Samantaz Fox c1ee65c77a
Add Fedora install instructions (#50)
Add Fedora install instructions
2021-04-06 06:14:48 +00:00

6.7 KiB

title description published date tags editor dateCreated
Installation true 2021-02-25T18:05:08.275Z markdown 2021-02-25T11:24:06.655Z


To manually compile invidious you need at least 2GB of RAM. If you have less you can setup SWAP to have a combined amount of 2 GB or use Docker instead.

After installation take a look at the Post-install steps.

Automated installation

Invidious-Updater is a self-contained script that can automatically install and update Invidious.


Build and start cluster

$ docker-compose up

Then visit localhost:3000 in your browser.

Rebuild cluster

$ docker-compose build

Delete data and rebuild

$ docker volume rm invidious_postgresdata
$ docker-compose build

Manual installation


Install the dependencies

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S base-devel shards crystal librsvg postgresql

Ubuntu or Debian

# First you have to add the repository to your APT configuration. For easy setup just run in your command line:
curl -fsSL | sudo bash

# That will add the signing key and the repository configuration.
# If you prefer to do it manually, Follow the instructions here
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install crystal libssl-dev libxml2-dev libyaml-dev libgmp-dev libreadline-dev postgresql librsvg2-bin libsqlite3-dev zlib1g-dev


# To install crystal on fedora, you can either install:
#  - with brew/snap:
#  - from tarball:
# Currently, invidious depends on crystal 0.36.1-1, so a tarball install is necessary.
cd ~/Downloads
cd /opt
sudo tar -xzf ~/Downloads/crystal-0.36.1-1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo ln -s /opt/crystal-0.36.1-1/bin/crystal /usr/local/bin/crystal
sudo ln -s /opt/crystal-0.36.1-1/bin/shards /usr/local/bin/shards

# Then use dnf to install the dependencies:
sudo dnf install -y openssl-devel libevent-devel libxml2-devel libyaml-devel gmp-devel readline-devel postgresql librsvg2-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel gcc

Add an Invidious user and clone the repository

$ useradd -m invidious
$ sudo -i -u invidious
$ git clone
$ exit

Set up PostgresSQL

$ sudo systemctl enable --now postgresql
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ psql -c "CREATE USER kemal WITH PASSWORD 'kemal';" # Change 'kemal' here to a stronger password, and update `password` in config/config.yml
$ createdb -O kemal invidious
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/channels.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/videos.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/channel_videos.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/users.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/session_ids.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/nonces.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/annotations.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/playlists.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < /home/invidious/invidious/config/sql/playlist_videos.sql
$ exit

Set up Invidious

$ sudo -i -u invidious
$ cd invidious
$ shards update && shards install
$ crystal build src/ --release
# test compiled binary
$ ./invidious # stop with ctrl c
$ exit

Systemd service

$ sudo cp /home/invidious/invidious/invidious.service /etc/systemd/system/invidious.service
$ sudo systemctl enable --now invidious.service


$ echo "/home/invidious/invidious/invidious.log {
rotate 4
minsize 1048576
}" | sudo tee /etc/logrotate.d/invidious.logrotate
$ sudo chmod 0644 /etc/logrotate.d/invidious.logrotate


# Install dependencies
$ brew update
$ brew install shards crystal postgres imagemagick librsvg

# Clone the repository and set up a PostgreSQL database
$ git clone
$ cd invidious
$ brew services start postgresql
$ psql -c "CREATE ROLE kemal WITH PASSWORD 'kemal';" # Change 'kemal' here to a stronger password, and update `password` in config/config.yml
$ createdb -O kemal invidious
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/channels.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/videos.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/channel_videos.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/users.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/session_ids.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/nonces.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/annotations.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/privacy.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/playlists.sql
$ psql invidious kemal < config/sql/playlist_videos.sql

# Set up Invidious
$ shards update && shards install
$ crystal build src/ --release

Post-install configuration:

Detailed configuration available in the configuration guide.

Because of various issues Invidious must be restarted often, at least once a day, ideally every hours.

If you use a reverse proxy, you must configure invidious to properly serve request through it:

https_only: true : if your are serving your instance via https, set it to true

domain: domain.ext: if you are serving your instance via a domain name, set it here

external_port: 443: if your are serving your instance via https, set it to 443

Update Invidious

Instructions are available in the updating guide.


$ ./invidious -h
Usage: invidious [arguments]
    -b HOST, --bind HOST             Host to bind (defaults to
    -p PORT, --port PORT             Port to listen for connections (defaults to 3000)
    -s, --ssl                        Enables SSL
    --ssl-key-file FILE              SSL key file
    --ssl-cert-file FILE             SSL certificate file
    -h, --help                       Shows this help
    -c THREADS, --channel-threads=THREADS
                                     Number of threads for refreshing channels (default: 1)
    -f THREADS, --feed-threads=THREADS
                                     Number of threads for refreshing feeds (default: 1)
    -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT       Redirect output (default: STDOUT)
    -v, --version                    Print version

Or for development:

$ curl -fsSLo- | crystal eval
$ ./sentry
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