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(aka Syncthing-CloudSaves)

This is a basic little wrapper utility that automatically checks to see if newer savedata exists in some sort of synced directory, and automatically loads in any newer data it finds.

Obviously this is a WIP and not very good, but I wanted a quick and dirty cloud saves solution for non-steam games.


git clone https://gitdab.com/cere/CereSaves.git
cd CereSaves

Edit stcs-global-config.sh

  • STCS_SAVEGAME_SYNCDIR should point to the folder being synced by your syncing solution of choice (ie Syncthing, Resilio Sync, etc)
  • STCS_TIMESTAMPS_DIR should point to a local directory to store a timestamp of each game that's backed up.
mkdir ~/.local/share/CereSaves/
cp stcs-global-config.sh ~/.local/share/CereSaves/
cp stcs-wrapper.sh ~/.local/bin # Or anywhere else on the $PATH
mkdir "$HOME/.local/share/CereSaves/Timestamps" # Or whatever you changed the value of STCS_TIMESTAMPS_DIR to be


  • Place a copy of stcs-config.sh.example next to the game being executed.
  • Edit the file, removing the .example and filling out the gamename and the location of the savedata to back up. (It can be a file or folder of savedata)
    • Note: you may also define a custom configfile path by setting the environment variable STCS_GAME_CONFIG prior to executing the wrapper.
  • Prefix any launch command you wish to invoke with stcs-wrapper.sh, similar to how you'd load mangohud!