2023-03-02 04:00:25 +02:00

7.8 KiB


Version: 0.0.3 AppVersion: latest

Piped is an alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

Homepage: https://github.com/TeamPiped/Piped-Kubernetes


Name Email Url
Skyler Mäntysaari samip5@users.noreply.github.com

Source Code


Repository Name Version
https://bjw-s.github.io/helm-charts common 0.1.0
https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami postgresql 12.2.0


Key Type Default Description
backend.args[0] string "-server"
backend.args[10] string "-Xtune:virtualized"
backend.args[11] string "-jar"
backend.args[12] string "/app/piped.jar"
backend.args[1] string "-Xmx1G"
backend.args[2] string "-Xaggressive"
backend.args[3] string "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions"
backend.args[4] string "-XX:+OptimizeStringConcat"
backend.args[5] string "-XX:+UseStringDeduplication"
backend.args[6] string "-XX:+UseCompressedOops"
backend.args[7] string "-XX:+UseNUMA"
backend.args[8] string "-Xgcpolicy:gencon"
backend.args[9] string "-Xshareclasses:allowClasspaths"
backend.command string "/opt/java/openjdk/bin/java"
backend.enabled bool true
backend.image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"1337kavin/piped","tag":null} Outgoing HTTP Proxy - eg: Captcha Parameters Enable haveibeenpwned compromised password API Disable Registration Feed Retention Time in Days connection_url: jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/piped driver_class: org.postgresql.Driver dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect username: piped password: changeme
backend.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
backend.image.repository string "1337kavin/piped" image repository
backend.image.tag string nil image tag @chart.appVersion
backend.service.main.enabled bool true
backend.service.main.ports.http.enabled bool true
backend.service.main.ports.http.port int 8080
backend.service.main.ports.http.primary bool true
backend.service.main.ports.http.protocol string "HTTP"
backend.service.main.primary bool true
backend.service.main.type string "ClusterIP"
controller.enabled bool false enable the controller.
frontend.args[0] string "-c"
frontend.args[1] string "sed -i s/pipedapi.kavin.rocks/$BACKEND_HOSTNAME/g /usr/share/nginx/html/assets/* && /docker-entrypoint.sh && nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
frontend.command string "/bin/ash" BACKEND_HOSTNAME: pipedapi.example.org
frontend.enabled bool true
frontend.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
frontend.image.repository string "1337kavin/piped-frontend" image repository
frontend.image.tag string nil image tag @chart.appVersion
frontend.service.main.enabled bool true
frontend.service.main.ports.http.enabled bool true
frontend.service.main.ports.http.port int 80
frontend.service.main.ports.http.primary bool true
frontend.service.main.ports.http.protocol string "HTTP"
frontend.service.main.primary bool true
frontend.service.main.type string "ClusterIP"
global.annotations object {} Set additional global annotations. Helm templates can be used.
global.fullnameOverride string nil Set the entire name definition
global.labels object {} Set additional global labels. Helm templates can be used.
global.nameOverride string nil Set an override for the prefix of the fullname
ingress.backend.enabled bool true
ingress.backend.hosts[0].host string "pipedapi.piped.video"
ingress.backend.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.backend.ingressClassName string "nginx"
ingress.backend.primary bool false
ingress.backend.tls list []
ingress.main.enabled bool true
ingress.main.hosts[0].host string "piped.video"
ingress.main.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.main.primary bool false
ingress.main.tls list []
ingress.ytproxy.enabled bool true
ingress.ytproxy.hosts[0].host string "ytproxy.piped.video"
ingress.ytproxy.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/"
ingress.ytproxy.ingressClassName string "nginx"
ingress.ytproxy.primary bool false
ingress.ytproxy.tls list []
postgresql.auth.database string "piped"
postgresql.auth.password string "changemepiped"
postgresql.auth.username string "piped"
postgresql.enabled bool true
postgresql.image.tag string "11.19.0-debian-11-r4"
probes object See below Probe configuration -- [ref]
probes.liveness object See below Liveness probe configuration
probes.liveness.custom bool false Set this to true if you wish to specify your own livenessProbe
probes.liveness.enabled bool false Enable the liveness probe
probes.liveness.spec object See below The spec field contains the values for the default livenessProbe. If you selected custom: true, this field holds the definition of the livenessProbe.
probes.readiness object See below Redainess probe configuration
probes.readiness.custom bool false Set this to true if you wish to specify your own readinessProbe
probes.readiness.enabled bool false Enable the readiness probe
probes.readiness.spec object See below The spec field contains the values for the default readinessProbe. If you selected custom: true, this field holds the definition of the readinessProbe.
probes.startup object See below Startup probe configuration
probes.startup.custom bool false Set this to true if you wish to specify your own startupProbe
probes.startup.enabled bool false Enable the startup probe
probes.startup.spec object See below The spec field contains the values for the default startupProbe. If you selected custom: true, this field holds the definition of the startupProbe.
serviceAccount.create bool false
termination.gracePeriodSeconds string nil
ytproxy.command string "/app/piped-proxy"
ytproxy.enabled bool true
ytproxy.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" image pull policy
ytproxy.image.repository string "1337kavin/piped-proxy" image repository
ytproxy.image.tag string nil image tag @chart.appVersion
ytproxy.service.main.enabled bool true
ytproxy.service.main.ports.http.enabled bool true
ytproxy.service.main.ports.http.port int 8080
ytproxy.service.main.ports.http.primary bool true
ytproxy.service.main.ports.http.protocol string "HTTP"
ytproxy.service.main.primary bool true
ytproxy.service.main.type string "ClusterIP"

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v0.1.1