2022-04-02 20:23:20 +02:00

1.7 KiB


Kite comes with a language server adapter that may be used to enable Kite completions via your favorite LSP client. Other Kite features than completions are not well-supported via LSP, so you should still install the Kite plugin for Vim.

The Kite-LSP adapter may be run as follows, depending on your operating system:

/Applications/ --editor=vim
~/.local/share/kite/current/kite-lsp --editor=vim
C:\Program Files\Kite\kite-lsp.exe --editor=vim

If you installed Kite to a non-standard location, you may need to appropriately modify the executable path.


As today the LSP integration in neovim is just avalaible in the nightlies.
To enable the support in this case:

au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({
     \ 'name': 'kite',
     \ 'cmd': '~/.local/share/kite/current/kite-lsp --editor=vim',
     \ 'whitelist': ["php", "javascript", "python", "bash"],
     \ })


We have tested Kite-LSP with the full-featured coc.nvim completions plugin. However, it should likely work with most LSP client plugins.

In order to enable Kite-LSP, add the following to your coc.nvim configuration (:CocConfig):

  "languageserver": {
    "kite": {
      "command": "/Applications/ --editor=vim",
      "filetypes": ["python", "go", "javascript"]

Add to "filetypes" any languages for which you would like to enable Kite completions.

You should also disable the Kite plugin's completions to avoid getting duplicate completions:

let g:kite_completions=0