2017-03-30 00:23:31 -07:00

1.3 KiB


Quantify your coding inside Vim.


  1. Install Vundle, the Vim plugin manager.

  2. Using Vundle:
    echo "Bundle 'wakatime/vim-wakatime'" >> ~/.vimrc && vim +BundleInstall

or using Pathogen:
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone git://

  1. Enter your api key, then press enter.

  2. Use Vim and your coding activity will be displayed on your WakaTime dashboard.

Note: WakaTime depends on Python being installed to work correctly.

Screen Shots

Project Overview


To use a custom python binary:

let g:wakatime_PythonBinary = '/usr/bin/python'

The default is to use python from your system PATH.

WakaTime plugins share a common config file ~/.wakatime.cfg located in your user home directory with these options available.


Remove Bundle 'wakatime/vim-wakatime' from your .vimrc file, then delete your ~/.wakatime.cfg config file.