2017-02-15 15:02:05 -08:00

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# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt>.
import base64
import calendar
import hashlib
import hmac
import os
import struct
import time
import ntlm_auth.compute_hash as comphash
import ntlm_auth.compute_keys as compkeys
from ntlm_auth import des
from ntlm_auth.constants import NegotiateFlags, AvFlags
from ntlm_auth.gss_channel_bindings import GssChannelBindingsStruct
from ntlm_auth.target_info import TargetInfo
class ComputeResponse():
Constructor for the response computations. This class will compute the various
nt and lm challenge responses.
:param user_name: The user name of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param password: The password of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param domain_name: The domain name of the user account we are authenticated with, default is None
:param challenge_message: A ChallengeMessage object that was received from the server after the negotiate_message
:param ntlm_compatibility: The Lan Manager Compatibility Level, used to determine what NTLM auth version to use, see Ntlm in ntlm.py for more details
def __init__(self, user_name, password, domain_name, challenge_message, ntlm_compatibility):
self._user_name = user_name
self._password = password
self._domain_name = domain_name
self._challenge_message = challenge_message
self._negotiate_flags = challenge_message.negotiate_flags
self._server_challenge = challenge_message.server_challenge
self._server_target_info = challenge_message.target_info
self._ntlm_compatibility = ntlm_compatibility
self._client_challenge = os.urandom(8)
def get_lm_challenge_response(self):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14
3.3.1 - NTLM v1 Authentication
3.3.2 - NTLM v2 Authentication
This method returns the LmChallengeResponse key based on the ntlm_compatibility chosen
and the target_info supplied by the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE. It is quite different from what
is set in the document as it combines the NTLMv1, NTLM2 and NTLMv2 methods into one
and calls separate methods based on the ntlm_compatibility flag chosen.
:return: response (LmChallengeResponse) - The LM response to the server challenge. Computed by the client
if self._negotiate_flags & NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY and self._ntlm_compatibility < 3:
response = ComputeResponse._get_LMv1_with_session_security_response(self._client_challenge)
elif 0 <= self._ntlm_compatibility <= 1:
response = ComputeResponse._get_LMv1_response(self._password, self._server_challenge)
elif self._ntlm_compatibility == 2:
# Based on the compatibility level we don't want to use LM responses, ignore the session_base_key as it is returned in nt
response, ignore_key = ComputeResponse._get_NTLMv1_response(self._password, self._server_challenge)
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 page 45 - 2016-07-14 Client Received a CHALLENGE_MESSAGE from the Server
If NTLMv2 authentication is used and the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE TargetInfo field has an MsvAvTimestamp present,
the client SHOULD NOT send the LmChallengeResponse and SHOULD send Z(24) instead.
response = ComputeResponse._get_LMv2_response(self._user_name, self._password, self._domain_name,
if self._server_target_info is not None:
timestamp = self._server_target_info[TargetInfo.MSV_AV_TIMESTAMP]
if timestamp is not None:
response = b'\0' * 24
return response
def get_nt_challenge_response(self, lm_challenge_response, server_certificate_hash):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14
3.3.1 - NTLM v1 Authentication
3.3.2 - NTLM v2 Authentication
This method returns the NtChallengeResponse key based on the ntlm_compatibility chosen
and the target_info supplied by the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE. It is quite different from what
is set in the document as it combines the NTLMv1, NTLM2 and NTLMv2 methods into one
and calls separate methods based on the ntlm_compatibility value chosen.
:param lm_challenge_response: The LmChallengeResponse calculated beforeand, used to get the key_exchange_key value
:param server_certificate_hash: The SHA256 hash of the server certificate (DER encoded) NTLM is authenticated to.
Used in Channel Binding Tokens if present, default value is None. See
AuthenticateMessage in messages.py for more details
:return response: (NtChallengeResponse) - The NT response to the server challenge. Computed by the client
:return session_base_key: (SessionBaseKey) - A session key calculated from the user password challenge
:return target_info: (AV_PAIR) - The AV_PAIR structure used in the nt_challenge calculations
if self._negotiate_flags & NegotiateFlags.NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY and self._ntlm_compatibility < 3:
# The compatibility level is less than 3 which means it doesn't support NTLMv2 but we want extended security so use NTLM2 which is different from NTLMv2
# [MS-NLMP] - 3.3.1 NTLMv1 Authentication
response, session_base_key = ComputeResponse._get_NTLM2_response(self._password, self._server_challenge, self._client_challenge)
key_exchange_key = compkeys._get_exchange_key_ntlm_v1(self._negotiate_flags, session_base_key,
self._server_challenge, lm_challenge_response,
target_info = None
elif 0 <= self._ntlm_compatibility < 3:
response, session_base_key = ComputeResponse._get_NTLMv1_response(self._password, self._server_challenge)
key_exchange_key = compkeys._get_exchange_key_ntlm_v1(self._negotiate_flags, session_base_key,
self._server_challenge, lm_challenge_response,
target_info = None
if self._server_target_info is None:
target_info = TargetInfo()
target_info = self._server_target_info
if target_info[TargetInfo.MSV_AV_TIMESTAMP] is None:
timestamp = get_windows_timestamp()
timestamp = target_info[TargetInfo.MSV_AV_TIMESTAMP][1]
# [MS-NLMP] If the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE TargetInfo field has an MsvAvTimestamp present, the client SHOULD provide a MIC
target_info[TargetInfo.MSV_AV_FLAGS] = struct.pack("<L", AvFlags.MIC_PROVIDED)
if server_certificate_hash != None:
channel_bindings_hash = ComputeResponse._get_channel_bindings_value(server_certificate_hash)
target_info[TargetInfo.MSV_AV_CHANNEL_BINDINGS] = channel_bindings_hash
response, session_base_key = ComputeResponse._get_NTLMv2_response(self._user_name, self._password, self._domain_name,
self._server_challenge, self._client_challenge, timestamp, target_info)
key_exchange_key = compkeys._get_exchange_key_ntlm_v2(session_base_key)
return response, key_exchange_key, target_info
def _get_LMv1_response(password, server_challenge):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 LM_RESPONSE
The LM_RESPONSE structure defines the NTLM v1 authentication LmChallengeResponse
in the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE. This response is used only when NTLM v1
authentication is configured.
:param password: The password of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param server_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the server in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE
:return response: LmChallengeResponse to the server challenge
lm_hash = comphash._lmowfv1(password)
response = ComputeResponse._calc_resp(lm_hash, server_challenge)
return response
def _get_LMv1_with_session_security_response(client_challenge):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 LM_RESPONSE
The LM_RESPONSE structure defines the NTLM v1 authentication LmChallengeResponse
in the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE. This response is used only when NTLM v1
authentication is configured and NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SESSIONSECURITY is flages.
:param client_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the client for the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE
:return response: LmChallengeResponse to the server challenge
response = client_challenge + b'\0' * 16
return response
def _get_LMv2_response(user_name, password, domain_name, server_challenge, client_challenge):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 LMv2_RESPONSE
The LMv2_RESPONSE structure defines the NTLM v2 authentication LmChallengeResponse
in the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE. This response is used only when NTLM v2
authentication is configured.
:param user_name: The user name of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param password: The password of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param domain_name: The domain name of the user account we are authenticated with
:param server_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the server in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE
:param client_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the client for the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE
:return response: LmChallengeResponse to the server challenge
nt_hash = comphash._ntowfv2(user_name, password, domain_name)
lm_hash = hmac.new(nt_hash, (server_challenge + client_challenge)).digest()
response = lm_hash + client_challenge
return response
def _get_NTLMv1_response(password, server_challenge):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 NTLM v1 Response: NTLM_RESPONSE
The NTLM_RESPONSE strucutre defines the NTLM v1 authentication NtChallengeResponse
in the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE. This response is only used when NTLM v1 authentication
is configured.
:param password: The password of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param server_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the server in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE
:return response: NtChallengeResponse to the server_challenge
:return session_base_key: A session key calculated from the user password challenge
ntlm_hash = comphash._ntowfv1(password)
response = ComputeResponse._calc_resp(ntlm_hash, server_challenge)
session_base_key = hashlib.new('md4', ntlm_hash).digest()
return response, session_base_key
def _get_NTLM2_response(password, server_challenge, client_challenge):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14
This name is really misleading as it isn't NTLM v2 authentication rather
This authentication is only used when the ntlm_compatibility level is set
flag is set in the negotiate flags section. The documentation for computing this
value is on page 56 under section 3.3.1 NTLM v1 Authentication
:param password: The password of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param server_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the server in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE
:param client_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the client for the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE
:return response: NtChallengeResponse to the server_challenge
:return session_base_key: A session key calculated from the user password challenge
ntlm_hash = comphash._ntowfv1(password)
nt_session_hash = hashlib.md5(server_challenge + client_challenge).digest()[:8]
response = ComputeResponse._calc_resp(ntlm_hash, nt_session_hash[0:8])
session_base_key = hashlib.new('md4', ntlm_hash).digest()
return response, session_base_key
def _get_NTLMv2_response(user_name, password, domain_name, server_challenge, client_challenge, timestamp, target_info):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 NTLM V2 Response: NTLMv2_RESPONSE
The NTLMv2_RESPONSE strucutre defines the NTLMv2 authentication NtChallengeResponse
in the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE. This response is used only when NTLMv2 authentication
is configured.
The guide on how this is computed is in 3.3.2 NTLM v2 Authentication.
:param user_name: The user name of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param password: The password of the user we are trying to authenticate with
:param domain_name: The domain name of the user account we are authenticated with
:param server_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the server in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE
:param client_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the client for the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE
:param timestamp: An 8-byte timestamp in windows format, 100 nanoseconds since 1601-01-01
:param target_info: The target_info structure from the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE with the CBT attached if required
:return response: NtChallengeResponse to the server_challenge
:return session_base_key: A session key calculated from the user password challenge
nt_hash = comphash._ntowfv2(user_name, password, domain_name)
temp = ComputeResponse._get_NTLMv2_temp(timestamp, client_challenge, target_info)
nt_proof_str = hmac.new(nt_hash, (server_challenge + temp)).digest()
response = nt_proof_str + temp
session_base_key = hmac.new(nt_hash, nt_proof_str).digest()
return response, session_base_key
def _get_NTLMv2_temp(timestamp, client_challenge, target_info):
[MS-NLMP] v28.0 2016-07-14 NTLMv2_CLIENT_CHALLENGE - variable length
The NTLMv2_CLIENT_CHALLENGE structure defines the client challenge in
the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE. This structure is used only when NTLM v2
authentication is configured and is transported in the NTLMv2_RESPONSE
The method to create this structure is defined in 3.3.2 NTLMv2 Authentication.
In this method this variable is known as the temp value. The target_info variable
corresponds to the ServerName variable used in that documentation. This is in
reality a lot more than just the ServerName and contains the AV_PAIRS structure
we need to transport with the message like Channel Binding tokens and others.
By default this will be the target_info returned from the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE plus
MSV_AV_CHANNEL_BINDINGS if specified otherwise it is a new target_info set with
MSV_AV_TIMESTAMP to the current time.
:param timestamp: An 8-byte timestamp in windows format, 100 nanoseconds since 1601-01-01
:param client_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the client for the AUTHENTICATE_MESSAGE
:param target_info: The target_info structure from the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE with the CBT attached if required
:return temp: The CLIENT_CHALLENGE structure that will be added to the NtChallengeResponse structure
resp_type = b'\1'
hi_resp_type = b'\1'
reserved1 = b'\0' * 2
reserved2 = b'\0' * 4
reserved3 = b'\0' * 4
reserved4 = b'\0' * 4 # This byte is not in the structure defined in but is in the computation guide, works with it present
temp = resp_type + hi_resp_type + reserved1 + \
reserved2 + \
timestamp + \
client_challenge + \
reserved3 + \
target_info.get_data() + reserved4
return temp
def _calc_resp(password_hash, server_challenge):
Generate the LM response given a 16-byte password hash and the challenge
:param password_hash: A 16-byte password hash
:param server_challenge: A random 8-byte response generated by the server in the CHALLENGE_MESSAGE
:return res: A 24-byte buffer to contain the LM response upon return
# padding with zeros to make the hash 21 bytes long
password_hash += b'\0' * (21 - len(password_hash))
res = b''
dobj = des.DES(password_hash[0:7])
res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
dobj = des.DES(password_hash[7:14])
res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
dobj = des.DES(password_hash[14:21])
res = res + dobj.encrypt(server_challenge[0:8])
return res
def _get_channel_bindings_value(server_certificate_hash):
Get's the MD5 hash of the gss_channel_bindings_struct to add to the AV_PAIR MSV_AV_CHANNEL_BINDINGS.
This method takes in the SHA256 hash (Hash of the DER encoded certificate of the server we are connecting to)
and add's it to the gss_channel_bindings_struct. It then gets the MD5 hash and converts this to a
byte array in preparation of adding it to the AV_PAIR structure.
:param server_certificate_hash: The SHA256 hash of the server certificate (DER encoded) NTLM is authenticated to
:return channel_bindings: An MD5 hash of the gss_channel_bindings_struct to add to the AV_PAIR MsvChannelBindings
# Channel Binding Tokens support, used for NTLMv2
# Decode the SHA256 certificate hash
certificate_digest = base64.b16decode(server_certificate_hash)
# Initialise the GssChannelBindingsStruct and add the certificate_digest to the application_data field
gss_channel_bindings = GssChannelBindingsStruct()
gss_channel_bindings[gss_channel_bindings.APPLICATION_DATA] = 'tls-server-end-point:'.encode() + certificate_digest
# Get the gss_channel_bindings_struct and create an MD5 hash
channel_bindings_struct_data = gss_channel_bindings.get_data()
channel_bindings_hash = hashlib.md5(channel_bindings_struct_data).hexdigest()
cbt_value = bytearray.fromhex(channel_bindings_hash)
except TypeError:
# Work-around for Python 2.6 bug
cbt_value = bytearray.fromhex(unicode(channel_bindings_hash))
channel_bindings = bytes(cbt_value)
return channel_bindings
def get_windows_timestamp():
# Get Windows Date time, 100 nanoseconds since 1601-01-01 in a 64 bit structure
timestamp = struct.pack('<q', (116444736000000000 + calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) * 10000000))
return timestamp