class Ameba::AST::Scope


Represents a context of the local variable visibility. This is where the local variables belong to.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Crystal::ASTNode, outer_scope : Ameba::AST::Scope? = nil) #

Creates a new scope. Accepts the AST node and the outer scope.

scope =, nil)

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Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

def add_argument(node) #

Creates a new argument in the current scope.

scope =, nil)

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def add_ivariable(node) #

Adds a new instance variable to the current scope.

scope =, nil)

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def add_variable(node) #

Creates a new variable in the current scope.

scope =, nil)

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def arg?(var) #

Returns true if var is an argument in current scope, false otherwise.

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def arguments : Array(Ameba::AST::Argument) #

Link to the arguments in current scope

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def assign_variable(name, node) #

Creates a new assignment for the variable.

scope =, nil)
scope.assign_variable(var_name, assign_node)

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def assigns_ivar?(name) #

Returns true if instance variable is assinged in this scope.

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def block? #

Returns true if current scope represents a block (or proc), false otherwise.

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def def? #

Returns true if current scope is a def, false otherwise.

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def end_location(*args, **options) #

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def end_location(*args, **options, &) #

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def eql?(node) #

Returns true if the node represents exactly the same Crystal node as @node.

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def find_variable(name : String) #

Returns variable by its name or nil if it does not exist.

scope =, nil)

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def hash(hasher) #
Description copied from class Reference

See Object#hash(hasher)

def in_macro? #

Returns true if current scope sits inside a macro.

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def inner_scopes : Array(Ameba::AST::Scope) #

List of inner scopes

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def ivariables : Array(Ameba::AST::InstanceVariable) #

Link to the instance variables used in current scope

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def location(*args, **options) #

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def location(*args, **options, &) #

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def node : Crystal::ASTNode #

The actual AST node that represents a current scope.

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def outer_scope : Scope? #

Link to the outer scope

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def references : Array(Ameba::AST::Reference) #

Link to all variable references in currency scope

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def references?(variable : Variable, check_inner_scopes = true) #

Returns true if current scope (or any of inner scopes) references variable, false otherwise.

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def spawn_block? #

Returns true if current scope represents a spawn block, e. g.

spawn do
  # ...

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def to_s(*args, **options) #

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def to_s(*args, **options, &) #

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def top_level? #

Returns true if this scope is a top level scope, false otherwise.

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def type_definition? #

Returns true if and only if current scope represents some type definition, for example a class.

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def variables : Array(Ameba::AST::Variable) #

Link to local variables

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