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When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Request for contributions

Please contribute to this repository if any of the following is true:

  • You have expertise in community development, communication, or education
  • You want open source communities to be more collaborative and inclusive
  • You want to help lower the burden to first time contributors



In particular, this community seeks the following types of contributions:

  • Ideas: participate in an issue thread or start your own to have your voice heard.
  • Resources: submit a pull request to add to with links to related content.
  • Outline sections: help us ensure that this repository is comprehensive. If there is a topic that is overlooked, please add it, even if it is just a stub in the form of a header and single sentence. Initially, most things fall into this category.
  • Writing: contribute your expertise in an area by helping us expand the included content.
  • Copy editing: fix typos, clarify language, and generally improve the quality of the content.
  • Formatting: help keep content easy to read with consistent formatting.

Development environment setup

[?] Proceed to describe how to setup local development environment. e.g:

To set up a development environment, please follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repo
git clone{{cookiecutter.github_username}}/{{cookiecutter.repo_slug}}
  1. TODO

Issues and feature requests

Have you found a bug in the source code, a mistake in the documentation, or maybe you'd like a new feature? You can help us by submitting an issue. Before you create an issue, make sure to search the issue archive -- your issue may have already been addressed!

Please try to create bug reports that are:

  • Reproducible. Include steps to reproduce the problem.
  • Specific. Include as much detail as possible: which version, what environment, etc.
  • Unique. Do not duplicate existing opened issues.
  • Scoped to a Single Bug. One bug per report.

Even better: Submit a pull request with a fix or new feature!

How to submit a Pull Request

  1. Search our repository for open or closed Pull Requests that relate to your submission. You don't want to duplicate effort.
  2. Fork the project.
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feat/amazing_feature).
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'feat: add amazing_feature') uses conventional commits, so please follow the specification in your commit messages.
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feat/amazing_feature)
  6. Open a Pull Request