2020-01-14 22:31:20 -03:00

141 lines
4.5 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const plugin = @import("plugin.zig");
pub const c = @cImport({
pub fn Lv2Core(comptime ns: []const u8) []const u8 {
const LV2_CORE_URI = "";
return LV2_CORE_URI ++ ns ++ [_]u8{0};
const LV2_CORE__InputPort = Lv2Core("#InputPort");
const LV2_CORE__OutputPort = Lv2Core("#OutputPort");
const LV2_CORE__AudioPort = Lv2Core("#AudioPort");
const LV2_CORE__ControlPort = Lv2Core("#ControlPort");
const LV2_CORE__connectionOptional = Lv2Core("#connectionOptional");
pub fn lilv_instance_connect_port(
instance: [*c]c.LilvInstance,
port_index: u32,
data_location: ?*c_void,
) void {
instance.?.*.lv2_descriptor.?.*.connect_port.?(instance.?.*.lv2_handle, port_index, data_location);
pub fn lilv_instance_activate(instance: [*c]c.LilvInstance) void {
if (instance.?.*.lv2_descriptor.?.*.activate != null) {
pub fn lilv_instance_run(instance: [*c]c.LilvInstance, sample_count: u32) void {
instance.?.*.lv2_descriptor.?.*.run.?(instance.?.*.lv2_handle, sample_count);
pub fn lilv_instance_deactivate(instance: [*c]c.LilvInstance) void {
if (instance.?.*.lv2_descriptor.?.*.deactivate != null) {
pub const PortType = enum {
pub const Port = struct {
lilv_port: ?*const c.LilvPort,
ptype: PortType,
index: u32,
value: f32,
is_input: bool,
optional: bool,
/// Setup ports for a given plugin. Gives an array to pointers of Port structs.
/// This setup is required so we link the plugin to the ports later on, and
/// also link our buffers, and control values.
pub fn setupPorts(ctx: *plugin.Context) ![]Port {
var world =;
const n_ports: u32 = c.lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(ctx.plugin);
var ports = try ctx.allocator.alloc(Port, n_ports);
for (ports) |_, idx| {
var port: *Port = &ports[idx];
port.* = Port{
.lilv_port = null,
.ptype = .Control,
.index = @as(f32, 0),
.value = @as(f32, 0),
.is_input = false,
.optional = false,
var values: []f32 = try ctx.allocator.alloc(f32, n_ports);
c.lilv_plugin_get_port_ranges_float(ctx.plugin, null, null, values.ptr);
var lv2_InputPort = c.lilv_new_uri(world, LV2_CORE__InputPort.ptr);
defer std.heap.c_allocator.destroy(lv2_InputPort);
var lv2_OutputPort = c.lilv_new_uri(world, LV2_CORE__OutputPort.ptr);
defer std.heap.c_allocator.destroy(lv2_OutputPort);
var lv2_AudioPort = c.lilv_new_uri(world, LV2_CORE__AudioPort.ptr);
defer std.heap.c_allocator.destroy(lv2_AudioPort);
var lv2_ControlPort = c.lilv_new_uri(world, LV2_CORE__ControlPort.ptr);
defer std.heap.c_allocator.destroy(lv2_ControlPort);
var lv2_connectionOptional = c.lilv_new_uri(world, LV2_CORE__connectionOptional.ptr);
defer std.heap.c_allocator.destroy(lv2_connectionOptional);
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < n_ports) : (i += 1) {
var port: *Port = &ports[i];
const lport = c.lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(ctx.plugin, i).?;
port.lilv_port = lport;
port.index = i;
if (std.math.isNan(values[i])) {
port.value = @as(f32, 0);
} else {
port.value = values[i];
port.optional = c.lilv_port_has_property(ctx.plugin, lport, lv2_connectionOptional);
if (c.lilv_port_is_a(ctx.plugin, lport, lv2_InputPort)) {
port.is_input = true;
} else if (!c.lilv_port_is_a(ctx.plugin, lport, lv2_OutputPort) and !port.optional) {
std.debug.warn("Port {} is neither input or output\n", .{i});
return error.UnassignedIOPort;
// check if port is an audio or control port
if (c.lilv_port_is_a(ctx.plugin, lport, lv2_ControlPort)) {
port.ptype = .Control;
} else if (c.lilv_port_is_a(ctx.plugin, lport, lv2_AudioPort)) {
port.ptype = .Audio;
if (port.is_input) {
ctx.n_audio_in += 1;
} else {
ctx.n_audio_out += 1;
} else if (!port.optional) {
std.debug.warn("Port {} has unsupported type\n", .{i});
return error.UnsupportedPortType;
return ports;