Dmytro Meleshko ca5544566a [nvim] make various airline setup improvements
1. List the extensions I use explicitly.
2. Use the `iminsert` part instead of `keymap` as it shows the short
   code from `b:keymap_name`.
3. Move the file size display part into its own "extension".
4. Update the file size part on-the-fly by using `wordcount()` not more
   frequently than 2 seconds.
5. Abuse the extension system for tweaking `maxlinenr` and `colnr`, and
   also read their real definitions.

Pretty cool, am I right?
2021-05-16 15:18:43 +03:00

43 lines
2.2 KiB

" Based on <>
function! airline#extensions#dotfiles_filesize#init(ext) abort
call airline#parts#define_function('dotfiles_filesize', 'airline#extensions#dotfiles_filesize#get')
call a:ext.add_statusline_func('airline#extensions#dotfiles_filesize#apply')
function! airline#extensions#dotfiles_filesize#apply(...) abort
call airline#extensions#append_to_section('y', airline#section#create_right(['', '', 'dotfiles_filesize']))
" Finally, this function will be invoked from the statusline.
function! airline#extensions#dotfiles_filesize#get() abort
" Use several preliminary checks to prevent frequent updates. You see,
" wordcount() has to iterate the entire file to calculate its byte size.
" <>
" <>
" Implementation of wordcount: <>
if empty(get(b:, 'dotfiles_filesize_str', '')) ||
\ (get(b:, 'dotfiles_filesize_changedtick', 0) !=# b:changedtick &&
\ reltimefloat(reltime()) - get(b:, 'dotfiles_filesize_timer') >=# get(g:, 'airline#extensions#dotfiles_filesize#update_delay', 0))
let bytes = wordcount().bytes
let b:dotfiles_filesize = bytes
let factor = 1
for unit in ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G']
let next_factor = factor * 1024
if bytes <# next_factor
let number_str = printf('%.2f', (bytes * 1.0) / factor)
" remove trailing zeros
let number_str = substitute(number_str, '\v(\.0*)=$', '', '')
let b:dotfiles_filesize_str = number_str . unit
let factor = next_factor
let b:dotfiles_filesize_changedtick = b:changedtick
let b:dotfiles_filesize_timer = reltimefloat(reltime())
return b:dotfiles_filesize_str