de formatare "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Testarea blocurilor defecte:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Formatare rapidă"
t IDC_BOOT "Creaţi disc USB bootabil cu:"
s IDC_BOOT -10,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "Creaţi etichete extinse şi pictograme"
t IDC_ABOUT "Despre..."
s IDC_ABOUT -16,0
t IDC_LOG "Registru"
s IDC_LOG +26,0
m IDC_LOG -18,0
t IDCANCEL "Închide"
t IDC_START "Începe"
s IDC_START -2,0
m IDC_START +6,0
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Opţiuni avansate"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Adaugă remedieri pentru BIOS-ul vechi"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Utilizaţi MBR Rufus cu BIOS-ul:"
m IDC_DISK_ID +5,0
s IDC_DISK_ID -2,0
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Despre Rufus"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Actualizări"
t IDD_LICENSE "Licenţa Rufus"
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Mai multe informaţii"
t IDYES "Da"
t IDNO "Nu"
t IDD_LOG "Registru"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Şterge registru"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Salvează registru"
s IDC_LOG_SAVE +20,0
m IDC_LOG_SAVE -20,0
t IDCANCEL "Închide"
s IDC_POLICY +30,0
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Setări şi actualizări de politică"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Verificare actualizări:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Include versiuni beta:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Verifică acum"
t IDCANCEL "Închide"
m IDCANCEL +28,0
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Rufus - Verificare actualizări"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Este o nouă versiune. Descărcaţi cea mai recentă versiune!"
t IDC_WEBSITE " Click aici pentru a vizita site-ul web"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Informaţii versiune"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Descărcare"
t IDCANCEL "Închide"
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Copiere fişiere ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Deschiderea fişier imagine ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Anulează"
t MSG_001 "Un alt exemplu detectat Rufus"
t MSG_002 "Rulează o altă aplicaţie Rufus. \ N"
"Închideţi prima aplicaţie înainte de a efectua a doua."
"Pentru a continua cu această operaţie, faceţi clic pe OK. Clic pe Anulează pentru a renunţa."
t MSG_004 "Politica de actualizare Rufus"
t MSG_005 "Permiteţi ca Rufus să verifice actualizările online?"
t MSG_006 "Închide"
t MSG_007 "Anulează"
t MSG_008 "Da"
t MSG_009 "Nu"
t MSG_010 "Bloc defect Detectat"
t MSG_011 "Verificare completă: s-au găsit %u blocuri defecte\n"
" %d erori de citire\n %d erori de scriere\n %d erori de corupţie\n"
t MSG_012 "%s\n Un raport mai detaliat este disponibil în:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Invalid"
t MSG_014 "Zilnic"
t MSG_015 "Săptămânal"
t MSG_016 "Lunar"
t MSG_017 "Personalizat"
t MSG_018 "Versionea instalată: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Ultima versiune: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_020 "octeţi"
t MSG_021 "KO"
t MSG_022 "MO"
t MSG_023 "GO"
t MSG_024 "TO"
t MSG_025 "PO"
t MSG_026 "octeţi" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilo-octeţi"
t MSG_028 "megaocteţi"
t MSG_029 "Standart"
t MSG_030 "%s (Standart)"
t MSG_031 "Schema de partiţie %s calculator cu BIOS"
t MSG_032 "Schema de partiţie %s calculator cu UEFI"
t MSG_033 "Schema de partiţie %s calculator cu BIOS sau UEFI"
t MSG_034 "%d trecere"
t MSG_035 "%d treceri"
t MSG_036 "Imagine ISO"
t MSG_037 "Cerere"
t MSG_038 "Anulează"
t MSG_039 "Execută"
t MSG_040 "Descărcare"
t MSG_041 "Operaţiunea anulată de către utilizator"
t MSG_042 "Eroare"
t MSG_043 "Eroare: %s"
t MSG_044 "Descărcare fişier"
t MSG_045 "Unitate de stocare USB (generic)"
t MSG_046 "%s (disc %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Ştergere bufer"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Anulare"
t MSG_050 "Finisat."
t MSG_051 "A apărut o eroare necunoscută în timpul formatării."
t MSG_052 "Imposibilitatea de a utiliza sistemul de fişiere selectat."
t MSG_053 "Acces respins unitate."
t MSG_054 "Dispozitivul este apărat de la înscriere."
t MSG_055 "Dispozitivul este folosit în alt proces. "
"Închideţi orice alt proces care ar putea avea acces la dispozitiv."
t MSG_056 "Formatarea rapidă nu este disponibilă pentru acest dispozitiv."
t MSG_057 "Eticheta de volum nu este valabilă."
t MSG_058 "Dispozitivul este invalid."
t MSG_059 "Dimensiunea de cluster selectat nu este valid pentru acest dispozitiv."
t MSG_060 "Dimensiune de volum invalidă."
t MSG_061 "Introduceţi un dispozitiv de sprijin."
t MSG_062 "Comanda primită nu este suportată."
t MSG_063 "Eroare de alocare memorie."
t MSG_064 "Eroare de citire."
t MSG_065 "Eroare de scriere."
t MSG_066 "Instalarea nu a reuşit"
t MSG_067 "Imposibilitatea de a deschide dispozitivul. Posibil e utilizat de un alt proces."
"Reintroduceţi dispozitivul şi încercaţi din nou."
t MSG_068 "Eroare în partiţionare a dispozitivului."
t MSG_069 "Imposibil de a copia fişierile pe dispozitiv."
t MSG_070 "Anulat de către utilizator."
t MSG_071 "Imposibil de formatat."
t MSG_072 "Blocurile de control incorect completate."
t MSG_073 "Analiza imaginei ISO a eşuat."
t MSG_074 "Extragerea imaginei ISO a eşuat."
t MSG_075 "Imposibilitatea de a monta dispozitivul."
t MSG_076 "Imposibil de a seta fişierul să boot-eze."
t MSG_077 "Nu se poate atribui o literă de dispozitiv."
t MSG_078 "Imposibilitatea de a monta un volum GUID."
t MSG_080 "Rufus detected that Windows is still flushing its internal buffers onto the USB device.\n\n"
"În funcţie de viteza dispozitivului USB, această operaţie poate dura o lungă perioadă de timp pentru a finaliza, "
"în special pentru fişiere mari.\n\nVă recomandăm să lăsaţi Windows să finiseze, pentru a evita corupţia. "
"Dar, dacă aţi obosit să aşteptaţi, aveţi posibilitatea să deconectaţi doar dispozitivul..."
t MSG_081 "Formatul ISO nu este acceptat"
t MSG_082 "Această versiune a Rufus acceptă numai imagini ISO boot-abil, se bazează pe bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux sau EFI.\n"
"Acest ISO nu pare să utilizeze una dintre metodele acceptate..."
t MSG_083 "Înlocuire %s?"
t MSG_084 "Acest lucru arată ca utilizaţi o versiune învechită a '%s'.\n"
"Din acest motiv, meniul de boot nu este vizualizat corect.\n\n"
"O recentă versiune poate fi descărcată de la Rufus, pentru a corecta această problemă:\n"
"- Selectaţi "Da" pentru a vă conecta la Internet şi a descărca fişierul\n"
"- Selectaţi "Nu" pentru a lăsa neschimbat fişierul imagine ISO\n"
"Dacă nu ştiu ce să fac, este de preferat pentru a selecta "Da".\n\n"
"Notă: Noul fişier va fi descărcat în folderul curent şi o dată "
"descărcat '%s', va fi reutilizat automat."
t MSG_085 "Descărcare %s"
t MSG_086 "Nici o imagine ISO selectată"
t MSG_087 "Faceţi clic pe butonul Disk pentru a selecta un fişier imagine ISO, "
"sau debifează \"A crea un disc bootabil cu ajutorul\"."
t MSG_088 "Imagine ISO prea mare"
t MSG_089 "Această imagine ISO este prea mare pentru acest dispozitiv."
t MSG_090 "Formatul ISO nu este acceptat"
t MSG_091 "Cînd se foloseşte un tip de destinaţie UEFI imagini ISO boot-abile sunt acceptate doar EFI. "
"Alegeţi un UEFI boot sau stabileşte o destinaţie de tip BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Sistem de fişiere neacceptat"
t MSG_093 "Cînd se utilizează un tip de destinaţie UEFI, sunt acceptate numai fişiere de sistem FAT/FAT32. "
"Selectaţi FAT/FAT32 ca un sistem de fişiere sau stabileşte o destinaţie de tip BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Imaginea ISO nu este compatibilă cu UEFI"
t MSG_095 "Această imagine ISO conţine un fişier mai mare de 4 GB şi nu poate fi utilizat într-o unitate USB bootabil EFI.\n"
"Aceasta este o limitare de UEFI/FAT32, nu de Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Pentru acest tip de ISO, sunt acceptate numai FAT/FAT32. Selectaţi FAT/FAT32 ca sistem de fişiere."
t MSG_097 "Cu NTFS prezent, poate fi utilizat numai imagini ISO pe bază de "Bootmgr" sau "WinPE"."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 pot fi utilizate numai pentru imaginile ISO pe baza isolinux sau cînd tipul ţintă este UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Limitarea sistemului de fişiere"
t MSG_100 "Această imagine ISO conţine un fişier mai mare de 4 GB, care este mai mare decît "
"dimensiunea maximă permisă pentru sistemul de fişiere FAT sau FAT32."
t MSG_101 "Suport WIN lipsă"
t MSG_102 "Sistemul de operare nu poate extrage fişierele de WIM. Extragerea WIM "
"este necesar pentru a crea un dispozitiv USB bootabil UEFI Windows 7 şi Windows Vista. Puteţi corecta aceasta "
"instalaţi o versiune recentă a 7-Zip.\n Doriţi să vizitaţi pagina de Descărcare a 7-Zip?"
t MSG_103 "Descărcare %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux 5.0 sau mai mare, necesită instalarea unui fişier'%s'.\n"
"Deoarece acest fişier este mai mare de 100 KB, şi este prezentă în imaginea ISO Syslinux v5+, "
"fişierul nu este inclus în Rufus.\n\n Rufus poate descărca fişierul lipsă pentru tine:\n"
"- Selectaţi "Da" pentru a vă conecta la Internet şi a descărca fişierul\n"
"- Selectaţi "Nu" dacă doriţi să copiaţi manual acest fişier mai tîrziu\n\n"
"Notă: fişierul va fi descărcat în folderul curent şi o dată ce"
"'%s' a fost descărcat, acesta va fi reutilizat automat.\n"
t MSG_105 "Eliminarea ar lăsa dispozitivul într-o stare inutilizabilă.\n"
"Sunteşi sigur că doriţi să ştergeţi, selectaţi Da. În caz contrar, selectaţi Nu."
t MSG_106 "Selectaţi folderul"
t MSG_107 "Toate fişierele"
t MSG_108 "Registrul înregistrărilor Rufus"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (discul %d)"
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS nu poate fi pornit de la o unitate cu ajutorul unui Cluster de dimensiunea 64 kilo-octeţi.\n"
"Te rugăm să modifici mărimea clusterului sau utilizează FreeDOS."
t MSG_111 "Dimensiune Cluster incompatibilă"
# "%d:%02d" mai jos este durata (minute: secunde)
t MSG_112 "Formatarea volumului mare UDF, poate dura ceva timp. Viteza formatării USB 2.0, estimează "
"durata este %d:%02d, în care va apărea pe bara de progres. Vă rugăm să aveţi răbdare!"
t MSG_113 "Volumul UDF mare"
t MSG_150 "Această setare este cea mai sigură alegere. Dacă aveţi un calculator şi doriţi să instalaţi UEFI "
"un sistem de operare pentru EFI, puteţi selecta una dintre opţiunile de mai jos"
t MSG_151 "Utilizaţi această setare dacă doriţi să instalaţi un sistem de operare pentru EFI, dar aveţi acces "
"la USB cu conţinutul în Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "Opţiunea preferată de a instala un sistem de operare astfel încât atunci când EFI "
"accesul USB nu este necesar în Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Model de test: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Model de test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Model de test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Model de test: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Setarea destinaţiei sistemului de fişiere"
t MSG_158 "Dimensiunea minimă a blocului de date a sistemului de fişiere"
t MSG_159 "Utilizaţi acest câmp pentru a seta eticheta unităţii \ n caractere internaţionale sunt permise"
t MSG_160 "Activează / dezactivează opţiuni avansate"
t MSG_161 "Activaţi această opţiune pentru a efectua o verificare pentru blocuri defecte pe dispozitiv utilizând un model de test"
t MSG_162 "Debifaţi această opţiune pentru a utiliza metoda de formatare complet, ci 'lent'"
t MSG_163 "Activaţi această opţiune pentru a face unitatea USB bootabil"
t MSG_164 "Defineşte metoda care va fi folosită pentru a face unitatea USB bootabil"
t MSG_165 "Selectaţi imaginea ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Activaţi această opţiune pentru a permite afişarea etichetelor internaţionale "
"şi a stabili o pictogramă dispozitiv (se va crea un fişier autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Instalaţi un MBR care permite pornirea şi selecţia dispozitivului USB din BIOS"
t MSG_168 "În primul rând încearcă să mascheze unitatea de boot USB (de obicei 0x80), ca un alt disc.\n"
"Acest lucru ar putea fi necesar numai dacă aţi instalat Windows XP şi aveţi mai mult de un singur disc"
t MSG_169 "Creaţi o partiţie suplimentară şi să încerce să alinieze diferite partiţii.\n"
"Acest lucru poate îmbunătăţi detectarea cu un vechi BIOS"
t MSG_170 "Activați lista de USB Hard Drive anexate. O FOLOSESTI PE PROPRIUL RISC!!!"
t MSG_171 "Începe operaţiunea de formatare.\n Aceasta va distruge orice date de pe dispozitiv!"
t MSG_172 "Informaţii licenţă şi confirmări"
t MSG_173 "Faceţi clic pentru a selecta..."
t MSG_174 "Rufus - Dispozitive USB de formatare"
t MSG_175 "Versiune %d.%d.%d (build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Traducere în română de Gîrlea Alexandru <girlea_alex@yahoo.com>"
t MSG_177 "Probleme de raportare sau cerere pentru caracteristici noi:"
t MSG_178 "Drepturi suplimentare:"
t MSG_179 "Politica de actualizare:"
t MSG_180 "Dacă alegeţi, să permiteţi acestui program să verifice automat actualizări, "
"sunteţi de acord ca următoarele informaţii vor fi catalogate pe serverul nostru:"
t MSG_181 "Arhitectura şi versiunea sistemului de operare"
t MSG_182 "Versiunea aplicaţiei"
t MSG_183 "Adresa dvs de IP"
t MSG_184 "Putem păstra informaţii numai în scopul de a crea o statistică privată de utilizare, "
"\\b timp de un an\\b0 . Cu toate acestea, vă garantăm că nu vom trimite date pentru părţi terţe."
t MSG_185 "Actualizare proces:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus nu instalează sau rulează servicii de background. Verificarea actualizări va fi făcută doar atunci când aplicaţia rulează.\\line\n"
"Accesul la internet este, evident, necesar atunci când verificaţi actualizările."
t MSG_201 "Anulare..."
t MSG_202 "Analiza imaginei ISO..."
t MSG_203 "Analiza eşuată a immaginei ISO"
t MSG_204 "Detectat %s învechit"
t MSG_205 "Utilizaţi ISO: %s"
t MSG_206 "Fişier %s dispărut"
t MSG_207 "Volumul nou"
t MSG_208 "Detectat %d dispozitiv"
t MSG_209 "Detectat %d dispozitive"
t MSG_211 "Anulat"
t MSG_212 "Operaţia a eşuat."
t MSG_213 "Executarea unei noi aplicaţii..."
t MSG_214 "Executarea unei noi aplicaţii a eşuat"
t MSG_215 "Deschide %s"
t MSG_216 "Salvate %s"
t MSG_217 "Formatarea: %0.1f%% terminată"
t MSG_218 "Crearea sistemului de fiŞiere: activitate %d/%d terminată"
t MSG_219 "Fixare NTFS: %d%% terminată"
t MSG_220 "Formatarea (%s) - durata estimată %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Setarea etichetei (poate dura ceva timp)..."
t MSG_222 "Formatare (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "Fixare NTFS (verificare disc)..."
t MSG_224 "Resetarea structurii MBR/PBR/GPT..."
t MSG_225 "Solicită accesul la disc..."
t MSG_226 "Pornire analiza datelor..."
t MSG_227 "Închiderea volumului existent..."
t MSG_228 "Scrierea master boot record ..."
t MSG_229 "Scrierea partiţia de boot..."
t MSG_230 "Copierea fişierului DOS..."
t MSG_231 "Copierea fişierului imagine ISO..."
t MSG_232 "Setarea UEFI de boot Windows 7 (poate dura ceva timp)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalizarea..."
t MSG_234 "Instalarea Syslinux v. %d..."
t MSG_235 "Blocuri defecte: model %d/%d - %0.2f%% (erori %d/%d/%d)"
t MSG_236 "Blocuri defecte: testarea cu modele aleatoare"
t MSG_237 "Blocuri defecte: testarea cu model 0x%02X"
t MSG_238 "Partiţionare (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Eliminare partiţii..."
t MSG_240 "Descărcare de %s: conexiune..."
t MSG_241 "Descărcare: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Imposibilitatea de a descărca fişierul."
t MSG_243 "Verificare actualizări Rufus..."
t MSG_244 "Actualizare: Nu se poate conecta la internet"
t MSG_245 "Actualizare: Imposibil pentru a accesa informaţii versiune"
t MSG_246 "Este o nouă versiune Rufus!"
t MSG_247 "Versiunea instalată este actualizată"
t MSG_248 "Registrul de aplicaţii şters cu succes"
t MSG_249 "Imposibilitatea de a şterge registrul de aplicaţii"
t MSG_250 "Activat %s"
t MSG_251 "Dezactivat %s"
t MSG_252 "Dimensiunea de control"
t MSG_253 "Detectare hard disk-uri"
t MSG_254 "Formatare extinsă FAT32"
t MSG_255 "Vor fi eliminate NoDriveTypeAutoRun ieşire"
t MSG_256 "Unităţi fictive de detectare"
t MSG_257 "Suport Joliet"
t MSG_258 "Suport Rock Ridge"
t MSG_259 "Actualizare forţată"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
l "ru-RU" "Russian (Русский)" 0x0419, 0x0819
v 1.0.3
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
s IDD_DIALOG +22,0
m IDC_LANG +22,0
m IDC_ABOUT -2,0
s IDC_ABOUT +15,0
m IDC_LOG +9,0
s IDC_LOG +30,0
m IDC_START +47,0
s IDC_START -10,0
m IDCANCEL +33,0
s IDCANCEL -10,0
m IDC_DISK_ID +12,0
s IDC_DISK_ID +8,0
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Устройство"
s IDC_DEVICE +22,0
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Схема раздела и тип системного интерфейса"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Файловая система"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Размер кластера"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Новая метка тома"
s IDC_LABEL +27,0
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Параметры форматирования "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Проверить на плохие блоки:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Быстрое форматирование"
t IDC_BOOT "Создать загрузочный диск:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Создать расширенную метку и значок устройства"
t IDC_ABOUT "О программе..."
t IDC_LOG "Журнал"
t IDCANCEL "Закрыть"
t IDC_START "Старт"
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Дополнительные параметры"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Показать внешние USB накопители"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Добавить исправления для старых BIOS"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Использовать MBR с BIOS ID:"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# About dialog
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "О программе Rufus"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Обновления"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# About -> License dialog
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t IDD_LICENSE "Лицензия Rufus"
t IDCANCEL "Закрыть"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Больше информации"
t IDYES "Да"
t IDNO "Нет"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Log dialog
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t IDD_LOG "Журнал"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Очистить журнал"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Сохранить журнал"
m IDC_LOG_SAVE -54,0
s IDC_LOG_SAVE +30,0
t IDCANCEL "Закрыть журнал"
m IDCANCEL -29,0
s IDCANCEL +30,0
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# About -> Updates
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
s IDC_POLICY +80,0
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Политика обновления и параметры"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Проверка наличия обновлений:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Включая бета-версии:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Проверить"
t IDCANCEL "Закрыть"
m IDCANCEL +85,0
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Проверка наличия обновлений - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Доступна новая версия. Пожалуйста, загрузите последнюю версию!"
t IDC_WEBSITE " Щелкните здесь, чтобы перейти на домашнюю страницу"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Заметки о выпуске"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Загрузить"
t IDCANCEL "Закрыть"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Копирование ISO-файлов..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Открытие ISO-образа - пожалуйста, ждите..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Отмена"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Messages used throughout the application
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t MSG_001 "Запущено другое приложение Rufus"
t MSG_002 "Запущено другое приложение Rufus.\n"
"Закройте первое приложение перед запуском еще одного."
"Чтобы продолжить, нажмите ОК. Для выхода нажмите Отмена."
t MSG_004 "Политика обновления Rufus"
t MSG_005 "Do you want to allow Rufus to check for application updates online?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Закрыть"
t MSG_007 "Отмена"
t MSG_008 "Да"
t MSG_009 "Нет"
t MSG_010 "Найдены плохие блоки"
t MSG_011 "Проверка закончена: %u плохих блоков найдено\n"
" %d ошибок чтения\n %d ошибок записи\n %d поврежденных блоков\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nБолее подробный отчет можно найти в:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Отключено"
t MSG_014 "Ежедневно"
t MSG_015 "Еженедельно"
t MSG_016 "Ежемесячно"
t MSG_017 "Custom"
t MSG_018 "Ваша версия: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Последняя версия: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "байт"
t MSG_021 " Кб"
t MSG_022 " Мб"
t MSG_023 " Гб"
t MSG_024 " Тб"
t MSG_025 " Пб"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "байт" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "КБ"
t MSG_028 "МБ"
t MSG_029 "По умолчанию"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (по умолчанию)"
t MSG_031 "%s для компьютеров с интерфейсом BIOS"
t MSG_032 "%s для компьютеров с интерфейсом UEFI"
t MSG_033 "%s для компьютеров с BIOS или UEFI"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d проход"
t MSG_035 "%d прохода"
t MSG_036 "ISO-образ"
t MSG_037 "Application"
t MSG_038 "Отменить"
t MSG_039 "Запустить"
t MSG_040 "Скачать"
t MSG_041 "Операция прервана пользователем"
t MSG_042 "Ошибка"
t MSG_043 "Ошибка: %s"
t MSG_044 "Загрузка файла"
t MSG_045 "USB-устройство хранения данных"
t MSG_046 "%s (Диск %d)"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Flushing buffers"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Cancellation"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Успешно."
t MSG_051 "Неизвестные ошибки при форматировании."
t MSG_052 "Невозможно использовать выбранную файловую систему для выбранного устройства."
t MSG_053 "Доступ к устройству запрещен."
t MSG_054 "Выбранное устройство защищено от записи."
t MSG_055 "Выбранное устройство используется другим процессом. "
"Пожалуйста, завершите процесс перед использованием выбранного устройства."
t MSG_056 "Быстрый формат не доступен для выбранного устройства."
t MSG_057 "Недопустимая метка устройства."
t MSG_058 "Недопустимый дескриптор устройства."
t MSG_059 "Выбранный размер кластера не является допустимым для выбранного устройства."
t MSG_060 "Неправильный размер тома."
t MSG_061 "Вставьте носитель информации в устройство."
t MSG_062 "Была получена неподдерживаемая команда."
t MSG_063 "Ошибка распределения памяти."
t MSG_064 "Ошибка чтения."
t MSG_065 "Ошибка записи."
t MSG_066 "Ошибка установки."
t MSG_067 "Невозможно считать носитель информации. Возможно он используется другим процессом. "
"Пожалуйта, извлеките носитель информации и вставьте его вновь."
t MSG_068 "Ошибка при создании раздела."
t MSG_069 "Невозможно скопировать файлы на выбранное устройство."
t MSG_070 "Отменено пользователем"
t MSG_071 "Невозмозно запутить поток выполнения."
t MSG_072 "Проверка на плохие блоки не завершена."
t MSG_073 "Ошибка проверки ISO-образа."
t MSG_074 "Ошибка извлечения ISO-образа."
t MSG_075 "Невозможно смонтировать том."
t MSG_076 "Невозможно пропатчить установочные файлы для загрузки."
t MSG_077 "Невозможно назначить букву диска."
t MSG_078 "Невозможно смонтировать GUID-том."
t MSG_080 "Rufus обнаружил, что все еще Windows очищает внутренний буфер USB-устройства.\n\n"
"В зависимости от скорости вашего USB-устройства, эта операция может занять много времени, "
"особенно для больших файлов.\n\nДождитесь пока Windows закончит, чтобы избежать повреждения устройства. "
"Но если вы устали от ожидания, можете просто отключить устройство..."
t MSG_081 "Неподдерживаемый ISO-образ"
t MSG_082 "Данная версия Rufus поддерживает только ISO-образы на основе 'bootmgr' или 'WinPE', 'isolinux' или 'EFI'.\n"
t MSG_083 "Переместить %s?"
t MSG_084 "Выбранный ISO-образ использует устаревшие '%s'.\n"
"Из-за этого загрузочного меню может отображаться неправильно.\n\n"
"Новые версии можно загрузить с помощью Rufus:\n"
"- Выберите 'Да', чтобы загрузить файл из интернета\n"
"- Выберите 'Нет', чтобы не модифицировать ISO-образ\n"
"Если вы не знаете что делать, то выберите 'Да'.\n\n"
"Файл будет загружен в текущую директорию, а в случае наличия '%s' - заменен автоматически."
t MSG_085 "Загрузка %s"
t MSG_086 "Не выбран ISO-образ"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Пожалуйста, нажмите на кнопку с диском для выбора загрузочного ISO-образа, "
"или снимите флажок с \"Создать загрузочный диск...\"."
t MSG_088 "ISO-образ слишком большой"
t MSG_089 "ISO-образ слишком большой для выбранного устройства."
t MSG_090 "Неподдерживаемый ISO-образ"
t MSG_091 "When using UEFI Target Type, only EFI bootable ISO images are supported. "
"Please select an EFI bootable ISO or set the Target Type to BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Неподдерживаемая файловая система"
t MSG_093 "При использовании UEFI в качестве целевой системы, поддерживается только FAT/FAT32. "
"Пожалуйста, выберите FAT/FAT32 в качестве файловой системы или установите типом целевой системы BIOS."
t MSG_094 "ISO-образ не совместим с UEFI"
t MSG_095 "This ISO image contains a file larger than 4 GB and cannot be used to create an EFI bootable USB.\n"
"This is a limitation of UEFI/FAT32, not Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Для данного ISO-образа необходима файловая система FAT/FAT32. Пожалуйста, выберите FAT/FAT32 в качестве файловой системы."
t MSG_097 "Только ISO-образы на основе 'bootmgr' или 'WinPE' могут использоваться с NTFS."
t MSG_098 "Только ISO-образы на основе 'isolinux' могут использоваться с FAT/FAT32 или если тип целевой системы UEFI."
t MSG_099 "Ограничения файловой системы"
t MSG_100 "Этот ISO-образ содержит файл размером более 4 Гб, что недопустимо при использовании файловой системы FAT или FAT32"
t MSG_101 "Отсутствует поддержка WIM"
t MSG_102 "Ваша система не может извлечь файлы из WIM-архивов, но это необходимо для создания загрузочного USB-диска с Windows 7 или Windows Vista."
"Вы можете исправить это установив последнюю версию 7-Zip"\nХотите посетить страницу загрузки 7-zip?"
t MSG_103 "Загрузка %s?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 или поздней версии требует наличия '%s'.\n"
"Поскольку этот файл >100 Кб, и всегда присутствует в Syslinux v5+ ISO-образах, "
"он не был встроен в Rufus.\n\nRufus может скачать недостающий файл:\n"
"- Выберите 'Да', если хотите скачать этот файл\n"
"- Выберите 'Нет', если хотите скачать его вручную позже\n\n"
"Примечание: Файл будет скачан в текущую директорию. При наличии "
"'%s', он будет перезаписан автоматически.\n"
t MSG_105 "Отмена может оставить устройство в НЕРАБОЧЕМ состоянии.\n"
"Если вы уверены, что хотите отменить, нажмите кнопку Да. В противном случае нажмите кнопку Нет."
t MSG_106 "Пожалуйтсв, выберите папку"
t MSG_107 "Все файлы"
t MSG_108 "Журнал Rufus"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Диск %d)"
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS не может загрузиться, при использовании размера кластера 64 Кб..."
t MSG_111 "Несовместимый размер кластера"
t MSG_112 "Форматирование в Large UDF-тома занимает много времени..."
t MSG_113 "Large UDF-том"
t MSG_220 "Форматирование (%s) - Окончание через %d:%02d..."
t MSG_207 "Новый том"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Вариант для большинства компьютеров с интерфейсом BIOS (или выключенным UEFI)"
t MSG_151 "Вариант для компьютеров с интерфейсом UEFI\n(При установке Windows XP с доступом к USB)"
t MSG_152 "Вариант для компьютеров с BIOS или UEFI\n(При установке Windows XP без доступа к USB)"
t MSG_153 "Проверка на плохие блоки, используя 1 проход"
t MSG_154 "Проверка на плохие блоки, используя 2 прохода"
t MSG_155 "Проверка на плохие блоки, используя 3 прохода"
t MSG_156 "Проверка на плохие блоки, используя 4 прохода"
t MSG_157 "Выбор необходимой файловой системы"
t MSG_158 "Выбор минимального размера кластера, который занимает каждый блок данных"
t MSG_159 "Запись новой метки тома\nПоддерживаются международные символы"
t MSG_160 "Развернуть дополнительные параметры"
t MSG_161 "Проверка устройства на наличие плохих (поврежденных) блоков с помощью таблицы байтов"
t MSG_162 "Быстрое форматирование устройства"
t MSG_163 "Создать загрузочный USB-диск"
t MSG_164 "Метод загрузки"
t MSG_165 "Нажмите, чтобы выбрать ISO-образ..."
t MSG_166 "Разрешить отображение меток с международными символами и задать значок устройства\n(Создается autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Использовать MBR, который разрешает выбор загрузчика и может маскироваться под идентификатором устройства в BIOS"
t MSG_168 "Попробуйте замаскировать первый загрузочный\n"
"USB-диск (обычно 0x80) как другой диск.\n"
"Это необходимо для установки только Windows XP.\n"
t MSG_169 "Добавить дополнительный скрытый раздел и выровнить границы разделов.\n"
"Это поможет улучшить обнаружение загрузчика в старых версия BIOS."
t MSG_170 "Показать внешние USB накопители, подключенные к компьютеру.\n"
t MSG_171 "Начать форматирование устройства.\nВсе данные на диске будут уничтожены!"
t MSG_172 "Сведения о лицензировании и разработчиках"
t MSG_173 "Нажмите для выбора..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility"
t MSG_175 "Версия %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Русский перевод: Кирилл Иванов <mailto:tchack@rambler.ru>"
t MSG_177 "Сообщить об ошибке или предложить улучшение на веб-сайте:"
t MSG_178 "Дополнительные авторские права:"
t MSG_179 "Политика обновления:"
t MSG_180 "Если вы разрешите этой программе проверять наличие обновлений приложения, то "
"вы соглашаетесь, что следующая информация может собираться на наших серверах:"
t MSG_181 "Версия вашей операционной системы и архитектура"
t MSG_182 "Версия используемого приложения"
t MSG_183 "Ваш IP-адрес"
t MSG_184 "Для получения статистики использования программы, мы можем хранить собранную "
"информацию\\b до одного года\\b0 . Однако мы не будем раскрывать любые личные данные третьим сторонам."
t MSG_185 "Процесс обновления:"
t MSG_186 "Приложение Rufus не устанавливает и не запускает фоновые службы, поэтому проверка наличия обновлений выполняется только тогда, когда запущено основное приложение.\\line\n"
"Для проверки наличия обновлений требуется доступ к Интернету."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Отмена - Пожалуйста, ждите..."
t MSG_202 "Сканирование ISO-образа..."
t MSG_203 "Не удалось отсканировать ISO-образ"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Обнаружен устаревший %s"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Использован ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Отсутствует %s"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "Обнаружено устройств: %d"
t MSG_209 "Обнаружено устройств: %d"
t MSG_210 "Готово."
t MSG_211 "Отменено."
t MSG_212 "Неудачно."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and lauched
t MSG_213 "Запуск новой версии..."
t MSG_214 "Не удалось запустить новую версию"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "Открыт %s"
t MSG_216 "Сохранен %s"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Форматирование: %0.1f%% выполнено"
t MSG_218 "Создание файловой системы: %d/%d выполнено"
t MSG_219 "Создание NTFS-области Fixup: %d%% выполнено"
t MSG_221 "Установка метки (Это может занять время)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Форматирование (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "Проверка NTFS-области Fixup..."
t MSG_224 "Очистка структуры MBR/PBR/GPT..."
t MSG_225 "Запрос доступа к диску..."
t MSG_226 "Анализ загрузочных записей..."
t MSG_227 "Закрытие существующего раздела..."
t MSG_228 "Создание главной загрузочной записи..."
t MSG_229 "Создание загрузочной записи раздела..."
t MSG_230 "Копирование DOS-файлов..."
t MSG_231 "Копирование ISO-файлов..."
t MSG_232 "Настройка Win7 EFI boot (Это может занять время)..."
t MSG_233 "Завершение, пожалуйста, ждите..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as paramete. eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Установка Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Плохие блоки: Проход %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d ошибок)"
t MSG_236 "Плохие блоки: Тестирование случайным образом"
t MSG_237 "Плохие блоки: Тестирование 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Разметка раздела (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Удаление разделов..."
t MSG_240 "Загрузка %s: Соединение..."
t MSG_241 "Загрузка: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Не удалось скачать файл."
t MSG_243 "Проверка наличия обновлений..."
t MSG_244 "Ошибка: Необходим доступ к Интернету"
t MSG_245 "Обновление: Невозможно получить доступ к данным о версии"
t MSG_246 "Доступна новая версия Rufus!"
t MSG_247 "Новых версий Rufus не найдено"
t MSG_248 "Ключи приложения в реестре успешно удалены"
t MSG_249 "Не удалось удалить ключи приложения в реестре"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s включено"
t MSG_251 "%s выключено"
t MSG_252 "Size checks"
t MSG_253 "Определение USB накопителей"
t MSG_254 "Форматирование в расширенный FAT32"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun будет удален при выходе"
t MSG_256 "Обнаружен фальшивый диск"
t MSG_257 "Joliet поддержка"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge поддержка"
2013-11-06 00:17:44 +00:00
l "es-ES" "Spanish (Español)" 0x040a, 0x080a, 0x0c0a, 0x100a, 0x140a, 0x180a, 0x1c0a, 0x200a, 0x240a, 0x280a, 0x2c0a, 0x300a, 0x340a, 0x380a, 0x3c0a, 0x400a, 0x440a, 0x480a, 0x4c0a, 0x500a, 0x540a, 0x580a
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
m IDC_LANG +5,0
s IDC_LABEL +10,0
t IDS_DEVICE_TXT "Dispositivo"
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Tipo de la partición y del sistema destino"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Sistema de archivos"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Tamaño de clúster"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Etiqueta nueva"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Opciones de formateo "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Buscar bloques dañados en la USB:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Formateo rápido"
t IDC_BOOT "Crear disco de arranque con:"
t IDC_SET_ICON "Añadir etiquetas extendidas e iconos"
t IDC_ABOUT "Acerca de..."
s IDC_ABOUT -5,0
t IDC_LOG "Historial..."
s IDC_LOG +40,0
m IDC_LOG -5,0
t IDCANCEL "Cerrar"
s IDCANCEL -20,0
m IDCANCEL +25,0
t IDC_START "Empezar"
s IDC_START -10,0
m IDC_START +35,0
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Opciones avanzadas"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "Enlistar los discos duros USB"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Opciones de compatibilidad para BIOS viejos"
# 'MBR': See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record
# Rufus can install it's own custom MBR (the Rufus MBR), which also allows users
# to specify a custom disk ID for the BIOS. Note: the tooltip for this control is MSG_167.
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Usar el MBR de Rufus, ID de BIOS:"
s IDC_DISK_ID -17,0
m IDC_DISK_ID +25,0
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Acerca de Rufus"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Actualizaciones"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Licencia de Rufus"
t IDCANCEL "Cerrar"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Más información"
t IDYES "Sí"
t IDNO "No"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Historial de eventos"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Borrar el historial"
s IDC_LOG_CLEAR +15, 0
m IDC_LOG_CLEAR -35, 0
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Guardar el historial"
s IDC_LOG_SAVE +23, 0
m IDC_LOG_SAVE -23 , 0
t IDCANCEL "Cerrar"
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Configuración de auto-actualización"
t IDS_UPDATE_SETTINGS_GRP "Configuraciones"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Buscar actualizaciones:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Incluir versiones beta:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Buscar ahora"
t IDCANCEL "Cerrar"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Buscar actualizaciones de Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Hay una nueva versión disponible. ¡Por favor, descargue la última versión!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Haga clic aquí para ir al sitio de Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_NOTES_GRP "Notas relativas a esta versión"
t IDC_DOWNLOAD "Descargar"
t IDCANCEL "Cerrar"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "Copiando los archivos ISO..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "Abriendo la imagen ISO - por favor, espere..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Cancelar"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Se detectó otra instancia"
t MSG_002 "Ya hay una intancia de Rufus ejecutándose.\n"
"Cierre la primer instancia antes de lanzar otra."
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
"Para seguir adelante, haga clic en OK. Para detener la operación, haga clic en CANCELAR."
t MSG_004 "Actualización de Rufus"
t MSG_005 "¿Permitir que Rufus busque actualizaciones en línea?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Cerrar"
t MSG_007 "Cancelar"
t MSG_008 "Sí"
t MSG_009 "No"
t MSG_010 "Se encontraron bloques defectuosos"
t MSG_011 "Verificación completa: se encontraron %u bloques dañados\n"
" %d errores de lectura\n %d errores de escritura\n %d errores de corrupción\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nEl informe detallado se puede encontrar en:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Nunca"
t MSG_014 "Diario"
t MSG_015 "Semanalmente"
t MSG_016 "Mensualmente"
t MSG_017 "Personalizado"
t MSG_018 "Su versión: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_019 "Última versión: %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "bytes"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "bytes" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobytes"
t MSG_028 "megabytes"
t MSG_029 "Default"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Default)"
t MSG_031 "Tipo de partición %s para computadora BIOS"
t MSG_032 "Tipo de partición %s para computadora UEFI"
t MSG_033 "Tipo de partición %s para computadora BIOS o UEFI"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d paso"
t MSG_035 "%d pasos"
t MSG_036 "Imagen ISO"
t MSG_037 "Aplicación"
t MSG_038 "Abortar"
t MSG_039 "Lanzar"
t MSG_040 "Descargar"
t MSG_041 "Operación cancelada por el usuario"
t MSG_042 "Error"
t MSG_043 "Error: %s"
t MSG_044 "Descarga de archivo"
t MSG_045 "Dispositivo de almacenamiento USB (Genérico)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disco %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Purgando los búfers"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Cancelación"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Success."
t MSG_051 "Error indeterminado durante el formateo."
t MSG_052 "No se puede usar el sistema de archivos seleccionado para este dispositivo."
t MSG_053 "No se permite el acceso al dispositivo."
t MSG_054 "El dispositivo está protegido contra escritura."
t MSG_055 "El dispositivo está en uso por otra aplicación. "
"Cierre todas las aplicaciones que pudieran estar usando el dispositivo."
t MSG_056 "El formateo rápido no está disponible para este dispositivo."
t MSG_057 "La etiqueta de volumen no es válida."
t MSG_058 "El gestor de dispositivo no es válido."
t MSG_059 "El tamaño de clúster indicado no es válido para este dispositivo."
t MSG_060 "El tamaño del volúmen no es válido."
t MSG_061 "Inserte un dispositivo en el lector."
t MSG_062 "Comando no soportado."
t MSG_063 "Error en la alocación de memoria."
t MSG_064 "Error de lectura."
t MSG_065 "Error de escritura."
t MSG_066 "Fallo en la instalación"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_067 "Imposible abrir el medio - otro proceso lo está usando. "
"Desconecte y vuelva a conectar la unidad, luego intente de nuevo."
t MSG_068 "Error al particionar la unidad."
t MSG_069 "No se pudieron copiar los archivos al dispositivo destino."
t MSG_070 "Cancelado por el usuario."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "No se pudo crear el hilo."
t MSG_072 "La verificación de bloques defectuosos fue interrumpida."
t MSG_073 "Falló el análisis de la imagen ISO."
t MSG_074 "Falló la extracción de la imagen ISO."
t MSG_075 "No se pudo volver a montar el volumen."
t MSG_076 "Unable to patch/setup files for boot."
t MSG_077 "No se pudo asignar una letra de unidad."
t MSG_078 "No se pudo montar el volumen GUID."
t MSG_080 "Rufus detectó que Windows aún está purgando sus búfers internos en el dispositivo USB.\n\n"
"Dependiendo de la velocidad de su dispositivo USB, esta operación puede tomar mucho tiempo para acabar, "
"especialmente para archivos grandes.\n\nRecomendamos que se deje a Windows terminar para evitar corrupción; "
"por otro lado, si ya se cansó de esperar, puede simplemente desconectar el dispositivo..."
t MSG_081 "Tipo de imagen ISO no soportada"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_082 "Esta versión de Rufus soporta sólo ISOs booteables basados en bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux o EFI.\n"
"Este ISO parece no usar ninguna de estas opciones..."
t MSG_083 "¿Reemplazar %s?"
t MSG_084 "Esta imagen ISO usa una versión obsoleta del archivo '%s'.\n"
"Esto puede hacer que los menúes de arranque no se desplieguen correctamente.\n\n"
"Rufus puede descargar una versión más reciente para resolver este problema:\n"
"- Seleccione 'Sí' para conectarse al Internet y descargar el archivo\n"
"- Seleccione 'No' para dejar el archivo ISO tal como está\n"
"Si no sabe qué hacer, se recomienda seleccionar 'Sí'.\n\n"
"Nota: El nuevo archivo se descargará en el directorio actual, una vez que "
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
"un archivo\n '%s' exista ahí, será reusado automáticamente."
t MSG_085 "Descargando %s"
t MSG_086 "No se seleccionó ninguna imagen ISO"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Presione en el botón de disco para seleccionar un ISO booteable, "
"o desmarque la casilla de \"Crear un disco de arranque...\" ."
t MSG_088 "Imagen ISO demasiado grande"
t MSG_089 "La imagen ISO es demasiado grande para el destino seleccionado."
t MSG_090 "ISO no soportado"
t MSG_091 "Cuando se usa UEFI como tipo de destino, sólo se soportan imágenes ISO booteables tipo EFI. "
"Seleccione una imagen booteable ISO de tipo EFI o cambie el tipo de destino a BIOS."
t MSG_092 "Sistema de archivos no soportado"
t MSG_093 "Al usar el tipo de dispositivo destino UEFI, sólo se soporta FAT/FAT32. "
"Seleccione FAT/FAT32 como sistema de archivos o seleccione el tipo de dispositivo destino a BIOS."
t MSG_094 "Imagen ISO no compatible con UEFI "
t MSG_095 "Esta imagen ISO contiene un archivo de tamaño mayor a 4 GB y no se puede usar para crear un USB booteable tipo EFI.\n"
"Ésta es una limitación de UEFI/FAT32, no de Rufus."
t MSG_096 "Sólo se soporta FAT/FAT32 para este tipo de ISO. Por favor seleccione FAT/FAT32 como sistema de archivos."
t MSG_097 Con NTFS sólo se pueden usar imágenes ISO basadas en 'bootmgr' o 'WinPE'."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 se puede usar sólo cuando el tipo de dispositivo destino es UEFI o se usan imágenes basadas en isolinux."
t MSG_099 "Limitación del sistema de archivos"
t MSG_100 "Esta imagen ISO contiene un archivo de más de 4GB, sobrepasando el tamaño máximo"
"permitido para un sistema de archivos FAT o FAT32."
t MSG_101 "El soporte para archivos WIM no está disponible"
t MSG_102 "Su plataforma no puede extraer archivos de comprimidos WIM. La extracción WIM "
"se requiere para crear dispositivos USB booteables tipo EFI con Windows 7 y Windows Vista. "
"Para esto podría instalar una versión reciente de 7-Zip.\n¿Desea visitar el sitio de descargas de 7-zip?"
t MSG_103 "¿Descargar %s?"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 o posterior requiere que esté instalado un archivo '%s' .\n"
"Dado que este archivo pesa más de 100 KB y siempre está presente en las \n"
" imágenes ISO Syslinux v5+, Rufus no lo incluye en su distribución.\n\n"
"Rufus puede descargar el archivo faltante:\n"
"- Seleccione 'Sí' para conectarse a Internet y descargar el archivo\n"
"- Seleccione 'No' si desea copiar manualmente este archivo en la unidad después\n\n"
"Nota: El archivo será descargado en la carpeta actual y una vez que haya "
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
"un \n archivo '%s' ahí, será usado automáticamente.\n"
t MSG_105 "Cancelar ahora puede dejar el dispositivo en un estado INUTILIZABLE.\n"
"Si está seguro de cancelar, seleccione SÍ. De lo contrario, seleccione NO."
t MSG_106 "Seleccione la carpeta"
t MSG_107 "Todos los archivos"
t MSG_108 "Registro de eventos de Rufus"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disco %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS no puede arrancar desde un disco con un tamaño de cluster de 64 kilobytes.\n"
"Por favor cambie el tamaño del cluster o use FreeDOS."
t MSG_111 "Tamaño de cluster incompatible"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "Formatear un volumen UDF de gran tamaño puede tomar mucho tiempo. A la velocidad de USB 2.0, "
"el tiempo estimado de formateo es %d:%02d, durante el cual la barra de progreso parecerá congelada. "
"¡Por favor, sea paciente!"
t MSG_113 "Volumen UDF de gran tamaño"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Usualmente la opción más segura. Empero, si tiene una computadora basada en UEFI y quiere instalar "
"un sistema operativo en modo EFI, debe seleccionar una de las otras opciones"
t MSG_151 "Use esta opción si quiere instalar un sistema operativo en modo EFI, pero necesita poder accedar "
"al contenido de la USB desde Windows XP"
t MSG_152 "La opción preferida para instalar un sistema operativo en modo EFI y "
"no se necesita poder leer la USB desde Windows XP"
t MSG_153 "Patrón de pruebas: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Patrón de pruebas: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Patrón de pruebas: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Patrón de pruebas: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Seleccione el sistema de archivos destino"
t MSG_158 "Tamaño mínimo que un bloque de datos ocupará en el sistema de archivos"
t MSG_159 "Use este campo para establecer el nombre del volumen\nSe aceptan caracteres acentuados"
t MSG_160 "Mostrar opciones avanzadas"
t MSG_161 "Revisa el dispositivo buscando bloques defectuosos aplicando un patrón de pruebas"
t MSG_162 "Desmarque esta opción para usar el método de formateo \"lento\" "
t MSG_163 "Marque esta opción para hacer booteable la unidad USB"
t MSG_164 "Método a usar para hacer la unidad booteable"
t MSG_165 "Haga clic para seleccionar una imagen ISO..."
t MSG_166 "Seleccione esta opción para permitir el desplegado de caracteres acentuados "
"y establecer un icono para la unidad (crea un archivo autorun.inf)"
t MSG_167 "Instala un MBR que permite seleccionar el dispositivo de arranque y puede enmascarar "
"el ID de identificación del dispositivo USB del BIOS"
t MSG_168 "Trata de enmascarar el primer dispositivo USB de arranque (normalmente 0x80) como un disco diferente.\n"
"Sólo debiera ser necesario si instala Windows XP y tiene más de un disco duro"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_169 "Crea una partición oculta extra y trata de alinear los límites de las particiones. "
"Esto puede mejorar la detección de USB de arranque para los BIOS viejos"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_170 "Activa la detección de discos duros portátiles USB. ¡¡¡ÚSESE BAJO SU PROPIO RIESGO!!!"
t MSG_171 "Comienza la operación de formateo.\n¡Todos los datos en el dispositivo serán DESTRUIDOS!"
t MSG_172 "Información de licencia y créditos"
t MSG_173 "Haga clic para seleccionar..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_174 "Rufus - La utilería de formateo USB más confiable"
t MSG_175 "Versión %d.%d.%d (Build %d)"
t MSG_176 "Traducción al castellano: José Pineda <mailto:battletroll@gmail.com>"
t MSG_177 "Para reportar bugs o sugerir mejoras, diríjase a:"
t MSG_178 "Derechos de autor adicionales:"
t MSG_179 "Política de actualización:"
t MSG_180 "Si usted autoriza que este programa busque e instale por sí mismo"
" actualizaciones, acepta que la siguiente información podrá ser recolectada"
" en nuestros servidores"
t MSG_181 "La arquitectura y versión de su sistema operativo"
t MSG_182 "La versión de la aplicación que está usando"
t MSG_183 "Su dirección IP"
t MSG_184 "A fin de generar estadísticas de uso privadas, la información recolectada puede ser"
" retenida \\b hasta por un año\\b0 . A menos que así sea requerido por la ley, no transmitiremos"
" nada de esta información a terceros."
t MSG_185 "Proceso de actualización:"
t MSG_186 "Rufus no instala ni ejecuta ningún servicio ni tarea programada. Por tanto la búsqueda"
" de actualizaciones sólo se realiza cuando la aplicación principal se está ejecutando.\\line\n"
"Por supuesto, se requiere acceso a Internet."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Cancelando - por favor espere..."
t MSG_202 "Analizando la imagen ISO..."
t MSG_203 "Fallo al analizar la imagen ISO"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Se detectó un archivo %s obsoleto"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Usando el archivo ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Falta el archivo %s"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_207 "Etiqueta del volumen"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d dispositivo encontrado"
t MSG_209 "%d dispositivos encontrados"
t MSG_210 "Operación realizada."
t MSG_211 "Operación cancelada."
t MSG_212 "La operación FALLÓ."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "Lanzando la nueva aplicación..."
t MSG_214 "Error al lanzar la nueva aplicación"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "%s abierto"
t MSG_216 "%s guardado"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Formateando: %0.1f%% completo"
t MSG_218 "Creando sistema de archivos: Tarea %d/%d completa"
t MSG_219 "Finalización de NTFS: %d%% completo"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Formateando (%s) - duración estimada %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Escribiendo la etiqueta del volumen (puede tardar un rato)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Formateando (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "Finalización de NTFS (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "Limpiando las estructuras MBR/PBR/GPT..."
t MSG_225 "Solicitando acceso al disco..."
t MSG_226 "Analizando las estructuras de arranque existentes..."
t MSG_227 "Cerrando el volumen existente..."
t MSG_228 "Escribiendo el registro maestro de arranque (Master Boot Record)..."
t MSG_229 "Escribiendo el registro de arranque de la partición (Partition Boot Record)..."
t MSG_230 "Copiando archivos DOS..."
t MSG_231 "Copiando archivos ISO..."
t MSG_232 "Configuración de arranque Win7 EFI (puede tardar un rato)..."
t MSG_233 "Finalización, por favor espere..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Instalando Syslinux v%d..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Bloques dañados: PASO %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d errores)"
t MSG_236 "Bloques dañados: Probando con patrones aleatorios"
t MSG_237 "Bloques dañados: Probando con el patrón 0x%02X"
# eg. "Partitioning (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Particionando (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Borrando particiones..."
t MSG_240 "Descargando %s: Conectando..."
t MSG_241 "Descargando: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Error al descargar el archivo."
t MSG_243 "Buscando actualizaciones de Rufus..."
t MSG_244 "Actualizaciones: Imposible conectarse a Internet"
t MSG_245 "Actualizaciones: Imposible acceder a la información de posibles actalizaciones"
t MSG_246 "¡Hay una nueva versión de Rufus disponible!"
t MSG_247 "No hay nuevas versiones de Rufus"
t MSG_248 "Se borraron las llaves de registro de la aplicación"
t MSG_249 "Fallo al borrar las llaves de registro de la aplicación"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_250 "%s activado"
t MSG_251 "%s desactivado"
t MSG_252 "Verificación de tamaño"
t MSG_253 "Detección de discos duros"
t MSG_254 "Forzar el formateo FAT32 largo"
2013-11-25 23:04:03 +00:00
t MSG_255 "Borrar NoDriveTypeAutorun al salir"
t MSG_256 "Simulación de detección de dispositivo"
t MSG_257 "Soporte a Joliet"
t MSG_258 "Soporte a Rock Ridge"
t MSG_259 "Forzar actualización"
l "tr-TR" "Turkish (Türkçe)" 0x041F
v 1.0.3
b "en-US"
# Main dialog
t IDS_PARTITION_TYPE_TXT "Disk Bölüm Düzeni ve Hedef Sistem Türü"
t IDS_FILESYSTEM_TXT "Dosya Sistemi"
t IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT "Ayırma Birimi Boyutu"
t IDS_LABEL_TXT "Yeni Birim Etiketi"
t IDS_FORMAT_OPTIONS_GRP "Biçimlendirme Seçenekleri "
t IDC_BADBLOCKS "Hatalı Bloklar için Aygıtı Denetle:"
t IDC_QUICKFORMAT "Hızlı Biçimlendir"
t IDC_BOOT "Açılış Diski Oluşturma Yöntemi:"
s IDC_BOOT +2,0
t IDC_SET_ICON "Genişletilmiş Etiket ve Simge Dosyaları Oluştur"
t IDC_ABOUT "Hakkında..."
s IDC_ABOUT -5,0
t IDC_LOG "Günlük"
m IDC_LOG -10,0
s IDC_LOG +15,0
t IDCANCEL "Kapat"
m IDCANCEL +10,0
s IDCANCEL -10,0
t IDC_START "Başlat"
m IDC_START +20,0
s IDC_START -10,0
t IDS_ADVANCED_OPTIONS_GRP "Gelişmiş Seçenekler"
t IDC_ENABLE_FIXED_DISKS "USB sabit sürücüleri listele"
t IDC_EXTRA_PARTITION "Eski BIOSlar için düzeltme ekle(ekstra bölüm, hiza vs.)"
t IDC_RUFUS_MBR "Rufus MBR kullan. BIOS Kimliği:"
m IDC_DISK_ID +6,0
# About dialog
t IDD_ABOUTBOX "Rufus Hakkında"
t IDC_ABOUT_UPDATES "Güncellemeler"
t IDOK "Tamam"
# About -> License dialog
t IDD_LICENSE "Rufus Lisansı"
t IDCANCEL "Kapat"
# Notifications. You can trigger one of these by using Alt-R and re-launching Rufus
t IDC_MORE_INFO "Daha fazla bilgi"
t IDYES "Evet"
t IDNO "Hayır"
# Log dialog
t IDD_LOG "Günlük"
t IDC_LOG_CLEAR "Günlüğü Temizle"
t IDC_LOG_SAVE "Günlüğü Kaydet"
s IDC_LOG_SAVE +15,0
m IDC_LOG_SAVE -20,0
t IDCANCEL "Günlüğü Kapat"
s IDCANCEL +15,0
m IDCANCEL -10,0
# About -> Updates
t IDD_UPDATE_POLICY "Güncelleme İlkesi ve Ayarlar"
t IDS_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_TXT "Güncellemeleri Denetle:"
t IDS_INCLUDE_BETAS_TXT "Beta sürümlerini içersin:"
t IDC_CHECK_NOW "Şimdi Denetle"
t IDCANCEL "Kapat"
# Dialog that appears when a new version is available
t IDD_NEW_VERSION "Güncellemeleri Denetle - Rufus"
t IDS_NEW_VERSION_AVAIL_TXT "Yeni bir sürüm mevcut. Lütfen son sürümü indirin!"
t IDC_WEBSITE "Websitesine gitmek için buraya tıklayın"
t IDCANCEL "Kapat"
# Dialog that appears when scanning/extracting ISO files
t IDD_ISO_EXTRACT "ISO Dosyaları Kopyalanıyor ..."
t IDC_ISO_FILENAME "ISO Görüntüsü Açılıyor - Lütfen Bekleyin..."
t IDC_ISO_ABORT "Vazgeç"
# Messages used throughout the application
t MSG_001 "Rufus'un zaten çalıştığı algılandı"
t MSG_002 "Başka bir Rufus uygulaması çalışıyor.\n"
"Lütfen başka bir uygulama çalıştırmak için ilkini kapatın."
"İşleme devam etmek için Tamam'a tıklayın. Çıkmak için İPTAL'e tıklayın."
t MSG_004 "Rufus güncelleme ilkesi"
t MSG_005 "Rufus'un uygulama güncellemelerini çevrimiçi denetlemesine izin vermek istiyor musunuz?"
# Must be the same as IDD_DIALOG:IDCANCEL (i.e. "Close" - I know it's confusing)
t MSG_006 "Kapat"
t MSG_007 "Vazgeç"
t MSG_008 "Evet"
t MSG_009 "Hayır"
t MSG_010 "Hatalı bloklar bulundu"
t MSG_011 "Denetim Tamamlandı: %u hatalı blok bulundu\n"
" %d okuma hatası\n %d yazma hatası\n %d hata oluşumu\n"
# The following will contain the formatted message above as well as the name of the bad blocks logfile
t MSG_012 "%s\nDaha ayrıntılı rapor burada:\n%s"
t MSG_013 "Devredışı"
t MSG_014 "Günlük"
t MSG_015 "Haftalık"
t MSG_016 "Aylık"
t MSG_017 "Özel"
t MSG_018 "Mevcut Sürüm: %d.%d.%d (Yapı %d)"
t MSG_019 "En son sürüm: %d.%d.%d (Yapı %d)"
# *Short* size names. These can be used as suffixes
t MSG_020 "byte"
t MSG_021 "KB"
t MSG_022 "MB"
t MSG_023 "GB"
t MSG_024 "TB"
t MSG_025 "PB"
# *Long* size names, as they are displayed for the cluster size in the MS format dialog.
t MSG_026 "byte" # Yes, this is a repeat from MSG_020
t MSG_027 "kilobyte"
t MSG_028 "megabyte"
t MSG_029 "Varsayılan"
# The following gets appended to the file system, cluster size, etc.
t MSG_030 "%s (Varsayılan)"
t MSG_031 "BIOS Bilgisayarlar için %s Bölüm Düzeni"
t MSG_032 "UEFI Bilgisayarlar için %s Bölüm Düzeni"
t MSG_033 "BIOS yada UEFI Bilgisayarlar için %s Bölüm Düzeni"
# Number of bad block check passes (singular for 1 pass, plural for 2 or more passes)
t MSG_034 "%d Geçiş"
t MSG_035 "%d Geçiş"
t MSG_036 "ISO Dosyası"
t MSG_037 "Uygulama"
t MSG_038 "Vazgeç"
t MSG_039 "Başlat"
t MSG_040 "İndir"
t MSG_041 "Kullanıcı tarafından işlemden vazgeçildi"
t MSG_042 "Hata"
t MSG_043 "Hata: %s"
t MSG_044 "Dosya indirme"
t MSG_045 "USB Depolama Aygıtı (Genel)"
t MSG_046 "%s (Disk %d)"
t MSG_047 "%s (%c:)"
t MSG_048 "Rufus - Tamponlanıyor"
t MSG_049 "Rufus - Vazgeçme"
# Error messages
t MSG_050 "Başarılı."
t MSG_051 "Biçimlendirilirken beklenmeyen hata."
t MSG_052 "Seçilen dosya sistemi bu medya için kullanılamaz."
t MSG_053 "Aygıta erişim engellendi."
t MSG_054 "Medya yazma korumalı."
t MSG_055 "Aygıt başka bir işlem tarafından kullanılıyor. "
"Lütfen aygıta erişilebilmesi için diğer işlemi kapatın."
t MSG_056 "Bu aygıt için Hızlı Biçimlendirme yapılamaz."
t MSG_057 "Birim etiketi geçersiz."
t MSG_058 "Aygıt tanıtıcısı geçersiz."
t MSG_059 "Seçilen ayırma boyutu bu aygıt için geçerli değil."
t MSG_060 "Birim boyutu geçersiz."
t MSG_061 "Lütfen sürücüdeki kaldırılabilir medyayı takın."
t MSG_062 "Destelenmeyen bir komut alındı."
t MSG_063 "Bellek ayırma hatası."
t MSG_064 "Okuma Hatası."
t MSG_065 "Yazma Hatası."
t MSG_066 "Yükleme Hatası"
t MSG_067 "Medya açılamadı. Başka bir işlem tarafından kullanılıyor olabilir. "
"Lütfen medyayı yeniden takın ve deneyin."
t MSG_068 "Sürücü bölümlendirilirken hata."
t MSG_069 "Dosyalar hedef sürücüye kopyalanamadı."
t MSG_070 "Kullanıcı tarafından vazgeçildi."
# See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thread_%28computing%29
t MSG_071 "İş parçacığı başlatılamadı."
t MSG_072 "Hatalı blokların denetimi tamamlanamadı."
t MSG_073 "ISO görüntüsü taranamadı."
t MSG_074 "ISO görüntüsü ayrıştırma hatası."
t MSG_075 "Birim yeniden yerleştirilemedi."
t MSG_076 "Açılış için dosyalar yamalanamadı/kurulamadı."
t MSG_077 "Sürücü harfi atanamadı."
t MSG_078 "GUID birimi yerleştirilemedi."
t MSG_080 "Rufus Windows'un USB aygıtını kendi işlemlerinde hala kullandığını algıladı.\n\n"
"USB aygıtınızın hızına bağlı olarak, bu işlemin tamamlanması özellikle büyük dosyalar için, "
"uzun bir süre alabilir.\n\nBozulmayı önlemek için Windows'un işini bitirmesine izin vermenizi öneriyoruz. "
"Fakat beklemekten yorulduysanız, yalnız aygıtı çıkarabilirsiniz..."
t MSG_081 "Desteklenmeyen ISO"
t MSG_082 "Rufus'un bu sürümü sadece açılabilir bootmgr/WinPE, isolinux yada EFI tabanlı ISOları destekler.\n"
"Bu ISO öyle görünmüyor..."
t MSG_083 "%s yerdeğiştirilsin mi?"
t MSG_084 "Bu ISO görüntüsü '%s'in eski bir sürümünü kullanıyor gibi görünüyor.\n"
"Açılış menüsü bundan dolayı düzgün görüntülenmeyebilir.\n\n"
"Bu durumu düzeltmek için yeni sürümü Rufus tarafından indirilebilir:\n"
"- İnternete bağlanıp dosyayı indirmek için 'Evet'i ssçin\n"
"- Varolan ISO dosyasını olduğu gibi bırakmak için 'Hayır'ı seçin\n"
"Ne yapacağınızı bilmiyorsanız, 'Evet'i seçmelisiniz.\n\n"
"Not: Yeni dosya mevcut dizine indirilecek ve "
"'%s' orda varolunca, otomatik olarak kullanılacak."
t MSG_085 "%s indiriliyor"
t MSG_086 "ISO görüntüsü seçilmedi"
# The content between the quotes below (\"Create a bootable disk\") should match
# the beginning of the IDC_BOOT text
t MSG_087 "Lütfen açılabilir bir ISO seçmek için disk butonuna tıklayın, "
"yada \"Açılış Diski Oluşturma Yöntemi:\" onay kutusundan seçimi kaldırın."
t MSG_088 "ISO çok büyük"
t MSG_089 "Bu ISO görüntüsü seçilen hedef için çok büyük."
t MSG_090 "Desteklenmeyen ISO"
t MSG_091 "EFI Hedef Türünü kullanıyorken, sadece EFI açılabilir ISO görüntüleri desteklenir. "
"Lütfen bir EFI açılabilir ISO'su seçin yada Hedef Türüni BIOSa ayarlayın."
t MSG_092 "Desteklenmeyen Dosya Sistemi"
t MSG_093 "UEFI Hedef Türünü kullanıyorken, sadece FAT/FAT32 desteklenir. "
"Lütfen dosya sistemi olarak FAT/FAT32 seçin yada Hedef Türüni BIOSa ayarlayın."
t MSG_094 "UEFI uyumlu olmayan ISO"
t MSG_095 "Bu ISO görüntüsü 4 GB tan daha büyük bir dosya içeriyor ve EFI açılabilir USB oluşturmak için kullanılamaz.\n"
"Bu UEFI/FAT32'nin sınırlandırmasıdır, Rufus'un değil."
t MSG_096 "Bu tür ISOlar için sadece FAT/FAT32 desteklenir. Lütfen Dosya Sistemi olarak FAT/FAT32 seçin."
t MSG_097 "Şuanda sadece 'bootmgr' yada 'WinPE' tabanlı ISO görüntüleri NTFS ile kullanılabilir."
t MSG_098 "FAT/FAT32 sadece isolinux tabanlı ISO görüntüleri için yada Hedef türü UEFI ise kullanılabilir."
t MSG_099 "Dosya Sistemi Sınırlandırması"
t MSG_100 "Bu ISO görüntüsü, FAT yada FAT32 dosya sisteminin desteklediği en fazla boyut olan 4GB'tan "
"daha büyük bir dosya içeriyor."
t MSG_101 "Eksik WIM desteği"
t MSG_102 "Platformunuz WIM arşivlerinden dosyaları ayrıştıramaz. WIM ayrıştırması "
"EFI açılabilir Windows 7 ve Windows Vista USB sürücüleri oluşturmak için ereklidir. Bu durumu "
"7-Zip son sürümünü yükleyerek aşabilirsiniz.\n7-zip indirme sayfasına gitmek istiyor musunuz?"
t MSG_103 "%s indirilsin mi?"
t MSG_104 "Syslinux v5.0 yada daha üstünün yüklenebilmesi için '%s' dosyası gerekir.\n"
"Çünkü bu dosya boyutu 100 KB tan daha büyük ve Syslinux v5+ ISO görüntülerinde her zaman bulunur, "
"Rufus'a gömülü değildir.\n\nRufus eksik dosyayı sizin için indirebilir:\n"
"- İnternete bağlanıp dosyayı indirmek için 'Evet'i ssçin\n"
"- Dosyayı daha sonra sürücüye elle kopyalamak istiyorsanız 'Hayır'ı seçin\n\n"
"Not: Dosya mevcut dizine indirilecek ve "
"'%s' orda varolunca, otomatik olarak kullanılacak.\n"
t MSG_105 "Vazgeçmek aygıtı KULLANILAMAZ hale getirebilir.\n"
"Vazgeçmek istediğinize eminseniz, Evet'e tıklayın. Aksi halde Hayır'a tıklayın."
t MSG_106 "Lütfen Klasör Seçin"
t MSG_107 "Tüm Dosyalar"
t MSG_108 "Rufus günlüğü"
t MSG_109 "0x%02X (Disk %d)"
# "Cluster size" below should be the same as the label for IDS_CLUSTERSIZE_TXT
# "kilobytes" should be the same as in MSG_027
t MSG_110 "MS-DOS, 64 kilobyte Ayırma Birimi Boyutu kullanan bir sürücüden başlatılamaz.\n"
"Lütfen farklı bir Ayırma Birimi Boyutu seçin yada FreeDOS kullanın."
t MSG_111 "Uyumsuz Ayırma Boyutu"
# "%d:%02d" below is a duration (mins:secs)
t MSG_112 "Geniş bir UDF Biriminin biçimlendirilmesi çok uzun bir süre alabilir. USB 2.0 hızında, Tahmini biçimlendirme "
"süresi %d:%02d, İlerleme çubuğu donmuş görünüyorken. Lütfen sabırlı olun!"
t MSG_113 "Geniş UDF Birimi"
# Tootips
# Partition Scheme and Target Type
t MSG_150 "Genellikle en güvenli seçenektir. UEFI destekli bir bilgisayara sahipseniz ve bir işletim sistemini "
"EFI modunda yüklemek istiyorsanız ancak diğer seçeneklerden birini seçmelisiniz"
t MSG_151 "Bir işletim sistemini EFI modunda yüklemek istiyorsanız fakat "
"USB içeriğine Windows XP den erişmeniz gerekiyorsa bunu kullanın"
t MSG_152 "Bir işletim sistemini EFI modunda yüklemek için ve Windows XP için USB erişimi gerekmediğinde "
" tercih edilen seçenek"
t MSG_153 "Kalıbı Dene: 0x%02X"
t MSG_154 "Kalıbı Dene: 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_155 "Kalıbı Dene: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_156 "Kalıbı Dene: 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X, 0x%02X"
t MSG_157 "Hedef Dosya Sistemini Ayarlar"
t MSG_158 "Dosya sisteminde tutulacak en küçük veri bloğu boyutu"
t MSG_159 "Bu alanı sürücü etiketini ayarlamak için kullanın\nUluslararası karakterler kabul edilir"
t MSG_160 "Gelişmiş seçeneklere geçiş"
t MSG_161 "Kalıp denemesi kullanarak hatalı blokları denetle"
t MSG_162 "\"Yavaş\" biçimlendirme yöntemini kullanmak için bu onay kutusu seçimini kaldırın"
t MSG_163 "Açılabilir USB sürücüsü oluşturmak için bu onay kutusunu seçin"
t MSG_164 "Sürücüyü açılabilir yapmak için kullanılacak yöntem"
t MSG_165 "ISO seçmek için tıklayın..."
t MSG_166 "Uluslararası etiketleri görüntülemek için bu onay kutusunu seçin "
"ve aygıt simgesini belirleyin (autorun.inf oluşturur)"
t MSG_167 "Açılış seçimine izin veren ve BIOS USB Sürücü kimliğini taklit edebilen bir MBR yükler"
t MSG_168 "İlk açılabilir USB sürücüsünü farklı bir disk olarak taklit etmeye çalış (genellikle 0x80).\n"
"Bu sadece Windows XP yüklemesinde ve birden fazla diske varsa gerekebilir"
t MSG_169 "Ekstra gizli bir bölüm oluşturur ve bölümlerin sınırlarını hizalamaya çalışır.\n"
"Bu işlem eski BIOSlar için açılış algılamasını geliştirir"
t MSG_170 "USB sabit sürücü eklerini listelemeyi etkinleştirir. SORUMLULUK SİZE AİTTİR!!!"
t MSG_171 "Biçimlendirme işlemini başlat.\nBu hedef üzerinde tüm veriyi yok edecek!"
t MSG_172 "Lisans bilgisi ve Emeği Geçenler"
t MSG_173 "Seçmek için tıklayın..."
# The following will appear in the about dialog
t MSG_174 "Rufus - Güvenilir USB Biçimlendirme Programı"
t MSG_175 "Sürüm %d.%d.%d (Yapı %d)"
t MSG_176 "Türkçe Çeviri: Mehmetali KURAN <mailto:mehmetalikuran@gmail.com>"
t MSG_177 "Hataları yada geliştirme isteklerini buraya raporlayın:"
t MSG_178 "Ek Telif Hakları:"
t MSG_179 "Güncelleme İlkesi:"
t MSG_180 "Programa güncellemelerini denetlemesi için izin vermeyi seçerseniz, "
"aşağıdaki bilgilerin sunucu(lar)ımızda depolanabilmesini kabul etmiş olursunuz"
t MSG_181 "İşletim Sistemi mimarisi ve sürümü"
t MSG_182 "Kullandığınız uygulamanın sürümü"
t MSG_183 "IP Adresiniz"
t MSG_184 "Özel kullanım istatistikleri oluşturmak amacıyla, bilgi toplamaya \\b en fazla bir yıl için\\b0 "
" devam edebiliriz. Fakat, Üçüncü şahıslarla isteyerek herhangi bir veri paylaşılmaz."
t MSG_185 "Güncelleme İlerlemesi:"
t MSG_186 "Güncelleme denetiminin sadece ana uygulama çalışırken gerçekleşmesinden dolayı, Rufus arkaplan hizmeti yüklemez yada çalıştırmaz.\\line\n"
"Güncellemeler denetlenirken doğal olarak internet erişimi gerekir."
# Status messages - these messages will appear on the status bar
t MSG_201 "Vazgeçiliyor - Lütfen Bekleyin..."
t MSG_202 "ISO görüntüsü taranıyor..."
t MSG_203 "ISO görüntüsü taranamadı"
# Parameter: the name of an obsolete Syslinux .c32 module. eg: "Obsolete vesamenu.c32 detected"
t MSG_204 "Eski %s algılandı"
# Display the name of the ISO selected. eg: "Using ISO: en_win7_x64_sp1.iso"
t MSG_205 "Kullanılan ISO: %s"
# Typically "Missing ldlinux.c32 file"
t MSG_206 "Eksik %s dosyası"
# The name proposed by Windows' Computer Management -> Disk Management when you try to format a drive
# with an empty label. See http://rufus.akeo.ie/pics/default_name.png
t MSG_207 "Yeni Birim"
# Same message, once for singular and plural ("1 device found", "2 devices found")
t MSG_208 "%d aygıt bulundu"
t MSG_209 "%d aygıt bulundu"
t MSG_210 "TAMAM."
t MSG_211 "Vazgeçildi."
# Used when a new update has been downloaded and launched
t MSG_213 "Yeni uygulama başlatılıyor..."
t MSG_214 "Yeni uygulama başlatılamadı"
# Open/Save file
t MSG_215 "%s Açıldı"
t MSG_216 "%s Kaydedildi"
# Formatting status (make sure you use a double % to print the percent sign)
t MSG_217 "Biçimlendiriliyor: %0.1f%% tamamlandı"
t MSG_218 "Dosya sistemi oluşturuluyor: Görev %d/%d tamamlandı"
t MSG_219 "NTFS Düzeltme: %d%% tamamlandı"
# Parameter: the file system and an estimated duration in mins and secs.
# eg. "Formatting (UDF) - Estimated duration 3:21..."
# NB: if "estimated duration" is too long, just use "estimated" or an abbreviation
t MSG_220 "Biçimlendiriliyor (%s) - Tahmini Süre %d:%02d..."
t MSG_221 "Etiket Ayarlanıyor (Biraz zaman alabilir)..."
# Parameter: the file system. eg. "Formatting (NTFS)..."
t MSG_222 "Biçimlendiriliyor (%s)..."
t MSG_223 "NTFS Düzeltme (Checkdisk)..."
t MSG_224 "MBR/PBR/GPT yapıları temizleniyor..."
t MSG_225 "Disk erişimi sorgulanıyor..."
t MSG_226 "Varolan açılış kayıtları inceleniyor..."
t MSG_227 "Varolan birim kapatılıyor..."
t MSG_228 "MBR Yazılıyor..."
t MSG_229 "PBR Yazılıyor..."
t MSG_230 "DOS Dosyaları Kopyalanıyor..."
t MSG_231 "ISO Dosyaları Kopyalanıyor..."
t MSG_232 "Win7 EFI Açılış Kurulumu (Biraz zaman alabilir)..."
t MSG_233 "Bitiriliyor, Lütfen Bekleyin..."
# Takes the Syslinux version as parameter, eg. "Installing Syslinux v5..."
t MSG_234 "Syslinux v%d Yükleniyor..."
# Bad blocks status. eg: "Bad Blocks: PASS 1/2 - 12.34% (0/0/1 errors)"
t MSG_235 "Hatalı Bloklar: Geçiş %d/%d - %0.2f%% (%d/%d/%d hata)"
t MSG_236 "Hatalı Bloklar: Rasgele kalıpla deneniyor"
t MSG_237 "Hatalı Bloklar: 0x%02X kalıbıyla deneniyor"
# eg. "Formatting (MBR)..."
t MSG_238 "Bölümlendiriliyor (%s)..."
t MSG_239 "Bölümler Siliniyor..."
t MSG_240 "%s İndiriliyor: Bağlanıyor..."
t MSG_241 "İndiriliyor: %0.1f%%"
t MSG_242 "Dosya indirilemedi."
t MSG_243 "Rufus güncellemeleri denetleniyor..."
t MSG_244 "Güncellemeler: İnternet erişimi yok"
t MSG_245 "Güncellemeler: Sürüm bilgisine erişilemedi"
t MSG_246 "Rufus'un yeni sürümü mevcut!"
t MSG_247 "Rufus'un yeni sürümü bulunamadı"
t MSG_248 "Uygulama kayıt defteri anahtarları başarıyla silindi"
t MSG_249 "Uygulama kayıt defteri anahtarları silinemedi"
# eg. "Fixed disk detection enabled" "ISO size check disabled"
t MSG_250 "%s etkin"
t MSG_251 "%s devredışı"
t MSG_252 "Boyut Denetlemeleri"
t MSG_253 "Sabit Disk Algılama"
t MSG_254 "Geniş FAT32 biçimlendirmeye zorla"
t MSG_255 "NoDriveTypeAutorun çıkışta silinecek"
t MSG_256 "Sahte sürücü algılama"
t MSG_257 "Joliet desteği"
t MSG_258 "Rock Ridge desteği"
t MSG_259 "Güncellemeye zorla"