Victor Lin 3c2356b9b4
Update macOS install (#545)
* Remove install for shards

shards is not available as a Homebrew package. Instead, it comes with
the crystal package.


* Fix postgresql package name

* Add createdb

Fixes initial error:

    FATAL:  database "<user>" does not exist


* Clone repo before PostgreSQL setup

The PostgreSQL setup uses config files from the repo.

* Fix PostgreSQL name in headings

* Give PostgreSQL role login permissions

Fixes an error upon running the first script:

   FATAL:  role "kemal" is not permitted to log in

* Remove nonexistent script

* Use make for Invidious setup

Copied from Linux section
2024-04-29 11:20:07 +02:00

283 lines
9.1 KiB

# Installation
After installation take a look at the [Post-install steps](#post-install-configuration).
Note: Any [PaaS]( or [SaaS]( provider/software (Heroku, YunoHost, Repli...) are unsupported. Use them at your own risk. They **WILL** cause problems with Invidious and might even suspend your account for "abuse" since Invidious is heavy, bandwidth intensive and technically a proxy (and most providers don't like them). If you use one and want to report an issue, please mention which one you use.
## Hardware requirements
Running Invidious requires at least 20GB disk space, 512MB of free RAM (so ~2G installed on the system), as long as it is restarted regularly, as recommended in the post-install configuration. Public instances should ideally have at least 60G disk space, 4GB of RAM, 2vCPU, a 200 mbps link and 20TB of traffic (no data cap/unlimited traffic is preferred).
Compiling Invidious requires at least 2.5GB of free RAM (We recommend to have at least 4GB installed).
If you have less (e.g on a cheap VPS) you can setup a SWAP file or partition, so the combined amount is >= 4GB.
## Docker
**The Invidious docker image is only [available on Quay]( because, unlike Docker Hub, [Quay is Free and Open Source Software]( This is reflected in the `docker-compose.yml` file used in this walk-through.**
Ensure [Docker Engine]( and [Docker Compose]( are installed before beginning.
### Docker-compose method (production)
**This method uses the pre-built Docker image from quay**
Note: Currently the repository has to be cloned, this is because the `` file and the `config/sql` directory have to be mounted to the postgres container (See the volumes section in the docker-compose file below). This "problem" will be solved in the future.
git clone
cd invidious
Edit the docker-compose.yml with this content:
version: "3"
# image: # ARM64/AArch64 devices
restart: unless-stopped
- ""
# Please read the following file for a comprehensive list of all available
# configuration options and their associated syntax:
dbname: invidious
user: kemal
password: kemal
host: invidious-db
port: 5432
check_tables: true
# external_port:
# domain:
# https_only: false
# statistics_enabled: false
hmac_key: "CHANGE_ME!!"
test: wget -nv --tries=1 --spider || exit 1
interval: 30s
timeout: 5s
retries: 2
max-size: "1G"
max-file: "4"
- invidious-db
restart: unless-stopped
- postgresdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
- ./config/sql:/config/sql
- ./docker/
POSTGRES_DB: invidious
test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U $$POSTGRES_USER -d $$POSTGRES_DB"]
Note: This compose is made for a true "production" setup, where Invidious is behind a reverse proxy. If you prefer to directly access Invidious, replace `` with `3000:3000` under the `ports:` section.
### Docker-compose method (development)
**This method builds a Docker image from source**
git clone
cd invidious
docker-compose up
## Manual Installation
### Linux
#### Install Crystal
Follow the instructions for your distribution here:
Note: Invidious currently supports the following Crystal versions: `1.9.2` / `1.8.2` / `1.7.X` / `1.6.X`
#### Install the dependencies
Arch Linux
sudo pacman -S base-devel librsvg postgresql ttf-opensans
sudo apt install libssl-dev libxml2-dev libyaml-dev libgmp-dev libreadline-dev postgresql librsvg2-bin libsqlite3-dev zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev libevent-dev fonts-open-sans
RHEL based and RHEL-like systems (RHEL, Fedora, AlmaLinux, RockyLinux...)
sudo dnf install -y openssl-devel libevent-devel libxml2-devel libyaml-devel gmp-devel readline-devel postgresql librsvg2-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel gcc open-sans-fonts
#### Add an Invidious user and clone the repository
useradd -m invidious
su - invidious
git clone
#### Set up PostgreSQL
systemctl enable --now postgresql
sudo -i -u postgres
psql -c "CREATE USER kemal WITH PASSWORD 'kemal';" # Change 'kemal' here to a stronger password, and update `password` in config/config.yml
createdb -O kemal invidious
#### Set up Invidious
su - invidious
cd invidious
# Configure config/config.yml as you like
cp config/config.example.yml config/config.yml
# Deploy the database
./invidious --migrate
#### Systemd service
cp /home/invidious/invidious/invidious.service /etc/systemd/system/invidious.service
systemctl enable --now invidious.service
### MacOS
#### Install the dependencies
brew update
brew install crystal postgresql imagemagick librsvg
#### Clone the Invidious repository
git clone
cd invidious
#### Set up PostgreSQL
brew services start postgresql
psql -c "CREATE ROLE kemal WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'kemal';" # Change 'kemal' here to a stronger password, and update `password` in config/config.yml
createdb -O kemal invidious
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/channels.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/videos.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/channel_videos.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/users.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/session_ids.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/nonces.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/annotations.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/playlists.sql
psql invidious kemal < config/sql/playlist_videos.sql
#### Set up Invidious
# Configure config/config.yml as you like
cp config/config.example.yml config/config.yml
### Windows
Crystal, the programming language used by Invidious, [doesn't officially support Windows yet]( but you can still install Invidious:
- By installing [Docker desktop]( and then following [our guide about Docker](#docker).
- By installing [Windows Subsystem for Linux]( and then following [our guide about Linux](#linux).
- By installing [Windows-specific builds]( of Crystal. Be wary, as we don't currently have records of Invidious being tested on those "unsupported" builds yet.
## Post-install configuration:
Detailed configuration available in the [configuration guide](./
You must set a random generated value for the parameter `hmac_key:`! On Linux you can generate it using the command `pwgen 20 1`.
Because of various issues Invidious **must** be restarted often, at least once a day, ideally every hour.
If you use a reverse proxy, you **must** configure invidious to properly serve request through it:
`https_only: true` : if you are serving your instance via https, set it to true
`domain: domain.ext`: if you are serving your instance via a domain name, set it here
`external_port: 443`: if you are serving your instance via https, set it to 443
`use_pubsub_feeds: true`: if you are serving your instance on the internet, allow for faster notification of new videos ([detailed explanation](
`use_innertube_for_captions: true`: if you are serving a public instance or you are hosting invidious in a datacenter, allow to unblock captions ([detailed explanation](
## Update Invidious
#### Updating a Docker install
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
docker image prune -f
#### Update a manual install
su - invidious
cd invidious
git pull
systemctl restart invidious.service
## Usage:
#### Logrotate configuration
echo "/home/invidious/invidious/invidious.log {
rotate 4
minsize 1048576
}" | tee /etc/logrotate.d/invidious.logrotate
chmod 0644 /etc/logrotate.d/invidious.logrotate