module Ameba::Spec::ExpectIssue
This mixin makes it easier to specify strict issue expectations in a declarative and visual fashion. Just type out the code that should generate an issue, annotate code by writing '^'s underneath each character that should be highlighted, and follow the carets with a string (separated by a space) that is the message of the issue. You can include multiple issues in one code snippet.
expect_issue subject, %(
def foo
a do
# ^^^^^ error: Avoid chaining a method call on a do...end block.
Equivalent assertion without #expect_issue
source = %(
def foo
a do
), ""
subject.catch(source).should_not be_valid
source.issues.size.should be(1)
issue = source.issues.first
issue.location.to_s.should eq ""
issue.end_location.to_s.should eq ""
issue.message.should eq(
"Avoid chaining a method call on a do...end block."
If you do not want to specify an issue then use the
companion method #expect_no_issues
. This method is a much
simpler assertion since it just inspects the code and checks
that there were no issues. The #expect_issue
method has
to do more work by parsing out lines that contain carets.
Included Modules
Defined in:
ameba/spec/expect_issue.crInstance Method Summary
- #expect_correction(source, correction, *, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)
- #expect_issue(rules : Rule::Base | Enumerable(Rule::Base), annotated_code : String, path = "", normalize = true, *, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__, **replacements)
- #expect_no_corrections(source, *, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)
- #expect_no_issues(rules : Rule::Base | Enumerable(Rule::Base), code : String, path = "", normalize = true, *, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)
Instance methods inherited from module Ameba::Spec::Util
normalize_code(code, separator = '\n')
Instance Method Detail
def expect_issue(rules : Rule::Base | Enumerable(Rule::Base), annotated_code : String, path = "", normalize = true, *, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__, **replacements)
def expect_no_issues(rules : Rule::Base | Enumerable(Rule::Base), code : String, path = "", normalize = true, *, file = __FILE__, line = __LINE__)