Use comptime for fully declarative LV2 and Custom commands #14
1 changed files with 64 additions and 2 deletions
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const langs = @import("lang.zig");
pub fn printCommand(cmd: langs.Command, comptime tag: langs.Command.Tag) !void {
const CommandStruct = langs.Command.tagToType(tag);
const casted = cmd.cast(CommandStruct).?;
// TODO move this to Tag method?
const is_typed = switch (tag) {
.noop, .load, .quicksave, .runqs, .rotate => false,
else => true,
const ctype = typ.command_type;
switch (ctype) {
.lv2_command => try printLV2Command(casted),
.custom_command => try printCustomCommand(casted),
else => @panic("TODO support command type"),
pub fn printList(list: langs.CommandList, stream: var) !void {
for (list.items) |cmd| {
const command = @tagName(cmd.tag);
try stream.print("{}", .{command});
for (cmd.args.items) |arg| {
try stream.print(" {}", .{arg});
switch (cmd.tag) {
.load => {
const load = command.cast(langs.Command.Load).?;
try stream.print("{}", .{load.path});
.quicksave => {},
.rotate => {
const rotate = command.cast(langs.Command.Rotate).?;
try stream.print("{} {}", .{ rotate.deg, rotate.bgfill });
.amp => try printCommand(cmd, .amp),
.rflanger => try printCommand(cmd, .rflanger),
.eq => try printCommand(cmd, .eq),
.phaser => try printCommand(cmd, .phaser),
.mbeq => try printCommand(cmd, .mbeq),
.chorus => try printCommand(cmd, .chorus),
.pitchscaler => try printCommand(cmd, .pitchscaler),
.reverb => try printCommand(cmd, .reverb),
.highpass => try printCommand(cmd, .highpass),
.delay => try printCommand(cmd, .delay),
.vinyl => try printCommand(cmd, .vinyl),
.revdelay => try printCommand(cmd, .revdelay),
.gate => try printCommand(cmd, .gate),
.detune => try printCommand(cmd, .detune),
.overdrive => try printCommand(cmd, .overdrive),
.degrade => try printCommand(cmd, .degrade),
.repsycho => try printCommand(cmd, .repsycho),
.talkbox => try printCommand(cmd, .talkbox),
.dyncomp => try printCommand(cmd, .dyncomp),
.thruzero => try printCommand(cmd, .thruzero),
.foverdrive => try printCommand(cmd, .foverdrive),
.gverb => try printCommand(cmd, .gverb),
.invert => try printCommand(cmd, .invert),
.tapedelay => try printCommand(cmd, .tapedelay),
.moddelay => try printCommand(cmd, .moddelay),
.multichorus => try printCommand(cmd, .multichorus),
.saturator => try printCommand(cmd, .saturator),
.vintagedelay => try printCommand(cmd, .vintagedelay),
.noise => try printCommand(cmd, .noise),
.wildnoise => try printCommand(cmd, .wildnoise),
.write => try printCommand(cmd, .write),
.embed => try printCommand(cmd, .embed),
else => @compileError("unhandled command"),
_ = try stream.write(";\n");
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