class Ameba::Spec::AnnotatedSource


Parsed representation of code annotated with the # ^^^ error: Message style

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ABBREV = "[...]"
ANNOTATION_PATTERN_1 = /\A\s*(# )?(\^+|\^{})( error:)? /
ANNOTATION_PATTERN_2 = " # error: "


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def, annotations : Enumerable(Tuple(Int32, String, String))) #

NOTE Annotations are sorted so that reconstructing the annotation text via #to_s is deterministic.

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def, issues : Enumerable(Issue)) #

Annotates the source code with the Ameba issues provided.

NOTE Annotations are sorted so that reconstructing the annotation text via #to_s is deterministic.

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Class Method Detail

def self.parse(annotated_code) #

Separates annotation lines from code lines. Tracks the real code line number that each annotation corresponds to.

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns false (other can only be a Value here).

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def annotations : Array(Tuple(Int32, String, String)) #

Each entry is the line number, annotation prefix, and message. The prefix is empty if the annotation is at the end of a code line.

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def lines : Array(String) #

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def to_s(io) #

Constructs an annotated source string (like what we parse).

Reconstructs a deterministic annotated source string. This is useful for eliminating semantically irrelevant annotation ordering differences.

source1 = AnnotatedSource.parse(<<-CRYSTAL)
^ Annotation 1
 ^^ Annotation 2

source2 = AnnotatedSource.parse(<<-CRYSTAL)
 ^^ Annotation 2
^ Annotation 1

source1.to_s == source2.to_s # => true

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