**You will need to uninstall any and all existing Discord or CutTheCord applications from your phone before installing one, or else installation will fail.**
If you fail recaptcha, [follow this](https://gitdab.com/distok/cutthecord/issues/22#issuecomment-82) (run through adb).
**PSA: Please keep in mind that you may be unable to receive updates due to an F-Droid bug.**
If you're affected by this, here's a workaround: F-Droid -> Settings -> Repositories -> Seabear, tap Share on top bar, copy to clipboard, tap Delete (next to share), then tap Add Repository. It should already be filled in (from clipboard), so add it and you should be able to get updates after that.
You'll have to do that on every update until the bug is resolved, sadly. I don't think that it's on my end, but if it is and you know how to fix it, hit me up!
- If you want Mutant Standard emoji patches, get 72x72 PNG copies of latest version of mutant standard emojis with codepoints. I have a zip [here](https://mutant.lavatech.top/72x72.zip).
- If you want Blob emoji patches, get 72x72 PNG copies of blobmojis with codepoints. I personally resized the png/128 folder in this [repo](https://github.com/C1710/blobmoji) (`find /home/ave/blobmoji/png/72 -iname '*.png' -exec convert \{\} -verbose -resize 72x72\> \{\} \;`).
- Get a Discord apk (*cough* [apkmirror](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/discord-inc/discord-chat-for-gamers/), [aptoide API](https://ws75.aptoide.com/api/7/app/getMeta?package_name=com.discord)).
- Get all the necessary patches for that version. Necessary patches are not available for all versions and are only required to get some versions to pack together correctly.
- Get optional patches you want for your version. If the patch you want isn't available for your version, you'll have to port them yourself.
- If you want mutant (or other emoji patches), edit `patches/mutant/emojireplace.py` to point to extracted discord folder (`extracted_discord_path`), and apply emoji patches (`python3 emojireplace.py`)
It's not really intelligent and doesn't do much more than manually preparing necessary patch, checking if an existing patch can be applied to a given version, replacing relevant variables required for porting various patches and eliminating offsets caused by updates, but it saves a lot of time if used carefully.