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exports.run = async (client, message, [action, key, ...value], level) => {
const settings = message.settings;
const defaults = client.settings.get("default");
const overrides = client.settings.get(message.guild.id);
if (!client.settings.has(message.guild.id)) client.settings.set(message.guild.id, {});
if (action === "edit") {
if (!key) return message.reply("Please specify a key to edit");
if (!defaults[key]) return message.reply("This key does not exist in the settings");
const joinedValue = value.join(" ");
if (joinedValue.length < 1) return message.reply("Please specify a new value");
if (joinedValue === settings[key]) return message.reply("This setting already has that value!");
if (!client.settings.has(message.guild.id)) client.settings.set(message.guild.id, {});
client.settings.set(message.guild.id, joinedValue, key);
message.reply(`${key} successfully edited to ${joinedValue}`);
} else
if (action === "del" || action === "reset") {
if (!key) return message.reply("Please specify a key to reset.");
if (!defaults[key]) return message.reply("This key does not exist in the settings");
if (!overrides[key]) return message.reply("This key does not have an override and is already using defaults.");
const response = await client.awaitReply(message, `Are you sure you want to reset ${key} to the default value?`);
if (["y", "yes"].includes(response.toLowerCase())) {
client.settings.delete(message.guild.id, key);
message.reply(`${key} was successfully reset to default.`);
} else
if (["n","no","cancel"].includes(response)) {
message.reply(`Your setting for \`${key}\` remains at \`${settings[key]}\``);
} else
if (action === "get") {
if (!key) return message.reply("Please specify a key to view");
if (!defaults[key]) return message.reply("This key does not exist in the settings");
const isDefault = !overrides[key] ? "\nThis is the default global default value." : "";
message.reply(`The value of ${key} is currently ${settings[key]}${isDefault}`);
} else {
const array = [];
Object.entries(settings).forEach(([key, value]) => {
array.push(`${key}${" ".repeat(20 - key.length)}:: ${value}`);
await message.channel.send(`= Current Guild Settings =\n${array.join("\n")}`, {code: "asciidoc"});
exports.conf = {
enabled: true,
guildOnly: true,
aliases: ["setting", "settings", "conf"],
permLevel: "Administrator"
exports.help = {
name: "set",
category: "System",
description: "View or change settings for your server.",
usage: "set <view/get/edit> <key> <value>"