
932 B

Current report - The estimated value of the cryptocurrencies / the cryptocurrencies price will be changed when it will be published "officially" at the end of the month

Finances for Quarter X (X X - X X) 2022:


Bitcoin (BTC): X BTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Bitcoin price ~X€)

Monero (XMR): X XMR worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Monero price ~X€)

Ethereum (ETH): X ETH worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Ethereum price ~X€)

Litecoin (LTC): X LTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Litecoin price ~X€)



Current funds:

Bitcoin (BTC): X BTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Bitcoin price ~X€)

Monero (XMR): X XMR worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Monero price ~X€)

Ethereum (ETH): X ETH worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Ethereum price ~X€)

Litecoin (LTC): X LTC worth ~X€ at the time of publishing (Litecoin price ~X€)