class Ameba::Formatter::DotFormatter


A formatter that shows a progress of inspection in a terminal using dots. It is similar to Crystal's dot formatter for specs.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Ameba::Formatter::Util

affected_code(issue : Issue, context_lines = 0, max_length = 120, ellipsis = " ...", prompt = "> ")
affected_code(code, location, end_location = nil, context_lines = 0, max_length = 120, ellipsis = " ...", prompt = "> ")
, context(lines, lineno, context_lines = 3, remove_empty = true) context, deansify(message : String?) : String? deansify, trim(str, max_length = 120, ellipsis = " ...") trim

Instance methods inherited from class Ameba::Formatter::BaseFormatter

config : Hash(Symbol, Bool | String) config, finished(sources) finished, output : IO::FileDescriptor | IO::Memory output, source_finished(source : Source) source_finished, source_started(source : Source) source_started, started(sources) started

Constructor methods inherited from class Ameba::Formatter::BaseFormatter

new(output : IO = STDOUT) new

Instance Method Detail

def finished(sources) #

Reports a message when inspection is finished.

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def source_finished(source : Source) #

Reports a result of the inspection of a corresponding source.

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def started(sources) #

Reports a message when inspection is started.

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