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Flytta is a free and open source frame-by-frame animation program.
Stable builds (recommended for all users)
Linux (point and click binaries):
- (.deb):
- (.tar.gz):
Linux (with CLI):
- For Debian-based distros, type this command:
$ sudo apt install flytta
- For Arch-based distros, type this command:
$ sudo pacman -S flytta
- For Fedora, type this command:
$ sudo dnf install flytta
Unstable (nightly) builds
Linux (point and click binaries):
- (.deb):
- (.tar.gz):
Linux (with CLI):
- For Debian-based distros, type this command:
$ sudo apt install flytta-nightly
- For Arch-based distros, type this command:
$ sudo pacman -S flytta-nightly
- For Fedora, type this command:
$ sudo dnf install flytta-nightly
Alternatively, you can build Flytta from source.
Documentation on how to use/build/contribute to Flytta etc., is listed in the wiki of this repo and is also listed on our website at https://docs.flytta.org/home.
Flytta is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2. For more information, read the LICENSE file here. Some files may be licensed under different licenses, but they're compatible with the GPL-2.0 license.