[zsh] add ruby gems to path.zsh

This commit is contained in:
Dmytro Meleshko 2020-08-28 16:28:23 +03:00
parent 4d5cf9abe1
commit f0d30cae4f

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@ -18,14 +18,17 @@ path_prepend() {
if (( _is_macos )); then
# local Python binaries (for some reason they don't go into ~/.local/bin, but
# instead into the garbage ~/Library directory)
path_prepend path ~/Library/Python/*/bin(OnN)
# glob modifiers used in this script:
# N - enables the null_glob option for a single glob pattern, in other words
# ignores an error when the pattern didn't match anything
# / - matches only directories
if (( _is_macos )); then
# GNU counterparts of command line utilities
path_prepend path /usr/local/opt/*/libexec/gnubin(N)
path_prepend manpath /usr/local/opt/*/libexec/gnuman(N)
path_prepend path /usr/local/opt/*/libexec/gnubin(N/)
path_prepend manpath /usr/local/opt/*/libexec/gnuman(N/)
# add some keg-only Homebrew formulas
for formula in curl file-formula openssl ruby; do
@ -46,11 +49,20 @@ if (( _is_macos )); then
unset formula
if (( _is_macos )); then
# Python packages (for some reason they don't go into ~/.local/bin, but
# instead into the garbage ~/Library directory)
path_prepend path ~/Library/Python/*/bin(N/)
# Ruby gems
path_prepend path ~/.gem/ruby/*/bin(N/)
# Yarn global packages
path_prepend path ~/.yarn/bin
# Go
export GOPATH=~/.go
export GOPATH=~/go
path_prepend path "$GOPATH/bin"
# Rust