forked from ReScrap/ScrapHacks
52 lines
1.5 KiB
52 lines
1.5 KiB
# Infos
- Engine: ScrapEngine
- Ingame Scripting Language: Python 1.5.2
# Ingame-Console (Ctrl+\^) (Handler@0x42190):
* ":\<Var>":
- Get Game Engine Global Variable
* ":\<Var> \<Val>"
- Set Game Engine Global Variable
* "?":
- Show all Global Variable
* "?\<String>":
- Show all Global Variable matching <String>
* "/\<command>":
- Run Command defined in 'import quickconsole;quickconsole.%s()'
* "/\<command> \<arg>,\<arg>":
- Run function in with argument(s) 'import quickconsole;quickconsole.%s(%s)'
# External Console (Scenegraph Debugging?) (Handler@0x5f9520):
* "listar luces"
* "listar"
* "arbol" # Patch Scrap.exe@offset 0x314bc0 replace 0x20 with 0x00 (or just type "arbol " with the space at the end)
* "mem"
* "ver uniones"
* Easter Eggs:
- "imbecil"
- "idiota"
- "capullo"
## m3d.ini loader @0x05f7000
## *.packed File Format:
Int32ul: number of files
for each file:
Int32ul: path length
String: path
Int32ul: size
Int32ul: offset in file
## Interesting file:
* m3d.ini: Rendering Engine Configuration
* scripts/: Game Engine Scripts
* scripts/: Game Engine Scripts
# How to enable External Console:
1. exctract `Data.packed`
2. in m3d.ini uncomment "ConsolaWnd" (GUI Console) or "ConsolaTxt" (Text Console) and set the value to "SI"
# Other Interesting things
- sys.path contains "./lib" so you can load your own Python Modules