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{{~ end; ~}}
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<fluent-tooltip id="publishedByTooltip" anchor="publishedByText">
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{{~ end; ~}}
<div class="addToVccBlock mt-4 row align-items-center">
<fluent-text-field aria-readonly="true" id="vccUrlField" class="vccUrlField" readonly value="{{ listingInfo.Url }}">
<fluent-button appearance="accent" class="ms-2" id="vccAddRepoButton" >Add to VCC</fluent-button>
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<path d="M4 4V16C4 17.1046 4.89543 18 6 18H15.5C15.7761 18 16 17.7761 16 17.5C16 17.2239 15.7761 17 15.5 17H6C5.44772 17 5 16.5523 5 16H15C15.5523 16 16 15.5523 16 15V4C16 2.89543 15.1046 2 14 2H6C4.89543 2 4 2.89543 4 4ZM14 3C14.5523 3 15 3.44772 15 4V15H5V4C5 3.44772 5.44772 3 6 3H14ZM8.76069 6.40877C8.95015 6.21142 9.31074 6 10 6C10.6893 6 11.0499 6.21142 11.2393 6.40877C11.4409 6.61877 11.5 6.86546 11.5 7C11.5 7.4539 11.2301 7.69835 10.7773 7.92363C10.6657 7.97916 10.552 8.02883 10.4343 8.0797L10.4116 8.08953C10.3056 8.13534 10.1902 8.18521 10.088 8.23655C9.98257 8.28953 9.85193 8.36283 9.7433 8.46505C9.62799 8.57355 9.5 8.75189 9.5 9V9.99999C9.5 10.2761 9.72386 10.5 10 10.5C10.2761 10.5 10.5 10.2753 10.5 9.99918V9.1493C10.5111 9.14333 10.5234 9.13694 10.537 9.13009C10.6125 9.09217 10.703 9.05302 10.8197 9.00257L10.8313 8.99753C10.948 8.94704 11.0843 8.8878 11.2227 8.81894C11.7699 8.5467 12.5 8.0461 12.5 7C12.5 6.63454 12.3591 6.13123 11.9607 5.71623C11.5501 5.28858 10.9107 5 10 5C9.08926 5 8.44985 5.28858 8.03931 5.71623C7.64091 6.13123 7.5 6.63454 7.5 7C7.5 7.27614 7.72386 7.5 8 7.5C8.27614 7.5 8.5 7.27614 8.5 7C8.5 6.86546 8.55909 6.61877 8.76069 6.40877ZM10 13C10.4142 13 10.75 12.6642 10.75 12.25C10.75 11.8358 10.4142 11.5 10 11.5C9.58579 11.5 9.25 11.8358 9.25 12.25C9.25 12.6642 9.58579 13 10 13Z" />
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<path d="M4 4V16C4 17.1046 4.89543 18 6 18H15.5C15.7761 18 16 17.7761 16 17.5C16 17.2239 15.7761 17 15.5 17H6C5.44772 17 5 16.5523 5 16H15C15.5523 16 16 15.5523 16 15V4C16 2.89543 15.1046 2 14 2H6C4.89543 2 4 2.89543 4 4ZM14 3C14.5523 3 15 3.44772 15 4V15H5V4C5 3.44772 5.44772 3 6 3H14ZM8.76069 6.40877C8.95015 6.21142 9.31074 6 10 6C10.6893 6 11.0499 6.21142 11.2393 6.40877C11.4409 6.61877 11.5 6.86546 11.5 7C11.5 7.4539 11.2301 7.69835 10.7773 7.92363C10.6657 7.97916 10.552 8.02883 10.4343 8.0797L10.4116 8.08953C10.3056 8.13534 10.1902 8.18521 10.088 8.23655C9.98257 8.28953 9.85193 8.36283 9.7433 8.46505C9.62799 8.57355 9.5 8.75189 9.5 9V9.99999C9.5 10.2761 9.72386 10.5 10 10.5C10.2761 10.5 10.5 10.2753 10.5 9.99918V9.1493C10.5111 9.14333 10.5234 9.13694 10.537 9.13009C10.6125 9.09217 10.703 9.05302 10.8197 9.00257L10.8313 8.99753C10.948 8.94704 11.0843 8.8878 11.2227 8.81894C11.7699 8.5467 12.5 8.0461 12.5 7C12.5 6.63454 12.3591 6.13123 11.9607 5.71623C11.5501 5.28858 10.9107 5 10 5C9.08926 5 8.44985 5.28858 8.03931 5.71623C7.64091 6.13123 7.5 6.63454 7.5 7C7.5 7.27614 7.72386 7.5 8 7.5C8.27614 7.5 8.5 7.27614 8.5 7C8.5 6.86546 8.55909 6.61877 8.76069 6.40877ZM10 13C10.4142 13 10.75 12.6642 10.75 12.25C10.75 11.8358 10.4142 11.5 10 11.5C9.58579 11.5 9.25 11.8358 9.25 12.25C9.25 12.6642 9.58579 13 10 13Z" />
<h3 class="m-0">How to add this listing to your VCC</h3>
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<path d="M4.08859 4.21569L4.14645 4.14645C4.32001 3.97288 4.58944 3.9536 4.78431 4.08859L4.85355 4.14645L10 9.293L15.1464 4.14645C15.32 3.97288 15.5894 3.9536 15.7843 4.08859L15.8536 4.14645C16.0271 4.32001 16.0464 4.58944 15.9114 4.78431L15.8536 4.85355L10.707 10L15.8536 15.1464C16.0271 15.32 16.0464 15.5894 15.9114 15.7843L15.8536 15.8536C15.68 16.0271 15.4106 16.0464 15.2157 15.9114L15.1464 15.8536L10 10.707L4.85355 15.8536C4.67999 16.0271 4.41056 16.0464 4.21569 15.9114L4.14645 15.8536C3.97288 15.68 3.9536 15.4106 4.08859 15.2157L4.14645 15.1464L9.293 10L4.14645 4.85355C3.97288 4.67999 3.9536 4.41056 4.08859 4.21569L4.14645 4.14645L4.08859 4.21569Z" />
<p class="mb-1">
To add this listing to your VCC (VRChat Creator Companion), do the following
<ul class="mt-1 ps-5">
<li class="mb-2">Open your VCC and go to Settings</li>
<li class="mb-2">Click the "Packages" tab</li>
<li class="mb-2">Click "Add Repository"</li>
<li class="mb-2">In the field that appears - paste the url displayed below</li>
<li class="mb-2">Click "Add"</li>
<li class="mb-2">Check the repository info and click "I Understand"</li>
<li class="mb-2">Go to any of your projects to see the packages from the newly added listing.</li>
<h5 class="m-0 mb-2">Listing URL</h5>
<div class="row align-items-center">
<fluent-text-field aria-readonly="true" id="vccListingInfoUrlField" class="vccUrlField" readonly value="{{ listingInfo.Url }}">
<fluent-button class="ms-2" id="vccListingInfoUrlFieldCopy">
<svg slot="start" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
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<div class="caption1 mt-4">You can read more about Package Listings <a href="" target="_blank">on the VCC docs</a></div>
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<path d="M15.5 16.9997C15.7761 16.9997 16 17.2236 16 17.4997C16 17.7452 15.8231 17.9494 15.5899 17.9917L15.5 17.9997H4.5C4.22386 17.9997 4 17.7759 4 17.4997C4 17.2543 4.17688 17.0501 4.41012 17.0078L4.5 16.9997H15.5ZM10.0001 2.00195C10.2456 2.00195 10.4497 2.17896 10.492 2.41222L10.5 2.5021L10.496 14.296L14.1414 10.6476C14.3148 10.4739 14.5842 10.4544 14.7792 10.5892L14.8485 10.647C15.0222 10.8204 15.0418 11.0898 14.907 11.2848L14.8492 11.3541L10.3574 15.8541C10.285 15.9267 10.1957 15.9724 10.1021 15.9911L9.99608 16.0008C9.83511 16.0008 9.69192 15.9247 9.60051 15.8065L5.14386 11.3547C4.94846 11.1595 4.94823 10.8429 5.14336 10.6475C5.3168 10.4739 5.58621 10.4544 5.78117 10.5892L5.85046 10.647L9.496 14.288L9.5 2.50181C9.50008 2.22567 9.724 2.00195 10.0001 2.00195Z" />
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<h3 class="m-0 mb-1" id="packageInfoName">Package Name</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="caption1" id="packageInfoId"></div>
<div class="caption1 ms-2" id="packageInfoVersion">v1.0.1</div>
<fluent-button appearance="stealth" id="packageInfoModalClose">
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<path d="M4.08859 4.21569L4.14645 4.14645C4.32001 3.97288 4.58944 3.9536 4.78431 4.08859L4.85355 4.14645L10 9.293L15.1464 4.14645C15.32 3.97288 15.5894 3.9536 15.7843 4.08859L15.8536 4.14645C16.0271 4.32001 16.0464 4.58944 15.9114 4.78431L15.8536 4.85355L10.707 10L15.8536 15.1464C16.0271 15.32 16.0464 15.5894 15.9114 15.7843L15.8536 15.8536C15.68 16.0271 15.4106 16.0464 15.2157 15.9114L15.1464 15.8536L10 10.707L4.85355 15.8536C4.67999 16.0271 4.41056 16.0464 4.21569 15.9114L4.14645 15.8536C3.97288 15.68 3.9536 15.4106 4.08859 15.2157L4.14645 15.1464L9.293 10L4.14645 4.85355C3.97288 4.67999 3.9536 4.41056 4.08859 4.21569L4.14645 4.14645L4.08859 4.21569Z" />
<h5 class="m-0">Package Info</h5>
<p class="mb-4 mt-1" id="packageInfoDescription">
Package Description
<h5 class="m-0">Author</h5>
<p class="mb-4 mt-1">
<a href="#" target="_blank" id="packageInfoAuthor">
Author Name
<h5 class="m-0 mb-2">Dependencies</h5>
<ul class="mt-1 ps-5" id="packageInfoDependencies">
<div class="col">
<h5 class="m-0 mb-2">Keywords</h5>
<div class="mb-2 mt-1 row" id="packageInfoKeywords">
<div class="col">
<h5 class="m-0">License</h5>
<a href="#" class="mb-4 mt-1" id="packageInfoLicense">
<h5 class="m-0 mb-2">Listing URL</h5>
<div class="row align-items-center">
<fluent-text-field aria-readonly="true" id="packageInfoVccUrlField" class="vccUrlField" readonly value="{{ listingInfo.Url }}">
<fluent-button class="ms-2" id="packageInfoVccUrlFieldCopy">
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<fluent-tooltip id="packageInfoListingTooltip" anchor="packageInfoListingHelp">
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<path d="M4 4V16C4 17.1046 4.89543 18 6 18H15.5C15.7761 18 16 17.7761 16 17.5C16 17.2239 15.7761 17 15.5 17H6C5.44772 17 5 16.5523 5 16H15C15.5523 16 16 15.5523 16 15V4C16 2.89543 15.1046 2 14 2H6C4.89543 2 4 2.89543 4 4ZM14 3C14.5523 3 15 3.44772 15 4V15H5V4C5 3.44772 5.44772 3 6 3H14ZM8.76069 6.40877C8.95015 6.21142 9.31074 6 10 6C10.6893 6 11.0499 6.21142 11.2393 6.40877C11.4409 6.61877 11.5 6.86546 11.5 7C11.5 7.4539 11.2301 7.69835 10.7773 7.92363C10.6657 7.97916 10.552 8.02883 10.4343 8.0797L10.4116 8.08953C10.3056 8.13534 10.1902 8.18521 10.088 8.23655C9.98257 8.28953 9.85193 8.36283 9.7433 8.46505C9.62799 8.57355 9.5 8.75189 9.5 9V9.99999C9.5 10.2761 9.72386 10.5 10 10.5C10.2761 10.5 10.5 10.2753 10.5 9.99918V9.1493C10.5111 9.14333 10.5234 9.13694 10.537 9.13009C10.6125 9.09217 10.703 9.05302 10.8197 9.00257L10.8313 8.99753C10.948 8.94704 11.0843 8.8878 11.2227 8.81894C11.7699 8.5467 12.5 8.0461 12.5 7C12.5 6.63454 12.3591 6.13123 11.9607 5.71623C11.5501 5.28858 10.9107 5 10 5C9.08926 5 8.44985 5.28858 8.03931 5.71623C7.64091 6.13123 7.5 6.63454 7.5 7C7.5 7.27614 7.72386 7.5 8 7.5C8.27614 7.5 8.5 7.27614 8.5 7C8.5 6.86546 8.55909 6.61877 8.76069 6.40877ZM10 13C10.4142 13 10.75 12.6642 10.75 12.25C10.75 11.8358 10.4142 11.5 10 11.5C9.58579 11.5 9.25 11.8358 9.25 12.25C9.25 12.6642 9.58579 13 10 13Z" />
<div class="caption1 mt-4">You can read more about Package Listings <a href="" target="_blank">on the VCC docs</a></div>
<fluent-card class="packages">
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<fluent-data-grid-cell cell-type="columnheader" grid-column="3">
{{~ for package in packages ~}}
<fluent-data-grid-row data-package-name="{{ package.DisplayName }}" data-package-id="{{ package.Name }}">
<fluent-data-grid-cell grid-column="1">
<div class="col">
<div class="packageName">{{ package.DisplayName }}</div>
<div class="caption1">{{ package.Description }}</div>
<div class="caption2">{{ package.Name }}</div>
<fluent-data-grid-cell grid-column="2" class="row align-items-center">
{{ package.Type }}
<fluent-data-grid-cell grid-column="3" class="row align-items-center justify-content-end">
<fluent-button appearance="accent" class="rowAddToVccButton" data-package-id="{{ package.Name }}">Add to VCC</fluent-button>
<fluent-button title="Package Info" class="rowPackageInfoButton ms-2" data-package-id="{{ package.Name }}">
<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="">
<path d="M10.4921 8.91012C10.4497 8.67687 10.2456 8.49999 10.0001 8.49999C9.72397 8.49999 9.50011 8.72385 9.50011 8.99999V13.5021L9.50817 13.592C9.55051 13.8253 9.75465 14.0021 10.0001 14.0021C10.2763 14.0021 10.5001 13.7783 10.5001 13.5021V8.99999L10.4921 8.91012ZM10.7988 6.74999C10.7988 6.33578 10.463 5.99999 10.0488 5.99999C9.63461 5.99999 9.29883 6.33578 9.29883 6.74999C9.29883 7.16421 9.63461 7.49999 10.0488 7.49999C10.463 7.49999 10.7988 7.16421 10.7988 6.74999ZM18 10C18 5.58172 14.4183 2 10 2C5.58172 2 2 5.58172 2 10C2 14.4183 5.58172 18 10 18C14.4183 18 18 14.4183 18 10ZM3 10C3 6.13401 6.13401 3 10 3C13.866 3 17 6.13401 17 10C17 13.866 13.866 17 10 17C6.13401 17 3 13.866 3 10Z"/>
<fluent-button class="rowMenuButton ms-2" appearance="stealth" data-package-url="{{ package.ZipUrl }}">
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{{~ end ~}}
{{~ if listingInfo.InfoLink.Url ~}}
<div class="caption1" id="publishedByText">
<a href="{{listingInfo.InfoLink.Url}}" target="_blank">{{ if listingInfo.InfoLink.Text; listingInfo.InfoLink.Text; else; "Lean More"; end; }}</a>
{{~ end; ~}}
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