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# piped_api.api.FeedApi
## Load the API package
import 'package:piped_api/api.dart';
All URIs are relative to *https://pipedapi.kavin.rocks*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**feedUnauthenticated**](FeedApi.md#feedunauthenticated) | **GET** /feed/unauthenticated | Generate a feed while unauthenticated, from a list of channelIds.
# **feedUnauthenticated**
> BuiltList<StreamItem> feedUnauthenticated(channels)
Generate a feed while unauthenticated, from a list of channelIds.
Generates a user feed while unauthenticated.
### Example
import 'package:piped_api/api.dart';
final api = PipedApi().getFeedApi();
final BuiltList<String> channels = ["UCs6KfncB4OV6Vug4o_bzijg","UClcE-kVhqyiHCcjYwcpfj9w"]; // BuiltList<String> | A list of channelIds to generate a feed from.
try {
final response = api.feedUnauthenticated(channels);
} catch on DioError (e) {
print('Exception when calling FeedApi->feedUnauthenticated: $e\n');
### Parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**channels** | [**BuiltList&lt;String&gt;**](String.md)| A list of channelIds to generate a feed from. |
### Return type
### Authorization
No authorization required
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
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