
86 lines
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# World
## Game World/State Pointer @ `0x7fe944`
Object size: `0x225c` bytes
Constructor Address: `0x479870`
Points to World struct
| Offset | Type | Description |
| ------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- |
| 0x0000 | `void**` | Virtual Method Table |
| 0x0004 | `uint32_t` | Slots in Entity Hashtable |
| 0x0008 | `void**` | Pointer to Entity Hashtable |
| 0x00B0 | `??` | Pointer to Ground Object (?) |
| 0x0288 | `pyEntity*` | UsrEntity_0 |
| 0x028C | `pyEntity*` | UsrEntity_1 |
| 0x0290 | `pyEntity*` | UsrEntity_2 |
| 0x0294 | `pyEntity*` | UsrEntity_3 |
| 0x0298 | `uint32_t` | Slots in Model Hashtable |
| 0x029C | `void**` | Pointer to Model Hashtable |
| 0x02B8 | `uint32_t` | Slots in Entity lists Hashtable |
| 0x02BC | `void**` | Pointer to Entity list Hashtable |
| 0x0330 | `float[3]` | Time (why 3 times?) |
| 0x1C6C | `float` | Alarm level |
| 0x1C68 | `float` | Alarm Grow Level |
| 0x2158 | `float` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2170 | `???` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2180 | `float` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2188 | `void*` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x218C | `void*` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2190 | `float` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2198 | `void*` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x219C | `void*` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x21A0 | `void**` | Used in `World_Init` (VTable pointer?) |
| 0x21B4 | `void**` | Used in `World_Init` (VTable pointer?) |
| 0x21C8 | `???` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2204 | `uint32_t` or `uint16_t` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2230 | `float` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2238 | `???` | Used in `World_Init` |
| 0x2254 | `float` | Used in `World_Init` |
## cPyEntity structure
Offset | Type | Description
------ | -------- | --------------------
0x0000 | `void**` | Virtual Method Table
0x0004 | `char*` | Name
0x0008 | `void*` | ???
## Entity Hash Table
Hash-function used: [PJW]( (Same parameters as the example implementation)
Entry format:
struct HT_Entry {
void* data;
const char* key;
HT_Entry* next;
Data format:
Offset | Type | Description
------ | ------------- | ------------------------
0x0 | `void**` | Virtual Method Table (?)
0x4 | `const char*` | name as string
0x14 | `void*` | pointer to self (why?)
0x28 | `float[3]` | Position in Game World
## EntityList Hash Table
- `Near`
- `First`
- `Num`
- `OnDeath`
- `OnDamage`
- ...