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"yes": "Kyllä",
"no": "Ei",
"settings-theme": "ArmCord-teema",
"settings-patches": "Automatic Patches",
"settings-spellcheck-desc": "Helps you correct misspelled words by highlighting them.",
"settings-channel": "Discord-kanava",
"settings-channel-desc1": "You can use this setting to change current instance of Discord:",
"settings-invitewebsocket": "Rikas läsnäolo (kokeellinen)",
"settings-prfmMode-performance": "Suorituskyky",
"setup_question1": "Valitse minkälaisen määrityksen haluat suorittaa:",
"loading_screen_start": "Käynnistetään ArmCord…",
"loading_screen_offline": "Vaikuttaa siltä, ettet ole yhteydessä verkkoon. Yhdistä Internetiin ja yritä uudelleen.",
"loading_screen_update": "Uusi versio ArmCordista on saatavilla. Päivitä uusimpaan versioon.",
"setup_offline": "Vaikuttaa siltä, ettet ole yhteydessä verkkoon. Yhdistä Internetiin ja käynnistä ArmCord uudelleen.",
"setup_question2": "Valitse Discord-kanava/-instanssi:",
"setup_question3": "Pitäisikö ArmCordin käsitellä asiakasmodien asennukset?",
"next": "Seuraava",
"setup_question4": "Valitse asiakasmodi asennettavaksi:",
"settings-theme-desc1": "ArmCord-teemat määrittävät sovelluksen toimintaa ja ulkoasua.",
"settings-theme-desc2": "this is how ArmCord looks when you first launch it. It includes recreation of Discord's\n custom titlebar and ArmCord specific styles injected into Discord.",
"settings-theme-desc3": "uses native titlebar of OS you're currently running (e.g Windows 7/10). Functions more\n similar to actual Discord app on Linux.",
"settings-theme-default": "Oletus",
"settings-theme-native": "Natiivi",
"settings-theme-transparent": "Läpinäkyvä (kokeellinen)",
"settings-csp-desc": "ArmCord CSP is our system that manages loading custom content loading into the Discord app. Stuff like\n client mods and themes depend on it. Disable if you want to get rid of mods and custom styles.",
"settings-tray": "Pienennä ilmoitusalueelle",
"settings-tray-desc": "When disabled, ArmCord will close like any other window when closed, otherwise it'll sit back and relax\n in your system tray for later.",
"settings-startMinimized": "Käynnistä pienennettynä",
"settings-startMinimized-desc": "ArmCord käynnistyy taustalla ja pysyy poissa näkyvistä.",
"settings-useLegacyCapturer": "Use legacy capturer",
"settings-useLegacyCapturer-desc": "Use legacy screenshare module, instead of the new one. If you're experiencing issues with screen sharing, try enabling this.",
"settings-patches-desk": "Fetches automatic patches that are distributed if release turns out to have bugs after release. Usually\n you don't have to keep this enabled, unless notified in support Discord.",
"settings-mobileMode": "Mobiilitila",
"settings-mobileMode-desc": "If you're on a device with touch-screen this feature is for you! It activates Discord's hidden mobile\n mode meant for phones and tablets. Only major feature missing is voice chat support. This is ideal for\n users on PinePhone and similar.",
"settings-dynamicIcon": "Dynaaminen kuvake",
"settings-dynamicIcon-desc": "Following Discord's behaviour on Windows, this shows unread messages/pings count on ArmCord's icon instead of it's tray.",
"settings-spellcheck": "Oikoluku",
"settings-channel-desc2": "you're probably most familiar with this one. It's the one you see in default Discord\n client!",
"settings-channel-desc3": "this is alpha test release of Discord. By using it you gain access to the newest\n features and fixes.",
"settings-channel-desc4": "public test build. Receives features earlier than stable but is a bit older than Canary.",
"settings-invitewebsocket-desc": "Uses <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">arRPC</a> to support Discord RPC (Rich Presence) with local programs on your machine. Work in progress.",
"settings-altPaste": "Vaihtoehtoinen liitä",
"settings-altPaste-desc": "If you're on Gnome on Linux or just simply can't paste images copied from other messages, then this is\n for you. This enables alternative module for pasting images. Only enable this when you're experiencing\n issues.",
"settings-mod": "Client mod",
"settings-mod-desc1": "Client mods are programs that allow you customize your Discord experience. They can change appearance of\n the client, modify behaviours or add new features!",
"settings-mod-vencord": "lightweight, and easy to use client mod. Features a built-in store for plugins.",
"settings-mod-shelter": "is a new generation client mod built to be essentially bulletproof.",
"settings-prfmMode": "Suorituskykytila",
"settings-prfmMode-desc": "Performance mode is an experimental function that may either increase responsiveness and performance of\n ArmCord or… decrease it. Please try every option and see which fits you the best.",
"settings-prfmMode-battery": "Battery",
"settings-disableAutogain": "Disable autogain",
"settings-disableAutogain-desc": "Disables autogain.",
"settings-trayIcon": "Ilmoitusalueen kuvake",
"settings-trayIcon-desc": "Set the icon which will appear in tray menu.",
"settings-trayIcon-dynamic": "Dynaaminen",
"settings-trayIcon-normal": "Discord-kuvake",
"settings-trayIcon-classic": "Klassinen Discord-kuvake",
"settings-none": "Ei mitään",
"settings-trayIcon-colored-plug": "Colored Plug",
"settings-save": "Tallenna asetukset",
"settings-trayIcon-white-plug": "White Plug",
"settings-trayIcon-white-plug-alt": "White Plug Alt",
"settings-trayIcon-black-plug": "Black Plug",
"settings-trayIcon-black-plug-alt": "Black Plug Alt",
"settings-advanced": "Advanced user zone",
"settings-pluginsFolder": "Open plugins folder",
"settings-crashesFolder": "Open native crashes folder",
"settings-themesFolder": "Open themes folder",
"settings-storageFolder": "Open storage folder",
"settings-experimental": "Kokeellinen",
"settings-restart": "Käynnistä sovellus uudelleen",
"settings-updater": "Tarkista päivitykset",
"settings-skipSplash": "Skip Splash Screen (Experimental)",
"settings-skipSplash-desc": "Skips ArmCord splash screen when you start up the app.",
"settings-copyDebugInfo": "Copy Debug Info",
"settings-forceNativeCrash": "Force native crash",
"setup_question5": "Do you want to use a tray icon?",
"settings-mintoTray": "Minimize to tray",
"settings-mintoTray-desc": "When disabled, ArmCord will close like any other window when closed, otherwise it'll sit back and relax\n in your system tray for later.",
"settings-theme-desc4": "transparent window with native titlebar, you need a compatible theme to run this. Windows only.",
"settings-MultiInstance": "Multi Instance",
"settings-MultiInstance-desc": "When enabled you'll be able to start up many instances of ArmCord."