
336 lines
11 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const lang = @import("lang.zig");
const images = @import("image.zig");
const plugin = @import("plugin.zig");
const custom = @import("custom.zig");
const magick = @import("magick.zig");
const Position = plugin.Position;
const ParamList = plugin.ParamList;
const ParamMap = plugin.ParamMap;
const Image = images.Image;
pub const RunError = error{
pub const Runner = struct {
allocator: *std.mem.Allocator,
/// The currently opened image in the runner
image: ?*Image = null,
/// If the runner is in REPL mode
repl: bool = false,
pub fn init(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, repl: bool) Runner {
return Runner{
.allocator = allocator,
.repl = repl,
pub fn deinit(self: *Runner) void {
if (self.image) |image| {
pub fn clone(self: *Runner) !Runner {
var cloned_image = if (self.image) |image| try image.clone() else null;
return Runner{ .allocator = self.allocator, .image = cloned_image };
fn resolveArg(self: *Runner, load_path: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
if (load_path[0] == ':') {
// parse the index from 1 to end
var index = try std.fmt.parseInt(usize, load_path[1..], 10);
// don't care about the 'repl' being prepended when we're in repl
if (self.repl) index += 1;
var args_it = std.process.args();
_ = args_it.skip();
var i: usize = 0;
while (i <= index) : (i += 1) {
_ = args_it.skip();
const arg = try ( orelse @panic("expected argument"));
return arg;
} else {
return load_path;
fn resolveArgPath(self: *Runner, path_or_argidx: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
const path = try self.resolveArg(path_or_argidx);
const resolved_path = try std.fs.path.resolve(
&[_][]const u8{path},
return resolved_path;
fn loadCmd(self: *Runner, path_or_argidx: []const u8) !void {
var load_path = try self.resolveArgPath(path_or_argidx);
std.debug.warn("\tload path: {}\n", .{load_path});
// we could use ImageMagick to convert from X to BMP
// but i can't find an easy way to do things in memory.
// the upside is that this allows some pre-processing by the user
// before loading the file into scritcher. for example, you can start
// krita/gimp and make it export a bmp and while in the program you can
// apply filters, etc.
if (!std.mem.endsWith(u8, load_path, ".bmp") and !std.mem.endsWith(u8, load_path, ".ppm")) {
std.debug.warn("Only BMP files are allowed to be loaded.\n", .{});
return RunError.NoBMP;
// we don't copy load_path into a temporary file because we're already
// loading it under the SFM_READ mode, which won't cause any destructive
// operations on the file.
self.image = try, load_path);
fn getImage(self: *Runner) !*Image {
if (self.image) |image| {
return image;
} else {
std.debug.warn("image is required!\n", .{});
return RunError.ImageRequired;
fn makeGlitchedPath(self: *Runner) ![]const u8 {
// we want to transform basename, if it is "x.bmp" to "x_gN.bmp", where
// N is the maximum non-used integer.
var image = try self.getImage();
const basename = std.fs.path.basename(image.path);
const dirname = std.fs.path.dirname(image.path).?;
var dir = try std.fs.cwd().openDir(dirname, .{ .iterate = true });
defer dir.close();
const period_idx = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8, basename, ".").?;
const extension = basename[period_idx..basename.len];
// starts_with would be "x_g", we want to find all files in the directory
// that start with that name.
const starts_with = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, "{}_g", .{
var max: usize = 0;
var it = dir.iterate();
while (try |entry| {
switch (entry.kind) {
.File => blk: {
if (!std.mem.startsWith(u8,, starts_with)) break :blk {};
// we want to get the N in x_gN.ext
const entry_gidx = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8,, "_g").?;
const entry_pidx_opt = std.mem.lastIndexOf(u8,, ".");
if (entry_pidx_opt == null) break :blk {};
const entry_pidx = entry_pidx_opt.?;
// if N isn't a number, we just ignore that file
const idx_str =[entry_gidx + 2 .. entry_pidx];
const idx = std.fmt.parseInt(usize, idx_str, 10) catch |err| {
break :blk {};
if (idx > max) max = idx;
else => {},
const out_path = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, "{}/{}{}{}", .{
max + 1,
return out_path;
fn quicksaveCmd(self: *Runner) !void {
var image = try self.getImage();
const out_path = try self.makeGlitchedPath();
try image.saveTo(out_path);
fn runQSCmd(self: *Runner, program: []const u8) !void {
var image = try self.getImage();
const out_path = try self.makeGlitchedPath();
try image.saveTo(out_path);
var proc = try std.ChildProcess.init(
&[_][]const u8{ program, out_path },
defer proc.deinit();
std.debug.warn("running '{} {}'\n", .{ program, out_path });
_ = try proc.spawnAndWait();
fn rotateCmd(self: *Runner, cmd: lang.Command) !void {
const rotate_cmd = cmd.cast(lang.Command.Rotate).?;
var image = try self.getImage();
var c_bgfill = try std.cstr.addNullByte(self.allocator, rotate_cmd.bgfill);
try magick.runRotate(image, rotate_cmd.deg, c_bgfill);
fn executeLV2Command(self: *@This(), command: var) !void {
const pos = plugin.Position{
.split = command.split,
.index = command.index,
var params = ParamList.init(self.allocator);
defer params.deinit();
const typ = @TypeOf(command);
inline for (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(command.parameters)).Struct.fields) |cmd_field| {
try params.append(plugin.Param{
.sym =,
.value = @field(command.parameters,,
var image = try self.getImage();
try image.runPlugin(typ.lv2_url, pos, params);
fn executeCustomCommand(self: *@This(), command: var) !void {
const pos = plugin.Position{
.split = command.split,
.index = command.index,
var image = try self.getImage();
try image.runCustomPlugin(@TypeOf(command).plugin_type, pos, command.parameters);
fn runSingleCommand(
self: *@This(),
cmd: lang.Command,
comptime tag: lang.Command.Tag,
) !void {
comptime const typ = lang.Command.tagToType(tag);
const command = cmd.cast(typ).?;
inline for (@typeInfo(typ).Struct.decls) |decl| {
comptime {
if (!std.mem.eql(u8,, "command_type")) {
const ctype = typ.command_type;
switch (ctype) {
.lv2_command => try self.executeLV2Command(command.*),
.custom_command => try self.executeCustomCommand(command.*),
else => @panic("TODO support command type"),
fn runCommand(self: *@This(), cmd: lang.Command) !void {
switch (cmd.tag) {
.load => {
const command = cmd.cast(lang.Command.Load).?;
try self.loadCmd(command.path);
.quicksave => try self.quicksaveCmd(),
.rotate => try self.rotateCmd(cmd),
.amp => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .amp),
.rflanger => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .rflanger),
.eq => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .eq),
.phaser => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .phaser),
.mbeq => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .mbeq),
.chorus => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .chorus),
.pitchscaler => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .pitchscaler),
.reverb => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .reverb),
.highpass => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .highpass),
.delay => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .delay),
.vinyl => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .vinyl),
.revdelay => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .revdelay),
.gate => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .gate),
.detune => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .detune),
.overdrive => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .overdrive),
.degrade => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .degrade),
.repsycho => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .repsycho),
.talkbox => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .talkbox),
.dyncomp => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .dyncomp),
.thruzero => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .thruzero),
.foverdrive => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .foverdrive),
.gverb => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .gverb),
.invert => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .invert),
.tapedelay => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .tapedelay),
.moddelay => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .moddelay),
.multichorus => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .multichorus),
.saturator => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .saturator),
.vintagedelay => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .vintagedelay),
.noise => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .noise),
.wildnoise => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .wildnoise),
.write => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .write),
.embed => try self.runSingleCommand(cmd, .embed),
else => {
std.debug.warn("TODO support {}\n", .{@tagName(cmd.tag)});
@panic("TODO support tag");
/// Run a list of commands.
pub fn runCommands(
self: *Runner,
cmds: lang.CommandList,
debug_flag: bool,
) !void {
for (cmds.items) |cmd| {
try self.runCommand(cmd.*);
test "running noop" {
const allocator = std.heap.direct_allocator;
var cmds = lang.CommandList.init(allocator);
defer cmds.deinit();
var cmd_ptr = try allocator.create(lang.Command);
cmd_ptr.* = lang.Command{
.command = .Noop,
.args = lang.ArgList.init(allocator),
try cmds.append(cmd_ptr);
var runner = Runner.init(allocator);
defer runner.deinit();
try runner.runCommands(cmds, false);