## Kite-LSP Kite comes with a language server adapter that may be used to enable Kite completions via your favorite LSP client. Other Kite features than completions are not well-supported via LSP, so you should still install the Kite plugin for Vim. The Kite-LSP adapter may be run as follows, depending on your operating system: ```bash /Applications/Kite.app/Contents/MacOS/kite-lsp --editor=vim ~/.local/share/kite/current/kite-lsp --editor=vim C:\Program Files\Kite\kite-lsp.exe --editor=vim ``` If you installed Kite to a non-standard location, you may need to appropriately modify the executable path. ### Neovim-LSP As today the [LSP integration in neovim](https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig) is just avalaible in the nightlies. To enable the support in this case: ``` au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({ \ 'name': 'kite', \ 'cmd': '~/.local/share/kite/current/kite-lsp --editor=vim', \ 'whitelist': ["php", "javascript", "python", "bash"], \ }) ``` ### Coc.nvim We have tested Kite-LSP with the full-featured [coc.nvim](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim) completions plugin. However, it should likely work with most LSP client plugins. In order to enable Kite-LSP, add the following to your coc.nvim configuration (`:CocConfig`): ```json { "languageserver": { "kite": { "command": "/Applications/Kite.app/Contents/MacOS/kite-lsp --editor=vim", "filetypes": ["python", "go", "javascript"] } } } ``` Add to `"filetypes"` any languages for which you would like to enable Kite completions. You should also disable the Kite plugin's completions to avoid getting duplicate completions: ```viml let g:kite_completions=0 ```