Use comptime for fully declarative LV2 and Custom commands #14
1 changed files with 66 additions and 12 deletions
@ -16,12 +16,26 @@ const readline = @cImport({
fn wrapInCmdList(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, cmd: langs.Command) !langs.CommandList {
fn wrapInCmdList(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, cmd: *langs.Command) !langs.CommandList {
var cmds = langs.CommandList.init(allocator);
try cmds.append(cmd);
return cmds;
fn copyCommandToHeap(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, command: langs.Command, comptime tag: langs.Command.Tag) !*langs.Command {
const CommandStruct = langs.Command.tagToType(tag);
const casted = command.cast(CommandStruct).?;
var heap_cmd = try allocator.create(CommandStruct);
@ptrCast([*]u8, &heap_cmd),
@ptrCast([*]const u8, &casted),
return &heap_cmd.base;
pub fn doRepl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args_it: var) !void {
var stdout_file =;
const stdout = &stdout_file.outStream();
@ -104,11 +118,12 @@ pub fn doRepl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args_it: var) !void {
// run the load command
try runner.runCommands(cmds, true);
var runqs_args = langs.ArgList.init(allocator);
defer runqs_args.deinit();
const wanted_runner: []const u8 = std.os.getenv("SCRITCHER_RUNNER") orelse "ristretto";
try runqs_args.append(wanted_runner);
var runqs_cmd = langs.Command.RunQS{
.base = langs.Command{ .tag = langs.Command.Tag.runqs },
.program = wanted_runner,
while (true) {
@ -124,11 +139,51 @@ pub fn doRepl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args_it: var) !void {
var line = rd_line[0..std.mem.len(rd_line)];
if (std.mem.eql(u8, line, "push")) {
try cmds.append(current);
const heap_cmd = switch (current.tag) {
.noop => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .noop),
.load => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .load),
.quicksave => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .quicksave),
.runqs => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .runqs),
.amp => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .amp),
.rflanger => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .rflanger),
.eq => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .eq),
.phaser => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .phaser),
.mbeq => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .mbeq),
.chorus => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .chorus),
.pitchscaler => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .pitchscaler),
.reverb => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .reverb),
.highpass => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .highpass),
.delay => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .delay),
.vinyl => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .vinyl),
.revdelay => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .revdelay),
.gate => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .gate),
.detune => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .detune),
.overdrive => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .overdrive),
.degrade => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .degrade),
.repsycho => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .repsycho),
.talkbox => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .talkbox),
.dyncomp => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .dyncomp),
.thruzero => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .thruzero),
.foverdrive => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .foverdrive),
.gverb => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .gverb),
.invert => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .invert),
.tapedelay => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .tapedelay),
.moddelay => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .moddelay),
.multichorus => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .multichorus),
.saturator => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .saturator),
.vintagedelay => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .vintagedelay),
.noise => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .noise),
.wildnoise => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .wildnoise),
.write => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .write),
.embed => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .embed),
.rotate => try copyCommandToHeap(allocator, current, .rotate),
try cmds.append(heap_cmd);
// run the current added command to main cmds list
// with the main parent runner
var cmds_wrapped = try wrapInCmdList(allocator, current);
var cmds_wrapped = try wrapInCmdList(allocator, heap_cmd);
defer cmds_wrapped.deinit();
try runner.runCommands(cmds_wrapped, true);
@ -153,7 +208,7 @@ pub fn doRepl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args_it: var) !void {
std.debug.warn("repl: error while parsing: {}\n", .{err});
current = cmds_parsed.items[0];
current = cmds_parsed.items[0].*;
// by cloning the parent runner, we can iteratively write
// whatever command we want and only commit the good results
@ -161,10 +216,9 @@ pub fn doRepl(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args_it: var) !void {
var runner_clone = try runner.clone();
defer runner_clone.deinit();
try cmds_parsed.append(langs.Command{
.command = .RunQS,
.args = runqs_args,
// taking address is fine, because runqs_cmd lives in the lifetime
// of this function.
try cmds.append(&runqs_cmd.base);
try runner_clone.runCommands(cmds_parsed, true);
_ = try stdout.write("\n");
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