
146 lines
4.2 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const langs = @import("lang.zig");
const runners = @import("runner.zig");
const printer = @import("printer.zig");
test "scritcher" {
_ = @import("lang.zig");
_ = @import("runner.zig");
fn wrapInCmdList(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, cmd: langs.Command) !langs.CommandList {
var cmds = try langs.CommandList.init(allocator);
try cmds.append(cmd);
return cmds;
pub fn doRepl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args_it: var) !void {
var stdout_file = try;
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream().stream;
const scri_path = try ( orelse @panic("expected scri path"));
var file = try std.fs.File.openWrite(scri_path);
defer file.close();
var out = file.outStream();
var stream = &;
// the thing here is that 'load :0' would load the scri_path, since we
// now have a 'repl' argument right before it. to counteract that, the
// initial repl buffer contains 'load :1' instead.
var loadargs = langs.ArgList.init(allocator);
defer loadargs.deinit();
try loadargs.append(":1");
var cmds = try wrapInCmdList(allocator, langs.Command{
.command = .Load,
.args = loadargs,
defer cmds.deinit();
// we keep
// - a CommandList with the full commands we have right now
// - a Command with the current last typed successful command
// - one runner that contains the current full state of the image
// as if the current cmds was ran over it (TODO better wording)
// - one runner that gets copied from the original on every new
// command the user issues
var lang = langs.Lang.init(allocator);
defer lang.deinit();
var current: langs.Command = undefined;
var runner = runners.Runner.init(allocator);
defer runner.deinit();
// run the load command
try runner.runCommands(cmds, true);
while (true) {
try stdout.print("> ");
var buffer = try std.Buffer.init(allocator, ""[0..]);
var line = catch |err| {
if (err == error.EndOfStream) break;
return err;
if (std.mem.eql(u8, line, "push")) {
try cmds.append(current);
// run the current added command to main cmds list
// with the main parent runner
var cmds_wrapped = try wrapInCmdList(allocator, current);
defer cmds_wrapped.deinit();
try runner.runCommands(cmds_wrapped, true);
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, line, "list")) {
try printer.printList(cmds, stdout);
} else if (std.mem.eql(u8, line, "save")) {
try file.seekTo(0);
try printer.printList(cmds, stream);
var cmds_parsed = lang.parse(line) catch |err| {
std.debug.warn("repl: error while parsing: {}\n", err);
current =;
// by cloning the parent runner, we can iteratively write
// whatever command we want and only commit the good results
// back to the parent runner
var runner_clone = try runner.clone();
defer runner_clone.deinit();
try runner_clone.runCommands(cmds_parsed, true);
pub fn main() !void {
const allocator = std.heap.direct_allocator;
var lang = langs.Lang.init(allocator);
defer lang.deinit();
var runner = runners.Runner.init(allocator);
defer runner.deinit();
var args_it = std.process.args();
// TODO print help
_ = try ( orelse @panic("expected exe name"));
const scri_path = try ( orelse @panic("expected scri path"));
if (std.mem.eql(u8, scri_path, "repl")) {
return try doRepl(allocator, &args_it);
var file = try std.fs.File.openRead(scri_path);
defer file.close();
// sadly, we read it all into memory. such is life
const total_bytes = try file.getEndPos();
var data = try allocator.alloc(u8, total_bytes);
_ = try;
var cmds = try lang.parse(data);
defer cmds.deinit();
try runner.runCommands(cmds, true);