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2019-01-11 13:08:21 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2018 tevador
This file is part of RandomX.
RandomX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RandomX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RandomX. If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
typedef uint64_t uint;
typedef int64_t sint;
/* Computes "magic info" for performing signed division by a fixed integer D.
The type 'sint' is assumed to be defined as a signed integer type large enough
to hold both the dividend and the divisor.
Here >> is arithmetic (signed) shift, and >>> is logical shift.
To emit code for n/d, rounding towards zero, use the following sequence:
m = compute_signed_magic_info(D)
emit("result = (m.multiplier * n) >> SINT_BITS");
if d > 0 and m.multiplier < 0: emit("result += n")
if d < 0 and m.multiplier > 0: emit("result -= n")
if m.post_shift > 0: emit("result >>= m.shift")
emit("result += (result < 0)")
The shifts by SINT_BITS may be "free" if the high half of the full multiply
is put in a separate register.
The final add can of course be implemented via the sign bit, e.g.
result += (result >>> (SINT_BITS - 1))
result -= (result >> (SINT_BITS - 1))
This code is heavily indebted to Hacker's Delight by Henry Warren.
See http://www.hackersdelight.org/HDcode/magic.c.txt
Used with permission from http://www.hackersdelight.org/permissions.htm
struct magics_info {
sint multiplier; // the "magic number" multiplier
unsigned shift; // shift for the dividend after multiplying
struct magics_info compute_signed_magic_info(sint D);
/* Computes "magic info" for performing unsigned division by a fixed positive integer D.
The type 'uint' is assumed to be defined as an unsigned integer type large enough
to hold both the dividend and the divisor. num_bits can be set appropriately if n is
known to be smaller than the largest uint; if this is not known then pass
(sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT) for num_bits.
Assume we have a hardware register of width UINT_BITS, a known constant D which is
not zero and not a power of 2, and a variable n of width num_bits (which may be
up to UINT_BITS). To emit code for n/d, use one of the two following sequences
(here >>> refers to a logical bitshift):
m = compute_unsigned_magic_info(D, num_bits)
if m.pre_shift > 0: emit("n >>>= m.pre_shift")
if m.increment: emit("n = saturated_increment(n)")
emit("result = (m.multiplier * n) >>> UINT_BITS")
if m.post_shift > 0: emit("result >>>= m.post_shift")
m = compute_unsigned_magic_info(D, num_bits)
if m.pre_shift > 0: emit("n >>>= m.pre_shift")
emit("result = m.multiplier * n")
if m.increment: emit("result = result + m.multiplier")
emit("result >>>= UINT_BITS")
if m.post_shift > 0: emit("result >>>= m.post_shift")
The shifts by UINT_BITS may be "free" if the high half of the full multiply
is put in a separate register.
saturated_increment(n) means "increment n unless it would wrap to 0," i.e.
if n == (1 << UINT_BITS)-1: result = n
else: result = n+1
A common way to implement this is with the carry bit. For example, on x86:
add 1
sbb 0
Some invariants:
1: At least one of pre_shift and increment is zero
2: multiplier is never zero
This code incorporates the "round down" optimization per ridiculous_fish.
struct magicu_info {
uint multiplier; // the "magic number" multiplier
unsigned pre_shift; // shift for the dividend before multiplying
unsigned post_shift; //shift for the dividend after multiplying
int increment; // 0 or 1; if set then increment the numerator, using one of the two strategies
struct magicu_info compute_unsigned_magic_info(uint D, unsigned num_bits);
#if defined(__cplusplus)