2016-11-09 19:17:29 +03:00

2.9 KiB


  • Reimplemented Request middleware / filter routing.

Now all requests will first go through the Middleware stack then Filters (before_*) and will finally reach the matching route.

Which is illustrated as,

Request -> Middleware -> Filter -> Route
  • Rename return_with as halt.
  • Route declaration must start with /. Fixes #242
  • Set default exception Content-Type to text/html. Fixes #202
  • Add only and exclude paths for Kemal::Handler. This change requires that all handlers must inherit from Kemal::Handler.

For example this handler will only work on / path. By default the HTTP method is GET.

OnlyHandler < Kemal::Handler
  only ["/"]
  def call(env)
    return call_next(env) unless only_match?(env)
    puts "If the path is / i will be doing some processing here."

The handlers using exclude will work on the paths that isn't specified. For example this handler will work on any routes other than /.

ExcludeHandler < Kemal::Handler
  exclude ["/"]
  def call(env)
    return call_next(env) unless only_match?(env)
    puts "If the path is NOT / i will be doing some processing here."
  • Close response on halt. (thanks @samueleaton)

0.16.1 (12-10-2016)

  • Improved Multipart support with more info on parsed files. parse_multipart(env) now yields an UploadFile object which has the following properties field,data,meta,`headers.
post "/upload" do |env|
  parse_multipart(env) do |f|
    image1 = if f.field == "image1"
    image2 = if f.field == "image2"
    puts f.meta
    puts f.headers
    "Upload complete"


  • Multipart support <3 (thanks @RX14). Now you can handle file uploads.
post "/upload" do |env|
  parse_multipart(env) do |field, data|
    image1 = data if field == "image1"
    image2 = data if field == "image2"
    "Upload complete"
  • Make session configurable. Now you can specify session name and expire time wit
Kemal.config.session["name"] = "your_app"
Kemal.config.session["expire_time"] = 48.hours
  • Session now supports more types. (String, Int32, Float64, Bool)
  • Add gzip helper to enable / disable gzip compression on responses.
  • Static file caching with etag and gzip (thanks @crisward)
  • now accepts port to listen.

0.15.1 (05-09-2016)

  • Don't forget to call_next on NullLogHandler

0.15.0 (03-09-2016)

  • Add context store
  • KEMAL_ENV respects to Kemal.config.env and needs to be explicitly set.
  • Kemal::InitHandler is introduced. Adds initial configuration, headers like X-Powered-By.
  • Add send_file to helpers.
  • Add mime types.
  • Fix parsing JSON params when "charset" is present in "Content-Type" header.
  • Use http-only cookie for session
  • Inject STDOUT by default in CommonLogHandler