91 lines
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91 lines
3.9 KiB
// ==UserScript==
// @name Destroy Spammer
// @namespace https://github.com/Glorfindel83/
// @description Adds a 'Destroy spammer' link for moderator on user profiles with only deleted posts.
// @author Glorfindel
// @version 0.6
// @match *://*.stackexchange.com/users/*
// @match *://*.stackoverflow.com/users/*
// @match *://stackoverflow.com/users/*
// @match *://superuser.com/users/*
// @match *://serverfault.com/users/*
// @match *://askubuntu.com/users/*
// @match *://stackapps.com/users/*
// @match *://mathoverflow.net/users/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
// Determine user ID
var userIDRegex = /\/users\/(\d+)\//g;
var userID = userIDRegex.exec(document.location) [1];
var userName = $(".name.mod-tabs").attr("title");
var userNameIsSuspicious = typeof userName !== 'undefined' && userName.toLowerCase().contains("insur");
// Find 'Mod' dialog link
var moderatorLinkElement = $('a[data-se-mod-button-id=' + userID + ']');
if (moderatorLinkElement.length == 0) // Current user is not a moderator, or wrong tab - no action possible
var destroySpammerLinkAdded = false;
// This function will create the 'Destroy spammer' link;
// this can happen either synchronously or asynchronously (after fetching additional data).
var createDestroyLink = function (userID) {
// The link can be added only once.
if (destroySpammerLinkAdded)
destroySpammerLinkAdded = true;
var destroyLink = document.createElement('a');
destroyLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Destroy spammer'));
destroyLink.onclick = function () {
// Ask for confirmation
if (window.confirm('Are you sure?')) {
// TODO: remember the last time this script was activated,
// and build in a 5 second delay to prevent the rate limit from triggering.
url: 'https://' + document.location.host + '/admin/users/' + userID + '/destroy',
data: 'annotation=&deleteReasonDetails=&mod-actions=destroy&destroyReason=This+user+was+created+to+post+spam+or+nonsense+and+has+no+other+positive+participation&destroyReasonDetails=&fkey=' + window.localStorage["se:fkey"].split(",")[0],
success: function (data) {
// Reload page
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
window.alert('An error occurred, please try again later.');
console.log('Error: ' + textStatus + ' ' + errorThrown);
// Add to document
// Check for keywords in spammers' profiles
$.get(document.location.href.split('?')[0] + "?tab=profile", function (data) {
if (data.search(/1\D844\D909\D0831/g) != -1) {
// Check for (deleted) questions and answers
var questionsPanel = $('#user-panel-questions');
var undeletedQuestions = questionsPanel.find('td.question-hyperlink').not('.deleted-answer').length; // yes, deleted-answer. Don't ask why.
var deletedQuestions = questionsPanel.find('td.question-hyperlink.deleted-answer').length;
if (undeletedQuestions > 0) // User has content - use the dialog instead
var answersPanel = $('#user-panel-answers');
var undeletedAnswers = answersPanel.find('td.answer-hyperlink').not('.deleted-answer').length;
var deletedAnswers = answersPanel.find('td.answer-hyperlink.deleted-answer').length;
if (undeletedAnswers > 0) // User has content - use the dialog instead
if (deletedQuestions + deletedAnswers == 0 && !userNameIsSuspicious) // User has no deleted content - use the dialog instead
if (deletedQuestions + deletedAnswers > 4) // User has too much deleted content - use the dialog instead
// Create Destroy link immediately
}) ();