
235 lines
8.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace RimWorldAnimationStudio
public class KeyframeSlider : Slider, IPointerClickHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IEndDragHandler
public AnimationTimeline timeline;
public Transform ghostSliders;
public Slider ghostSliderPrefab;
public Image handleImage;
public GameObject soundIcon;
public int maxGhosts = 4;
public int actorID;
public int keyframeID;
private PawnAnimationClip clip;
private PawnKeyframe keyframe;
2022-10-02 05:42:07 +00:00
private float dragTimeStart = -1f;
private int dragTickStart = -1;
public KeyframeSlider linkedSlider;
public Keyframe pivotKeyframe;
public int linkedOffset;
public void Initialize(AnimationTimeline timeline, int actorID, int keyframeID)
this.timeline = timeline;
this.clip = Workspace.Instance.GetPawnAnimationClip(actorID);
this.keyframe = Workspace.Instance.GetPawnKeyframe(actorID, keyframeID);
this.actorID = actorID;
this.keyframeID = keyframeID;
PawnKeyframe keyframe = Workspace.Instance.GetPawnKeyframe(actorID, keyframeID);
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maxValue = Workspace.StageWindowSize;
value = keyframe.atTick.Value;
onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate (float value) { OnValueChanged(); });
public void OnValueChanged()
keyframe.atTick = (int)value;
2022-09-19 00:07:44 +00:00
// Ghost sliders are non-interactable slider handle
public void UpdateGhostFrames()
if (maxGhosts == 0)
{ return; }
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int requiredGhosts = GetGhostFramesRequired();
int currentGhostCount = ghostSliders.childCount;
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for (int i = 0; i < Mathf.Max(requiredGhosts, currentGhostCount); i++)
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int targetTick = (int)(i * clip.duration + keyframe.atTick);
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if (ghostSliders.childCount <= i)
{ Instantiate(ghostSliderPrefab, ghostSliders); }
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GameObject ghostSliderObject = ghostSliders.GetChild(i).gameObject;
ghostSliderObject.SetActive(i < requiredGhosts);
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Slider ghostSlider = ghostSliderObject.GetComponent<Slider>();
ghostSlider.maxValue = Workspace.StageWindowSize;
ghostSlider.value = targetTick;
if (targetTick > ghostSlider.maxValue)
{ ghostSlider.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public int GetGhostFramesRequired()
if (Workspace.animationDef.animationStages[Workspace.stageID].isLooping == false)
{ return 0; }
if (clip.duration <= 1)
{ return 0; }
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return Math.Min(Mathf.CeilToInt((float)Workspace.StageWindowSize / clip.duration), maxGhosts);
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
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Workspace.actorID = actorID;
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftCommand))
{ Workspace.keyframeID.Add(keyframeID); }
else if (Workspace.keyframeID.NullOrEmpty() || Workspace.keyframeID.Contains(keyframeID) == false)
{ Workspace.keyframeID = new List<int> { keyframeID }; }
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if (eventData.clickCount >= 2)
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{ AnimationController.Instance.stageTick = keyframe.atTick.Value; }
public void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
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Workspace.actorID = actorID;
dragTimeStart = Time.unscaledTime;
dragTickStart = keyframe.atTick.Value;
if (Workspace.keyframeID.NullOrEmpty() || Workspace.keyframeID.Contains(keyframeID) == false)
{ Workspace.keyframeID = new List<int> { keyframeID }; }
List<PawnKeyframe> selectedKeyframes = Workspace.Instance.GetPawnKeyframes(Workspace.keyframeID).Except(new List<PawnKeyframe>() { keyframe })?.ToList();
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// Link other slected keyframes to the movement of this one
if (selectedKeyframes.NotNullOrEmpty())
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pivotKeyframe = keyframe.atTick <= selectedKeyframes.Min(x => x.atTick) ?
selectedKeyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick >= selectedKeyframes.Max(y => y.atTick)) :
selectedKeyframes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.atTick <= selectedKeyframes.Min(y => y.atTick));
foreach (PawnKeyframe selectedKeyframe in selectedKeyframes)
KeyframeSlider unlinkedSlider = selectedKeyframe.GetKeyframeSlider();
if (unlinkedSlider != null)
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if (AnimationController.Instance.stretchKeyframesToggle.isOn && unlinkedSlider.keyframe.atTick == pivotKeyframe.atTick) continue;
unlinkedSlider.linkedSlider = this;
unlinkedSlider.linkedOffset = unlinkedSlider.keyframe.atTick.Value - keyframe.atTick.Value;
public override void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
Workspace.actorID = actorID;
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// The first keyframe can't be moved
if (keyframe.atTick == Constants.minTick)
{ value = Constants.minTick; return; }
// Sticky drag
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if (Time.unscaledTime - dragTimeStart < 0.05f) return;
interactable = true;
// Snap to nearest keyframe (on another timeline)
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int targetTick = Workspace.FindClosestKeyFrameAtTick(keyframe.atTick.Value, Mathf.CeilToInt(Workspace.StageWindowSize * 0.01f), actorID);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && Workspace.Instance.DoesPawnKeyframeExistAtTick(Workspace.stageID, actorID, targetTick) == false)
{ value = (float)targetTick; }
// Prevent other frames from being moved to the first keyframe
if (value == Constants.minTick)
{ value = Constants.minTick + 1; }
public void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (keyframe.atTick == Constants.minTick)
{ value = Constants.minTick; return; }
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foreach (Selectable linkedSlider in Selectable.allSelectablesArray)
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if (linkedSlider is KeyframeSlider)
(linkedSlider as KeyframeSlider).linkedSlider = null;
(linkedSlider as KeyframeSlider).pivotKeyframe = null;
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2022-10-02 05:42:07 +00:00
interactable = false;
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Workspace.Instance.RecordEvent("Keyframe move");
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protected override void Update()
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// Update outdated values
if (Workspace.keyframeID.NullOrEmpty() || Workspace.keyframeID.Contains(keyframeID) == false)
{ linkedSlider = null; }
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else if (AnimationController.Instance.stretchKeyframesToggle.isOn && linkedSlider != null)
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{ value = Mathf.CeilToInt(linkedSlider.keyframe.atTick.Value + linkedOffset * linkedSlider.ScaledOffsetFromPivot()); }
else if (AnimationController.Instance.stretchKeyframesToggle.isOn == false && linkedSlider != null)
{ value = Mathf.Clamp(linkedSlider.keyframe.atTick.Value + linkedOffset, Constants.minTick + 1, Workspace.StageWindowSize); }
else if (keyframe.atTick.Value != value)
{ value = keyframe.atTick.Value; }
// Update key color
if (keyframe.atTick.HasValue && Workspace.keyframeID.Contains(keyframeID) && AnimationController.Instance.stageTick == keyframe.atTick.Value)
{ handleImage.color = Constants.ColorPurple; }
else if (Workspace.keyframeID.Contains(keyframeID))
{ handleImage.color = Constants.ColorCyan; }
else if (AnimationController.Instance.stageTick == keyframe.atTick.Value)
{ handleImage.color = Constants.ColorPink; }
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{ handleImage.color = Constants.ColorGrey; }
// Show sound symbol
string soundDef = Workspace.Instance.GetPawnKeyframe(actorID, keyframeID)?.soundEffect;
soundIcon.SetActive(soundDef != null && soundDef != "" && soundDef != "None");
public float ScaledOffsetFromPivot()
if (dragTickStart == pivotKeyframe.atTick.Value) return 0f;
return (float)(keyframe.atTick.Value - pivotKeyframe.atTick.Value) / (dragTickStart - pivotKeyframe.atTick.Value);
public bool IsPivotKeyframe(Keyframe otherKeyframe)
return pivotKeyframe == otherKeyframe;