
62 lines
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using HarmonyLib;
using rjw;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using RimWorld;
using Verse;
namespace RJW_Genes
/// <summary>
/// This patch enables cum-eater pawns to drain cumflations for more fertilin drain by passively having sex.
/// It is hooked after RJWs Change-Psyfocus so that pawns that are having prolonged sex (e.g. by overdrive) can fully drain the cumflation over time.
/// It is conditionally loaded only when LicentiaLabs is enabled, as this is the necessary source for cumflation-hediffs.
/// The patched function is: [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_Sex), nameof(JobDriver_Sex.ChangePsyfocus))]
/// </summary>
public static class Patch_SexTicks_ChangePsyfocus
public const float LIFEFORCE_GAIN_PER_TICK = 0.05f;
public const float CUMFLATION_SEVERITY_LOSS_PER_TICK = 0.1f;
//Using ChangePsyfocus as it is something that fires every 60 ticks
public static void Postfix(ref JobDriver_Sex __instance, ref Pawn pawn, ref Thing target)
SexProps props = __instance.Sexprops;
if (props != null && props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Cunnilingus && props.partner != null && target != null)
Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn;
// Case 1: Pawn is "drinking" and has CumEater Gene
if (props.isRevese && GeneUtility.IsCumEater(pawn))
if (RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug)
ModLog.Message($"{pawn.Name} is draining {pawn2.Name}'s cumflation for additional fertilin (CumEater-Gene ChangePsyFocus-Trigger).");
DrinkCumflation(pawn2, pawn);
// Case 2: Pawn2 is "drinking" and has CumEater Gene
else if (GeneUtility.IsCumEater(pawn2))
if (RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug)
ModLog.Message($"{pawn.Name} is draining {pawn2.Name}'s cumflation for additional fertilin (CumEater-Gene ChangePsyFocus-Trigger).");
DrinkCumflation(pawn, pawn2);
public static void DrinkCumflation(Pawn source, Pawn consumer)
if (GeneUtility.HasLifeForce(consumer) && GeneUtility.IsCumEater(consumer)
&& source.health.hediffSet.HasHediff(HediffDef.Named("Cumflation")))
Hediff cumflation = source.health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDef.Named("Cumflation"));
Gene_LifeForce gene_LifeForce = consumer.genes.GetFirstGeneOfType<Gene_LifeForce>();
cumflation.Severity = Math.Max(0f,cumflation.Severity - CUMFLATION_SEVERITY_LOSS_PER_TICK);
gene_LifeForce.Resource.Value += LIFEFORCE_GAIN_PER_TICK;