2021-10-13 13:43:15 -07:00

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# Eukarya
- There are two parts to the origin of eukaryotic cells:
- [[Endosymbiosis]]: Theorized by [[Lynn Margulis]], proposes that
mitochondria, along with other eukaryotic organelles, first existed as
independent organisms
- [[Endomembrane System]]: Documented by [[Christian de Duve]], the
endomembrane system involves parts of organelles specific to eukaryotic
organelles, such as the nuclear envelope
- In eukaryotes, [[mitochondria]] have separate DNA from the nuclear genome,
which is evidence for [[Endosymbiosis]]
## Taxonomy
- [[Eukarya]]
- Bikonta
- [[Excavata]]
- [[Euglenozoa]]
- [[Metamonada]]
- Trichozoa
- [[Diplomonadida]]
- [[Parabasalia]]
- Diaphoretickes
- [[SAR Supergroup]]
- Rhizaria
- Cercozoa
- Retaria
- Foraminifera
- Radiolaria
- Halvaria
- [[Alveolata]]
- [[Ciliophora]]
- Myzozoa
- [[Apicomplexa]]
- [[Dinoflagellata]]
- [[Heterokonta]] (Stramenopiles)
- [[Diatoms]]
- [[Oomycota]]
- [[Brown algae]]
- [[Archaeplastida]]
- [[Rhodoyhpta]] (red algae)
- [[Viridiplantae]]
- [[Chlorophyta]]
- [[Streptophyta]]
- Charophyta
- [[Embryophyta]] (land plants)
- [[Unikonta]]
- [[Amoebozoa]]
- Tubulinea
- Entamoeba
- [[Eumycetozoa]] (slime molds)
- [[Opisthokonta]]
- Holomycota
- Nucleariida
- [[Fungi]]
- Holozoa
- Choanoflagellatea
- [[Animalia]]
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Endosymbiosis]: endosymbiosis "Endosymbiosis"
[mitochondria]: mitochondrion "mitochondrion"
[Eukarya]: eukarya "Eukarya"
[Excavata]: excavata "Excavata"
[Euglenozoa]: euglenozoa "Euglenozoa"
[Metamonada]: metamonada "Metamonada"
[Diplomonadida]: diplomonadida "Diplomonadida"
[Parabasalia]: parabasalia "Parabasalia"
[SAR Supergroup]: sar-supergroup "SAR Supergroup"
[Alveolata]: alveolata "Alveolata"
[Ciliophora]: ciliophora "Ciliophora"
[Apicomplexa]: apicomplexa "Apicomplexa"
[Dinoflagellata]: dinoflagellata "Dinoflagellata"
[Heterokonta]: heterokonta "Heterokonta"
[Diatoms]: diatoms "Diatoms"
[Oomycota]: oomycota "Oomycota"
[Brown algae]: brown-algae "Brown algae"
[Archaeplastida]: archaeplastida "Archaeplastida"
[Unikonta]: unikonta "Unikonta"
[Amoebozoa]: amoebozoa "Amoebozoa"
[Eumycetozoa]: eumycetozoa "Eumycetozoa"
[Opisthokonta]: opisthokonta "Opisthokonta"
[Fungi]: fungi "Fungi"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"