[scripts] add a script for querying browser bookmarks

This commit is contained in:
Dmytro Meleshko 2020-05-03 02:26:21 +03:00
parent 827b7286db
commit 2a65d011ce
2 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# helper script for query-bookmarks.sh
# useful links:
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/740183/12005228
# https://wiki.mozilla.org/Places:BookmarksComments
import sqlite3
import sys
db = sqlite3.connect(sys.argv[1])
urls = {}
for urlId, url, in db.execute("SELECT id, url FROM urls"):
urls[urlId] = url
for title, urlId, keyword, in db.execute(
"SELECT title, urlId, keyword FROM items WHERE kind = 1 AND validity AND NOT isDeleted"
url = urls[urlId]
print("{}\t{}".format(title, url))
if keyword is not None:
print("{}\t{}".format(keyword, url))

scripts/query-bookmarks.sh Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# currently supports only Firefox
# folder support would be nice, though I doubt it is really useful
# NOTE: doesn't support multiple Firefox profiles
set -eu
script_dir="$(dirname "$0")"
# POSIX sh doesn't have arrays, so I have to make do with loops
for db_file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/weave/bookmarks.sqlite; do
if [ ! -e "$db_file" ]; then exit 1; fi
# Firefox holds a lock over the database file, so I can't connect to it even
# in the readonly mode: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7857866/12005228
# as a workaround I copy the file
db_copy_file=$(mktemp -t "query-bookmarks.XXXXXXXXXX.sqlite")
delete_db_copy_file() {
rm -rf "$db_copy_file"
trap delete_db_copy_file EXIT
cp -f "$db_file" "$db_copy_file"
if url="$(python "$script_dir/../script-resources/query-bookmarks.py" "$db_copy_file" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "bookmark")"; then
# dummy printf is used to remove the trailing newline produced by rofi: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12524345/12005228
printf "%s" "$(echo "$url" | cut -f2-)" | xsel --clipboard --input
notify-send --icon=utilities-terminal --expire-time=2500 "$0" "bookmark link copied to clipboard!"
exit 0