2017-02-13 23:25:51 -08:00

595 lines
20 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Lexers for non-HTML markup languages.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2017 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import re
from pygments.lexers.html import HtmlLexer, XmlLexer
from pygments.lexers.javascript import JavascriptLexer
from pygments.lexers.css import CssLexer
from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, DelegatingLexer, include, bygroups, \
using, this, do_insertions, default, words
from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
Number, Punctuation, Generic, Other
from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, ClassNotFound
__all__ = ['BBCodeLexer', 'MoinWikiLexer', 'RstLexer', 'TexLexer', 'GroffLexer',
'MozPreprocHashLexer', 'MozPreprocPercentLexer',
'MozPreprocXulLexer', 'MozPreprocJavascriptLexer',
'MozPreprocCssLexer', 'MarkdownLexer']
class BBCodeLexer(RegexLexer):
A lexer that highlights BBCode(-like) syntax.
.. versionadded:: 0.6
name = 'BBCode'
aliases = ['bbcode']
mimetypes = ['text/x-bbcode']
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'[^[]+', Text),
# tag/end tag begin
(r'\[/?\w+', Keyword, 'tag'),
# stray bracket
(r'\[', Text),
'tag': [
(r'\s+', Text),
# attribute with value
bygroups(Name.Attribute, Operator, String)),
# tag argument (a la [color=green])
bygroups(Operator, String)),
# tag end
(r'\]', Keyword, '#pop'),
class MoinWikiLexer(RegexLexer):
For MoinMoin (and Trac) Wiki markup.
.. versionadded:: 0.7
name = 'MoinMoin/Trac Wiki markup'
aliases = ['trac-wiki', 'moin']
filenames = []
mimetypes = ['text/x-trac-wiki']
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'^#.*$', Comment),
(r'(!)(\S+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text)), # Ignore-next
# Titles
bygroups(Generic.Heading, using(this), Generic.Heading, String)),
# Literal code blocks, with optional shebang
(r'(\{\{\{)(\n#!.+)?', bygroups(Name.Builtin, Name.Namespace), 'codeblock'),
(r'(\'\'\'?|\|\||`|__|~~|\^|,,|::)', Comment), # Formatting
# Lists
(r'^( +)([.*-])( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)),
(r'^( +)([a-z]{1,5}\.)( )', bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text)),
# Other Formatting
(r'\[\[\w+.*?\]\]', Keyword), # Macro
bygroups(Keyword, String, Keyword)), # Link
(r'^----+$', Keyword), # Horizontal rules
(r'[^\n\'\[{!_~^,|]+', Text),
(r'\n', Text),
(r'.', Text),
'codeblock': [
(r'\}\}\}', Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
# these blocks are allowed to be nested in Trac, but not MoinMoin
(r'\{\{\{', Text, '#push'),
(r'[^{}]+', Comment.Preproc), # slurp boring text
(r'.', Comment.Preproc), # allow loose { or }
class RstLexer(RegexLexer):
For `reStructuredText <http://docutils.sf.net/rst.html>`_ markup.
.. versionadded:: 0.7
Additional options accepted:
Highlight the contents of ``.. sourcecode:: language``,
``.. code:: language`` and ``.. code-block:: language``
directives with a lexer for the given language (default:
.. versionadded:: 0.8
name = 'reStructuredText'
aliases = ['rst', 'rest', 'restructuredtext']
filenames = ['*.rst', '*.rest']
mimetypes = ["text/x-rst", "text/prs.fallenstein.rst"]
flags = re.MULTILINE
def _handle_sourcecode(self, match):
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
# section header
yield match.start(1), Punctuation, match.group(1)
yield match.start(2), Text, match.group(2)
yield match.start(3), Operator.Word, match.group(3)
yield match.start(4), Punctuation, match.group(4)
yield match.start(5), Text, match.group(5)
yield match.start(6), Keyword, match.group(6)
yield match.start(7), Text, match.group(7)
# lookup lexer if wanted and existing
lexer = None
if self.handlecodeblocks:
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(match.group(6).strip())
except ClassNotFound:
indention = match.group(8)
indention_size = len(indention)
code = (indention + match.group(9) + match.group(10) + match.group(11))
# no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block
if lexer is None:
yield match.start(8), String, code
# highlight the lines with the lexer.
ins = []
codelines = code.splitlines(True)
code = ''
for line in codelines:
if len(line) > indention_size:
ins.append((len(code), [(0, Text, line[:indention_size])]))
code += line[indention_size:]
code += line
for item in do_insertions(ins, lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)):
yield item
# from docutils.parsers.rst.states
closers = u'\'")]}>\u2019\u201d\xbb!?'
unicode_delimiters = u'\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u00a0'
end_string_suffix = (r'((?=$)|(?=[-/:.,; \n\x00%s%s]))'
% (re.escape(unicode_delimiters),
tokens = {
'root': [
# Heading with overline
(r'^(=+|-+|`+|:+|\.+|\'+|"+|~+|\^+|_+|\*+|\++|#+)([ \t]*\n)'
bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading,
Text, Generic.Heading, Text)),
# Plain heading
bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text, Generic.Heading, Text)),
# Bulleted lists
(r'^(\s*)([-*+])( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)',
bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))),
# Numbered lists
(r'^(\s*)([0-9#ivxlcmIVXLCM]+\.)( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)',
bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))),
(r'^(\s*)(\(?[0-9#ivxlcmIVXLCM]+\))( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)*)',
bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))),
# Numbered, but keep words at BOL from becoming lists
(r'^(\s*)([A-Z]+\.)( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)+)',
bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))),
(r'^(\s*)(\(?[A-Za-z]+\))( .+\n(?:\1 .+\n)+)',
bygroups(Text, Number, using(this, state='inline'))),
# Line blocks
(r'^(\s*)(\|)( .+\n(?:\| .+\n)*)',
bygroups(Text, Operator, using(this, state='inline'))),
# Sourcecode directives
(r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)((?:source)?code(?:-block)?)(::)([ \t]*)([^\n]+)'
r'(\n[ \t]*\n)([ \t]+)(.*)(\n)((?:(?:\8.*|)\n)+)',
# A directive
(r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)([\w:-]+?)(::)(?:([ \t]*)(.*))',
bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Operator.Word, Punctuation, Text,
using(this, state='inline'))),
# A reference target
(r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(_(?:[^:\\]|\\.)+:)(.*?)$',
bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, using(this, state='inline'))),
# A footnote/citation target
(r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(\[.+\])(.*?)$',
bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, using(this, state='inline'))),
# A substitution def
(r'^( *\.\.)(\s*)(\|.+\|)(\s*)([\w:-]+?)(::)(?:([ \t]*)(.*))',
bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Tag, Text, Operator.Word,
Punctuation, Text, using(this, state='inline'))),
# Comments
(r'^ *\.\..*(\n( +.*\n|\n)+)?', Comment.Preproc),
# Field list
(r'^( *)(:[a-zA-Z-]+:)(\s*)$', bygroups(Text, Name.Class, Text)),
(r'^( *)(:.*?:)([ \t]+)(.*?)$',
bygroups(Text, Name.Class, Text, Name.Function)),
# Definition list
(r'^(\S.*(?<!::)\n)((?:(?: +.*)\n)+)',
bygroups(using(this, state='inline'), using(this, state='inline'))),
# Code blocks
(r'(::)(\n[ \t]*\n)([ \t]+)(.*)(\n)((?:(?:\3.*|)\n)+)',
bygroups(String.Escape, Text, String, String, Text, String)),
'inline': [
(r'\\.', Text), # escape
(r'``', String, 'literal'), # code
(r'(`.+?)(<.+?>)(`__?)', # reference with inline target
bygroups(String, String.Interpol, String)),
(r'`.+?`__?', String), # reference
bygroups(Name.Variable, Name.Attribute)), # role
bygroups(Name.Attribute, Name.Variable)), # role (content first)
(r'\*\*.+?\*\*', Generic.Strong), # Strong emphasis
(r'\*.+?\*', Generic.Emph), # Emphasis
(r'\[.*?\]_', String), # Footnote or citation
(r'<.+?>', Name.Tag), # Hyperlink
(r'[^\\\n\[*`:]+', Text),
(r'.', Text),
'literal': [
(r'[^`]+', String),
(r'``' + end_string_suffix, String, '#pop'),
(r'`', String),
def __init__(self, **options):
self.handlecodeblocks = get_bool_opt(options, 'handlecodeblocks', True)
RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)
def analyse_text(text):
if text[:2] == '..' and text[2:3] != '.':
return 0.3
p1 = text.find("\n")
p2 = text.find("\n", p1 + 1)
if (p2 > -1 and # has two lines
p1 * 2 + 1 == p2 and # they are the same length
text[p1+1] in '-=' and # the next line both starts and ends with
text[p1+1] == text[p2-1]): # ...a sufficiently high header
return 0.5
class TexLexer(RegexLexer):
Lexer for the TeX and LaTeX typesetting languages.
name = 'TeX'
aliases = ['tex', 'latex']
filenames = ['*.tex', '*.aux', '*.toc']
mimetypes = ['text/x-tex', 'text/x-latex']
tokens = {
'general': [
(r'%.*?\n', Comment),
(r'[{}]', Name.Builtin),
(r'[&_^]', Name.Builtin),
'root': [
(r'\\\[', String.Backtick, 'displaymath'),
(r'\\\(', String, 'inlinemath'),
(r'\$\$', String.Backtick, 'displaymath'),
(r'\$', String, 'inlinemath'),
(r'\\([a-zA-Z]+|.)', Keyword, 'command'),
(r'\\$', Keyword),
(r'[^\\$%&_^{}]+', Text),
'math': [
(r'\\([a-zA-Z]+|.)', Name.Variable),
(r'[0-9]+', Number),
(r'[-=!+*/()\[\]]', Operator),
(r'[^=!+*/()\[\]\\$%&_^{}0-9-]+', Name.Builtin),
'inlinemath': [
(r'\\\)', String, '#pop'),
(r'\$', String, '#pop'),
'displaymath': [
(r'\\\]', String, '#pop'),
(r'\$\$', String, '#pop'),
(r'\$', Name.Builtin),
'command': [
(r'\[.*?\]', Name.Attribute),
(r'\*', Keyword),
def analyse_text(text):
for start in ("\\documentclass", "\\input", "\\documentstyle",
if text[:len(start)] == start:
return True
class GroffLexer(RegexLexer):
Lexer for the (g)roff typesetting language, supporting groff
extensions. Mainly useful for highlighting manpage sources.
.. versionadded:: 0.6
name = 'Groff'
aliases = ['groff', 'nroff', 'man']
filenames = ['*.[1234567]', '*.man']
mimetypes = ['application/x-troff', 'text/troff']
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'(\.)(\w+)', bygroups(Text, Keyword), 'request'),
(r'\.', Punctuation, 'request'),
# Regular characters, slurp till we find a backslash or newline
(r'[^\\\n]+', Text, 'textline'),
'textline': [
(r'[^\\\n]+', Text),
(r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
'escapes': [
# groff has many ways to write escapes.
(r'\\"[^\n]*', Comment),
(r'\\[fn]\w', String.Escape),
(r'\\\(.{2}', String.Escape),
(r'\\.\[.*\]', String.Escape),
(r'\\.', String.Escape),
(r'\\\n', Text, 'request'),
'request': [
(r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
(r'"[^\n"]+"', String.Double),
(r'\d+', Number),
(r'\S+', String),
(r'\s+', Text),
def analyse_text(text):
if text[:1] != '.':
return False
if text[:3] == '.\\"':
return True
if text[:4] == '.TH ':
return True
if text[1:3].isalnum() and text[3].isspace():
return 0.9
class MozPreprocHashLexer(RegexLexer):
Lexer for Mozilla Preprocessor files (with '#' as the marker).
Other data is left untouched.
.. versionadded:: 2.0
name = 'mozhashpreproc'
aliases = [name]
filenames = []
mimetypes = []
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'^#', Comment.Preproc, ('expr', 'exprstart')),
(r'.+', Other),
'exprstart': [
(r'(literal)(.*)', bygroups(Comment.Preproc, Text), '#pop:2'),
'define', 'undef', 'if', 'ifdef', 'ifndef', 'else', 'elif',
'elifdef', 'elifndef', 'endif', 'expand', 'filter', 'unfilter',
'include', 'includesubst', 'error')),
Comment.Preproc, '#pop'),
'expr': [
(words(('!', '!=', '==', '&&', '||')), Operator),
(r'(defined)(\()', bygroups(Keyword, Punctuation)),
(r'\)', Punctuation),
(r'[0-9]+', Number.Decimal),
(r'__\w+?__', Name.Variable),
(r'@\w+?@', Name.Class),
(r'\w+', Name),
(r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
(r'\s+', Text),
(r'\S', Punctuation),
class MozPreprocPercentLexer(MozPreprocHashLexer):
Lexer for Mozilla Preprocessor files (with '%' as the marker).
Other data is left untouched.
.. versionadded:: 2.0
name = 'mozpercentpreproc'
aliases = [name]
filenames = []
mimetypes = []
tokens = {
'root': [
(r'^%', Comment.Preproc, ('expr', 'exprstart')),
(r'.+', Other),
class MozPreprocXulLexer(DelegatingLexer):
Subclass of the `MozPreprocHashLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the
.. versionadded:: 2.0
name = "XUL+mozpreproc"
aliases = ['xul+mozpreproc']
filenames = ['*.xul.in']
mimetypes = []
def __init__(self, **options):
super(MozPreprocXulLexer, self).__init__(
XmlLexer, MozPreprocHashLexer, **options)
class MozPreprocJavascriptLexer(DelegatingLexer):
Subclass of the `MozPreprocHashLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the
.. versionadded:: 2.0
name = "Javascript+mozpreproc"
aliases = ['javascript+mozpreproc']
filenames = ['*.js.in']
mimetypes = []
def __init__(self, **options):
super(MozPreprocJavascriptLexer, self).__init__(
JavascriptLexer, MozPreprocHashLexer, **options)
class MozPreprocCssLexer(DelegatingLexer):
Subclass of the `MozPreprocHashLexer` that highlights unlexed data with the
.. versionadded:: 2.0
name = "CSS+mozpreproc"
aliases = ['css+mozpreproc']
filenames = ['*.css.in']
mimetypes = []
def __init__(self, **options):
super(MozPreprocCssLexer, self).__init__(
CssLexer, MozPreprocPercentLexer, **options)
class MarkdownLexer(RegexLexer):
For `Markdown <https://help.github.com/categories/writing-on-github/>`_ markup.
.. versionadded:: 2.2
name = 'markdown'
aliases = ['md']
filenames = ['*.md']
mimetypes = ["text/x-markdown"]
flags = re.MULTILINE
def _handle_codeblock(self, match):
match args: 1:backticks, 2:lang_name, 3:newline, 4:code, 5:backticks
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
# section header
yield match.start(1), String , match.group(1)
yield match.start(2), String , match.group(2)
yield match.start(3), Text , match.group(3)
# lookup lexer if wanted and existing
lexer = None
if self.handlecodeblocks:
lexer = get_lexer_by_name( match.group(2).strip() )
except ClassNotFound:
code = match.group(4)
# no lexer for this language. handle it like it was a code block
if lexer is None:
yield match.start(4), String, code
for item in do_insertions([], lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(code)):
yield item
yield match.start(5), String , match.group(5)
tokens = {
'root': [
# heading with pound prefix
(r'^(#)([^#].+\n)', bygroups(Generic.Heading, Text)),
(r'^(#{2,6})(.+\n)', bygroups(Generic.Subheading, Text)),
# task list
(r'^(\s*)([*-] )(\[[ xX]\])( .+\n)',
bygroups(Text, Keyword, Keyword, using(this, state='inline'))),
# bulleted lists
bygroups(Text, Keyword, Text, using(this, state='inline'))),
# numbered lists
(r'^(\s*)([0-9]+\.)( .+\n)',
bygroups(Text, Keyword, using(this, state='inline'))),
# quote
(r'^(\s*>\s)(.+\n)', bygroups(Keyword, Generic.Emph)),
# text block
(r'^(```\n)([\w\W]*?)(^```$)', bygroups(String, Text, String)),
# code block with language
(r'^(```)(\w+)(\n)([\w\W]*?)(^```$)', _handle_codeblock),
'inline': [
# escape
(r'\\.', Text),
# italics
(r'(\s)([*_][^*_]+[*_])(\W|\n)', bygroups(Text, Generic.Emph, Text)),
# bold
# warning: the following rule eats internal tags. eg. **foo _bar_ baz** bar is not italics
(r'(\s)((\*\*|__).*\3)((?=\W|\n))', bygroups(Text, Generic.Strong, None, Text)),
# "proper way" (r'(\s)([*_]{2}[^*_]+[*_]{2})((?=\W|\n))', bygroups(Text, Generic.Strong, Text)),
# strikethrough
(r'(\s)(~~[^~]+~~)((?=\W|\n))', bygroups(Text, Generic.Deleted, Text)),
# inline code
(r'`[^`]+`', String.Backtick),
# mentions and topics (twitter and github stuff)
(r'[@#][\w/:]+', Name.Entity),
# (image?) links eg: ![Image of Yaktocat](https://octodex.github.com/images/yaktocat.png)
(r'(!?\[)([^]]+)(\])(\()([^)]+)(\))', bygroups(Text, Name.Tag, Text, Text, Name.Attribute, Text)),
# general text, must come last!
(r'[^\\\s]+', Text),
(r'.', Text),
def __init__(self, **options):
self.handlecodeblocks = get_bool_opt(options, 'handlecodeblocks', True)
RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options)