New system working on stuff I think idk UwU

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Hazel Layne Aranda 2021-03-25 07:28:26 -04:00
parent 4bc3e5dc8c
commit 29a576bf7d

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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
title = "\"Habeltop\" RPG System"
description = "Bored and restless, so time it is to design a tabletop system..."
date = 2021-03-24
draft = true
toc = true
Here is a link to the [Character Sheet](
## Stat Modifiers
Each of the six base stats also has a "modifier" based on its value.
The modifier is calculated like so: `Stat / 3 - 3`, rounding down to whole numbers.
For convenience, here is a table of the modifiers for each stat value:
{% table() %}
| Stat | Mod. | Stat | Mod. | Stat | Mod. |
| 1,2 | -3 | 9,10,11 | 0 | 18,19,20 | +3 |
| 3,4,5 | -2 | 12,13,14 | +1 | 21,22,23 | +4 |
| 6,7,8 | -1 | 15,16,17 | +2 | 24+ | +5 |
{% end %}
## Base Stats
Listed here are the six major character stats and what they affect along with a few
examples of what sort of actions they might be rolled against to determine the success of.
**Strength [STR]:**
A character's physical brute force and melee ability.
Strength is rolled against when attempting a melee attack.
The strength modifier is applied to the damage they with melee attacks.
The number of items they can carry on them is equal to their strength.
- Pushing, pulling, or lifting something heavy
- Breaking down a door
- Hanging onto a ledge
- Knocking something over
**Dexterity [DEX]:**
A character's general physical skill, agility, and ranged ability.
Dexterity is rolled against when attempting a ranged attack.
Certain melee weapons may allow using dexterity rather than strength when making attacks.
A character's ability to dodge in combat is determined by their dexterity.
- Doing a delicate task, such as soldering an electronic
- Performing and acrobatic feat
- Grabbing onto something to prevent from falling
- Swiping something without being noticed
**Constitution [CON]:**
A character's physical resilience and overall health.
Constitution is rolled against when resisting physical harm or other effects on the body.
A character's maximum health is determined by their constitution.
- Resisting extreme temperatures
- Recovering from illness or the effects of poison
- Dealing with the effects of starvation or dehydration
- Consuming things that would cause one to vomit
**Intelligence [INT]:**
A character's general knowledge-base.
- Identifying an object
- Researching an obscure topic
- Decyphering an encrypted message
- Utilizing complicated or strange technology
**Wisdom [WIS]:**
A character's perception and mental fortitude.
Wisdom is rolled against to determine the order of combat.
- Seeing through deceit
- Spotting hidden dangers
- Resisting torture
- Estimating the severity of a threat
**Charisma [CHA]:**
A character's latent social skills.
The charisma modifier is applied to morale checks for followers.
- Claiming to be a different person
- Persuading someone to your side
- Winning the crowd over in an argument
- Leading and organizing a group of people
## Health
A character's maximum health is equal to twice their constitution stat plus their current level: `(CON * 2) + Level`.
## Skills
Skills represent specific actions or subjects that a character has special
training or intuition for.
Skills have a level, ranging from `1` to `6`.
When a character is attempting to do something that a skill reasonably applies to,
add that skill's level to the roll.
## Levelling Up
Characters level up after getting through a particularly tough or otherwise important experience
or whenever the GM feels it would be a good time to.
Follow these steps when levelling up a character:
1. For each stat, roll `1d20`. If the roll is higher than the stat's current value, increase the stat by one.
2. Choose a skill and roll `1d6`. If the roll is higher than the skill's current level, increase that skill's level by one.
2. Update health to reflect new level and constitution.