2020-07-08 00:52:17 -07:00

60 lines
1.6 KiB

## lza-wowbot
Doing Rust for everything was a PITA, so I'm going back to my roots and just doing a simple Python thing. Keep it ez anyways.
## Usage
Not exactly the smoothest initialization for the bot right now; it's very stateful. You will need to spend some time creating an IRC account, generating keys, pulling container images, and setting up a wallet.
# pull latest wownero image
docker pull lalanza808/wownero
# generate new keys
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -new -newkey rsa:4096 -days 1000 -nodes -out freenode.pem -keyout freenode.pem
# get fingerprint
openssl x509 -in freenode.pem -outform der | sha1sum -b | cut -d' ' -f1
# use web IRC and authenticate
# /msg NickServ CERT ADD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# initialize new wallet and retain seed
docker run --rm -it --name wow-wallet-init \
-v $(pwd)/data:/root \
wownero \
wownero-wallet-cli \
--daemon-address https://node.suchwow.xyz:443
--generate-new-wallet /root/wow \
--password testing \
# setup rpc process
docker run --rm -d --name wow-wallet \
-v $(pwd)/data:/root \
-p 8888:8888 \
wownero \
wownero-wallet-rpc \
--daemon-address https://node.suchwow.xyz:443 \
--wallet-file /root/wow \
--password testing \
--rpc-bind-port 8888 \
--rpc-bind-ip \
--confirm-external-bind \
--rpc-login xxxx:yyyy \
--log-file /root/rpc.log
# setup tor process
pushd torsocks && docker build -t tor . && popd
docker run -p 9050:9050 --rm -d --name tor tor
# install torsocks
brew install torsocks
# install python dependencies
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# use remote relay/bridge
torsocks python3 bot.py