2021-10-13 13:43:15 -07:00

22 lines
617 B

# Fungi
- It used to be presumed that [[Fungi]] were more [[Embryophyta]]-like than
[[Animalia]]-like, because of their plant-like structure and cell wall, but
this is not the case
- It was eventually shown that the [[Chytridiomycota]] was a member of the
## Taxonomy
- [[Fungi]]
- [[Chytridiomycota]]
- Amastigomycota
- [[Glomeromycota]]
- Dikarya
- [[Ascomycota]]
- [[Basidiomycota]]
[//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility"
[Fungi]: fungi "Fungi"
[Opisthokonta]: opisthokonta "Opisthokonta"
[//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"