lots of changes

This commit is contained in:
ry 2019-11-10 09:42:09 +01:00
parent 304d0ccb96
commit f7fd3b99a4
60 changed files with 3029 additions and 878 deletions

View File

@ -29,13 +29,14 @@
"module: '$5',", "module: '$5',",
"cooldown: $6,", "cooldown: $6,",
"guildOnly: $7,", "guildOnly: $7,",
"developerOnly: $8", "developerOnly: $8,",
"nsfw: $9",
"});", "});",
"}", "}",
"\n", "\n",
"async command(ctx) {", "async command(ctx) {",
"$9", "$10",
"}", "}",
"}"] "}"]
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{ {
"editor.lineNumbers": "off" "editor.lineNumbers": "on",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "remimarsal.prettier-now",
"editor.formatOnSave": true
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat&display=swap");
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font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
background: #131313;
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ul {
list-style: none;
a {
text-decoration: none;
.title {
font-size: 6vh;
.subtitle {
font-size: 5vh;
padding: 1vh;
.Stats {
font-size: 3vh;
white-space: nowrap;
.rainbow {
text-align: center;
text-decoration: underline;
font-size: 32px;
font-family: monospace;
letter-spacing: 5px;
.rainbow_text_animated {
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(#6666ff), color-stop(#0099ff), color-stop(#00ff00), color-stop(#ff3399), to(#6666ff));
background: linear-gradient(to right, #6666ff, #0099ff, #00ff00, #ff3399, #6666ff);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
color: transparent;
-webkit-animation: rainbow_animation 6s ease-in-out infinite;
animation: rainbow_animation 6s ease-in-out infinite;
background-size: 400% 100%;
@-webkit-keyframes rainbow_animation {
100% {
background-position: 0 0;
50% {
background-position: 100% 0;
@keyframes rainbow_animation {
100% {
background-position: 0 0;
50% {
background-position: 100% 0;
.support {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
background-color: #ffffff;
/* Green */
border: none;
/* border-radius: 1vh; */
padding: 1vh;
margin: 1vh;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 2vh;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
.source a,
.invite a,
.support a {
color: black;
.icon {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: left;
width: auto;
height: 10vh;
border-radius: 50%;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
divide {
display: block;
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padding: 1em;
/*# sourceMappingURL=main.css.map */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"version": 3,
"sources": [
"names": [],
"file": "main.css"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
@mixin centerer($horizontal: true, $vertical: true) {
position: absolute;
@if ($horizontal and $vertical) {
top: 40%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
} @else if ($horizontal) {
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, 0);
} @else if ($vertical) {
top: 50%;
transform: translate(0, -50%);
@mixin Buttons {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
background-color: #ffffff; /* Green */
border: none;
/* border-radius: 1vh; */
padding: 1vh;
margin: 1vh;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 2vh;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: uppercase;
a {
color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat&display=swap');
.center {
@include centerer;
body {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
background: #131313;
color: white;
ul {
list-style: none;
a {
text-decoration: none;
.title {
font-size: 6vh;
.subtitle {
font-size: 5vh;
padding: 1vh;
.Stats {
font-size: 3vh;
white-space: nowrap;
.rainbow {
text-align: center;
text-decoration: underline;
font-size: 32px;
font-family: monospace;
letter-spacing: 5px;
.rainbow_text_animated {
background: linear-gradient(to right, #6666ff, #0099ff, #00ff00, #ff3399, #6666ff);
-webkit-background-clip: text;
background-clip: text;
color: transparent;
animation: rainbow_animation 6s ease-in-out infinite;
background-size: 400% 100%;
@keyframes rainbow_animation {
100% {
background-position: 0 0;
50% {
background-position: 100% 0;
.support {
@include Buttons();
.icon {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: left;
width: auto;
height: 10vh;
border-radius: 50%;
::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
divide {
display: block;
height: 1px;
border: 0;
border-top: 0px solid rgba(204, 204, 204, 0);
margin: 1em 0;
padding: 1em;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 979 KiB

Dashboard/server.js Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
const express = require('express');
const { hostname, port, authorization, source, invite, type } = require('../config');
const db = require('quick.db');
const Backend = new db.table('backend');
const chalk = require('chalk');
const helmet = require('helmet');
const compression = require('compression');
const cors = require('cors');
const morgan = require('morgan');
var hbs = require('express-handlebars');
const app = express();
app.set('view engine', 'hbs');
extname: 'hbs',
defaultView: 'default'
app.set('json spaces', 4);
app.use('/assets', express.static(__dirname + '/assets'));
app.set('view options', {
layout: false
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// Logging
morgan((tokens, req, res) => {
return [
chalk.hex('#34ace0').bold(tokens.method(req, res)),
chalk.hex('#ffb142').bold(tokens.status(req, res)),
chalk.hex('#ff5252').bold(req.hostname + tokens.url(req, res)),
chalk.hex('#2ed573').bold(tokens['response-time'](req, res) + 'ms'),
chalk.hex('#f78fb3').bold('@ ' + tokens.date(req, res))
].join(' ');
let support = 'https://discord.gg/' + Backend.get('Info.invite');
module.exports = (client) => {
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
res.status(200).render('index', {
layout: 'main',
title: 'Thaldrin',
subtitle: 'A Random Image and Utility Bot',
bot: {
users: client.users.size,
guilds: client.guilds.size,
channels: client.channels.size,
commands: client.commands.size,
invite: `https://${req.hostname}${type.beta ? ':8080' : ''}/invite`,
source: `https://${req.hostname}${type.beta ? ':8080' : ''}/source`,
support: `https://${req.hostname}${type.beta ? ':8080' : ''}/discord`
app.get('/discord', async (req, res) => {
app.get('/source', async (req, res) => {
app.get('/invite', async (req, res) => {
/* app.get('/this', async (req, res) => {
}); */
/* app.post('/vote', async (req, res) => {
const body = req.body;
const auth = req.header('Authorization');
if (auth != authorization) return res.status(403), console.warn(`Vote rejected with authorization '${auth}'`);
// if (body.bot != client.user.id) return res.status(403), console.warn(`Vote rejected with ID '${body.bot}'`);
if (body.type == 'test') {
console.log(`Test succeeded, is weekend:`, body.isWeekend);
} else {
}); */
app.listen(port, hostname, () => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Listening on ${hostname}:${port}`);
}, 1000 * 3);

View File

@ -1,92 +1,83 @@
const { Collection } = require("discord.js"); const { Collection } = require('discord.js');
const { ShortLinks, SourceFynnder } = require("../utils"); const { table } = require('quick.db');
let ShortLinksEnabled = true; const Servers = new table('servers');
let SourceFynnderEnabled = true; const Users = new table('users');
const { table } = require("quick.db"); const Backend = new table('backend');
const Servers = new table("servers");
const Users = new table("users");
const Backend = new table("backend");
module.exports = { module.exports = {
name: "message", name: 'message',
run: async (client, msg) => { run: async (client, msg) => {
const prefix = client.config.prefixes.find(p => //if (msg.author.id !== '318044130796109825') return;
msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith(p) if (msg.author.bot) return;
); const DefaultPrefix = client.config.prefixes;
const CustomPrefix = Servers.get(msg.guild.id);
if (!CustomPrefix) {
PrefixArray = [ DefaultPrefix /* , CustomPrefix */ ].flat(Infinity);
} else {
PrefixArray = [ DefaultPrefix, CustomPrefix.prefix ].flat(Infinity);
for (p in PrefixArray) {
if (msg.content.startsWith(PrefixArray[p])) {
EXISTS = true;
if (!EXISTS) return;
const args = msg.content.slice(PrefixArray[PREFIX].length).trim().split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const cmd = client.commands.find((c) => c.name == command || (c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(command)));
if (msg.author.bot) return; const ctx = {
if (msg.author.id !== "318044130796109825") return; send: msg.channel.send.bind(msg.channel),
let Server = Servers.get(msg.guild.id); client,
let enabled; msg,
if (Server === null) { args,
enabled = require("../utils").db.defaults.server; command: cmd,
} else { me: msg.guild.me,
enabled = Server; guild: msg.guild,
} channel: msg.channel,
author: msg.author,
member: msg.member,
db: { users: Users, servers: Servers, backend: Backend },
utils: require('../utils'),
config: require('../config'),
isDeveloper: client.config.developers.find((dev) => msg.author.id == dev.id)
if (!cmd) return;
ShortLinks(enabled.Shortlinks, msg); if (!client.cooldowns.has(cmd.name)) {
if (!prefix) return; client.cooldowns.set(cmd.name, new Collection());
const args = msg.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/g); }
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const cmd = client.commands.find(
c => c.name == command || (c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(command))
const ctx = { if (cmd.guildOnly && !msg.guild) return;
send: msg.channel.send.bind(msg.channel), if (cmd.nsfw && !ctx.channel.nsfw)
client, return ctx.send('This channel is not marked as NSFW, please mark it as such and rerun this command.');
msg, if (cmd.developerOnly && !client.config.developers.find((dev) => msg.author.id == dev.id)) return;
args, if (cmd.AuthorPermissions !== 'NONE' && !ctx.member.permissions.has(cmd.AuthorPermissions))
command: cmd, return ctx.send(`You need \`${cmd.AuthorPermissions}\` Permission(s) to run this Command`);
me: msg.guild.me, const now = Date.now();
guild: msg.guild, const timestamps = client.cooldowns.get(cmd.name);
channel: msg.channel, const cooldownAmount = (cmd.cooldown || 1) * 1000;
author: msg.author,
member: msg.member,
db: { users: Users, servers: Servers, backend: Backend },
utils: require("../utils"),
isDeveloper: client.config.developers.find(id => msg.author.id == id)
if (!cmd) return;
if (!client.cooldowns.has(cmd.name)) { if (timestamps.has(msg.author.id)) {
client.cooldowns.set(cmd.name, new Collection()); const expirationTime = timestamps.get(msg.author.id) + cooldownAmount;
if (cmd.guildOnly && !msg.guild) return; if (now < expirationTime) {
if ( const timeLeft = (expirationTime - now) / 1000;
cmd.developerOnly && return ctx.send(
!client.config.developers.find(devs => msg.author.id == devs.id) `\`${cmd.name}\` has a cooldown of \`${cmd.cooldown} second${cmd.cooldown > 1
) ? 's'
return; : ''}\`, wait \`${`${Math.round(timeLeft)} second${Math.round(timeLeft) > 1
? 's'
: ''}`.replace('0 second', 'just a second longer')}\` before trying to use it again.`
} else {
timestamps.set(msg.author.id, now);
setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(msg.author.id), cooldownAmount);
const now = Date.now(); cmd.command(ctx).then(() => {}).catch(console.error);
const timestamps = client.cooldowns.get(cmd.name); }
const cooldownAmount = (cmd.cooldown || 1) * 1000; }
if (timestamps.has(msg.author.id)) {
const expirationTime = timestamps.get(msg.author.id) + cooldownAmount;
if (now < expirationTime) {
const timeLeft = (expirationTime - now) / 1000;
return ctx.send(
`\`${cmd.name}\` has a cooldown of \`${cmd.cooldown} second${
cmd.cooldown > 1 ? "s" : ""
}\`, wait \`${`${Math.round(timeLeft)} second${
Math.round(timeLeft) > 1 ? "s" : ""
"0 second",
"just a second longer"
)}\` before trying to use it again.`
} else {
timestamps.set(msg.author.id, now);
setTimeout(() => timestamps.delete(msg.author.id), cooldownAmount);
.then(() => {})
}; };

View File

@ -1,36 +1,39 @@
const p = require('phin').defaults({ const p = require('phin').defaults({
method: 'POST', method: 'POST',
parse: 'json' parse: 'json'
}); });
const hastebin = require('hastebin-gen');
module.exports = { module.exports = {
name: 'messageReactionAdd', name: 'messageReactionAdd',
run: async (client, reaction, user) => { run: async (client, reaction, user) => {
if (user.bot) return; if (user.bot) return;
if (user.id !== '318044130796109825') return;
if (!client.config.developers.find(id => id == user.id)) return; if (reaction.emoji.name == '📥') {
let haste;
try {
if (!client.lastEval) {
await reaction.message.edit(`\`Unable to upload uncached eval results\``);
await reaction.message.reactions.removeAll();
} else {
hastebin(`${client.lastEval || `Last eval resuts weren't cached`}`, { extension: 'js' })
.then(async (h) => {
await reaction.message.edit(`<${h}>`);
await reaction.message.reactions.removeAll();
.catch((error) => {
// Handle error
} catch (err) {
if (reaction.emoji.name == '📥') { if (reaction.emoji.name == '🗑') {
try { try {
if (!client.cache.lastEval) { await reaction.message.delete();
await reaction.message.edit(`\`Unable to upload uncached eval results\``); } catch (err) {}
await reaction.message.reactions.removeAll(); }
} else { }
const { body } = await p({ };
url: `https://hasteb.in/documents`,
data: `${client.cache.lastEval || `Last eval resuts weren't cached`}`
await reaction.message.edit(`<https://hasteb.in/${body.key}>`);
await reaction.message.reactions.removeAll();
} catch(err) {}
if (reaction.emoji.name == '🗑') {
try {
await reaction.message.delete();
} catch(err) {}

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
const { log } = require("../utils/index"); const { log } = require('../utils/index');
module.exports = { module.exports = {
name: "ready", name: 'ready',
run: async client => { run: async (client) => {
log.hasStarted(); log.hasStarted();
client.user.setActivity(`@${client.user.username} help to get started`); client.user.setActivity(`nyeh`, { type: 2 });
} }
}; };

View File

@ -1,90 +1,80 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const { table } = require("quick.db"); const { table } = require('quick.db');
const Servers = new table("servers"); const Servers = new table('servers');
const Users = new table("users"); const Users = new table('users');
const Bot = new table('bot');
const clean = text => { const clean = (text) => {
if (typeof text == "string") if (typeof text == 'string')
return text return text.replace(/`/g, '`' + String.fromCharCode(8203)).replace(/@/g, '@' + String.fromCharCode(8203));
.replace(/`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode(8203)) else return text;
.replace(/@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode(8203));
else return text;
}; };
module.exports = class Eval extends Command { module.exports = class Eval extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: "eval", name: 'eval',
description: "Run JavaScript code directly from the process.", description: 'Run JavaScript code directly from the process.',
aliases: ["ev", "e"], aliases: [ 'ev', 'e' ],
module: "Developers", module: 'Developers',
cooldown: 0, cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false, guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true developerOnly: true
}); });
} }
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) return; if (!ctx.args.length) return;
const client = ctx.client; const client = ctx.client;
let code = ctx.args.join(" "); let code = ctx.args.join(' ');
let silent = false; let silent = false;
if (code.endsWith("-s")) (code = code.split("-s")[0]), (silent = true); if (code.endsWith('-s')) (code = code.split('-s')[0]), (silent = true);
if (code.endsWith("--silent")) if (code.endsWith('--silent')) (code = code.split('--silent')[0]), (silent = true);
(code = code.split("--silent")[0]), (silent = true);
try { try {
let evaled = await eval(code); let evaled = await eval(code);
if (typeof evaled != "string") evaled = require("util").inspect(evaled); if (typeof evaled != 'string')
evaled = require('util').inspect(evaled, false, await ctx.db.backend.get('eval'));
evaled.replace( evaled.replace(new RegExp(client.token.replace(/\./g, '\\.', 'g')), 'uwu');
new RegExp(client.token.replace(/\./g, "\\.", "g")),
if (!silent) { if (!silent) {
ctx ctx
.send(`\`\`\`js\n${clean(evaled)}\n\`\`\``) .send(`\`\`\`js\n${clean(evaled)}\n\`\`\``)
.then(async m => { .then(async (m) => {
await m.react("📥"); await m.react('📥');
await m.react("🗑"); await m.react('🗑');
}) })
.catch(err => { .catch((err) => {
ctx ctx
.send( .send(`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``)
`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\`` .then(async (m) => {
) client.lastEval = clean(evaled);
.then(async m => {
client.lastEval = clean(evaled);
await m.react("📥"); await m.react('📥');
await m.react("🗑"); await m.react('🗑');
}); });
}); });
} }
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
ctx ctx
.send(`\`\`\`js\n${clean(error)}\n\`\`\``) .send(`\`\`\`js\n${clean(error)}\n\`\`\``)
.then(async m => { .then(async (m) => {
await m.react("📥"); await m.react('📥');
await m.react("🗑"); await m.react('🗑');
}) })
.catch(err => { .catch((err) => {
ctx ctx.send(`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``).then(async (m) => {
.send( client.lastEval = clean(error);
`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``
.then(async m => {
client.lastEval = clean(error);
await m.react("📥"); await m.react('📥');
await m.react("🗑"); await m.react('🗑');
}); });
}); });
} }
} }
}; };

View File

@ -1,39 +1,38 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command'); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class Reload extends Command { module.exports = class Reload extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: 'reload', name: 'reload',
description: 'Reload a command without restarting the process.', description: 'Reload a command without restarting the process.',
aliases: ['re'], aliases: [ 're' ],
module: 'Developers', module: 'Developers',
cooldown: 0, cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false, guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true developerOnly: true
}); });
} }
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) return; if (!ctx.args.length) return;
const date = Date.now(); const date = Date.now();
const data = ctx.args[0]; const data = ctx.args[0];
const [module,command] = data.split('/'); const [ module, command ] = data.split('/');
if (!module || !command) return; if (!module || !command) return;
try { try {
delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../${module}/${command}`)]; delete require.cache[require.resolve(`../${module}/${command}`)];
delete ctx.client.commands.get(command); delete ctx.client.commands.get(command);
const cmd = require(`../${module}/${command}`); const cmd = require(`../${module}/${command}`);
const Command = new cmd(); const Command = new cmd();
ctx.client.commands.set(Command.name, Command); ctx.client.commands.set(Command.name, Command);
console.log(`Reloaded \`${Command.name}\` in ${(Date.now() - date) / 1000}s.`) return ctx.send(`Reloaded \`${Command.name}\` in ${(Date.now() - date) / 1000}s.`);
return ctx.send(`Reloaded \`${Command.name}\` in ${(Date.now() - date) / 1000}s.`); } catch (err) {
} catch(err) { return ctx.send(`Failed to reload the command.\n\`${err}\``);
return ctx.send(`Failed to reload the command.\n\`${err}\``); }
} }
} };

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
module.exports = class Setup extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "setup",
description: "x",
aliases: ["s"],
module: "Developers",
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true
async command(ctx) {
let x = await ctx.utils.db.prefix
.catch(err => console.error(err));
//' console.log(x);

View File

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class Stop extends Command { module.exports = class Stop extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: "stop", name: 'stop',
description: "Stops the bot", description: 'Stops the bot',
aliases: [], aliases: [],
module: "Developers", module: 'Developers',
cooldown: 0, cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false, guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true developerOnly: true
}); });
} }
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
process.exit(); await ctx.send('Restarting.');
} process.exit();
}; };

View File

@ -1,104 +1,126 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Help extends Command { module.exports = class Help extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: "help", name: 'help',
description: description: 'View a list of available commands or information on a specific command.',
"View a list of available commands, or view information on a specific command.", aliases: [ 'h' ],
aliases: ["h"], module: 'General',
module: "General", cooldown: 0,
cooldown: 0, guildOnly: false,
guildOnly: false, developerOnly: false
developerOnly: false });
}); }
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) { if (!ctx.args.length) {
const commands = [ const commands = [
[ [
"General", 'General',
ctx.client.commands ctx.client.commands
.filter(command => command.module == "General") .filter((command) => command.module == 'General')
.map(command => `**${command.name}** - ${command.description}`) .map((command) => `${command.name}`)
.join("\n") .join(' | ')
] ],
]; /* [
.filter((command) => command.module == 'Images')
.map((command) => `${command.name}`)
.join(' | ')
], */
.filter((command) => command.module == 'Images')
.map((command) => `${command.name}`)
.join(' | ')
.filter((command) => command.module == 'Roleplay')
.map((command) => `${command.name}`)
.join(' | ')
.filter((command) => command.module == 'Settings')
.map((command) => `${command.name}`)
.join(' | ')
if (ctx.isDeveloper) if (ctx.isDeveloper)
commands.push([ commands.push([
"Developers", 'Developers',
ctx.client.commands ctx.client.commands
.filter(command => command.module == "Developers") .filter((command) => command.module == 'Developers')
.map(command => command.name) .map((command) => `${command.name}`)
.join(", ") .join(' | ')
]); ]);
return ctx.send({ return ctx.send({
embed: { embed: {
fields: commands.map(group => { description: `Use \`'help command\` to get help on a specific command`,
return new Object({ fields: commands.map((group) => {
name: group[0], return new Object({
value: group[1] name: group[0],
}); value: group[1]
}), });
color: 0xff873f }),
} color: 0xff873f
}); }
} else { });
const command = ctx.client.commands.find( } else {
c => const command = ctx.client.commands.find(
c.name == ctx.args[0].toLowerCase() || (c) =>
(c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(ctx.args[0].toLowerCase())) c.name == ctx.args[0].toLowerCase() || (c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(ctx.args[0].toLowerCase()))
); );
let fields = [ let fields = [
{ {
name: "Module", name: 'Module',
value: command.module, value: command.module,
inline: true inline: true
}, },
{ {
name: "Aliases", name: 'Aliases',
value: value: command.aliases.length == 0 ? 'No aliases' : command.aliases.join(', '),
command.aliases.length == 0 inline: true
? "No aliases" },
: command.aliases.join(", "), {
inline: true name: 'Cooldown',
}, value: command.cooldown == 0 ? 'No cooldown' : `${command.cooldown}s`,
{ inline: true
name: "Cooldown", },
value: command.cooldown == 0 ? "No cooldown" : `${command.cooldown}s`, {
inline: true name: 'Server only?',
}, value: command.guildOnly ? 'Yes' : 'No',
{ inline: true
name: "Server only?", },
value: command.guildOnly ? "Yes" : "No", {
inline: true name: 'Developers only?',
}, value: command.developerOnly ? 'Yes' : 'No',
{ inline: true
name: "Developers only?", }
value: command.developerOnly ? "Yes" : "No", ];
inline: true
if (!command) if (!command)
return ctx.send( return ctx.send(`That command couldn't be found. See the \`help\` command for valid commands.`);
`That command couldn't be found. See the \`help\` command for valid commands.`
let embed = new MessageEmbed() let embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(command.name) .setTitle(command.name)
.setDescription(command.description) .setDescription(command.description)
.setColor(0xff873f); .setColor(0xff873f);
fields.forEach(i => { fields.forEach((i) => {
embed.addField(i.name, i.value, i.inline); embed.addField(i.name, i.value, i.inline);
}); });
return ctx.send(embed); return ctx.send(embed);
} }
} }
}; };

View File

@ -1,42 +1,53 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { MessageEmbed, version: DiscordVersion } = require('discord.js');
const { developers, contributors, source } = require("../../config"); const { developers, contributors, source, color } = require('../../config');
const { version: DiscordVersion } = require("discord.js"); const db = require('quick.db');
const Backend = new db.table('backend');
module.exports = class Info extends Command { module.exports = class Info extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: "info", name: 'info',
description: "Show the Makers and Contributors of the Bot", description: 'Show the Makers and Contributors of the Bot',
aliases: ["about"], aliases: [ 'about' ],
module: "General", module: 'General',
cooldown: 0, cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false, guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false developerOnly: false
}); });
} }
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
let result; let result;
const contribs = []; const contribs = [];
for (const { id, nick, reason } of contributors) { for (const { id, nick, reason } of contributors) {
const user = await ctx.client.users.fetch(id); const user = await ctx.client.users.fetch(id);
contribs.push(`${user} (${nick}) - ${reason}`); contribs.push(`${user} (${nick}) - ${reason}`);
} }
const Contributors = contribs.join("\n"); const Contributors = contribs.join('\n');
let CreditEmbed = new MessageEmbed() let CreditEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Thaldrin, a Random Image and Utility Bot`) .setTitle(`${ctx.client.user.username}, a Random Image and Utility Bot`)
.setDescription( .setColor(color)
`Made by ${ctx.utils.format.bold( .setDescription(
ctx.client.users.find(user => user.id === "318044130796109825").tag `Made by ${ctx.utils.format.bold(
)}` ctx.client.users.find((user) => user.id === '318044130796109825').tag
) )}`
.addField("Language", "Javascript", true) )
.addField("Library", `d.js - v${DiscordVersion}`, true) /* .addField('Language', 'Javascript', true)
.addField("Node", `${process.version}`, true) .addField('Library', `d.js - v${DiscordVersion}`, true)
.addField("Contributors", Contributors) .addField('Node', `${process.version}`, true)
.addField("Source", `[gitdab.com/r/thaldrin](${source})`); .addField('Servers', ctx.client.guilds.size, true)
.addField('Users', ctx.client.users.size, true) */
.addField('Contributors', Contributors)
.addField('Source', `[gd/r/thaldrin](${source})`, true)
'Support Server',
.addField('Website', `[thaldr.in](https://thaldr.in)`, true);
ctx.send(CreditEmbed); ctx.send(CreditEmbed);
} }
}; };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class ServerInfo extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'serverinfo',
description: 'Shows Information about your Server!',
aliases: [ 'server', 'sinfo', 'si' ],
module: 'General',
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
const total = ctx.guild.members.size;
const users = ctx.guild.members.filter((m) => !m.user.bot).size;
const bots = ctx.guild.members.filter((m) => m.user.bot).size;
const Features = ctx.guild.features;
let OnlineUsers =
ctx.utils.emotes.MemberStatus['online'] +
ctx.guild.members.filter((m) => m.presence.status === 'online').size;
let DNDUsers =
ctx.utils.emotes.MemberStatus['dnd'] + ctx.guild.members.filter((m) => m.presence.status === 'dnd').size;
let IdleUsers =
ctx.utils.emotes.MemberStatus['idle'] + ctx.guild.members.filter((m) => m.presence.status === 'idle').size;
let OfflineUsers =
ctx.utils.emotes.MemberStatus['offline'] +
ctx.guild.members.filter((m) => m.presence.status === 'offline').size;
let features = [];
Features.forEach((f) => features.push(ctx.utils.emotes.features[f.toLowerCase()] || f));
let Embed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed();
`${ctx.utils.format.bold(`Total:`)} ${ctx.utils.format.code(total)}\n${ctx.utils.format.bold(
)} ${ctx.utils.format.code(users)}\n${ctx.utils.format.bold(`Bots:`)} ${ctx.utils.format.code(bots)}
.addField('Owner', ctx.guild.owner, true)
.addField('Large?', ctx.guild.large ? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on : ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off, true)
'Boost Level / Boosters',
`${ctx.guild.premiumTier} / ${ctx.guild.premiumSubscriptionCount}`,
.addField('Region', ctx.utils.emotes.regions[ctx.guild.region] || ctx.guild.region, true)
.addField('Features', features.join(' **|** '));
if (ctx.guild.vanityURLCode) {
'Vanity URL',
/* .addField('Large?')
.addField('Large?'); */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const { MessageEmbed, version: DiscordVersion } = require('discord.js');
const os = require('os');
const { developers, contributors, source, color } = require('../../config');
const db = require('quick.db');
const Backend = new db.table('backend');
function format(seconds) {
function pad(s) {
return (s < 10 ? '0' : '') + s;
var hours = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60));
var minutes = Math.floor((seconds % (60 * 60)) / 60);
var seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
return pad(hours) + 'h ' + pad(minutes) + 'm ' + pad(seconds) + 's';
module.exports = class Info extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'system',
description: 'Show System Info',
aliases: [ 'sys', 'sysinfo' ],
module: 'General',
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
let SystemEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`${ctx.client.user.username} | v${ctx.config.version}`)
`Made by ${ctx.utils.format.bold(
ctx.client.users.find((user) => user.id === '318044130796109825').tag
.addField('Language', 'Javascript', true)
.addField('Library', `d.js - v${DiscordVersion}`, true)
.addField('Uptime', `${format(process.uptime())}`, true)
.addField('Node', `${process.version}`, true)
.addField('Servers', ctx.client.guilds.size, true)
.addField('Users', ctx.client.users.size, true)
.addField('Total sauce found', ctx.db.backend.get('SourceFynnder.found'), true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class Userinfo extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'userinfo',
description: 'Shows User Information',
aliases: [ 'user', 'ui', 'uinfo' ],
module: 'General',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
let User;
let Game;
let Embed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed();
User = ctx.msg.mentions.members.first() || /* ctx.args[0] || */ ctx.member;
if (User.presence.activity === null) {
Game = 'Playing Nothing';
} else {
if (User.presence.activity.name === 'Custom Status') {
Game = `${User.presence.activity.state || 'Error'}`;
} else {
if (User.presence.activity.details === null) {
User.presence.activity.details = '*_ _*';
User.presence.activity.state = '*_ _*';
} else {
Game = `
let Roles = [];
let x = 0;
for (const role of User.roles) {
Embed.setTitle(`Info on ${User.nickname}`)
.addField('Username', User.user.tag, true)
.addField('ID', User.user.id, true)
.addField(`Status | ${ctx.utils.emotes.status[User.presence.status]}`, Game);
if (Roles.length > 15) {
Embed.addField(`Roles [${Roles.length}]`, 'Too many to list' || 'Error');
} else {
Embed.addField(`Roles [${Roles.length}]`, Roles.join(' **|** '));
ctx.send(Embed).catch((err) => ctx.send('```js\n' + err + '```'));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Birb extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'bird',
description: 'Get a random birb',
aliases: [ 'birb' ],
module: 'Images',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.shibe.birds().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by shibe.online`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Cat extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'cat',
description: 'Get a random cat',
aliases: [ 'meow' ],
module: 'Images',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.shibe.cats().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by shibe.online`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -1,58 +1,46 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require("yiff"); const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
let Icon = let Icon = 'https://werewoof.tech/e621.png';
module.exports = class E621 extends Command { module.exports = class E621 extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: "e621", name: 'e621',
description: "Get Images from e621", description: 'Get Images from e621',
aliases: ["e6"], aliases: [ 'e6' ],
module: "Images", module: 'Images',
cooldown: 5, cooldown: 5,
guildOnly: false, guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false developerOnly: false,
}); nsfw: true
} });
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
let Embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor("RED"); let Embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor('RED');
if (!ctx.channel.nsfw) { if (ctx.args < 1) {
Embed.setTitle("NSFW").setDescription( Embed.setTitle('Search Terms').setDescription('I need more tags than that to search for an Image.');
`This channel is not marked as NSFW, please mark it as such and rerun this command.` return ctx.send(Embed);
); }
return ctx.send(Embed); const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
} let Settings;
if (ctx.args < 1) { if (Server === null) {
Embed.setTitle("Search Terms").setDescription( Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
"I need more tags than that to search for an Image." } else {
); Settings = Server;
return ctx.send(Embed); }
} let req;
let Message;
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id); await yiff.e621.CubFilter(ctx.args.join(' ')).then((E) => (req = E));
let Settings; if (Settings.embeds) {
if (Server === null) { Message = new MessageEmbed()
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server; .setImage(req.image)
} else { .setColor(ctx.config.color)
Settings = Server; .setAuthor('e621.net', Icon, `https://e621.net/post/show/${req.postID}`)
} .setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - e621.net`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
let message = await ctx.send(`Searching...`); Message = `<https://e621.net/post/show/${req.postID}>\n${req.image}`;
let req; ctx.send(Message);
let Message; }
await yiff.e621.CubFilter(ctx.args.join(" ")).then(E => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed().setImage(req.image);
} else {
Message = `${req.image}`;
}; };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
let Icon = 'https://werewoof.tech/e621.png';
module.exports = class E621 extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'e926',
description: 'Get Images from e621',
aliases: [ 'e9' ],
module: 'Images',
cooldown: 5,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
let Embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor('RED');
if (ctx.args < 1) {
Embed.setTitle('Search Terms').setDescription('I need more tags than that to search for an Image.');
return ctx.send(Embed);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.e926.request(ctx.args.join(' ')).then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setAuthor('e621.net', Icon, `https://e926.net/post/show/${req.postID}`)
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - e926.net`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `<https://e926.net/post/show/${req.postID}>\n${req.image}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Fox extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'fox',
description: 'Get a random fox',
aliases: [ 'yip' ],
module: 'Images',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.sheri.animals.fox().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by sheri.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Shibe extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'shiba',
description: 'Get a random shibe',
aliases: [ 'shib', 'shibe' ],
module: 'Images',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.shibe.shibes().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by shibe.online`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Wolf extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'wolf',
description: 'Get a random wolf',
aliases: [ 'woof', 'wolves', 'awoo' ],
module: 'Images',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.sheri.animals.wolf().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by sheri.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Bang extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'bang',
description: 'Cuddle a user',
aliases: [ 'fuck' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't bang me! Bang someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to bang someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.bang[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.bang.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.bang().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Boop extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'boop',
description: 'Boop a user',
aliases: [],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't boop me! boop someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to boop someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.boop[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.boop.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.sfw.boop().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Bulge extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'bulge',
description: `Look at a User's Bulge`,
aliases: [],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
let Line;
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size > 0 && Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.bulge[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.bulge.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.bulge().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Cuddle extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'cuddle',
description: 'Cuddle a user',
aliases: [ 'snug', 'snuggle' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't cuddle me! Cuddle someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to cuddle someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.cuddle[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.cuddle.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.sfw.cuddle().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Hold extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'hold',
description: 'Hold a user',
aliases: [],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't hold me! Hold someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to hold someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.hold[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.hold.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.sfw.hold().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Hug extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'hug',
description: 'Hug a user',
aliases: [],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't hug me! Hug someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to hug someone other than yourself?`);
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.hug[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.hug.length)];
let Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.sfw.hug().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Kiss extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'kiss',
description: 'Kiss a user',
aliases: [ 'smooch' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't kiss me! Kiss someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to kiss someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.kiss[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.kiss.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.sfw.kiss().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class Lick extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'lick',
description: 'lick a user',
aliases: [ 'mlem' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: false
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't lick me! Lick someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to Lick someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.lick[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.lick.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.sfw.lick().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class nCuddle extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'ncuddle',
description: 'Cuddle a user',
aliases: [ 'nsnug', 'nsnuggle' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't cuddle me! Cuddle someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to cuddle someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.cuddle[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.cuddle.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.cuddle().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class nHold extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'nhold',
description: 'Hold a user',
aliases: [],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't hold me! Hold someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to hold someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.hold[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.hold.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.hold().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class nHug extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'nhug',
description: 'Hug a user',
aliases: [],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't hug me! Hug someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to hug someone other than yourself?`);
let Line;
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.hug[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.hug.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.hug().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class nKiss extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'nkiss',
description: 'Kiss a user',
aliases: [ 'nsmooch' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't kiss me! Kiss someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to kiss someone other than yourself?`);
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.kiss[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.kiss.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.kiss().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = class nLick extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'nlick',
description: 'lick a user',
aliases: [ 'nmlem' ],
module: 'Roleplay',
cooldown: 2,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
nsfw: true
async command(ctx) {
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.size === 0) return ctx.send('please mention a user ;w;');
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.client.user.id)
return ctx.send("Don't lick me! Lick someone else!");
if (ctx.msg.mentions.members.first().id === ctx.author.id)
return ctx.send(`Don't you want to Lick someone other than yourself?`);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Line;
if (Server.rp_text) {
const LineFromUtils = ctx.utils.int.lick[parseInt(Math.random() * ctx.utils.int.lick.length)];
Line = LineFromUtils.replace(/0/g, ctx.utils.format.bold(ctx.author.username)).replace(
} else {
Line = undefined;
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.furrybot.nsfw.lick().then((E) => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed()
.setFooter(`${ctx.client.user.username} - Provided by furry.bot`, ctx.client.user.avatarURL());
if (Line) {
} else {
if (Line) {
Message = `${Line}\n${req}`;
} else {
Message = `${req}`;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class Prefix extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'prefix',
description: 'Add or Remove a prefix',
aliases: [],
module: 'Settings',
cooldown: 10,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
const PrefixEmbed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed();
let ARG = ctx.args[0];
let Prefix = ctx.args.join(' ');
let Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
switch (ARG) {
case 'a':
case 'add':
if (ctx.args === [] || ctx.args.join(' ').trim() === '') return ctx.send('No Prefix was given');
.add(ctx, Prefix)
.then(async () => {
let NServer = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
PrefixEmbed.setTitle(`Prefixes for ${ctx.guild.name}`);
PrefixEmbed.setDescription(`${NServer.prefix.join(', ') || ctx.db.defaults.server.prefix}`);
.catch((err) => ctx.send(err));
case 'r':
case 'remove':
if (ctx.args === [] || ctx.args.join(' ').trim() === '') return ctx.send('No Prefix was given');
.remove(ctx, Prefix)
.then(async (r) => {
let NServer = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
ctx.send('Current Prefixes are:\n' + NServer.prefix.join(', '));
.catch((err) => ctx.send(err));
PrefixEmbed.addField('a / add <prefix>', 'Add a Prefix', true);
PrefixEmbed.addField('r / remove <prefix>', 'Remove a Prefix', true);

View File

@ -1,62 +1,54 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command"); const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class Settings extends Command { module.exports = class Settings extends Command {
constructor() { constructor() {
super({ super({
name: "settings", name: 'settings',
description: "Show the Settings of this Server", description: 'Show the Settings of this Server',
aliases: ["config"], aliases: [ 'config' ],
module: "Settings", module: 'Settings',
cooldown: 5, cooldown: 5,
guildOnly: true, guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false developerOnly: false
}); });
} }
async command(ctx) { async command(ctx) {
const SettingsEmbed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed(); const SettingsEmbed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed();
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id); SettingsEmbed.setColor(ctx.config.color);
// console.log(Server); const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
if (Server !== null) { // console.log(Server);
SettingsEmbed.setTitle(`Settings for ${ctx.guild.name}`) if (Server !== null) {
.addField("Prefixes", Server.prefix.join(", "), false) SettingsEmbed.setTitle(`Settings for ${ctx.guild.name}`)
.addField( .addField('Prefixes', Server.prefix.join(', ') || `<@${ctx.client.user.id}> or \`'\``, false)
"SourceFynnder", .addField(
Server.SourceFynnder 'SourceFynnder',
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on Server.SourceFynnder ? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on : ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off, true
true )
) .addField(
.addField( 'Shortlinks',
"Shortlinks", Server.Shortlinks ? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on : ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
Server.Shortlinks true
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on )
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off, .addBlankField(true)
true .addField(
) 'Image Embeds',
.addBlankField(true) Server.embeds ? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on : ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
.addField( true
"Image Embeds", )
Server.embeds .addField(
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on 'Image Text',
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off, Server.rp_text ? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on : ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
true true
) );
.addField( // .addField('Default Yiff', Server.default_yiff, true);
"Image Text", ctx.send(SettingsEmbed);
Server.rp_text } else {
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on SettingsEmbed.setTitle(`No Settings for ${ctx.guild.name}`).setDescription(
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off, `You shouldn't see this.\n Your Server might not have been set up Properly when you invited me.\n\nPlease [join my support server](https://discord.gg/xNAcF8m) and notify my Developer`
true );
.addField("Default Yiff", Server.default_yiff, true); ctx.send(SettingsEmbed);
ctx.send(SettingsEmbed); }
} else { }
`No Settings for ${ctx.guild.name}`
`You shouldn't see this.\n Your Server might not have been set up Properly when you invited me.\n\nPlease [join my support server](https://discord.gg/xNAcF8m) and notify my Developer`
}; };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
module.exports = class Toggle extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'toggle',
description: 'Toggle various Settings',
aliases: [ 't' ],
module: 'Settings',
cooldown: 5,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false,
AuthorPermissions: [ 'MANAGE_GUILD' ]
async command(ctx) {
const Embed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed().setColor(ctx.config.color);
let ARG = ctx.args[0];
switch (ARG) {
case 'source':
case 'sauce':
case 'sf':
case 'sourcefynnder':
await ctx.utils.db.toggle.SourceFynnder(ctx);
Embed.setTitle(`Changed SourceFynnder Setting`).setDescription(
`Now set to ${ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id).SourceFynnder
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off}`
case 'shortlinks':
case 'shortlink':
case 'sl':
await ctx.utils.db.toggle.Shortlinks(ctx);
Embed.setTitle(`Changed Shortlink Setting`).setDescription(
`Now set to ${ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id).Shortlinks
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off}`
case 'embed':
case 'embeds':
await ctx.utils.db.toggle.Embeds(ctx);
Embed.setTitle(`Changed Image Embed Setting`).setDescription(
`Now set to ${ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id).embeds
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off}`
case 'text':
case 'rp_text':
await ctx.utils.db.toggle.Text(ctx);
Embed.setTitle(`Changed Image Text Setting`).setDescription(
`Now set to ${ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id).rp_text
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off}`
.setDescription(`All settings have their own Toggles, see the list below to know which one's which`)
.addField('SourceFynnder', 'sf sauce source sourcefynnder', true)
.addField('Shortlinks', 'sl shortlink shortlinks', true)
.addField('Image Embeds', 'embed embeds', true)
.addField('Image Text', 'text rp_text', true);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
const Client = require("./src/index"); const Client = require('./src/index');
const config = require("./config"); const config = require('./config');
const { log } = require("./utils/index"); const { log } = require('./utils/index');
const yiff = require('yiff');
const { util } = require("discord.js"); const { util } = require('discord.js');
util.fetchRecommendedShards(config.token).then(async count => { util.fetchRecommendedShards(config.token).then(async (count) => {
await log.starting(); await log.starting();
new Client(config, count); new Client(config, count);
}); });

Binary file not shown.

package-lock.json generated
View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ {
"name": "music-bot", "name": "thaldrin",
"version": "1.0.0", "version": "1.0.0",
"lockfileVersion": 1, "lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true, "requires": true,
@ -44,6 +44,11 @@
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/array-flatten/-/array-flatten-1.1.1.tgz", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/array-flatten/-/array-flatten-1.1.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-ml9pkFGx5wczKPKgCJaLZOopVdI=" "integrity": "sha1-ml9pkFGx5wczKPKgCJaLZOopVdI="
}, },
"asap": {
"version": "2.0.6",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/asap/-/asap-2.0.6.tgz",
"integrity": "sha1-5QNHYR1+aQlDIIu9r+vLwvuGbUY="
"async-limiter": { "async-limiter": {
"version": "1.0.1", "version": "1.0.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/async-limiter/-/async-limiter-1.0.1.tgz", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/async-limiter/-/async-limiter-1.0.1.tgz",
@ -63,6 +68,19 @@
"is-buffer": "^2.0.2" "is-buffer": "^2.0.2"
} }
}, },
"balanced-match": {
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"requires": { "requires": {
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"chalk": "^2.4.2" "chalk": "^2.4.2"

View File

@ -1,27 +1,31 @@
{ {
"name": "music-bot", "name": "thaldrin",
"description": "A music bot", "description": "A Random Image and Utility Bot",
"version": "1.0.0", "version": "1.0.0",
"main": "index.js", "main": "index.js",
"author": "ThatTonybo", "author": "codepupper",
"license": "MIT", "license": "MIT",
"private": true, "private": true,
"dependencies": { "dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.19.0", "axios": "^0.19.0",
"chalk": "^2.4.2", "chalk": "^2.4.2",
"compression": "*", "compression": "*",
"cors": "*", "cors": "*",
"discord.js": "discordjs/discord.js", "discord.js": "discordjs/discord.js",
"endb": "github:chroventer/endb", "endb": "github:chroventer/endb",
"express": "*", "express": "*",
"helmet": "*", "express-handlebars": "^3.1.0",
"moment": "*", "hastebin-gen": "^2.0.5",
"mongojs": "^2.6.0", "helmet": "*",
"node-emoji": "^1.10.0", "moment": "*",
"ora": "^4.0.2", "mongojs": "^2.6.0",
"phin": "*", "morgan": "^1.9.1",
"quick.db": "^7.0.0-b22", "node-emoji": "^1.10.0",
"usage": "^0.7.1", "ora": "^4.0.2",
"yiff": "^1.2.1" "phin": "*",
} "quick.db": "^7.0.0-b22",
"restler": "^3.4.0",
"usage": "^0.7.1",
"yiff": "^1.2.5"
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/zsh
FILE=index FILE=index
NODE=node NODE=nodemon
while true; while true;
do do

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
const express = require('express');
const { hostname, port, authorization } = require('../config');
const helmet = require('helmet');
const compression = require('compression');
const cors = require('cors');
const app = express();
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
module.exports = (client) => {
app.get('/hello', async (req, res) => {
return res.send(`Hello world`);
app.post('/vote', async (req, res) => {
const body = req.body;
const auth = req.header('Authorization');
if (auth != authorization) return res.status(403), console.warn(`Vote rejected with authorization '${auth}'`);
// if (body.bot != client.user.id) return res.status(403), console.warn(`Vote rejected with ID '${body.bot}'`);
if (body.type == 'test') {
console.log(`Test succeeded, is weekend:`, body.isWeekend);
} else {
app.listen(port, hostname, () => {
setTimeout(() => { console.log(`Listening for votes on${port}`); }, (1000 * 3));

View File

@ -1,63 +1,57 @@
const { Client, Collection } = require("discord.js"); const { Client, Collection } = require('discord.js');
const { readdirSync: read } = require("fs"); const { readdirSync: read } = require('fs');
const server = require("../../server/server"); const server = require('../../Dashboard/server');
module.exports = class Thaldrin extends Client { module.exports = class Thaldrin extends Client {
constructor(config, shards) { constructor(config, shards) {
super({ super({
disableEveryone: true, disableEveryone: true,
disabledEvents: ["TYPING_START"], disabledEvents: [ 'TYPING_START' ],
shardCount: shards, shardCount: shards,
totalShardCount: shards totalShardCount: shards
}); });
this.commands = new Collection(); this.commands = new Collection();
this.cooldowns = new Collection(); this.cooldowns = new Collection();
// this.queues = new Collection(); // this.queues = new Collection();
this.config = config; this.config = config;
this.lastEval = null; this.lastEval = null;
this.load(); this.login(config.token);
this.login(config.token); this.load();
} }
async load() { async load() {
const events = await read("./DiscordEvents"); const events = await read('./DiscordEvents');
const modules = await read("./DiscordModules"); const modules = await read('./DiscordModules');
// server(this) server(this);
events events.filter((f) => f.endsWith('.js')).forEach((file) => {
.filter(f => f.endsWith(".js")) try {
.forEach(file => { const event = require(`../../DiscordEvents/${file}`);
try {
const event = require(`../../DiscordEvents/${file}`);
this.on(event.name, event.run.bind(null, this)); this.on(event.name, event.run.bind(null, this));
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
console.error(err); console.error(err);
} }
}); });
modules modules.filter((f) => !f.endsWith('.js')).forEach(async (module) => {
.filter(f => !f.endsWith(".js")) const commands = await read(`./DiscordModules/${module}`);
.forEach(async module => {
const commands = await read(`./DiscordModules/${module}`);
commands commands.filter((f) => f.endsWith('.js')).forEach((command) => {
.filter(f => f.endsWith(".js")) try {
.forEach(command => { const file = require(`../../DiscordModules/${module}/${command}`);
try { const Command = new file();
const file = require(`../../DiscordModules/${module}/${command}`);
const Command = new file();
this.commands.set(Command.name, Command); this.commands.set(Command.name, Command);
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
console.error(err); console.error(err);
} }
}); });
}); });
} }
}; };

View File

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
module.exports = class Command { module.exports = class Command {
constructor(command) { constructor(command) {
this.name = command.name || ''; this.name = command.name || '';
this.description = command.description || ''; this.description = command.description || '';
this.aliases = command.aliases || []; this.aliases = command.aliases || [];
this.module = command.module || ''; this.module = command.module || '';
this.cooldown = command.cooldown || 0; this.cooldown = command.cooldown || 0;
this.guildOnly = command.guildOnly || false; this.guildOnly = command.guildOnly || false;
this.developerOnly = command.developerOnly || false; this.developerOnly = command.developerOnly || false;
} this.nsfw = command.nsfw || false;
} this.AuthorPermissions = command.AuthorPermissions || 'NONE';

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
const { Permissions: { FLAGS } } = require('discord.js');
module.exports = { module.exports = {
format: require("./src/format"), format: require('./src/format'),
status: require("./src/statuses"), status: require('./src/statuses'),
calc: require("./src/calc"), calc: require('./src/calc'),
ShortLinks: require("./src/shortlinks"), ShortLinks: require('./src/shortlinks'),
SourceFynnder: require("./src/sourceFynnder"), SourceFynnder: require('./src/sourceFynnder'),
emotes: require("./src/emotes"), emotes: require('./src/emotes'),
db: require("./src/database"), db: require('./src/database'),
log: require("./src/logs"), log: require('./src/logs'),
discord: require("discord.js") int: require('./src/interactions'),
//eco: require('./src/economy'),
discord: require('discord.js'),
yiff: require('yiff'),
perms: FLAGS
}; };

View File

@ -1,112 +1,136 @@
const db = require("quick.db"); const db = require('quick.db');
const Servers = new db.table("servers"); const Servers = new db.table('servers');
const Users = new db.table("users"); const Users = new db.table('users');
const { prefixes } = require("../../config"); //const { prefixes } = require('../../config');
const chalk = require("chalk"); const chalk = require('chalk');
const e = require("node-emoji"); const e = require('node-emoji');
const DatabaseDefaults = { const DatabaseDefaults = {
user: { user: {
id: null, id: null,
blacklist: { blacklist: {
state: false, state: false,
replied: false, replied: false,
reason: undefined reason: undefined
} }
}, },
server: { server: {
prefix: prefixes, prefix: [],
SourceFynnder: false, SourceFynnder: false,
Shortlinks: false, Shortlinks: false,
embeds: true, embeds: true,
rp_text: true, rp_text: true,
default_yiff: "gay" default_yiff: 'gay'
} }
}; };
module.exports = { module.exports = {
defaults: DatabaseDefaults, defaults: DatabaseDefaults,
setupServer: async function(ctx) { setupServer: async function(ctx) {
ctx.utils.log.servers.setup(ctx.guild); ctx.utils.log.servers.setup(ctx.guild);
await Servers.set(ctx.guild.id, DatabaseDefaults.server); await Servers.set(ctx.guild.id, DatabaseDefaults.server);
ctx.utils.log.servers.fin(ctx.guild); ctx.utils.log.servers.fin(ctx.guild);
return; return;
}, },
prefix: { prefix: {
add: async function(ctx) { add: async function(ctx, Prefix) {
let Prefixes = []; let Prefixes = [];
let New; let New;
Prefixes = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id).prefix; Prefixes = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id).prefix;
if (Prefixes.includes(ctx.args.join(" "))) if (Prefixes.includes(Prefix)) throw new Error('Prefix already in Database');
throw new Error("Prefix already in Database"); else {
else { New = await Servers.push(`${ctx.guild.id}.prefix`, Prefix);
New = await Servers.push(`${ctx.guild.id}.prefix`, ctx.args.join(" ")); }
} return New;
return New; },
}, remove: async function(ctx, Prefix) {
remove: async function(ctx) { if (prefixes.includes(Prefix)) {
if (require("../../config").prefixes.includes(ctx.args.join(" "))) { throw new Error('You cannot remove the Default Prefix(es)');
throw new Error("You cannot remove the Default Prefix(es)"); }
} let Prefixes = ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id).prefix;
let Prefixes = Servers.get(`${ctx.guild.id}.prefix`); if (!Prefixes.includes(Prefix)) {
let New; throw new Error('Prefix does not exist in Database');
for (let i in Prefixes) { let index = Prefixes.indexOf(Prefix);
console.log( Prefixes.splice(index, 1);
`[${i}] [${Prefixes.toString().replace( await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.prefix`, Prefixes);
Prefixes[i], }
chalk.red(Prefixes[i]) },
)}]` toggle: {
); SourceFynnder: async function(ctx) {
if (Prefixes[i] === ctx.args.join(" ")) { let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
New = Prefixes.slice(i, 1); Server.SourceFynnder
console.log(Prefixes.slice(i, 1)); ? console.log(
console.log(New); `${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('SourceFynnder')} in ${chalk.magenta(
i--; ctx.guild.id
return console.log("Found it"); )} to ${chalk.red('false')} `
} )
} : console.log(
//return New; `${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('SourceFynnder')} in ${chalk.magenta(
} ctx.guild.id
}, )} to ${chalk.green('true')} `
toggle: { );
SourceFynnder: async function(ctx) {
let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
? console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue(
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.red("false")} `
: console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue(
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.green("true")} `
Server.SourceFynnder Server.SourceFynnder
? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.SourceFynnder`, false) ? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.SourceFynnder`, false)
: await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.SourceFynnder`, true); : await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.SourceFynnder`, true);
}, },
Shortlinks: async function(ctx) { Shortlinks: async function(ctx) {
let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id); let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
Server.Shortlinks Server.Shortlinks
? console.log( ? console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue( `${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('Shortlinks')} in ${chalk.magenta(
"Shortlinks" ctx.guild.id
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.red("false")} ` )} to ${chalk.red('false')} `
) )
: console.log( : console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue( `${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('Shortlinks')} in ${chalk.magenta(
"Shortlinks" ctx.guild.id
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.green("true")} ` )} to ${chalk.green('true')} `
); );
Server.Shortlinks Server.Shortlinks
? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.Shortlinks`, false) ? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.Shortlinks`, false)
: await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.Shortlinks`, true); : await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.Shortlinks`, true);
} },
} Embeds: async function(ctx) {
let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
? console.log(
`${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('Emdeds')} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.red(
)} `
: console.log(
`${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('Embeds')} in ${chalk.magenta(
)} to ${chalk.green('true')} `
? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.embeds`, false)
: await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.embeds`, true);
Text: async function(ctx) {
let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
? console.log(
`${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('RP Text')} in ${chalk.magenta(
)} to ${chalk.red('false')} `
: console.log(
`${chalk.green('✔')} Set ${chalk.blue('RP Text')} in ${chalk.magenta(
)} to ${chalk.green('true')} `
? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.rp_text`, false)
: await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.rp_text`, true);
}; };

utils/src/economy.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
const { table } = require('quick.db');
const Servers = new table('servers');
const Users = new table('users');
const Backend = new table('backend');
let T = '-x-';
let Message = {};
let hasVoted = false;
let NormalAmout = 5;
async function CalculateFromMessage(ctx) {
Message.content = ctx.msg.content;
Message.length = ctx.msg.content.length;

View File

@ -1,41 +1,76 @@
module.exports = { module.exports = {
status: { status: {
online: "<:oxONLINE:480145455708110850>", online: '<:oxONLINE:480145455708110850> Online',
streaming: "<:oxSTREAMING:487933554894962688>", streaming: '<:oxSTREAMING:487933554894962688> Streaming',
idle: "<:oxIDLE:480145455183953921>", idle: '<:oxIDLE:480145455183953921> Idle',
dnd: "<:oxDND:480145455104262165>", dnd: '<:oxDND:480145455104262165> Do not Disturb',
offline: "<:oxOFFLINE:480145455330754571>" offline: '<:oxOFFLINE:480145455330754571> Offline'
}, },
MemberStatus: {
online: '<:oxONLINE:480145455708110850>: ',
streaming: '<:oxSTREAMING:487933554894962688>: ',
idle: '<:oxIDLE:480145455183953921>: ',
dnd: '<:oxDND:480145455104262165>: ',
offline: '<:oxOFFLINE:480145455330754571>: '
social: { social: {
twitter: "<:twitter:517392526622064640>", twitter: '<:twitter:517392526622064640>',
patreon: "<:patreon:465243291877900300>", patreon: '<:patreon:465243291877900300>',
github: "<:github:487283925417459732>", github: '<:github:487283925417459732>',
trello: "<:trello:526452412244951041>", trello: '<:trello:526452412244951041>',
discord: "<:discord:517392526647361557>" discord: '<:discord:517392526647361557>'
}, },
settings: { settings: {
cog: "<:settings:350172481157464064>", cog: '<:settings:350172481157464064>',
on: "<:thalYes:444843380187332608>", on: '<:thalYes:444843380187332608>',
off: "<:thalNo:447651589902041102> ", off: '<:thalNo:447651589902041102> ',
locked: "<:locked:350172480318603265>", locked: '<:locked:350172480318603265>',
unlocked: "<:unlocked:350172481664974848>", unlocked: '<:unlocked:350172481664974848>',
save: "<:save:350172480821919745>", save: '<:save:350172480821919745>',
trash: "<:trash:350172481794998273>" trash: '<:trash:350172481794998273>'
}, },
eval: { eval: {
working: "<:success:350172481186955267>", working: '<:success:350172481186955267>',
warning: "<:warning:350172481757118478>", warning: '<:warning:350172481757118478>',
error: "<:error:350172479936921611>" error: '<:error:350172479936921611>'
}, },
perms: { perms: {
auth: "<:authorization:350172478019993614>" auth: '<:authorization:350172478019993614>'
}, },
features: {
random: { commerce: '<:StoreChannel:640333912442404864> Store',
pin: "<:pin:350172480725581838>" news: '<:NewsChannel:640333912417239050> News',
} public: ':globe_with_meridians: Public',
invite_splash: ':frame_photo: Invite Splash',
animated_icon: 'Animated Icon',
banner: 'Banner',
vanity_url: ':link: Vanity URL'
regions: {
'us-east': ':flag_us: US East',
'us-south': ':flag_us: US South',
'us-central': ':flag_us: US Central',
singapore: ':flag_sg: Singapore',
sydney: ':flag_au: Sydney',
southafrika: 'South Afrika',
kongkong: ':flag_hk: Hong Kong',
brazil: ':flag_br: Brazil',
amsterdam: ':flag_nl: Amsterdam',
japan: ':flag_jp: Japan',
london: ':flag_gb: London',
india: ':flag_in: India',
europe: ':flag_eu: Europe',
'eu-west': ':flag_eu: Europe West',
'eu-central': ':flag_eu: Europe Central',
russia: ':flag_ru: Russia',
frankfurt: ':flag_de: Frankfurt',
dubai: 'Dubai'
random: {
pin: '<:pin:350172480725581838>'
}; };

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
module.exports = { module.exports = {
bold: function(str) { bold: function(str) {
return `**${str}**`; return `**${str}**`;
}, },
italic: function(str) { italic: function(str) {
return `*${str}*`; return `*${str}*`;
} },
code: function(str) {
return `\`${str}\``;
}; };

utils/src/interactions.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
const hug = [
'0 hugs 1',
'1 gets a tight hug from 0',
'1 is getting a hug from 0',
'Is 0 hugging 1? They sure are!',
'0 hugs 1 in a lovable way',
'0 hugs 1 with a very warm smile',
'0 hugs 1 in an attempt to cheer them up',
'0 sneaks up behind 1 and gives him/her a surprise hug!',
'0 lunges at 1, wrapping his/her arms around lovingly!',
"1 wasn't suspecting anything at first, but then suddenly 0 appears and hugs him/her!",
'0 blushes a little bit, carefully approaching 1 and giving him/her a tender hug.',
'0 suddenly yells out loud; "Tactical hug incoming!".',
'0 lifts 1 from the ground and hugs them tightly.',
'0 and 1 run towards eachother, arms open, not unlike the classic grassy-field-reunion scene. They meet in the middle with a strong embrace.',
'0 scoots closer over to 1 on a park bench, then wraps his/her arms around the unsuspecting hug victim.',
'0 confidently steps forward, giving 1 a tight hug.',
"0 gives 1 a big ol' hug.",
'1 is suddenly hugged by 0!'
const kiss = [
'0 kisses 1',
'0 gives 1 a kiss',
'1 gets a surprise kiss from 0',
'0 appears to be kissing 1. Lets leave them to it :3'
const boop = [ '0 boops 1', "0 boops 1's Snoot", "1's Snoot got booped by 0", '0 nuzzles 1 and boops their Snoot' ];
const cuddle = [ '0 cuddles 1', '0 cuddles 1 lovingly', '0 has 1 in their lap and cuddles them lovingly' ];
const lick = [
'0 licked 1 to the point where he/she murrred/purred',
'0 licked 1 in the name of love. Murr!',
'0 was feeling a little playful and decided to lick 1',
'0 slides over to 1 and licks them',
'0 nibbles and licks 1 playfully',
'0 slides over to 1 and licks and cuddles 1'
const hold = [ '0 holds 1', '0 holds 1 tight' ];
const bulge = [ "0 eyes 1's bulge", "0 likes to see 1's bulge~" ];
const suck = [ "0 sucks 1's cock with hungry eyes~", '1 lets 0 suck their cock~' ];
const bang = [ '0 bangs 1', '1 moans as 0 bangs them', '1 moans loudly as 0 bangs them hard~' ];
module.exports = {

View File

@ -1,54 +1,77 @@
const ShortLinkReg = /(?:\s|^)(gh|gl|gd|owo|sg|ttv|teknik|bb|yt|bc|bcu|sc|aur|bot|sw|tw|npm|xkcd)\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.#/!]*)/g; const ShortLinkReg = /(?:\s|^)(gh|gl|gd|owo|sg|ttv|teknik|bb|yt|bc|bcu|sc|aur|bot|sw|tw|npm|xkcd)\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.#/!]*)/g;
const ShortLinks = { const ShortLinks = {
gh: "https://github.com/$link$", gh: 'https://github.com/$link$',
gl: "https://gitlab.com/$link$", gl: 'https://gitlab.com/$link$',
yt: "https://youtu.be/$link$", yt: 'https://youtu.be/$link$',
tw: "https://twitter.com/$link$", tw: 'https://twitter.com/$link$',
npm: "https://npmjs.com/package/$link$", npm: 'https://npm.im/$link$',
ttv: "https://twitch.tv/$link$", ttv: 'https://twitch.tv/$link$',
gd: "https://gitdab.com/$link$", gd: 'https://gitdab.com/$link$',
owo: "https://owo.codes/$link$", owo: 'https://owo.codes/$link$',
sg: "https://git.supernets.org/$link$", sg: 'https://git.supernets.org/$link$',
teknik: "https://git.teknik.io/$link$", teknik: 'https://git.teknik.io/$link$',
bb: "https://bitbucket.org/$link$", bb: 'https://bitbucket.org/$link$',
bc: "https://$link$.bandcamp.com/", bc: 'https://$link$.bandcamp.com/',
bcu: "https://bandcamp.com/$link$", bcu: 'https://bandcamp.com/$link$',
sc: "https://soundcloud.com/$link$", sc: 'https://soundcloud.com/$link$',
aur: "https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$link$", aur: 'https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$link$',
sw: "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=$link$", sw: 'https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=$link$',
bot: "<https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=$link$&scope=bot>", bot: '<https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=$link$&scope=bot>',
xkcd: "https://xkcd.com/$link$" xkcd: 'https://xkcd.com/$link$'
}; };
const ShortLinkDirs = {
module.exports = function Shortlink(enabled, msg) { gh: 'Github',
if (!enabled || enabled === null || enabled === undefined) return; gl: 'Gitlab',
let res = msg.content.match(ShortLinkReg); gd: 'Gitdab',
if (!res) return; yt: 'Youtube',
res = res.map(x => (x.startsWith(" ") ? x.substring(1) : x)); tw: 'Twitter',
let links = []; npm: 'NPM',
ttv: 'TwitchTv',
for (const m in res) { owo: 'owo_codes',
for (const x in ShortLinks) { sg: 'Supernets_Git',
let url = res[m]; teknik: 'Teknik_Git',
if (!url.startsWith(x)) continue; bb: 'BitBucket',
url = url.replace(x + "/", ""); bc: 'Bandcamp_Band',
bcu: 'Bandcamp_User',
if (x == "gh" || x == "gl" || x == "gd") { sc: 'Soundcloud',
url = url.replace("#", "/issues/"); aur: 'Arch_Packages',
} sw: 'Steam_Workshop',
bot: 'Discord_Bot_Invite',
if (x == "gl") { xkcd: 'xkcd'
url = url.replace("!", "/merge_requests/"); };
} else if (x == "gd") { const db = require('quick.db');
url = url.replace("!", "/pulls/"); const backend = new db.table('backend');
} else if (x == "gh") { module.exports = async function Shortlink(enabled, msg) {
url = url.replace("!", "/pull/"); if (!enabled || enabled === null || enabled === undefined) return;
} let res = msg.content.match(ShortLinkReg);
if (!res) return;
url = ShortLinks[x].replace("$link$", url); res = res.map((x) => (x.startsWith(' ') ? x.substring(1) : x));
links.push(url); let links = [];
} let Amount = [];
for (const m in res) {
msg.channel.send(links.join("\n")); for (const x in ShortLinks) {
let url = res[m];
if (!url.startsWith(x)) continue;
url = url.replace(x + '/', '');
if (x == 'gh' || x == 'gl' || x == 'gd') {
url = url.replace('#', '/issues/');
if (x == 'gl') {
url = url.replace('!', '/merge_requests/');
} else if (x == 'gd') {
url = url.replace('!', '/pulls/');
} else if (x == 'gh') {
url = url.replace('!', '/pull/');
url = ShortLinks[x].replace('$link$', url);
await backend.add(`Shortlink.${ShortLinkDirs[x]}`, 1);
}; };

View File

@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
const axios = require("axios"); const axios = require('axios');
const db = require("quick.db"); const db = require('quick.db');
const backend = new db.table("backend"); const backend = new db.table('backend');
const Servers = new db.table('servers');
let md5 = new RegExp( let md5 = new RegExp(
"((?:!)?https?://static[0-9]*.(?:e621|e926).net/data/(?:sample/|preview/|)[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{2}/([0-9a-f]{32}).([0-9a-z]+))", '((?:!)?https?://static[0-9]*.(?:e621|e926).net/data/(?:sample/|preview/|)[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{2}/([0-9a-f]{32}).([0-9a-z]+))',
"igm" 'igm'
); );
let search_md5 = "https://e621.net/post/show.json?md5="; let search_md5 = 'https://e621.net/post/show.json?md5=';
let e6 = "https://e621.net/post/show/"; let e6 = 'https://e621.net/post/show/';
let e9 = "https://e926.net/post/show/"; let e9 = 'https://e926.net/post/show/';
const version = "0.1.0"; const version = '0.1.0';
module.exports = async function SourceFynnder(enabled, msg) { module.exports = async function SourceFynnder(enabled, msg) {
if (!enabled || enabled === null || enabled === undefined) return; if (!enabled || enabled === null || enabled === undefined) return;
res = msg.content.match(md5); res = msg.content.match(md5);
if (!res) return; if (!res) return;
let Sources = []; let Sources = [];
for (const m in res) { for (const m in res) {
let URL = res[m]; let URL = res[m];
let hash = URL.split(md5)[2]; let hash = URL.split(md5)[2];
let { data } = await axios.get(search_md5 + hash, { let { data } = await axios.get(search_md5 + hash, {
headers: { "user-agent": `SourceFynnder/${version} (ry / codepupper)` } headers: { 'user-agent': `SourceFynnder/${version} (ry / codepupper)` }
}); });
if (data.rating === "s") { if (data.rating === 's') {
Source = e9 + data.id; Source = e9 + data.id;
} else { } else {
Source = e6 + data.id; Source = e6 + data.id;
} }
Sources.push(`:link::mag: ${Source}`); Sources.push(`:link::mag: ${Source}`);
} }
await backend.add("SourceFynnder.found", Sources.length); msg.channel.send(Sources);
msg.channel.send(Sources); await backend.add('SourceFynnder.found', Sources.length);
await Servers.add(`${msg.guild.id}.foundSources`, Sources.length);
}; };
/* url = msg.content.split(md5); /* url = msg.content.split(md5);
hash = url[2]; hash = url[2];

views/index.hbs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<body class="wrapper">
<div id="main">
<div class="center">
<img src="/assets/images/icon.png" alt="Thaldrin's Icon" class="icon"><h1 class="title rainbow_text_animated" id="title">{{title}}</h1>
<span class="subtitle">{{subtitle}}<br></span>
<span><button class="source"><a href="{{bot.source}}" target="_blank"><i>Source code</i></a></button></span>
<span><button class="invite"><a href="{{bot.invite}}" target="_blank"><i>Invite Me!</i></a></button></span>
<span><button class="support"><a href="{{bot.support}}" target="_blank"><i>Support Server</i></a></button></span>
<div class="Stats">
<span id="messages">Channels - {{bot.channels}}</span><br>
<span id="servers">Servers - {{bot.guilds}}</span><br>
<span id="users">Users - {{bot.users}}</span><br>
<span id="commands">Commands - {{bot.commands}}</span>

views/layouts/main.hbs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
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