fuck node

This commit is contained in:
ry 2019-10-14 13:19:41 +02:00
parent 9ad8081971
commit 304d0ccb96
49 changed files with 1305 additions and 403 deletions

.gitattributes vendored Normal file → Executable file
View file

.gitignore vendored Normal file → Executable file
View file

.vscode/Snippets.code-snippets vendored Normal file → Executable file
View file

.vscode/settings.json vendored Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"editor.lineNumbers": "off"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const { log, db } = require("../utils/index");
const { ShortLinks } = require("../utils");
const { table } = require("quick.db");
const Servers = new table("servers");
const Users = new table("users");
const Backend = new table("backend");
module.exports = {
name: "message",
run: async (client, Message) => {
if (Message.author.bot) return;
let Server = Servers.get(Message.guild.id);
let Enabled;
if (Server === null) {
Enabled = db.defaults.server.Shortlinks;
} else {
Enabled = Server.Shortlinks;
ShortLinks(Enabled, Message);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const { log, db } = require("../utils/index");
const { SourceFynnder } = require("../utils");
const { table } = require("quick.db");
const Servers = new table("servers");
const Users = new table("users");
const Backend = new table("backend");
module.exports = {
name: "message",
run: async (client, Message) => {
if (Message.author.bot) return;
let Server = Servers.get(Message.guild.id);
let Enabled;
if (Server === null) {
Enabled = db.defaults.server.SourceFynnder;
} else {
Enabled = Server.SourceFynnder;
SourceFynnder(Enabled, Message);

DiscordEvents/guildCreate.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
const { logChannel } = require("../config");
const util = require("../utils");
module.exports = {
name: "guildCreate",
run: async (client, guild) => {
const logs = client.channels.get(logChannel);
const members = await guild.members.fetch();
guild.utils = util;
guild.guild = guild;
const total = guild.members.size;
const users = guild.members.filter(m => !m.user.bot).size;
const bots = guild.members.filter(m => m.user.bot).size;
if (logs)
`Added to ${guild.name} (owned by: ${guild.owner.user.tag ||
"uncached"} ${guild.ownerID}) on shard ${client.options.shards[
client.options.shards.length - 1
] + 1}/${client.options.shards.length}\nServer has ${parseInt(
).toLocaleString()} member${total > 1 ? "s" : ""}: ${parseInt(
).toLocaleString()} user${users > 1 ? "s" : ""}, ${parseInt(
).toLocaleString()} bot${bots > 1 ? "s" : ""}, in region ${
await util.db.setupServer(guild);

events/message.js → DiscordEvents/message.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
const { Collection } = require("discord.js");
const ShortLinks = require("../utils/shortlinks");
let enabled = true;
const { ShortLinks, SourceFynnder } = require("../utils");
let ShortLinksEnabled = true;
let SourceFynnderEnabled = true;
const { table } = require("quick.db");
const Servers = new table("servers");
const Users = new table("users");
const Backend = new table("backend");
module.exports = {
name: "message",
run: async (client, msg) => {
@ -8,9 +13,18 @@ module.exports = {
if (!prefix && enabled) return ShortLinks(enabled, msg);
if (!prefix) return;
if (msg.author.bot) return;
if (msg.author.id !== "318044130796109825") return;
let Server = Servers.get(msg.guild.id);
let enabled;
if (Server === null) {
enabled = require("../utils").db.defaults.server;
} else {
enabled = Server;
ShortLinks(enabled.Shortlinks, msg);
if (!prefix) return;
const args = msg.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/g);
const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();
const cmd = client.commands.find(
@ -28,6 +42,8 @@ module.exports = {
channel: msg.channel,
author: msg.author,
member: msg.member,
db: { users: Users, servers: Servers, backend: Backend },
utils: require("../utils"),
isDeveloper: client.config.developers.find(id => msg.author.id == id)
if (!cmd) return;

View file

DiscordEvents/ready.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
const { log } = require("../utils/index");
module.exports = {
name: "ready",
run: async client => {
client.user.setActivity(`@${client.user.username} help to get started`);

DiscordEvents/shardReady.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
const { logChannel } = require("../config");
const util = require("../utils");
module.exports = {
name: "shardReady",
run: async client => {
const logs = client.channels.get(logChannel);
const message = `Shard ${client.options.shards[
client.options.shards.length - 1
] + 1}/${client.options.shards.length} is ready`;
await util.log.shardReady(message);
await util.log.shardSpinnerStarted(message);
// if (logs !== undefined) logs.send(message);

View file

events/shardResume.js → DiscordEvents/shardResume.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
const { table } = require("quick.db");
const Servers = new table("servers");
const Users = new table("users");
const clean = text => {
if (typeof text == "string")
return text
.replace(/`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode(8203))
.replace(/@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode(8203));
else return text;
module.exports = class Eval extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "eval",
description: "Run JavaScript code directly from the process.",
aliases: ["ev", "e"],
module: "Developers",
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true
async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) return;
const client = ctx.client;
let code = ctx.args.join(" ");
let silent = false;
if (code.endsWith("-s")) (code = code.split("-s")[0]), (silent = true);
if (code.endsWith("--silent"))
(code = code.split("--silent")[0]), (silent = true);
try {
let evaled = await eval(code);
if (typeof evaled != "string") evaled = require("util").inspect(evaled);
new RegExp(client.token.replace(/\./g, "\\.", "g")),
if (!silent) {
.then(async m => {
await m.react("📥");
await m.react("🗑");
.catch(err => {
`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``
.then(async m => {
client.lastEval = clean(evaled);
await m.react("📥");
await m.react("🗑");
} catch (error) {
.then(async m => {
await m.react("📥");
await m.react("🗑");
.catch(err => {
`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``
.then(async m => {
client.lastEval = clean(error);
await m.react("📥");
await m.react("🗑");

View file

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
module.exports = class Setup extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "setup",
description: "x",
aliases: ["s"],
module: "Developers",
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true
async command(ctx) {
let x = await ctx.utils.db.prefix
.catch(err => console.error(err));
//' console.log(x);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
module.exports = class Stop extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "stop",
description: "Stops the bot",
aliases: [],
module: "Developers",
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true
async command(ctx) {

DiscordModules/General/help.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
module.exports = class Help extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "help",
"View a list of available commands, or view information on a specific command.",
aliases: ["h"],
module: "General",
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) {
const commands = [
.filter(command => command.module == "General")
.map(command => `**${command.name}** - ${command.description}`)
if (ctx.isDeveloper)
.filter(command => command.module == "Developers")
.map(command => command.name)
.join(", ")
return ctx.send({
embed: {
fields: commands.map(group => {
return new Object({
name: group[0],
value: group[1]
color: 0xff873f
} else {
const command = ctx.client.commands.find(
c =>
c.name == ctx.args[0].toLowerCase() ||
(c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(ctx.args[0].toLowerCase()))
let fields = [
name: "Module",
value: command.module,
inline: true
name: "Aliases",
command.aliases.length == 0
? "No aliases"
: command.aliases.join(", "),
inline: true
name: "Cooldown",
value: command.cooldown == 0 ? "No cooldown" : `${command.cooldown}s`,
inline: true
name: "Server only?",
value: command.guildOnly ? "Yes" : "No",
inline: true
name: "Developers only?",
value: command.developerOnly ? "Yes" : "No",
inline: true
if (!command)
return ctx.send(
`That command couldn't be found. See the \`help\` command for valid commands.`
let embed = new MessageEmbed()
fields.forEach(i => {
embed.addField(i.name, i.value, i.inline);
return ctx.send(embed);

View file

@ -1,25 +1,7 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const { developers, contributors } = require("../../config");
const { bold } = require("../../utils/format");
const { developers, contributors, source } = require("../../config");
const { version: DiscordVersion } = require("discord.js");
const usage = require("usage");
const options = {
keepHistory: true
const format = sec => {
const pad = s => {
return (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s;
let hours = Math.floor(sec / (60 * 60));
let minutes = Math.floor((sec % (60 * 60)) / 60);
let seconds = Math.floor(sec % 60);
return hours + ":" + pad(minutes) + ":" + pad(seconds);
module.exports = class Info extends Command {
constructor() {
@ -35,24 +17,25 @@ module.exports = class Info extends Command {
async command(ctx) {
let result;
const contribs = [];
for (const { id, nick, reason } of contributors) {
const user = await ctx.client.users.fetch(id);
contribs.push(`${user} (${nick}) - ${reason}`);
const Contributors = contribs.join("\n");
let CreditEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`Thaldrin, a Random Image and Utility Bot`)
`Made by ${bold(
`Made by ${ctx.utils.format.bold(
ctx.client.users.find(user => user.id === "318044130796109825").tag
.addField("Language", "Javascript", true)
.addField("Library", `d.js - v${DiscordVersion}`, true)
.addField("Node", `${process.version}`, true)
.addField("Contributors", Contributors);
.addField("Contributors", Contributors)
.addField("Source", `[gitdab.com/r/thaldrin](${source})`);

View file

DiscordModules/Images/e621.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
const yiff = require("yiff");
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
let Icon =
module.exports = class E621 extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "e621",
description: "Get Images from e621",
aliases: ["e6"],
module: "Images",
cooldown: 5,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
let Embed = new MessageEmbed().setColor("RED");
if (!ctx.channel.nsfw) {
`This channel is not marked as NSFW, please mark it as such and rerun this command.`
return ctx.send(Embed);
if (ctx.args < 1) {
Embed.setTitle("Search Terms").setDescription(
"I need more tags than that to search for an Image."
return ctx.send(Embed);
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
let Settings;
if (Server === null) {
Settings = ctx.utils.db.defaults.server;
} else {
Settings = Server;
let message = await ctx.send(`Searching...`);
let req;
let Message;
await yiff.e621.CubFilter(ctx.args.join(" ")).then(E => (req = E));
if (Settings.embeds) {
Message = new MessageEmbed().setImage(req.image);
} else {
Message = `${req.image}`;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
module.exports = class Settings extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "settings",
description: "Show the Settings of this Server",
aliases: ["config"],
module: "Settings",
cooldown: 5,
guildOnly: true,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
const SettingsEmbed = new ctx.utils.discord.MessageEmbed();
const Server = await ctx.db.servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
// console.log(Server);
if (Server !== null) {
SettingsEmbed.setTitle(`Settings for ${ctx.guild.name}`)
.addField("Prefixes", Server.prefix.join(", "), false)
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
"Image Embeds",
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
"Image Text",
? ctx.utils.emotes.settings.on
: ctx.utils.emotes.settings.off,
.addField("Default Yiff", Server.default_yiff, true);
} else {
`No Settings for ${ctx.guild.name}`
`You shouldn't see this.\n Your Server might not have been set up Properly when you invited me.\n\nPlease [join my support server](https://discord.gg/xNAcF8m) and notify my Developer`

LICENSE Normal file → Executable file
View file

README.md Normal file → Executable file
View file

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
const { logChannel } = require('../config');
module.exports = {
name: 'guildCreate',
run: async (client, guild) => {
const logs = client.channels.get(logChannel);
const members = await guild.members.fetch();
const total = guild.members.size;
const users = guild.members.filter((m)=>!m.user.bot).size;
const bots = guild.members.filter((m)=>m.user.bot).size;
if (logs) logs.send(`Added to ${guild.name} (owned by: ${guild.owner.user.tag || 'uncached'} ${guild.ownerID}) on shard ${client.options.shards[client.options.shards.length - 1] + 1}/${client.options.shards.length}\nServer has ${parseInt(total).toLocaleString()} member${total > 1 ? 's' : ''}: ${parseInt(users).toLocaleString()} user${users > 1 ? 's' : ''}, ${parseInt(bots).toLocaleString()} bot${bots > 1 ? 's' : ''}, in region ${guild.region}`);

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
module.exports = {
name: 'ready',
run: async (client) => {
client.user.setActivity(`@Musik help to get started`);

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
const { logChannel } = require('../config');
module.exports = {
name: 'shardReady',
run: async (client) => {
const logs = client.channels.get(logChannel);
const message = `Shard ${client.options.shards[client.options.shards.length - 1] + 1}/${client.options.shards.length} changed status to ready`;
if (logs !== undefined) logs.send(message);

index.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
const Client = require('./src/index');
const config = require('./config');
const Client = require("./src/index");
const config = require("./config");
const { log } = require("./utils/index");
const { util } = require('discord.js');
const { util } = require("discord.js");
util.fetchRecommendedShards(config.token).then((count) => {
new Client(config, count);
util.fetchRecommendedShards(config.token).then(async count => {
await log.starting();
new Client(config, count);

json.sqlite Executable file

Binary file not shown.

View file

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const clean = text => {
if (typeof (text) == 'string')
return text.replace(/`/g, "`" + String.fromCharCode(8203)).replace(/@/g, "@" + String.fromCharCode(8203));
else return text;
module.exports = class Eval extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'eval',
description: 'Run JavaScript code directly from the process.',
aliases: ['ev', 'e'],
module: 'Developers',
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: true
async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) return;
const client = ctx.client;
let code = ctx.args.join(' ');
let silent = false;
if (code.endsWith('-s')) code = code.split('-s')[0], silent = true;
if (code.endsWith('--silent')) code = code.split('--silent')[0], silent = true;
try {
let evaled = await eval(code);
if (typeof (evaled) != 'string') evaled = require('util').inspect(evaled);
evaled.replace(new RegExp(client.token.replace(/\./g, '\\.', 'g')), 'uwu');
if (!silent) {
ctx.send(`\`\`\`js\n${clean(evaled)}\n\`\`\``).then(async (m) => {
await m.react('📥');
await m.react('🗑');
}).catch((err) => {
ctx.send(`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``).then(async (m) => {
client.lastEval = clean(evaled);
await m.react('📥');
await m.react('🗑');
} catch(error) {
ctx.send(`\`\`\`js\n${clean(error)}\n\`\`\``).then(async (m) => {
await m.react('📥');
await m.react('🗑');
}).catch((err) => {
ctx.send(`\`Content is over 2,000 characters: react to upload to Hastebin\``).then(async (m) => {
client.lastEval = clean(error);
await m.react('📥');
await m.react('🗑');

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
const Command = require("../../src/structures/Command");
// {
// name: 'Voice Connections',
// value: parseInt(ctx.client.voice.connections.size).toLocaleString(),
// inline: true
// },
module.exports = class Botinfo extends Command {
constructor() {
name: "botinfo",
"Bot information and live statistics, such as memory usage and servers.",
// aliases: ['stats', 'statistics', 'about'],
module: "General",
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
usage.lookup(process.pid, options, (err, result) => {
if (err)
return ctx.send(`There was an error measuring CPU usage.\n\`${err}\``);
return ctx.send({
embed: {
title: `Musik`,
description: `Using discord.js **${
}**, node.js **${process.version.replace(
)}** and Linux **${require("os").release()}**.\nYou are on shard ${ctx
.guild.shard.id + 1}/${ctx.client.options.shards.length} in the "${
}" region.`,
fields: [
name: "Servers",
value: parseInt(ctx.client.guilds.size).toLocaleString(),
inline: true
name: "Users",
value: parseInt(
.map(guild => guild.memberCount)
.reduce((g1, g2) => g1 + g2)
inline: true
name: "Shards",
value: parseInt(
inline: true
name: "Memory Usage",
result.memory < 1024000000
? `${Math.round(result.memory / 1024 / 1024)} MB`
: `${(result.memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1)} GB`,
inline: true
name: "CPU Usage",
value: `${result.cpu.toFixed(1)}%`,
inline: true
name: "Uptime",
value: format(ctx.client.uptime / 1000),
inline: true
color: 0xff873f

View file

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
const Command = require('../../src/structures/Command');
const {MessageEmbed} = require('discord.js')
module.exports = class Help extends Command {
constructor() {
name: 'help',
description: 'View a list of available commands, or view information on a specific command.',
aliases: ['h'],
module: 'General',
cooldown: 0,
guildOnly: false,
developerOnly: false
async command(ctx) {
if (!ctx.args.length) {
const commands = [
['General', ctx.client.commands.filter((command) => command.module == 'General').map((command) => `**${command.name}** - ${command.description}`).join('\n')] ]
if (ctx.isDeveloper) commands.push(['Developers', ctx.client.commands.filter((command) => command.module == 'Developers').map((command) => command.name).join(', ')]);
return ctx.send({ embed: {
fields: commands.map((group) => {
return new Object({
name: group[0],
value: group[1]
color: 0xFF873F
} });
} else {
const command = ctx.client.commands.find(c => c.name == ctx.args[0].toLowerCase() || c.aliases && c.aliases.includes(ctx.args[0].toLowerCase()));
let fields = [
name: 'Module',
value: command.module,
inline: true
name: 'Aliases',
value: command.aliases.length == 0 ? 'No aliases' : command.aliases.join(', '),
inline: true
name: 'Cooldown',
value: command.cooldown == 0 ? 'No cooldown' : `${command.cooldown}s`,
inline: true
name: 'Server only?',
value: command.guildOnly ? 'Yes' : 'No',
inline: true
name: 'Developers only?',
value: command.developerOnly ? 'Yes' : 'No',
inline: true
if (!command) return ctx.send(`That command couldn't be found. See the \`help\` command for valid commands.`);
let embed = new MessageEmbed()
fields.forEach(i => {
embed.addField(i.name, i.value, i.inline)
return ctx.send(embed);

package-lock.json generated Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
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package.json Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -7,16 +7,21 @@
"license": "MIT",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.19.0",
"chalk": "^2.4.2",
"compression": "*",
"cors": "*",
"discord.js": "discordjs/discord.js",
"endb": "^0.16.1",
"endb": "github:chroventer/endb",
"express": "*",
"helmet": "*",
"moment": "*",
"mongojs": "^2.6.0",
"node-emoji": "^1.10.0",
"ora": "^4.0.2",
"phin": "*",
"usage": "*",
"quick.db": "^7.0.0-b22",
"usage": "^0.7.1",
"yiff": "^1.2.1"

server/server.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

src/client/Client.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -1,57 +1,63 @@
const { Client, Collection } = require('discord.js');
const { readdirSync: read } = require('fs');
const { Client, Collection } = require("discord.js");
const { readdirSync: read } = require("fs");
const server = require('../../server/server');
const server = require("../../server/server");
module.exports = class Musik extends Client {
constructor(config, shards) {
disableEveryone: true,
disabledEvents: ['TYPING_START'],
shardCount: shards,
totalShardCount: shards
module.exports = class Thaldrin extends Client {
constructor(config, shards) {
disableEveryone: true,
disabledEvents: ["TYPING_START"],
shardCount: shards,
totalShardCount: shards
this.commands = new Collection();
this.cooldowns = new Collection();
this.queues = new Collection();
this.config = config;
this.commands = new Collection();
this.cooldowns = new Collection();
// this.queues = new Collection();
this.config = config;
this.lastEval = null;
this.lastEval = null;
async load() {
const events = await read('./events');
const modules = await read('./modules');
async load() {
const events = await read("./DiscordEvents");
const modules = await read("./DiscordModules");
// server(this)
// server(this)
events.filter(f => f.endsWith('.js')).forEach(file => {
.filter(f => f.endsWith(".js"))
.forEach(file => {
try {
const event = require(`../../DiscordEvents/${file}`);
this.on(event.name, event.run.bind(null, this));
} catch (err) {
.filter(f => !f.endsWith(".js"))
.forEach(async module => {
const commands = await read(`./DiscordModules/${module}`);
.filter(f => f.endsWith(".js"))
.forEach(command => {
try {
const event = require(`../../events/${file}`);
const file = require(`../../DiscordModules/${module}/${command}`);
const Command = new file();
this.on(event.name, event.run.bind(null, this));
} catch(err) {
this.commands.set(Command.name, Command);
} catch (err) {
modules.filter(f => !f.endsWith('.js')).forEach(async (module) => {
const commands = await read(`./modules/${module}`);
commands.filter(f => f.endsWith('.js')).forEach(command => {
try {
const file = require(`../../modules/${module}/${command}`);
const Command = new file();
this.commands.set(Command.name, Command);
} catch(err) {

src/index.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

src/structures/Command.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

utils/index.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module.exports = {
format: require("./src/format"),
status: require("./src/statuses"),
calc: require("./src/calc"),
ShortLinks: require("./src/shortlinks"),
SourceFynnder: require("./src/sourceFynnder"),
emotes: require("./src/emotes"),
db: require("./src/database"),
log: require("./src/logs"),
discord: require("discord.js")

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
const ShortLinkReg = /(?:\s|^)(gh|gl|gd|owo|sg|tw|teknik|bb|yt|bc|bcu|sc|aur|bot|sw|tw|npm|xkcd)\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.#/!]*)/g;
const ShortLinks = {
gh: "https://github.com/$link$",
gl: "https://gitlab.com/$link$",
yt: "https://youtu.be/$link$",
tw: "https://twitter.com/$link$",
npm: "https://npmjs.com/package/$link$",
tw: "https://twitch.tv/$link$",
gd: "https://gitdab.com/$link$",
owo: "https://owo.codes/$link$",
sg: "https://git.supernets.org/$link$",
teknik: "https://git.teknik.io/$link$",
bb: "https://bitbucket.org/$link$",
bc: "https://$link$.bandcamp.com/",
bcu: "https://bandcamp.com/$link$",
sc: "https://soundcloud.com/$link$",
aur: "https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$link$",
sw: "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=$link$",
bot: "<https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=$link$&scope=bot>",
xkcd: "https://xkcd.com/$link$"
module.exports = function Shortlinks(enabled, msg) {
if (enabled) {
let res = msg.content.match(ShortLinkReg);
if (!res) return;
res = res.map(x => (x.startsWith(" ") ? x.substring(1) : x));
let links = [];
for (const m in res) {
for (const x in ShortLinks) {
let url = res[m];
if (!url.startsWith(x)) continue;
url = url.replace(x + "/", "");
if (x == "gh" || x == "gl" || x == "gd") {
url = url.replace("#", "/issues/");
if (x == "gl") {
url = url.replace("!", "/merge_requests/");
} else if (x == "gd") {
url = url.replace("!", "/pulls/");
} else if (x == "gh") {
url = url.replace("!", "/pull/");
url = ShortLinks[x].replace("$link$", url);

utils/src/calc.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module.exports = {
userDays: function(user) {
if (typeof user !== "object") throw new TypeError("Not an Object");
let creation = new Date().getTime() - user.createdAt.getTime();
let days = creation / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
return Math.round(days);
serverDays: function(server) {
if (typeof user !== "object") throw new TypeError("Not an Object");
let creation = new Date().getTime() - server.createdAt.getTime();
let days = creation / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
return Math.round(days);

utils/src/database.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
const db = require("quick.db");
const Servers = new db.table("servers");
const Users = new db.table("users");
const { prefixes } = require("../../config");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const e = require("node-emoji");
const DatabaseDefaults = {
user: {
id: null,
blacklist: {
state: false,
replied: false,
reason: undefined
server: {
prefix: prefixes,
SourceFynnder: false,
Shortlinks: false,
embeds: true,
rp_text: true,
default_yiff: "gay"
module.exports = {
defaults: DatabaseDefaults,
setupServer: async function(ctx) {
await Servers.set(ctx.guild.id, DatabaseDefaults.server);
prefix: {
add: async function(ctx) {
let Prefixes = [];
let New;
Prefixes = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id).prefix;
if (Prefixes.includes(ctx.args.join(" ")))
throw new Error("Prefix already in Database");
else {
New = await Servers.push(`${ctx.guild.id}.prefix`, ctx.args.join(" "));
return New;
remove: async function(ctx) {
if (require("../../config").prefixes.includes(ctx.args.join(" "))) {
throw new Error("You cannot remove the Default Prefix(es)");
let Prefixes = Servers.get(`${ctx.guild.id}.prefix`);
let New;
for (let i in Prefixes) {
`[${i}] [${Prefixes.toString().replace(
if (Prefixes[i] === ctx.args.join(" ")) {
New = Prefixes.slice(i, 1);
console.log(Prefixes.slice(i, 1));
return console.log("Found it");
//return New;
toggle: {
SourceFynnder: async function(ctx) {
let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
? console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue(
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.red("false")} `
: console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue(
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.green("true")} `
? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.SourceFynnder`, false)
: await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.SourceFynnder`, true);
Shortlinks: async function(ctx) {
let Server = await Servers.get(ctx.guild.id);
? console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue(
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.red("false")} `
: console.log(
`${chalk.green("✔")} Set ${chalk.blue(
)} in ${chalk.magenta(ctx.guild.id)} to ${chalk.green("true")} `
? await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.Shortlinks`, false)
: await Servers.set(`${ctx.guild.id}.Shortlinks`, true);

utils/src/emotes.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
module.exports = {
status: {
online: "<:oxONLINE:480145455708110850>",
streaming: "<:oxSTREAMING:487933554894962688>",
idle: "<:oxIDLE:480145455183953921>",
dnd: "<:oxDND:480145455104262165>",
offline: "<:oxOFFLINE:480145455330754571>"
social: {
twitter: "<:twitter:517392526622064640>",
patreon: "<:patreon:465243291877900300>",
github: "<:github:487283925417459732>",
trello: "<:trello:526452412244951041>",
discord: "<:discord:517392526647361557>"
settings: {
cog: "<:settings:350172481157464064>",
on: "<:thalYes:444843380187332608>",
off: "<:thalNo:447651589902041102> ",
locked: "<:locked:350172480318603265>",
unlocked: "<:unlocked:350172481664974848>",
save: "<:save:350172480821919745>",
trash: "<:trash:350172481794998273>"
eval: {
working: "<:success:350172481186955267>",
warning: "<:warning:350172481757118478>",
error: "<:error:350172479936921611>"
perms: {
auth: "<:authorization:350172478019993614>"
random: {
pin: "<:pin:350172480725581838>"

utils/format.js → utils/src/format.js Normal file → Executable file
View file

utils/src/logs.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
const ora = require("ora");
const config = require("../../config");
const chalk = require("chalk");
const BotSpinner = new ora({
discardStdin: false
const shardSpinner = new ora({
discardStdin: false
const ServerSpinner = new ora({
discardStdin: false
module.exports = async = {
starting: async function() {
BotSpinner.text = `${config.name} v${config.version} is starting`;
BotSpinner.spinner = "moon";
return BotSpinner;
stopSpinner: function() {
return BotSpinner.stop();
hasStarted: async function() {
BotSpinner.succeed(`${config.name} v${config.version} has started`);
shardReady: async function(text) {
shardSpinner.text = text;
shardSpinner.spinner = "moon";
return shardSpinner.start();
shardSpinnerStarted: function() {
return shardSpinner.succeed();
servers: {
setup: async function(server) {
ServerSpinner.text = `Setting up ${chalk.red(server.name)} | ${chalk.red(
fin: async function(server) {
`${chalk.red(server.name)} | ${chalk.red(server.id)} has been set up.`

utils/src/shortlinks.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
const ShortLinkReg = /(?:\s|^)(gh|gl|gd|owo|sg|ttv|teknik|bb|yt|bc|bcu|sc|aur|bot|sw|tw|npm|xkcd)\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.#/!]*)/g;
const ShortLinks = {
gh: "https://github.com/$link$",
gl: "https://gitlab.com/$link$",
yt: "https://youtu.be/$link$",
tw: "https://twitter.com/$link$",
npm: "https://npmjs.com/package/$link$",
ttv: "https://twitch.tv/$link$",
gd: "https://gitdab.com/$link$",
owo: "https://owo.codes/$link$",
sg: "https://git.supernets.org/$link$",
teknik: "https://git.teknik.io/$link$",
bb: "https://bitbucket.org/$link$",
bc: "https://$link$.bandcamp.com/",
bcu: "https://bandcamp.com/$link$",
sc: "https://soundcloud.com/$link$",
aur: "https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/$link$",
sw: "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=$link$",
bot: "<https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=$link$&scope=bot>",
xkcd: "https://xkcd.com/$link$"
module.exports = function Shortlink(enabled, msg) {
if (!enabled || enabled === null || enabled === undefined) return;
let res = msg.content.match(ShortLinkReg);
if (!res) return;
res = res.map(x => (x.startsWith(" ") ? x.substring(1) : x));
let links = [];
for (const m in res) {
for (const x in ShortLinks) {
let url = res[m];
if (!url.startsWith(x)) continue;
url = url.replace(x + "/", "");
if (x == "gh" || x == "gl" || x == "gd") {
url = url.replace("#", "/issues/");
if (x == "gl") {
url = url.replace("!", "/merge_requests/");
} else if (x == "gd") {
url = url.replace("!", "/pulls/");
} else if (x == "gh") {
url = url.replace("!", "/pull/");
url = ShortLinks[x].replace("$link$", url);

utils/src/sourceFynnder.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
const axios = require("axios");
const db = require("quick.db");
const backend = new db.table("backend");
let md5 = new RegExp(
let search_md5 = "https://e621.net/post/show.json?md5=";
let e6 = "https://e621.net/post/show/";
let e9 = "https://e926.net/post/show/";
const version = "0.1.0";
module.exports = async function SourceFynnder(enabled, msg) {
if (!enabled || enabled === null || enabled === undefined) return;
res = msg.content.match(md5);
if (!res) return;
let Sources = [];
for (const m in res) {
let URL = res[m];
let hash = URL.split(md5)[2];
let { data } = await axios.get(search_md5 + hash, {
headers: { "user-agent": `SourceFynnder/${version} (ry / codepupper)` }
if (data.rating === "s") {
Source = e9 + data.id;
} else {
Source = e6 + data.id;
Sources.push(`:link::mag: ${Source}`);
await backend.add("SourceFynnder.found", Sources.length);
/* url = msg.content.split(md5);
hash = url[2];
if (hash === undefined) return;
let res = await axios.get(search_md5 + hash);
let data = res.data;
let Source;
if (data.rating === "s") {
Source = e9 + data.id;
} else {
Source = e6 + data.id;
return msg.channel.send(Source); */

utils/src/statuses.js Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module.exports = {
playing: "PLAYING",
watching: "WATCHING",
listening: "LISTENING",
streaming: "STREAMING"

yarn.lock Normal file → Executable file
View file