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# ScrapEngine
- Based on Mercury Engine
- Ingame Scripting Language: Python 1.5.2
## Launch options
Checked in `0x00401010`
- `-console`: open external console window on start
- `-inifile`: *unknown* some kind of `.ini` file, seems to be related to `m3d.ini` in `Data.packed`
Checked in `0x004039b0`
- `-build`: Rebuild `Data.packed` (needs a `filelist.2Bpack`)
- `-dedicated`: start in multiplayer dedicated server mode (needs to be used with `-server`)
- `-server`: start in multiplayer server mode
- `-<var_name>:<var_value>`: override engine variable (example: `-debug:10`)
Checked in `0x00401180`
- `-wideWindow`: start game in widescreen mode
## Files
- `engine.txt`: Contains engine commands? Lexer/Parser @ `0x6168a0`
- Errors get printed to Scene graph debugging console
- Command buffer @ `0x8c1b30`
- Commands:
- `Load`: Load Model?
- `AddAnim`: Load Animation data?
- `PlayAnim`: Play Animation?
- `PivotPos`: ?
- Values:
- `true`
- `false`
- `engine.log`: Created when `engine.txt` exists
`engine.txt` containing `Load("Models/Vehicles/Ships/SBoss1/SBoss1.SM3", 1)` results in error `D:\Games\Deep Silver\Scrapland\engine.txt (1): Error: missing a ( character`
## Ingame-Console
(Ctrl+\^ or right click on window title bar and select "switch console") (Handler @ `0x402190`)
* `<Code>`: Evaluate Python code
* `:<Var>`: Get Game Engine Variable
* `:<Var> <Val>`: Set Game Engine Variable
* `?`: Show all Game Engine Variables
* `?<String>`: Show all Game Engine Variables matching `<String>`
* `/<command>`: Run Command defined in ``
* Expands to `import quickconsole;quickconsole.%s()`
* `/<command> <arg>,<arg>`: Run function in `` with argument(s)
* Expands to `import quickconsole;quickconsole.%s(%s)`
## External Console
(Scene graph debugging?) (Handler @ `0x5f9520`)
* `listar luces` List lights in scene
* `listar` list models in scene
* `arbol <model_name>` show details for model
* `mem` (doesn't do anything?)
* `ver uniones`
* Easter Eggs:
* `imbecil`
* `idiota`
* `capullo`
## Window Messages
## Other interesting Memory Addresses
- `0x852914`: D3D8-Device pointer
- `0x7FCC00`: number of opened `.packed` files
- `0x84cb64`: pointer to console command handler
- `0x7fac84`: pointer to C++ callback list structure
- `0x80b2cc`: pointer to ActionClassList (???)
- `0x807a20`: pointer to SScorer (ingame GUI/Menu/Text system) structure (???)
- `0x80a398`: pointer to SoundSystem (???)
- `0x8b18f0`: pointer to Models Data (can be dumped using scene graph debugging console)
- `0x8b18f4`: pointer to Scenes Data (can be dumped using scene graph debugging console)
- `0x8b18f8`: pointer to active Models Data (can be dumped using scene graph debugging console)
- for more see `config.yml`