old rsudo source
Updated 2019-05-03 19:57:13 +00:00
psyced source code mirror from git://git.psyced.org/git/psyced
Updated 1984-04-04 00:44:07 +00:00
libpsyc source code from git://git.psyc.eu/libpsyc
Updated 2020-01-28 21:42:57 +00:00
psyclpc source from git://git.psyced.org/git/psyclpc
Updated 2016-08-10 15:45:02 +00:00
The kernel source for FENIX
Updated 2022-10-29 15:07:05 +00:00
The standard C library for FENIX
Updated 2022-11-17 05:26:13 +00:00
The core utility set for FENIX; mostly POSIX utilities here
Updated 2022-10-29 15:09:27 +00:00
A remake of the first game I made. This time made with C99 and raylib.
Updated 2021-11-29 16:04:24 +00:00
Choggbuster is a set of python scripts aimed at automated preprocessing of video DVDs for archival and filtering
Updated 2022-01-07 17:27:46 +00:00
ignore dis for now plz
Updated 2021-11-05 21:38:31 +00:00
stuff for setting up marlin on my 3d printer (Ender 3 Pro, pretty heavily modified) of interest might be the font swapping, which i'll update once i get it working properly
Updated 2022-03-06 21:22:46 +00:00
14-word mnemonic seed for Wownero
Updated 2023-12-27 15:03:29 +00:00
Updated 2023-04-22 00:31:44 +00:00
Updated 2021-04-14 12:50:38 +00:00
Updated 2021-07-18 00:03:40 +00:00
Updated 2021-07-18 00:04:51 +00:00
My fork from dwm
Updated 2023-11-20 00:55:49 +00:00
My fork from slstatus
Updated 2024-05-15 12:31:34 +00:00