
182 lines
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2021-11-05 21:34:27 +00:00
import flixel.FlxG;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.FlxCamera;
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import flixel.util.FlxColor;
import flixel.text.FlxText;
using StringTools;
class Achievements {
public static var achievementsStuff:Array<Dynamic> = [ //Name, Description, Achievement save tag, Hidden achievement
["Freaky on a Friday Night", "Play on a Friday... Night.", 'friday_night_play', true],
["She Calls Me Daddy Too", "Beat Week 1 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week1_nomiss', false],
["No More Tricks", "Beat Week 2 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week2_nomiss', false],
["Call Me The Hitman", "Beat Week 3 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week3_nomiss', false],
["Lady Killer", "Beat Week 4 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week4_nomiss', false],
["Missless Christmas", "Beat Week 5 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week5_nomiss', false],
["Highscore!!", "Beat Week 6 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week6_nomiss', false],
["You'll Pay For That...", "Beat Week 7 on Hard with no Misses.", 'week7_nomiss', true],
["What a Funkin' Disaster!", "Complete a Song with a rating lower than 20%.", 'ur_bad', false],
["Perfectionist", "Complete a Song with a rating of 100%.", 'ur_good', false],
["Roadkill Enthusiast", "Watch the Henchmen die over 100 times.", 'roadkill_enthusiast', false],
["Oversinging Much...?", "Hold down a note for 20 seconds.", 'oversinging', false],
["Hyperactive", "Finish a Song without going Idle.", 'hype', false],
["Just the Two of Us", "Finish a Song pressing only two keys.", 'two_keys', false],
["Toaster Gamer", "Have you tried to run the game on a toaster?", 'toastie', false],
["Debugger", "Beat the \"Test\" Stage from the Chart Editor.", 'debugger', true]
public static var achievementsMap:Map<String, Bool> = new Map<String, Bool>();
public static var henchmenDeath:Int = 0;
public static function unlockAchievement(name:String):Void {
FlxG.log.add('Completed achievement "' + name +'"');
achievementsMap.set(name, true);'confirmMenu'), 0.7);
public static function isAchievementUnlocked(name:String) {
if(achievementsMap.exists(name) && achievementsMap.get(name)) {
return true;
return false;
public static function getAchievementIndex(name:String) {
for (i in 0...achievementsStuff.length) {
if(achievementsStuff[i][2] == name) {
return i;
return -1;
public static function loadAchievements():Void {
if( != null) {
if( != null) {
achievementsMap =;
if( != null) {
FlxG.log.add("Trying to load stuff");
var savedStuff:Array<String> =;
for (i in 0...savedStuff.length) {
achievementsMap.set(savedStuff[i], true);
if(henchmenDeath == 0 && != null) {
henchmenDeath =;
// You might be asking "Why didn't you just fucking load it directly dumbass??"
// Well, Mr. Smartass, consider that this class was made for Mind Games Mod's demo,
// i'm obviously going to change the "Psyche" achievement's objective so that you have to complete the entire week
// with no misses instead of just Psychic once the full release is out. So, for not having the rest of your achievements lost on
// the full release, we only save the achievements' tag names instead. This also makes me able to rename
// achievements later as long as the tag names aren't changed of course.
// Edit: Oh yeah, just thought that this also makes me able to change the achievements orders easier later if i want to.
// So yeah, if you didn't thought about that i'm smarter than you, i think
// buffoon
class AttachedAchievement extends FlxSprite {
public var sprTracker:FlxSprite;
private var tag:String;
public function new(x:Float = 0, y:Float = 0, name:String) {
super(x, y);
antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing;
public function changeAchievement(tag:String) {
this.tag = tag;
public function reloadAchievementImage() {
if(Achievements.isAchievementUnlocked(tag)) {
loadGraphic(Paths.image('achievementgrid'), true, 150, 150);
animation.add('icon', [Achievements.getAchievementIndex(tag)], 0, false, false);'icon');
} else {
scale.set(0.7, 0.7);
override function update(elapsed:Float) {
if (sprTracker != null)
setPosition(sprTracker.x - 130, sprTracker.y + 25);
class AchievementObject extends FlxSpriteGroup {
public var onFinish:Void->Void = null;
var alphaTween:FlxTween;
public function new(name:String, ?camera:FlxCamera = null)
super(x, y);
var id:Int = Achievements.getAchievementIndex(name);
var achievementBG:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(60, 50).makeGraphic(420, 120, FlxColor.BLACK);
var achievementIcon:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(achievementBG.x + 10, achievementBG.y + 10).loadGraphic(Paths.image('achievementgrid'), true, 150, 150);
achievementIcon.animation.add('icon', [id], 0, false, false);'icon');
achievementIcon.setGraphicSize( * (2 / 3)));
achievementIcon.antialiasing = ClientPrefs.globalAntialiasing;
var achievementName:FlxText = new FlxText(achievementIcon.x + achievementIcon.width + 20, achievementIcon.y + 16, 280, Achievements.achievementsStuff[id][0], 16);
achievementName.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT);
var achievementText:FlxText = new FlxText(achievementName.x, achievementName.y + 32, 280, Achievements.achievementsStuff[id][1], 16);
achievementText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 16, FlxColor.WHITE, LEFT);
var cam:Array<FlxCamera> = FlxCamera.defaultCameras;
if(camera != null) {
cam = [camera];
alpha = 0;
achievementBG.cameras = cam;
achievementName.cameras = cam;
achievementText.cameras = cam;
achievementIcon.cameras = cam;
alphaTween = FlxTween.tween(this, {alpha: 1}, 0.5, {onComplete: function (twn:FlxTween) {
alphaTween = FlxTween.tween(this, {alpha: 0}, 0.5, {
startDelay: 2.5,
onComplete: function(twn:FlxTween) {
alphaTween = null;
if(onFinish != null) onFinish();
override function destroy() {
if(alphaTween != null) {