Just Midi f81c4bde28 nvim-lsp-installer, nvim-cmp, and other plugins
Other plugins:
- gitsigns
- lightbulb
- indent-blankline
- treesitter
- light theme

Removed lsp install scripts b/c of nvim-lsp-installer
2022-01-15 20:27:27 +00:00

116 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable file

-- see `:help` for any questions
-- use `&<var>` to show value of vimscript variable
-- API --
-- o = vim.o -- options
-- go = vim.go -- only-global options
-- bo = vim.bo -- buffer local options
-- wo = vim.wo -- window local options
-- cmd = vim.cmd -- vim commands
-- fn = vim.fn -- vim functions
-- opt = vim.opt -- vim option object
-- g = vim.g -- global variables
-- b = vim.b -- buffer local variables
-- w = vim.w -- window local variables
-- t = vim.t -- tab local variables
-- v = vim.v -- variables
-- env = vim.env -- environment variables
o.showcmd = true
wo.cursorline = true
cmd 'filetype plugin indent on'
o.lazyredraw = true
o.showmatch = true -- matching bracket
-- Completion Menu
--o.wildmenu = true
--o.wildmode = 'list:longest,full'
-- Character Representation
o.sbr = '' -- line wrap character
o.list = true
opt.listchars = { -- white space representation
tab = '',
trail = '',
nbsp = '',
extends = '',
precedes = ''
-- Hybrid Numbers
function hybrid_numbers(x)
wo.number = true
wo.relativenumber = x
autocmd BufEnter,FocusGained,InsertLeave * lua hybrid_numbers(true)
autocmd BufLeave,FocusLost,InsertEnter * lua hybrid_numbers(false)
-- Search
o.incsearch = true -- show matching patterns
o.hlsearch = true -- highlight all patterns
-- Status Bar
o.laststatus = 2 -- always visible
vim.o.statusline = "%!luaeval('status_bar()')"
-- Tabs
local indent_size = 4 --change to filetype
opt.expandtab = true -- tab key inserts spaces
opt.tabstop = indent_size
opt.shiftwidth = indent_size
opt.softtabstop = 0 -- to disable
opt.smarttab = true
--adjust to filetype
function no_ro_retab()
if vim.inspect(opt.readonly:get()) == false then
cmd '%retab'
cmd 'autocmd BufReadPost,BufWritePre,BufWritePost,BufNewFile * lua no_ro_retab()'
-- Text Width
wo.wrap = true
wo.linebreak = true
bo.textwidth = 70
bo.formatoptions = table.concat({
'j', -- remove comment when joining lines
'w', -- non-white space at end of line means end of paragraph
'c', -- insert comment when auto wrapping textwidth
'r', -- insert comment after hitting <enter>
'o', -- insert comment after hitting "o"
'q', -- format comments with "gq"
'l' -- long lines are not broken in insert mode
autocmd BufEnter * highlight OverLength ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=#592929
autocmd BufEnter * match OverLength /\%71v.*/
]]) --rewrite in lua
-- Theme
o.background = "light"
cmd('colorscheme one')
-- Filetype: txt, md, tex
-- break lines, autowrap, autoformat, recognize numbered lists
--fix before enabling
--autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.md,*.txt,*.tex set fo-=l
--autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.md,*.txt,*.tex set fo+=tan