Note: You shouldn't need to directly use this package unless you are `building your own plugin <>`_ or your text editor's plugin asks you to install the wakatime cli interface manually.
Each `plugin <>`_ should install wakatime for you, except for the `Emacs WakaTime plugin <>`_.
Set ``debug=true`` in ``~/.wakatime.cfg`` for more verbose logging, but don't forget to set it back to ``debug=false`` afterwards or your editor might be laggy while waiting for wakatime cli to finish executing.
Each plugin also has it's own log file for things outside of the common wakatime cli:
***Atom** writes errors to the developer console (View -> Developer -> Toggle Developer Tools)
***Brackets** errors go to the developer console (Debug -> Show Developer Tools)
***Sublime** Text logs to the Sublime Console (View -> Show Console)
***TextMate** logs to stderr so run TextMate from Terminal to see any errors (`enable logging <>`_)
***Vim** errors get displayed in the status line or inline (use ``:redraw!`` to clear inline errors)
***Visual Studio** logs to the Output window, but uncaught exceptions go to ActivityLog.xml (`more info... <>`_)
Check that heartbeats are received by the WakaTime api with the ``last_heartbeat`` and ``last_plugin`` attributes from the `current user <>`_ api resource. Saving a file forces a heartbeat to be sent.