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synced 2024-08-15 00:23:31 +00:00
Added Settings for RJW Genes, minor Cleanups
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 115 additions and 45 deletions
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Features:
- RJW Race-Support Compatibility (#12,#13, Shabakur)
- Animal Gene Inheritance Gene-Chance Multiplier per Setting (#13, Shabakur)
- Lots of Debug-Only Logging for Animal Gene Inheritance
- Mod-Settings
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ Fixes:
- Futa Gene only triggers if Pawn is not a futa already (#2)
- Genitalia Resizing triggers on 20th Birthday (#11)
- RJW-Gene-Inheritance Settings now do things (#13, Shabakur)
- Check for Animals in Orgasm Rush, no Orgasm Rush for and from Animals (#15)
# 1.0.1 (2022-12-20)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<reportString>Healing someone with sex.</reportString>
<reportString>Tending someones wounds with sex.</reportString>
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
public static bool HasLowLifeForce(Pawn pawn)
if (HasLifeForce(pawn))
@ -118,5 +119,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
public static bool HasParalysingKiss(Pawn pawn) { return HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_paralysingkiss); }
public static bool HasSeduce(Pawn pawn) { return HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_seduce); }
public static bool IsSexualDrainer(Pawn pawn) { return HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_drainer); }
public static bool IsCumEater(Pawn pawn) { return HasGeneNullCheck(pawn, GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_cum_eater); }
@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
using RimWorld;
using rjw;
using rjw.Modules.Interactions.Helpers;
namespace RJW_Genes
@ -31,11 +25,8 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
bool any_wound_tended = AbilityUtility.Heal(pawn, this.Props.tendQualityRange);
if (any_wound_tended)
MoteMaker.ThrowText(pawn.DrawPos, pawn.Map, "Sex healed wounds", 3.65f);
//pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOf.Pussy_Healed, pawn, null);
MoteMaker.ThrowText(pawn.DrawPos, pawn.Map, "Sex tended wounds", 3.65f);
//FleckMaker.AttachedOverlay(pawn, FleckDefOf.FlashHollow, Vector3.zero, 1.5f, -1f);
//Not yet implemented, but the heal should also trigger after normal sex
@ -77,7 +68,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
return false;
//AbilityUtility.ValidateHasTendableWound(pawn, throwMessages, this.parent);
//TODO: Only make pawns targetable that have tendable wounds
return base.Valid(target, throwMessages);
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
return null;
int num = Mathf.RoundToInt(((gene_lifeforce.targetValue - gene_lifeforce.Value) * 100 + 10) / ingestionOutcomeDoer.FERTILIN_PER_UNIT);
int num = Mathf.RoundToInt(((gene_lifeforce.targetValue - gene_lifeforce.Value) * 100 + 10) / IngestionOutcomeDoer_LifeForceOffset.FERTILIN_PER_UNIT);
if (gatheredCum != null && num > 0)
Job job = JobMaker.MakeJob(RimWorld.JobDefOf.Ingest, gatheredCum);
@ -103,6 +103,12 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
multiplier *= absorb_percentage;
//Currently taking the sum of all penises, maybe I should just consider one at random
float valuechange = TotalFertilinAmount(props, multiplier);
if (props.partner.IsAnimal())
valuechange *= RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor;
GeneUtility.OffsetLifeForce(GeneUtility.GetLifeForceGene(props.partner), valuechange);
//gene.Resource.Value += CumUtility.GetTotalFluidAmount(props.pawn) / 100 * absorb_factor * multiplier;
@ -129,7 +135,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="props">The summary of the sex act, used for checking conditions.</param>
/// <param name="PawnWithLifeForce">The pawn that might gain LifeForce through this method.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <returns>A factor between 0 and 1 how much of output-fertilin will be used for input-lifeforce</returns>
public static float BaseDom(SexProps props, Pawn PawnWithLifeForce)
float absorb_factor = 0f;
@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="props">The summary of the sex act, used for checking conditions.</param>
/// <param name="PawnWithLifeForce">The pawn that might gain LifeForce through this method.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <returns>A factor between 0 and 1 how much of output-fertilin will be used for input-lifeforce</returns>
public static float BaseSub(SexProps props, Pawn PawnWithLifeForce)
float absorb_factor = 0f;
@ -11,47 +11,52 @@ using Verse;
namespace RJW_Genes
//[HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_Sex), nameof(JobDriver_Sex.ChangePsyfocus))]
/// <summary>
/// This patch enables cum-eater pawns to drain cumflations for more fertilin drain by passively having sex.
/// It is hooked after RJWs Change-Psyfocus so that pawns that are having prolonged sex (e.g. by overdrive) can fully drain the cumflation over time.
/// It is conditionally loaded only when LicentiaLabs is enabled, as this is the necessary source for cumflation-hediffs.
/// The patched function is: [HarmonyPatch(typeof(JobDriver_Sex), nameof(JobDriver_Sex.ChangePsyfocus))]
/// </summary>
public static class Patch_SexTicks_ChangePsyfocus
public const float LIFEFORCE_GAIN_PER_TICK = 0.05f;
public const float CUMFLATION_SEVERITY_LOSS_PER_TICK = 0.1f;
//Using ChangePsyfocus as it is something that fires every 60 ticks
public static void Postfix(ref JobDriver_Sex __instance, ref Pawn pawn, ref Thing target)
if (__instance.Sexprops.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Cunnilingus)
if (target != null)
Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn;
if (pawn2 != null)
//We need to know who the pawn on top is and if reverse we need to make the sub the pawn on top
if (__instance.Sexprops.isRevese)
DrinkCumflation(pawn2, pawn);
DrinkCumflation(pawn, pawn2);
SexProps props = __instance.Sexprops;
if (props != null && props.sexType == xxx.rjwSextype.Cunnilingus && props.partner != null && target != null)
Pawn pawn2 = target as Pawn;
// Case 1: Pawn is "drinking" and has CumEater Gene
if (props.isRevese && GeneUtility.IsCumEater(pawn))
if (RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug)
ModLog.Message($"{pawn.Name} is draining {pawn2.Name}'s cumflation for additional fertilin (CumEater-Gene ChangePsyFocus-Trigger).");
DrinkCumflation(pawn2, pawn);
// Case 2: Pawn2 is "drinking" and has CumEater Gene
else if (GeneUtility.IsCumEater(pawn2))
if (RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug)
ModLog.Message($"{pawn.Name} is draining {pawn2.Name}'s cumflation for additional fertilin (CumEater-Gene ChangePsyFocus-Trigger).");
DrinkCumflation(pawn, pawn2);
public static void DrinkCumflation(Pawn dom, Pawn sub)
public static void DrinkCumflation(Pawn source, Pawn consumer)
if (GeneUtility.HasLifeForce(sub) && GeneUtility.HasGeneNullCheck(sub,GeneDefOf.rjw_genes_cum_eater)&& dom.health.hediffSet.HasHediff(HediffDef.Named("Cumflation")))
if (GeneUtility.HasLifeForce(consumer) && GeneUtility.IsCumEater(consumer)
&& source.health.hediffSet.HasHediff(HediffDef.Named("Cumflation")))
Hediff cumflation = dom.health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDef.Named("Cumflation"));
Gene_LifeForce gene_LifeForce = sub.genes.GetFirstGeneOfType<Gene_LifeForce>();
cumflation.Severity -= 0.1f;
gene_LifeForce.Resource.Value += 0.05f;
Hediff cumflation = source.health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(HediffDef.Named("Cumflation"));
Gene_LifeForce gene_LifeForce = consumer.genes.GetFirstGeneOfType<Gene_LifeForce>();
cumflation.Severity = Math.Max(0f,cumflation.Severity - CUMFLATION_SEVERITY_LOSS_PER_TICK);
gene_LifeForce.Resource.Value += LIFEFORCE_GAIN_PER_TICK;
//Maybe I can store gene and hediff so I dont need to look them up every time
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ namespace RJW_Genes
// Gene: Generous Donor [Postfix Patch]
harmony.Patch(AccessTools.Method(typeof(LicentiaLabs.CumflationHelper), nameof(LicentiaLabs.CumflationHelper.TransferNutrition)),
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(Patch_TransferNutrition), nameof(Patch_TransferNutrition.Postfix)));
// Gene: CumEater [Postfix Patch]
harmony.Patch(AccessTools.Method(typeof(rjw.JobDriver_Sex), nameof(rjw.JobDriver_Sex.ChangePsyfocus)),
postfix: new HarmonyMethod(typeof(Patch_SexTicks_ChangePsyfocus), nameof(Patch_SexTicks_ChangePsyfocus.Postfix)));
@ -175,6 +175,8 @@
<Compile Include="JobDefOf.cs" />
<Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
<Compile Include="RJW_Genes.cs" />
<Compile Include="Settings\RJW_Genes_Settings.cs" />
<Compile Include="Settings\RJW_Genes_SettingsController.cs" />
<Compile Include="ThoughtDefOf.cs" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
using System;
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Genes
public class RJW_Genes_Settings : ModSettings
public static void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect)
//Copied from RJW settings mostly
Rect outRect = new Rect(0f, 30f, inRect.width, inRect.height - 30f);
Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, inRect.width - 16f, inRect.height + 300f);
//Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref RJWSettings.scrollPosition, rect, true);
Listing_Standard listing_Standard = new Listing_Standard();
listing_Standard.maxOneColumn = true;
listing_Standard.ColumnWidth = rect.width / 2.05f;
listing_Standard.Label("Fertlin-Gain from Animals" + ": " +
Math.Round((double)(RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor * 100f), 0).ToString() + "%", -1f, "of fertilin gained (compared to human-baseline).");
RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor = listing_Standard.Slider(RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor, 0f, 3f);
listing_Standard.CheckboxLabeled("detailed-debug", ref rjw_genes_detailed_debug, "Adds detailed information to the log about interactions and genes.", 0f, 1f);
public override void ExposeData()
Scribe_Values.Look<float>(ref RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor, "rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor", RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor, true);
Scribe_Values.Look<bool>(ref RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug, "rjw_genes_detailed_debug", RJW_Genes_Settings.rjw_genes_detailed_debug, true);
public static bool rjw_genes_detailed_debug = false;
public static float rjw_genes_fertilin_from_animals_factor = 0.1f;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
using Verse;
using UnityEngine;
namespace RJW_Genes
public class RJW_Genes_SettingsController : Mod
public RJW_Genes_SettingsController(ModContentPack content) : base(content)
public override string SettingsCategory()
return "RJW Genes - General";
public override void DoSettingsWindowContents(Rect inRect)
Reference in a new issue