2022-12-27 08:27:37 +01:00

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# Known Bugs
Collection of Known Bugs and reasons for their origin.
## Random Vaginas for Goblins
Error: Pawns have different genitalia than expected, e.g. if the "no vagina" gene is specified there are pawns with vaginas AND a penis.
Possible causes:
- The "Male Female Only Genes" from Steam
- A Futa generated by RJW
I added my own Male/Female only genes, taking Genitalia and Order in Account. Yet there was no issue with this.
Maybe you can also fix it by changing `<DisplayOrderInXenotype>` in the Male/Female only Genes of the Steamworkshop, to be higher than the ones about genitalia. This way, the gender should be changed before my genes fire.
## Full-No-Genital-Genes get Genitals later
Error: I added all "no-XXX" genes but my pawn has genitalia on map!
Reason: If you go with Full-No-Genitals (No Penis, No Anus, No Breasts, No Vagina) then the pawn spawns without any Genitalia on the map,
however then the RJW base-logic runs the sexualizer.
**Workaround**: Have atleast 1 genitalia enabled with Genes, I recommend the anus.
## Log Pops up for Xenotypes with Female/Male Only Gene
When using a Xenotype with the Female only gene, upon refresh it can open the log with the following (red) statement:
[RJW] ChangeSex error (PAWNNAME) faction (FACTION). Probably tried to change sex at world gen for royalty implant, skipping
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Error (string)
rjw.ModLog:Error (string)
rjw.GenderHelper:ChangeSex (Verse.Pawn,rjw.GenderHelper/Sex,rjw.GenderHelper/Sex)
rjw.GenderHelper:ChangeSex (Verse.Pawn,System.Action)
RJW_Genes.Gene_FemaleOnly:AdjustPawnToFemale ()
RJW_Genes.Gene_FemaleOnly:PostMake ()
RimWorld.GeneMaker:MakeGene (Verse.GeneDef,Verse.Pawn)
[... some more ...]
RJW covers some corner cases when the pawn is changed before creation. This seems a bit legacy and related to Royalty-Content.
Current Solution:
Ignore this. The pawns seem to have the right sex and genitalia, I cannot "catch" the exception as it is only a Log Error. I would need to do harmony patching and ... that seems to be too much.
Aimed Solution:
Patch RJW ChangeSex upstream to skip for pawns with the two genes producing this.
## Error on Game Load: Verse.GeneDef named rjw_genes_human_genitalia (wanter=genes)
Error: Issue #4, Game throws a warning on load that some Genes were not found.
Reason: (Likely) because I removed some genes from Pre-Release to 1.0.0. Now some players have unknown definitions in their safe-files and Xenotype Defs.
The removed Genes were the ones that performed default behaviour (e.g. normal breast size, normal penis size, ...)
Solution: Should be safe to ignore, when you get this on safe-load make a quick new safe. new safe should not throw the error. For Self-Made Xenotypes remove the Genes.
Sorry about this one, I know removal can break things but hey you were playing with the Prerelease!
## Insect Breeder does not fertilize
We changed behaviour in [1.0.1](https://github.com/vegapnk/RJW-Genes/releases/tag/1.0.1) and it seems to work now. Please tell us if you still encounter this.
A pawn with insect breeder fucks a pawn with unfertilized insect eggs, but the eggs stay unfertilized.
So testing this is super hard.
One thing - you need to have anal or vaginal sex for this to work. Any other sex type is currently not supported.
For anything else, please help me gather information on this what you did and how things look. I reworked it once but I think it should work now.